Access for All- Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health: A Report on the 2011 conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Publication date: 2011

A report on the 2011 conference in ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA ACCESS FOR ALL Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia3 “By…unleashing the power of this partnership, we can transform the lives of women, their families, and communities, now and for generations to come. The opportunity is now. The challenge is clear.” Julia Bunting, Chair, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition INTRODUCTION Access for All 2011 represented a milestone for people around the world working to ensure reproductive health commodity security. Ten years have passed since the seminal 2001 conference in Istanbul, Meeting the Reproductive Health Challenge: Securing Contraceptives and Condoms for HIV/AIDS Prevention. That gathering laid the foundation for today’s global movement to ensure the security of reproductive health supplies—the contraceptives, drugs, medical equipment, and other materials and consumables needed to safeguard sexual and reproductive health. In the decade that followed, remarkable progress was made in the effort to ensure that women and men can choose, obtain, and use high-quality, affordable supplies to prevent unwanted pregnancies, ensure safe deliveries, and manage and treat sexually transmitted infections. Yet the struggle to provide reproductive health supplies continues, with millions of people in the developing world unable to access the commodities and services they need. Now we look ahead to a new decade as we harness the energy and apply the lessons learned around this issue. In June 2011, reproductive health leaders from 56 nations gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to reinvigorate global support for commodity security and mark the tenth anniversary of the Istanbul conference. Access for All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health drew more than 350 participants representing more than 200 diverse organizations, including ministers and senior representatives from donor and developing countries, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), international agencies, as well as leaders of foundations, the private sector, and civil society. Among the opening speakers were Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of Health of Ethiopia; Ms. Julia Bunting, Chair of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition; and Mr. Bunmi Makinwa, UNFPA’s Regional Director for Africa. The conference was the high point of a week of events focusing on commodity security, including working Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 4 group meetings, regional forums, and the annual membership meeting of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition. Access for All was organized by the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition and co–hosted by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and the UNFPA to: • Demonstrate the achievements and advance the cause of the commodity security movement. • Secure actionable commitments toward commodity security— nationally, internationally, and across all sectors. • Create a strategic framework for encouraging collaboration between countries and the international community. During the two days of the conference, participants identified interim and long-term solutions to achieve commodity security by leveraging investments, innovations, and partnerships that have emerged in the past ten years. Their work resulted in a powerful Call to Action to accelerate progress in the coming decade. To attain universal access to reproductive health supplies, participants committed themselves to three key goals: the recognition of reproductive health and family planning as priority development issues; country ownership of commodity security; and an additional, adequate, and sustainable resource base to provide equitable access to reproductive health commodities. Beyond its health impact, reproductive health commodity security  underlies other important development goals, from preventing HIV infections to ensuring gender equality and stabilizing population growth in the context of climate change and competition for natural resources. By assessing the results of our past efforts, challenges, and successes—and by creating a clear and bold plan for the future—we can meet the challenge of delivering access for all. “This gathering is testimony to the effectiveness of the Supplies Coalition in shaping and developing the global response to the challenges of getting more and better money for reproductive health supplies. I salute your efforts and recognize your breadth of experience and expertise and how you have forged yourself into a community united by a common goal. By constantly growing and adapting, the Coalition really works.” Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, UNFPA Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 6 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia7 ISTANBUL AND BEYOND Building on success, facing new challenges The Access for All conference provided an important opportunity to celebrate advances and key successes in commodity security, even as we seek to refocus global attention on the unfinished business of ensuring access to reproductive health supplies. The momentum generated years ago in Istanbul opened many doors for the commodity security issue. New collaborations were forged, and innovative tools and coordinating mechanisms were built. Powerful messages helped shine a spotlight on commodity security. The commitment and enthusiasm of advocates, technical experts, and other key stakeholders helped avert looming shortfalls in donor funding for reproductive health supplies. Countries invested more in supply chain efficiency and improved forecasting. They increased budgets for family planning supplies and included reproductive health supplies on their essential medicines lists. New tracking systems and the use of mobile technology provided critical data to smooth the flow of contraceptives and other reproductive health supplies to the places they are needed. Today, we can point to a number of promising developments in the field of reproductive health that allow us to confront the future from a position of strength. These include: the creation of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5b supporting universal access to reproductive health; new levels of support from governments in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France; new reproductive health investments from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and the launch of new strategic partnerships, including the Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health and the HANDtoHAND Campaign, which aim to contribute to 100 million additional users of modern methods of family planning by 2015. Yet serious challenges threaten our momentum. Although the percentage of women and men using modern methods of family planning in the developing world has risen from 47 to 55 in the last 20 years, more needs to be done to ensure access for the remaining 45 percent. Reaching 100 million additional users by 2015 will require $474 million in commodities alone, and just under $2 billion cumulatively for 2011– 2015. With demand for reproductive health supplies rising, total costs for ensuring commodity security, including logistics, training, service delivery, and communications, will reach $2.7 billion by 2015. In addition, significant legal, regulatory, and infrastructure barriers continue to limit access and choice. Government commitment remains uneven. Policymakers fail to consistently recognize family planning as a fundamental health and development issue. Continuing stockouts threaten to hold back progress in many countries. Regional and in-country disparities in access remain high. Still, the prospects for attaining reproductive health commodity security have never been more encouraging. Access for All participants celebrated this during a session organized by the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health. The session got off to a dramatic start with a multimedia presentation, Meeting the Challenge of a New Decade. Narrated by Sheila Macharia of USAID/Kenya and produced by the Population Reference Bureau, the presentation captivated participants by its innovative use of the Trendalyzer data visualization tool and other multimedia elements to explore the legacy of Istanbul and the challenges ahead. In the discussions that followed, speakers highlighted new approaches and proven strategies that are helping to make the right products available at the right time and in the right places. If Istanbul paved the way for a global movement in commodity security, Access for All provided a road map for pushing that movement forward over the next ten years. With a focus on country ownership, renewed commitment from global and sectoral partners, and a strong and united call for universal access to essential reproductive health supplies, we can seize this opportunity to place commodity security at the core of the development agenda and transform the lives of women, men, and young people around the world. 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia9 COUNTRY OWNERSHIP OF COMMODITY SECURITY Sharing successes and challenges Where developing countries once relied heavily on leadership from the donor community, it is now clear that they themselves are central to continued progress in ensuring commodity security—and they are acting accordingly. In a 2009 survey conducted by USAID, 63 percent of developing countries reported using government funding to purchase contraceptives, and nearly all had at least one of eight possible contraceptive methods on their national essential medicines lists. Ahead of the Access for All conference, representatives from six developing nations—Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria, and Tanzania—met to help inform the next phase of the reproductive health supplies movement and share their experiences. The meeting, facilitated by Population Action International, provided a platform for more than 35 stakeholders to discuss their successes, including increased budget support for commodity security within their countries, increased donor commitment, and improved coordination and forecasting systems. The participants also shared challenges and common concerns, including poor coordination, inefficient procurement and supply chain systems, and inadequate advocacy capacity within civil society. Representatives of the six countries pinpointed the need to build political and financial support for commodity security—not just within ministries of health but also ministries of finance that control budget allocations, tax legislation, and other policy decisions affecting reproductive health supplies. Participants identified a number of priority action areas, many of which are now reflected in the conference’s Call to Action. These include: enhanced coordination across sectors, intensified work with youth and other underserved populations as well as in neglected countries and regions, improved supply management and logistics, and stronger alliances with the private sector as well as strengthened civil society leadership. “Ten years ago, delegates from around the world joined together and said to the donor community: ‘You fill this gap.’ Today, we are hearing countries say to donors, ‘Support us to fill this gap.’” The Hon. Sylvia Ssinabulya, Member of the Parliament of Uganda Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 10 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia11 Access for All also gave birth to a new Francophone Africa Forum on commodity security. This initiative, inspired by the 2011 Ouagadougou Conference on Population, Development, and Family Planning in Francophone West Africa, promises to play a critical role in sustaining efforts to improve access to family planning in the region and to accelerate progress in reducing maternal mortality. Such regional efforts, including the successful Latin American/Caribbean Forum on Commodity Security, raise the profile of commodity security among technical experts and the public sector as well as strengthen advocacy capacity among civil society organizations. Ensuring that the voices and experiences of the Global South play a strong role in shaping the future of commodity security was a significant achievement of the Access for All conference. During a session led by Marie Stopes International, participants addressed lessons learned about country-driven approaches and also discussed how different sectors, working individually and together, can overcome supply challenges. In a series of breakout groups, participants discussed different aspects of country ownership and identified key strategies for achieving it: • Promoting dialogue within and between regional groups and international bodies to promote cross-border trade. • Engaging with district-level decision-makers and addressing health worker issues to maximize efficiency in supplying reproductive health commodities. • Strengthening the supply chain by focusing on training, supervision, and other human resource issues. • Coordinating the work of country-level actors, including the idea of appointing a high-level coordination chair within a country government. • Encouraging donors to earmark funding to strengthen the supply chain as well as to support information systems and other underlying infrastructure needs. • Focusing on evidence-based advocacy, including the recruitment of clients and service providers as advocates. Country ownership of commodity security will be an essential ingredient in future success. Countries will need to engage effectively with the international community, and the international community will need to help strengthen the capacity of countries to exercise stewardship of the health sector as a whole. Each actor has a pivotal role to play and ultimately must collaborate in order to foster a holistic approach to policy development and service delivery. 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia13 COUNTRY OWNERSHIP IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD The Power of Partnerships The evolving “country-centric” focus of the development process complements ongoing work of the international community. Global strategies serve as a critical framework for harnessing resources on behalf of commodity security and for ensuring the sustainability of those efforts. Within these global strategies, partnerships ensure relevance and alignment at the global, regional, and country levels. They are also opportune platforms to unite the very diverse array of stakeholders active in this field. The future of commodity security in the coming decade, therefore, will continue to hinge, as it has in the past, on partnerships—all the while prioritizing country ownership and meaningful engagement. Conference participants explored the role of partnerships across three different levels—country, regional, and global—and in the context of specific themes that define them. The session was coordinated by the Africa Regional Office of Partners in Population and Development (PPD-ARO) and facilitated by Dr. Bram van Ojik, Director of the Social Development Department in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Commodity security Broad alliances such as the UNFPA’s Global Programme for Reproductive Health Commodity Security serve to accelerate country-level progress in increasing the availability and use of reproductive health supplies. The Global Programme operates at the global, regional, and country levels with the goal of helping countries plan for their own reproductive health supplies needs. Such alliances add value by building ownership and strengthening logistics systems to deliver services, while helping provide a strong advocacy platform to promote commodity security at the country level. The Global Programme is “By ensuring that every person is able to choose, obtain, and use quality contraceptives, we will be able to improve the life chances of women and girls and their babies in some of the world’s poorest countries. If we succeed, we can leave this world a better place for generations to come.” Andrew Mitchell, UK Secretary of State for International Development Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 14 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia15 firmly embedded in regional efforts such as the Maputo Plan of Action and works to ensure that supplies are an integral part of countries’ development agendas. Quality and financing mechanisms The World Health Organization has long served as a catalyst in building the evidence base for reproductive health commodity security, championing quality control, prioritizing essential medicines, prequalifying medicines and supplies, and convening various actors. This work helps highlight the importance of aligning regional and local initiatives in terms of norm-setting and implementation. Participants also discussed the potential of the