2011 Contraceptive Marketing Statistics

Publication date: 2011

1 Courtesy of DKT International 1701 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 June 2012 www.dktinternational.org 2011 CONTRACEPTIVE SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS 2 * 1 CYP equals 100 Condoms; 200 Free Condoms; 14 Pill cycles; 4 Injections (3 mos) or 6 Injections (2 mos) or 12 Injections (1 mo); 20 Female Condoms; 12 EC; .33 Implants; .25 IUDs; .5882 MA Doses; .0208 MVA Kits. ** Medical abortion drugs are included here only when mifepristone and misoprostol are sold in combination. SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS 2011 Highlights 2011 2010 2009 CYPs* 59.0 million 53.4 million 47.5 million Sales – 2011 Social Marketing Program Sales Statistics listed for all programs with 10,000 or more CYPs (Couple Years of Protection).* % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 1. AFGHANISTAN MSI support Source: MSI Started by Marie Stopes International Condoms 521,544 5,215 (MSI) in 2003. Pills 110,146 7,868 Injectables 46,416 11,604 IUDs 61,323 245,292 TOTAL 269,979 146% 2. ANGOLA USAID, DFID and private funding Source: PSI Started by Population Services International Condoms 9,468,036 94,680 (PSI) in 2000. Free Condoms 732,000 3,660 TOTAL 98,340 29% 3. BANGLADESH USAID and EC funding Source: USAID Started by PSI in 1975; now managed by Condoms 126,943,272 1,269,433 Social Marketing Company (formerly SMP). Pills 37,122,823 2,651,630 Injectables 1,337,095 334,274 TOTAL 4,255,337 3% 4. BENIN USAID and KfW support Source: PSI Started by DKT International (DKT) and PSI Condoms 10,160,155 101,602 in 1989. Free Condoms 3,017,444 15,087 Female Condoms 2,684 134 Pills 167,890 11,992 Injectables 15,707 3,927 IUDs 8,689 34,756 Implants 11,410 34,230 TOTAL 201,728 62% 5. BOLIVIA PSIA support Source: FARMAGE Started by APPRENDE in 2002. Condoms 51,552 516 Pills 35,129 2,509 Injectables 20,824 5,206 EC 101,020 8,418 TOTAL 16,649 -11% 6. BOTSWANA Government of Botswana, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. USAID (AIDSMark), Dutch Condoms 2,942,934 29,429 government support Free Condoms 7,378,388 36,892 Free Female Condoms 500 13 TOTAL 66,334 25% 7. BRAZIL Self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1991; Condoms 114,577,321 1,145,773 managed by DKT do Brasil. Female Condoms 96 5 TOTAL 1,145,778 24% Condoms .2,277,233,124 (83 programs) Free Condoms .1,135,002,902 (12 programs) Female Condoms .8,254,986 (38 programs) Free Female Condoms .744,330 (6 programs) Pills .183,583,585 (63 programs) Injectables .28,136,417 (48 programs) IUDs .1,954,817 (44 programs) Implants .269,575 (27 programs) Emergency Contraception (EC) .10,078,906 (27 programs) Medical Abortions (MA)** .1,915,373 (10 programs) Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Kits .29,921 (6 programs) Miso Tabs (No CYPs) .13,224,403 (14 programs) VFT .VFT .VFT 472,272 (2 programs) 3 8. BURKINA FASO KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1991. Condoms 19,577,536 195,775 Female Condoms 24,704 1,235 Pills 252,865 18,062 TOTAL 215,072 5% 9. BURMA (Myanmar) Private, DFID, and UNICEF support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 22,970,254 229,703 Free Condoms 346,640 1,733 Female Condoms 276,238 13,812 Pills 1,123,601 80,257 Injectables (3) 767,718 191,930 Injectables (1) 111,227 9,269 IUDs 30,182 120,728 Implants 1,571 4,713 EC 29,191 2,433 Miso 2,199 0 TOTAL 