
LAPTOP Scholarships help young professionals from low- and middle-income countries to defray the costs of pursuing training opportunities in supply chain management. 

Current round - Closed

There are no active rounds at the moment.

If you have applied for a scholarship, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions.

Previous Scholarship Recipients

Since its inception, the LAPTOP Scholarship program has helped over 72 young professionals from low- and middle-income countries to pursue courses in supply chain management (SCM). They include  individuals from Argentina, Bolivia, Benin, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and more.

See our scholars

Hope Fortunate Achiro, Uganda

2021 LAPTOP Scholar

"I see the futility of people dying of malaria because of a lack of antimalarials, some of which are as cheap as one dollar"

Read her story

Sandra Pulgarín, Colombia

2022 LAPTOP Scholar

"The healthcare supply chain is much more delicate than moving beer or sodas. We are talking about people and their health.”

Read her story

Nkoli Nnamonu, Nigeria

2021 LAPTOP Scholar

"I would like to widen my focus from the north-eastern region, through the national, and then finally to the regional level, to a place where I can contribute to policy discussions on West African supply chain issues"

Read her story

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