LEAP/Commodity Gap Analyses

LEAP is a way to estimate future use and cost of reproductive health supplies in four key health areas – contraception, menstrual hygiene, abortion and post-abortion care, and maternal health.

The Landscape and Projection of Reproductive Health Supply Needs has its origins in the historic Contraceptive Gap Analysis, but makes a quantum leap into new health areas. LEAP also shifts away from spending and gaps, and instead, examines how supply costs will change going forward. 

Four unique stories, one big picture

While each of these health areas is unique, LEAP captures the synergies between them – projections of contraceptive use offer insights into how many women will experience pregnancy, which in turn inform estimates of how many women will not menstruate due to being pregnant or post-partum. And LEAP even ventures to trace the impact of the use of hormonal contraceptive methods on menstruation, which could lead women to needing fewer or no menstrual hygiene supplies.

What’s new in LEAP 2024?

Into its 24th year of providing data, LEAP (with its predecessor the Commodity Gap Analysis) builds user feedback into every new version. LEAP 2024 debuts:

  • A separate Gross National Income (GNI) comparison report comparing data from low-, lower-middle-, and upper-middle-income countries,
  • New future scenarios for contraception that explore what could happen with a shifting role of the public and private sectors,
  • A new category of “mixed” menstrual health product use, accounting for women who use both reusable and single-use products,
  • New data sources to better capture cost comparisons of medical abortions — differentiating misoprostol use from misoprostol combined with mifepristone, and
  • A more probing maternal health analysis asking what happens if more women use multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS), an emerging maternal health product.
  • Country/Regional Comparison Data Explorer that allows you to compare results across countries or regions.
  • Product Deep Dive Data Explorer that allows you to explore the use and cost of a single product.
  • Annex tables of full results. 
  • Full datasets for download.

LEAP Deep Dive Webinar

Explore all the new features of the LEAP report from the webinar below.

Learn more

A Readers’ Guide takes users behind the scenes, explaining rationale, methodology and context. For more information, please write leap@rhsupplies.org.

Looking for the previous versions of the report? The 2001, 2009201620182019 and 2021 editions of the LEAP report (formerly known as CGA) can be found online.

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