654,577 20% 9.1 BURMA II (Myanmar) MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2004. Pills 2,639,039 188,503 Injectables 11,710 2,928 EC 24,811 2,068 TOTAL 193,498 73% 10. BURUNDI USAID, Global Fund, KfW, DOD Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1990. Condoms 2,146,140 21,461 Free Condoms 1,202,392 6,012 Free Female Condoms 44,930 1,123 TOTAL 28,597 93% 11. CAMBODIA USAID, DFID, KfW, UNFPA, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. government support Condoms 13,185,606 131,856 Free Condoms 6,000,000 30,000 Pills 4,123,908 294,565 Injectables 554,880 138,720 IUDs 17,411 69,644 Implants 5,378 16,134 MA 102,605 153,908 TOTAL 834,826 16% 12. CAMEROON DOD, KfW, Plan, Care, Dutch Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1989. MTN, Art Venture and CIDA Condoms 21,362,850 213,629 support Female Condoms 667,846 33,392 Pills 49,340 3,524 Injectables 16,480 4,120 IUDs 13,525 54,100 Implants 6,704 20,112 TOTAL 328,877 34% 13. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC UNFPA, KfW, World Bank Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1991. and private support Condoms 6,810,012 68,100 Free Condoms 27,240 136 Female Condoms 85,650 4,283 Pills 3,703 265 TOTAL 72,783 39% 14. CHINA Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 48,595,508 485,955 EC 64,055 5,338 TOTAL 491,293 4% 14.1 CHINA II USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2004. Condoms 5,247,567 52,476 Free Condoms 304,856 1,524 Female Condoms 1,765 88 TOTAL 54,088 245% 15. COLOMBIA Self-sustaining project Source: PROFAMILIA PROFAMILIA project; started in 1975 with Condoms 5,990,937 59,909 International Planned Parenthood Pills 758,517 54,180 Federation support. Injectables 2,040,226 510,057 IUDs 26,610 106,440 TOTAL 730,586 -19% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 4 16. CONGO (DRC/Kinshasa) UNDP, Georgetown University (GU), Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1988. DOD, UNICEF, Proctor & Gamble, Condoms 35,213,938 352,139 World Bank, USAID, CIDA support Free Condoms 1,152 6 Female Condoms 1,633,378 81,669 Pills 376,872 26,919 Injectables 320,684 80,171 IUDs 4,229 16,916 Implants 8,564 25,692 TOTAL 583,512 43% 16.1 CONGO II (DRC/Kinshasa) Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2009. Condoms 5,672,716 56,727 Pills 24,465 1,748 IUDs 1,408 5,632 TOTAL 64,107 149% 17. COTE D’IVOIRE USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Now managed by Condoms 24,395,295 243,953 AIMAS with technical assistance from PSI. Female Condoms 26,441 1,322 Pills 2,040,743 145,767 Injectables 28,235 7,059 EC 77,470 6,456 TOTAL 404,557 6% 18. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC KfW, USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2003. Condoms 12,043,588 120,436 Free Condoms 357,100 1,786 TOTAL 122,221 -17% 19. EGYPT Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2004. Condoms 881,734 8,817 Pills 755,355 53,954 Injectables (3) 29,877 7,469 IUDs 250,051 1,000,204 EC 104,465 8,705 Miso 11,666,720 0 VFT 415,716 3,464 TOTAL 1,082,614 87% 20. EL SALVADOR USAID, KfW,DOD, Dutch support Source: PSI Founded by PSI/EL Salvador Condoms 2,865,312 28,653 (PASMO) in 1998. Female Condoms 12,000 600 Pills 23,166 1,655 IUDs 8,726 34,904 Implants 44 132 TOTAL 65,944 -11% 21. ETHIOPIA Dutch government, Irish, DFID, Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1990. and Packard support Condoms 80,396,608 803,966 