
Name Sector Country Member Since
BioBridge Strategies, LLC Commerce & Industry United States of America 2013
Bioceptive Commerce & Industry United States of America 2014
Biofilia Commerce & Industry Peru 2019
BIOFORCE Technical Support Agencies & Partnerships France 2010
Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health (UC,San Francisco) Foundations & Institutions of Higher Education United States of America 2011
Bixby Center for Population, Health and Sustainability Foundations & Institutions of Higher Education United States of America 2010
Bluesquare Technical Support Agencies & Partnerships Belgium 2018
Burkina Faso - Ministry of Health Governmental Organisations Burkina Faso 2015
Burundi - Programme National Santé de la Reproduction Governmental Organisations Burundi 2016
Cadence Health, Inc. Commerce & Industry United States of America 2020
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