West African Health Organization’s new regional financing mechanism to increase commodity security and the important role played by the international community in establishing national commodity security committees as country-owned platforms for policy and quality assurance. Broad partnerships and advocacy Lack of access to modern contraception translates into millions of unwanted pregnancies, tens of thousands of maternal deaths, and untold unsafe abortions. It also renders futile current global efforts to achieve MDG 5. Redressing this dilemma will require greater engagement and collaboration across all sectors, especially family planning and maternal and child health. Representing all these sectors at global, regional, and country levels, panelists from Women Deliver, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and the East African Reproductive Health Network stressed the importance of outreach and advocacy, the power of partnering with parliamentary champions, and the need to link commodity security with women’s educational opportunities, empowerment, and economic security. Task force on maternal health supplies A key outcome of the conference was the recommended formation of a task force on maternal health supplies. The task force would identify critical supply challenges in the maternal health arena and explore the opportunities for the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition to help overcome them. 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia17 “Throughout its history and leadership, the Coalition has remained true to the spirit of ‘leading from behind.’ While the contributions of its chairs, governing body, and other institutions are undeniable, its real movers have always been, and remain, its member institutions.” Julie Solo. Reproductive Health Commodity Security: Leading from behind to forge a global movement. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN A NEW DECADE We approach the challenges of a new decade with both momentum and the promise of greater success. With supportive governments in many countries, funding commitments from key stakeholders, and global initiatives reaffirming the importance of women’s health we have never been more strongly positioned to attain our goals. The growing contributions and political commitment of developing countries, paired with ongoing support from the international community, are advancing the issue around the world. In 2010, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition launched the HANDtoHAND Campaign in an effort to rally the support of the reproductive health community behind UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. The Campaign is working toward an ambitious goal: to reach 100 million additional users of modern contraception by 2015. Meeting this goal would mean addressing the family planning needs of 80 percent of women in low- and middle-income countries. It would also mean 96 million fewer unintended pregnancies, 54 million fewer abortions, 110,000 fewer mothers dying in pregnancy and childbirth, and 1.4 million fewer infant deaths. The 100 million goal has now been adopted by the new Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health, made up of the Australian Agency for International Development, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK’s Department for International Development, and USAID. The HANDtoHAND Campaign has also sparked more than two dozen commitments from governments, the pharmaceutical industry, NGOs, and others. It embodies the power of partnership and a new sense of optimism about our potential for reaching ambitious goals once only dreamed of. Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 18 The Access for All conference showcased a number of new commitments in support of commodity security and the HANDtoHAND Campaign: Donor nation commitments In statements read on their behalf, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UK Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchell both reaffirmed their governments’ commitment to reducing unmet need for modern family planning. The German and French governments also announced new pledges of financial support for reproductive health. And the Chinese government highlighted its commitment to reproductive health commodity security and its growing role as a donor nation. Pharmaceutical commitments Pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck/MSD announced a new effort to increase access to IMPLANON®, a long-acting, reversible contraceptive, by combining a lower price for low-income countries with new financing and procurement mechanisms to help donor funds go further. Commitments from developing countries Zambia highlighted its recent commitment to strengthen access to family planning by increasing contraceptive prevalence from 33 to 58 percent, thus reducing unwanted pregnancies and abortions, especially among adolescent girls. As we work together to achieve MDG 5, international attention to the issue of family planning—and the need for access to affordable, high-quality reproductive health supplies—has surged. Indeed, study after study has confirmed that family planning ranks as one of the best buys in public health. In many countries, every $1 spent on family planning saves at least $4 that would be spent on treating complications arising from unintended pregnancies. Increasingly, access to family planning and reproductive health supplies is seen as fundamental to efforts to ensure better health for women and their children, families, and communities. “Yesterday, [State Minister of Health of Ethiopia] Dr. Kesete asked to make implants more affordable. Today, I am happy to announce that we are going to do just that. With