Pills 3,217,571 229,827 Injectables 1,309,586 327,397 IUDs 140,105 560,420 Implants 70,272 210,816 EC 900,714 75,060 MA 236,319 354,479 MVA Kits 6,955 333,840 Miso 245,488 0 TOTAL 2,895,803 17% 21.1 ETHIOPIA II Global Fund, USAID, UNICEF, Source: PSI Implemented by PSI in 2003. Procter and Gamble support Free Condoms 11,156,872 55,784 TOTAL 55,784 -59% 22. GHANA USAID support Source: EXP Ghana Program managed by EXP Condoms 6,580,700 65,807 Social Marketing Foundation. Free Condoms 189,722 949 Pills 3,483,560 248,826 Injectables 825,757 206,439 TOTAL 522,021 36% 23. GUATEMALA USAID support Source: APROFAM Asocicion Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Condoms 1,292,436 12,924 de Guatemala (APROFAM); started by Pills 1,878,626 134,188 Juarez and Associates in 1983. Injectables 366,591 91,648 IUDs 14,264 57,056 TOTAL 295,816 104% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 5 23.I GUATEMALA II Abt Associates, KfW, USAID Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. and private support Condoms 10,115,726 101,157 Pills 16,593 1,185 Injectables (1) 538 45 IUDs 15,898 63,592 Implants 474 1,422 Miso 321 0 TOTAL 167,401 8% 24. GUINEA USAID and KfW co-funded Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1990. Condoms 7,232,900 72,329 Free Condoms 502,500 2,513 Pills 404,867 28,919 Injectables 130,005 32,501 TOTAL 136,262 -10% 25. HAITI USAID, UNFPA, Sogebank Foundation, Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI in 1990. MSH, and World Bank support Condoms 2,359,224 23,592 Female Condoms 51,990 2,600 Pills 432,081 30,863 Injectables 183,823 45,956 TOTAL 103,010 48% 26. HONDURAS KfW and USAID support Source: ASHONPLAFA Honduras Social Marketing Program; Condoms 943,388 9,434 Managed by the FPA ASHONPLAFA. Pills 1,294,859 92,490 Injectables 134,824 33,706 IUDs 10,717 42,868 TOTAL 178,498 13% 26.1 HONDURAS II KfW, Abt Associates, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Summit Foundation and Condoms 3,737,244 37,372 private support TOTAL 37,372 -21% 27. INDIA I Government of India (GOI) Project Source: GOI Nirodh Deluxe and Mala-D. (Figures are for fi scal year ended Condoms (Nirodh D.) 310,000,000 3,100,000 (Does not include any brands listed 3/31/12. Mala-D fi gures are from 2010-11.) Free Condoms 313,450,000 1,567,250 for India II - VII.) Pills (Mala-D) 16,490,000 1,177,857 TOTAL 5,845,107 71% 27.1 INDIA II GOI, KfW, DFID, USAID support Source: PSI Masti and Pearl (calendar year data, 2011) Condoms 122,525,131 1,225,251 PSI/India, 1988. (India I totals include Female Condoms 138,204 6,910 77.1 million Nirodh condoms and 4.4 million Pills 2,935,270 209,662 Mala-D pills sold by PSI/India.) Injectables 122,184 30,546 IUDs 143,325 573,300 EC 12,800 1,067 MA 197,661 296,492 TOTAL 2,343,228 40% 27.2 INDIA III (Sawan, Bliss, Milan and Ecroz) (FYE 3/31/12) Source: GOI Parivar Seva Sanstha, 1988. Condoms (3 brands) 40,470,000 404,700 Pills (Ecroz) 2,150,000 153,571 TOTAL 558,271 15% 27.3 INDIA IV (Zaroor, Choice, XXX) USAID and GOI support Source: DKT DKT/India (Mumbai), 1992. (calendar year 2011) Condoms 110,307,523 1,103,075 (India 1 totals include 15 million Nirodh Pills 11,614,035 829,574 condoms sold by DKT.) Injectables (3) 87,151 21,788 IUDs 105,618 422,472 EC 82,910 6,909 MA 333,517 500,276 Miso 23,170 0 TOTAL 2,884,094 -16% 27.4 INDIA V (Apsara, Mithun, Plan X) Packard, Gates, and GOI support Source: DKT Bihar-based project, managed by Janani; (calendar year 2011) Condoms 18,102,885 181,029 1996. Pills 2,014,200 143,871 Injectables 191,662 47,916 IUDs 108,743 434,972 EC 520,222 43,352 MA 286,964 430,446 MVA Kits 1,301 62,448 TOTAL 1,310,542 28% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 For CYP converters, see page 2. 6 27.5 INDIA VI (Ahsas, Thril, Flavoured) MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI/PHS (Population Health (calendar year 2011) Condoms 88,014,516 880,145 Services) in 1999. (India I totals include Pills 6,648,180 474,870 .30 million Mala-D pills and Injectables 122,007 30,502 10 million Nirodh condoms sold by PHS.) IUDs 30,018 120,072 EC 362,628 30,219 MA 527,018 790,527 TOTAL 2,326,335 21% 27.5 INDIA VII Private support Source: WHP Started by World Health Partners in 2009. Condoms 326,384 3,264 Pills 14,760 1,054 Injectables 4,675 1,169 IUDs 3,920 15,680 EC 490 41 TOTAL 21,208 -63% 28. INDONESIA KfW, GOI support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 132,788,727 1,327,887 Female Condoms 4,759 238 Pills 21,071,338 1,505,096 Injectables (3) 8,447,630 2,111,908 Injectables (1) 3,076,220 256,352 IUDs 172,037 688,148 Implants 16,047 48,141 EC 57,628 4,802 MVA Kits 1,189 57,072 Miso 196,410 0 TOTAL 5,999,643 12% 29. KAZAKHSTAN USAID support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2002. Free Condoms 67,860 339 IUDs 6,496 25,984 TOTAL 26,323 -17% 30. KENYA DFID support Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI in 1989. Condoms 27,436,713 274,367 Free Condoms 68,764,249 343,821 Pills 2,086,440 149,031 Injectables 442,850 110,713 IUDs 16,398 4,100 Implants 18,256 54,768 EC 886,200 73,850 TOTAL 1,010,650 41% 31. LAOS USAID (AIDSmark), Global Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1999. Ministry of Health and UN support Condoms 6,304,559 63,046 Female Condoms 871 44 Pills 40 3 Injectables 25 6 IUDs 225 56 TOTAL 63,154 39% 32. LESOTHO USAID and Dutch support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. Condoms 6,917,745 69,177 Free Condoms 6,900,000 34,500 Female Condoms 579,768 28,988 TOTAL 132,666 50% 33. MADAGASCAR USAID, GF, WHP support Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1996, managed Condoms 10,405,582 104,056 now by PSI. Free Condoms 9,426,970 47,135 Female Condoms 41,181 2,059 Pills 2,868,637 204,903 Injectables 1,324,521 331,130 IUDs 17,407 69,628 Implants 10,084 30,252 TOTAL 789,163 21% 34. MALAWI USAID and KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. Condoms 6,208,139 62,081 Female Condoms 80,472 4,024 Pills 32,175 2,298 Injectables 102,440 25,610 TOTAL 94,013 4% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 7 35. MALAYSIA Self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1991. Condoms 4,577,360 45,774 Managed by PHI consultants. TOTAL 45,774 -10% 36. MALI Ministry of Health, Groupe Pivot, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2000. KfW, USAID, GU, CIDA, Condoms 12,404,294 124,043 Dutch Fund and private support Female Condoms 14,304 715 Pills 1,439,744 102,839 Injectables 453,877 113,469 IUDs 6,217 24,868 Implants 24,943 74,829 TOTAL 440,763 79% 37. MEXICO Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2002. Condoms 14,263,933 142,639 Female Condoms 2,800 140 EC 6 1 TOTAL 142,780 31% 37.1 MEXICO II USAID, Summit Foundation, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2003. CENSIDA, World Bank, Condoms 46,761 468 Innovation funding from PSI Free Condoms 