immediate effect, we will reduce the price of IMPLANON to least-resourced countries” Terrie J. Curran, Senior Vice President and General Manager – Women’s Health, Merck/MSD Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 20 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia21 A CALL TO ACTION Rising demand for reproductive health supplies has outpaced efforts to expand access to modern contraception. Today, there are 215 million women who would like to avoid or delay pregnancy but who are not using modern contraception—a number that has remained about the same for the past 15 years. Despite the remarkable strides made since the Istanbul conference, the need for family planning remains unmet for millions of women and men around the world. Against that backdrop, participants of the Access for All conference issued an urgent Call to Action focused on three priority outcomes: • Recognition of reproductive health and family planning as priority development issues, essential components of international development efforts, and fundamental human rights. • Country ownership of commodity security by strengthening the systems and human resource base, establishing appropriate policies and frameworks, and improving coordination across sectors. • An additional, adequate, and sustainable resource base to allow equitable access to a full range of safe, effective, and affordable reproductive health supplies and services irrespective of economic status, age, gender, geography, or political context. Participants called for a number of specific actions to achieve these outcomes, including: raising the profile of reproductive health commodity security in a way that resonates with world leaders and decision-makers; intensifying work in underserved regions; increasing collaboration across sectors and level; and stimulating investment and financing opportunities. Few documents reveal as much about the evolution from Istanbul to Addis as each conference’s own respective Call to Action. The Istanbul conference laid the groundwork for what would follow by calling for greater coordination across the sectors engaged in commodity security. Today a more coordinated supplies movement enables us to focus on themes such as financing and country ownership, while at the same time maping out the critical next steps needed to ensure commodity security. The Access for All Call to Action was the product of an extensive consultation process involving partners from the public and private sectors, NGOs, civil society, and the technical field. Conference participants contributed key recommendations and suggestions during plenary discussions and through comment cards. Following a period of reflection and additional comments by participants, the final Call to Action was published in July 2011. Our way forward is clear. We know what it will take to achieve reproductive health commodity security. We know that momentum is on our side, and that the need has never been greater. Together, we can seize this historic opportunity to build on our achievements, apply the lessons we have learned, and deliver on the promise of universal access to reproductive health supplies. 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia23 AGENDA Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Welcoming remarks Dr. Benoit Kalasa (UNFPA Country Representative, Ethiopia) Ms. Julia Bunting (RHSC; DFID) Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) keynote speech Delivered by Mr. Bunmi Makinwa, Africa Regional Director, UNFPA, on behalf of Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin (Executive Director, UNFPA) pillar i: a decade of achievements and remaining challenges Achievements and challenges in achieving reproductive health commodity security, followed by a facilitated panel discussion and general discussion. Facilitator: Ms. Karen Newman, Independent Consultant Opening remarks: Dr. Alan Bornbusch, USAID Session 1: Multimedia Presentation: Dr. Sheila Macharia, USAID | KENYA Session 2: Panel discussion Mr. Johnnie Amenyah, USAID | DELIVER Mr. John Skibiak, RHSC Dr. Kechi Ogbuagu, UNFPA Ms. Maria-Eugenia Romero, Equidad de Genero Ms. Terrie Curran, Merck/MSD Session 3: Town hall discussion pillar ii: country oWnership: the multisectoral challenge of reproductive health commodity security Discussion panel exploring the issue of country ownership—what it means and how different sectors, working individually and together, can overcome supply obstacles that confront countries. Facilitator: Ms. Karen Newman, Independent Consultant Opening remarks: Mr. Dana Hovig, MSI (and screening of Empty Handed) Session 1: Introduction to country ownership: Hon. Sylvia Ssinabulya, Member, Uganda Parliament Fictional country “Allegorica” presentation: Mr. Getachew Bekele, MSI Ethiopia Session 2: Panel presentation Dr. Robert Basaza, Ministry of Health, Uganda Dr. Samwel Ogillo, Tanzanian Association of Private Practitioners Dr. Reena Yasmin, MSI Bangladesh Mr. MacBain Mkandawire, Youth Net and Counselling, Malawi pillar ii: Breakout discussions Six breakout groups discussing different aspects of country ownership and providing different country successes and challenges. 