6,941,883 34,709 Female Condoms 7,500 375 TOTAL 35,552 NA 38. MONGOLIA UNFPA and MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2000. Condoms 4,770,254 47,703 Female Condoms 200 10 Pills 139,392 9,957 IUDs 4,734 18,936 Implants 2 6 EC 64,321 5,360 TOTAL 81,971 31% 39. MOROCCO Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2010. IUDs 12,558 50,232 TOTAL 50,232 245% 40. MOZAMBIQUE DFID and GTZ support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1995. Condoms 14,034,331 140,343 Free Condoms 1,362,977 6,815 Female Condoms 2,000 100 Free Female Condoms 95,369 2,384 Pills 23,462 1,676 Miso 100,000 0 TOTAL 151,318 -41% 40.1 MOZAMBIQUE Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 5,047,656 50,477 Free Condoms 104,266 521 Pills 58,477 4,177 IUDs 3,961 15,844 Implants 2,820 8,460 EC 8,461 705 MVA Kits 12 576 Miso 55,410 0 TOTAL 80,760 161% 41. NAMIBIA USAID, Global Fund and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1997. UNAID support Free Condoms 2,688,973 13,445 Free Female Condoms 22,342 559 TOTAL 14,003 -55% 42. NEPAL USAID support Source: AED Started in 1976. Nepal Social Marketing Condoms 12,445,150 124,452 and Franchise project. Pills 1,931,189 137,942 Injectables 445,734 111,434 IUDs 973 3,892 Implants 879 2,637 EC 371 31 Miso 371 0 TOTAL 380,387 -8% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 8 42.1 NEPAL II MSI support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2002. Condoms 3,317,941 33,179 Free Condoms 253,046 1,265 Pills 102,911 7,351 TOTAL 41,795 31% 42.2 NEPAL III Global Fund support Source: PSI Activated by PSI in 2009. IUDs 23,688 94,752 Implants 485 1,455 MA 35,751 53,627 TOTAL 149,834 6% 43. NICARAGUA Abt Associates, USAID, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Dutch Embassy and private support Condoms 4,534,627 45,346 Female Condoms 5,633 282 Pills 65,408 4,672 Injectables (3) 4,932 1,233 Injectables (1) 33,811 2,818 IUDs 19,841 79,364 Implants 779 2,337 TOTAL 136,052 -8% 44. NIGERIA DFID, USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1988-90. Condoms 209,390,408 2,093,904 Now managed by Society for Family Health Free Condoms 7,427,968 37,140 with technical assistance from PSI. Female Condoms 1,495,244 74,762 Pills 5,740,588 410,042 Injectables (3) 1,091,016 272,754 Injectables (2) 1,019,666 169,944 Injectables (1) 20,271 1,689 IUDs 68,511 274,044 Implants 3,516 10,548 EC 1,104,241 92,020 TOTAL 3,436,848 0% 45. PAKISTAN KfW, USAID, and private support Source: PSI Program started by PSI Marketing Condoms 116,261,109 1,162,611 Associates in 1986. Cooperating agency: Pills 3,674,322 262,452 PSI and Greenstar Social Marketing. Injectables (3) 350,265 87,566 Injectables (2) 502,885 83,814 Injectables (1) 140,570 11,714 IUDs 288,552 1,154,208 Implants 604 1,812 EC 1,387,152 115,596 TOTAL 2,879,773 -4% 45.1 PAKISTAN II Funded by MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2003. Condoms 7,074,669 70,747 Implants 10,870 32,610 TOTAL 103,357 119% 46. PANAMA USAID and private support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 2,719,826 27,198 TOTAL 27,198 16% 47. PAPUA NEW GUINEA Global Fund, ADB, AUSAID, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2007. NZAID Condoms 3,715,039 37,150 Free Condoms 6,098 30 Female Condoms 20,454 1,023 Free Female Condoms 327 8 TOTAL 38,212 NA 48. PARAGUAY Self sustaining project Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 2,356,080 23,561 Pills 