1. Country ownership and quality. Facilitator: Mr. Peter Hall, Concept Foundation 2. Defining country resource needs. Facilitator: Ms. Beth Frederick, Advance Family Planning 3. Human resources for managing supply chains. Facilitator: Mr. Paul Dowling, USAID | DELIVER 4. Coordination at country level and stewardship of the state. Facilitator: Mr. Ben Light, UNFPA “It is said that the development of a country is measured according to the development of its women…What we still need is the political will and a sense of urgency to bring forth a greater investment in family planning in order for reproductive health as well as sexual and reproductive rights to become an equitable reality.” Zury Ríos, Member of Congress,Guatemala Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 24 2011 Conference • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia25 5. Strengthening the supply chain. Facilitator: Dr. Abdourahman Diallo, Bioforce 6. Country ownership—advocacy and demand. Facilitator: Ms. Karen Newman, Independent Consultant AGENDA Thursday, June 23, 2011 inspirational account Why We Are Here Ms. Zury Ríos, Member of Congress, Guatemala pillar iii: country oWnership in a gloBalized World Facilitator: Dr. Bram van Ojik, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Session 1: Coordination and stewardship Mr. Jagdish Upadhyay, UNFPA Dr. Ademola Olajide, African Union Dr. Osman Bilail, Intergovernmental Authority on Development Ms. Ratidzai Ndhlovu, UNFPA Sierra Leone Session 2: Quality and financial sustainability Dr. Michael Mbizvo, World Health Organization Mr. Cletus Adohinzin, West African Health Organization Mr. Juan Miguel Houellemont, PSI: Dominican Republic Mr. Lester Chinery, Concept Foundation Session 3: Partnership and advocacy Dr. Gill Greer, International Planned Parenthood Federation Ms. Jill Sheffield, Women Deliver Dr. Betty Kyaddondo, East African Reproductive Health Network Ms. Nana Amma Oforiwaa Sam, PPAG pillar iv: Bridging past and present Session 1: Reflections and taking stock Facilitator: Mr. John Skibiak, RHSC Reflecting on Istanbul: Ms. Jane Hutchings, PATH, and Ms. Carolyn Vogel, PAI Preconference session: Ms. Halima Sharif, AFP Tanzania Reflection on the past two days: Ms. Karen Newman, Independent Consultant, and Dr. Bram van Ojik, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Session 2: Moving ahead HANDtoHAND Campaign and partner commitments: Dr. Scott Radloff, USAID  Dr. François-Marie Lahaye, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Li Fengqi, China Contraceptive Supplies Administration Dr. Ralf E. Schröder, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Chikuta J. Mbewe, Zambia Ministry of Health Ms. Susan Rich, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Ms. Terrie Curran, Merck/MSD  Ms. Nienke Blauw, RutgersWPF call to action Presentation of the Addis Ababa 2011 Call to Action Process of Call to Action: Ms. Elly Leemhuis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Ms. Bose Adenira, Ministry of Health, Nigeria closing remarks Ms. Julia Bunting, RHSC; DFID “Without supplies, individuals cannot exercise their reproductive rights… As we move forward in our efforts to achieve commodity security, we look to the Coalition as a critical source of information, guidance, and solidarity.” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of Health, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Access For All: Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health 26 Access for All was made possible with the generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Population Fund, Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health, the UK’s Department for International Development, the United States Agency for International Development, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Africa Regional Office of Partners in Population and Development, and Marie Stopes International. To all these organizations and many others, the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition extends its sincere gratitude. Photo Credits: Page 16, PATH/Amy MacIver; All other photos by Yohannes Zirotti Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, 2011 ACCESS FOR ALL Supplying a New Decade for Reproductive Health CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS For speaker presentations and biographies, related research and reports, and the conference’s Call to Action as well as background information about related events visit the Access for All conference website: en/addis-ababa-2011/access-for-all.html MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION ‘Reproductive health commodities – Meeting the challenge of a new decade’ This engaging multimedia presentation, which kicked off the Access for All conference, explores the legacy of the Istanbul conference, the successes of the past decade in reproductive health commodity security, and the challenges ahead. Narrated by Dr. Sheila Macharia of USAID/Kenya and produced by the Population Reference Bureau, the presentation uses among others the Trendalyzer visualization tool to tell the story of the reproductive health supplies movement. To view the presentation visit: ababa-2011/proceedings/popup-film.html Copies of the DVD are available on request: FILM ‘Into the Hands of Women: Delivering Family Planning in Ethiopia’ The film, produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) premiered at the Access for All conference. It features the work of community based distributors in rural Ethiopia who reach women and couples in some of the poorest and most remote areas who otherwise would hardly have access to family planning services. To watch the film visit: “There is a unique window of opportunity to build on successes to date and accelerate the unprecedented momentum to transform the lives of women, men, and young people by placing reproductive health supplies at the core of the global development agenda…The next five years will be especially critical as the global community intensifies efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals…” ~Access for All Call to Action Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Coalition Secretariat Rue Marie-Thérèse 21 1000 Brussels Belgium +

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