616,551 44,039 EC 205,804 17,150 TOTAL 84,750 6% 49. PERU USAID support Source: APROPO Apoyo a Programas de Poblacion; Condoms 19,091,185 190,912 Program started by SOMARC Foaming Tablets 56,556 471 and APROPO in 1984. TOTAL 191,383 23% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 9 49. PERU II Support maintained through Source: PROSALUD Started by APPRENDE in 2002. commercial activities of FARMAGE Condoms 123,408 1,234 Pills 141,524 10,109 EC 292,036 24,336 TOTAL 35,679 -3% 50. PHILIPPINES Self sustaining program Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1990; Condoms 34,103,070 341,031 managed by DKT. Pills 28,608,230 2,043,445 Injectables 1,492,481 373,120 IUDs 22,322 89,288 TOTAL 2,846,884 2% 51. ROMANIA USAID, UNICEF, and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Dutch Government/Matra support Condoms 5,823,734 58,237 Free Condoms 151,488 757 TOTAL 58,995 192% 52. RWANDA KfW, USAID (AIDSMark) Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. and private support Condoms 13,233,068 132,331 Pills 47,386 3,385 Injectables 13,787 3,447 Implants 1,011 3,033 TOTAL 142,195 3% 53. SOUTH AFRICA USAID, Dutch government, EF Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. (PSI), Government of South Africa Condoms 68,171,391 681,714 support Free Condoms 65,043,000 325,215 Free Female Condoms 29,500 738 TOTAL 1,007,666 -26% 54. SRI LANKA Estimated data by MSI Source: MSI Started by PSI and IPPF in 1973; Condoms 6,500,000 65,000 now managed by Family Planning Pills 500,000 35,714 Association of Sri Lanka. Injectables 30,000 7,500 IUDs 4,500 18,000 EC 1,200,000 100,000 TOTAL 226,214 NA 54.I SRI LANKA II Managed by MSI Sri Lanka Source: MSI/SL Started by MSI in 1993. Condoms 5,908,911 59,089 Pills 63,782 4,556 Injectables 3,907 977 EC 962 80 TOTAL 64,702 0% 55. SUDAN Private support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2004. Condoms 926,208 9,262 Pills 365,875 26,134 IUDs 119,400 477,600 Implants 4,487 13,461 MVA Kits 16,320 783,360 Miso 454,880 0 TOTAL 1,309,817 56% 55.1 SUDAN II USAID, Global Fund, MSH and Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2005. FHI support Condoms 640,220 6,402 Free Condoms 2,013,592 10,068 TOTAL 16,470 8% 56. SWAZILAND USAID (AIDSMark) and Dutch Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. support Condoms 2,139,666 21,397 Free Condoms 2,624,500 13,123 Female Condoms 57,852 2,893 TOTAL 37,412 1% 57. TANZANIA USAID, Global Fund, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. and Dutch Government support Condoms 82,849,248 828,492 Female Condoms 969,480 48,474 Pills 2,738,016 195,573 Injectables 18,090 4,523 IUDs 29,666 118,664 Implants 12,458 37,374 Miso 177,960 0 TOTAL 1,233,100 33% % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 For CYP converters, see page 2. 10 % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 57.1 TANZANIA II USAID support Source: AED T-MARC Project. Condoms 12,699,432 126,994 Female Condoms 508,770 25,439 Pills 1,294,646 92,475 TOTAL 244,908 -39% 58.THAILAND DKT support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 1,631,892 16,319 Pills 112,230 8,016 IUDs 3,263 13,052 TOTAL 37,387 227% 59.TOGO USAID and Global Fund Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1992; Condoms 7,765,484 77,655 transferred to PSI in 1998. Free Condoms 2,870,607 14,353 Female Condoms 65,657 3,283 Pills 53,684 3,835 Injectables 52,090 13,023 IUDs 5,372 21,488 Impants 11,272 33,816 TOTAL 167,452 1% 60.TURKEY DKT support Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 4,824,448 48,244 Female Condoms 1,805 90 Pills 76,720 5,480 IUDs 18,200 72,800 TOTAL 126,615 158% 61. UGANDA CDC and private support Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1991; Cooperating Agency: PSI Condoms 7,594,585 75,946 transferred to CMS in 1998; Free Condoms 1,333,917 6,670 transferred to AIDSMark in 2003. Free Female Condoms 507,482 12,687 Pills 3,900 279 Injectables 1,900 475 IUDs 44,148 176,592 Implants 5,498 16,494 Miso 185,256 0 TOTAL 289,142 44% 61.1 UGANDA II KfW support Source: MSI Uganda Started by MSI in 1997; Condoms 11,923,260 119,233 managed by MSI. TOTAL 119,233 36% 62. VENEZUELA Support from commerical sector Source: Prosalud Started by PROSALUD in 1992. and local embassies Condoms 801,773 8,018 Pills 455,656 32,547 Injectables 169,138 42,285 EC 2,362,425 196,869 TOTAL 279,718 -10% 63. VIET NAM AUSAID and DKT support Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1993. Condoms 26,989,712 269,897 Pills 3,976,725 284,052 Injectables 1,408 352 IUDs 14,567 58,268 Implants 659 1,977 EC 164,559 13,713 MA 109,763 164,645 MVA Kits 4,144 198,912 Miso 7,928 0 TOTAL 991,816 31% 63.1 VIET NAM II USAID, PACT support Source: PSI Implemented by PSI in 2005. Condoms 7,624,600 76,246 Free Condoms 2,584,010 12,920 Free Female Condoms 15,880 397 TOTAL 89,563 -3% 63.2 VIET NAM III DFID, EC, and IPPF support Source: MSI Implemented by MSI in 1989. MA 85,775 128,663 TOTAL 128,663 NA 11 64. YEMEN KfW support Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2001. Condoms 2,117,826 21,178 Free Condoms 73,800 369 Pills 607,071 43,362 Injectables 88,390 22,098 IUDs 40,039 160,156 TOTAL 247,163 11% 65. ZAMBIA USAID, UNFPA,WHP, KfW support Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. Condoms 22,860,828 228,608 Free Condoms 647,052 3,235 Female Condoms 208,560 10,428 Pills 2,485,302 177,522 Injectables 342 86 IUDs 16,980 67,920 Implants 24,150 72,450 Miso 108,290 0 TOTAL 560,249 8% 66. ZIMBABWE USAID, DFID and Packard Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1988. Partnership Funds Condoms 29,839,800 298,398 Female Condoms 1,266,680 63,334 Free Female Condoms 28,000 700 Injectables 28,289 7,072 Implants 16,338 49,014 EC 63,964 5,330 TOTAL 423,849 -5% GRAND TOTAL 58,975,294 % CHANGE PROGRAM REMARKS 2011 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2010 12 Zambia Ethiopia Madagascar Mali Zimbabwe Tanzania Sudan Kenya Philippines Nigeria Bangladesh Indonesia Cote D'Ivoire Ghana South Africa Cameroon Pakistan The following programs qualify for the “Best Programs” list by • delivering more than 300,000 CYPs, and • reaching more than 8% of their target markets. Indonesia Bangladesh Nigeria Ethiopia Pakistan Philippines Sudan Tanzania Kenya South Africa Madagascar Zambia Ghana Mali Zimbabwe Cote D'Ivoire Cameroon Ranked by Percent of Target Market* 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% *Target market calculated as 75% of women aged 15–49. Best Programs 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 5,999,643 4,255,337 3,436,848 2,895,803 2,879,773 2,846,884 1,309,817 1,233,100 1,010,650 1,007,666 789,163 560,249 522,021 440,763 423,849 404,577 328,877 27.0% 22.7% 22.1% 17.7% 17.6% 17.2% 15.7% 15.5% 14.8% 13.5% 13.4% 11.7% 11.2% 11.0% 10.8% 9.3% 8.8% Ranked by Program Size

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