Publication date: 2015

1 November 2016 Courtesy of DKT International 1701 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 2015 CONTRACEPTIVE SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS CONNECT WITH US 2 * 1 CYP equals 100 Condoms; 200 Free Condoms; 14 Pill cycles; 4 Injections (3 mos) or 6 Injections (2 mos) or 12 Injections (1 mo); 20 Female Condoms; 14 EC; .33 Implants; .23 IUDs; .59 MA Doses; .0208 MVA Kits; 16 Miso. ** Medical abortion (MA) = mifepristone and misoprostol sold in combination. SOCIAL MARKETING STATISTICS 2015 Highlights 2015 2014 2013 CYPs* 67.8 million 69.1 million 69.9 million Sales – 2015 Condoms . 2,021,519,118 (83 programs) Implants .613,011 (45 programs) Free Condoms.280,759,503 (33 programs) Emergency Contraception (EC) . 9,909,276 (32 programs) Female Condoms .7,779,517 (22 programs) Medical Abortion (MA)** . 4,592,297 (19 programs) Free Female Condoms.3,163,782 (10 programs) Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Kits . 25,456 (8 programs) Pills .181,022,855 (63 programs) Misoprostal (Miso) Tabs . 6,761,324 (17 programs) Injectables .39,989,621 (61 programs) VFT . 927,996 (1 program) IUDs .3,030,317 (56 programs) Social Marketing Program Sales Statistics listed for all programs with 10,000 or more CYPs (Couple Years of Protection).* % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 1. AFGHANISTAN MSI Condoms 1,381,362 13,814 Started by Marie Stopes International Pills 104,396 7,457 (MSI) in 2003. Injectables 28,035 7,009 IUDs 38,705 170,302 TOTAL 198,581 88% 1.1 AFGHANISTAN II USAID Source: Futures Group ASMO under Health Policy Project. Condoms 2,358,180 23,582 Started by USAID October 2010. Pills 393,444 28,103 Injectables 171,130 42,783 TOTAL 94,467 -66% 2. ANGOLA USAID, DFID, and private funding Source: PSI Started by Population Services Condoms 6,607,983 66,080 International (PSI) in 2000. Free Condoms 266,400 1,332 Free Female Condoms 99,000 2,475 TOTAL 69,887 39% 3. BANGLADESH USAID and EC funding Source:SMC Started by PSI in 1975; now Condoms 136,176,382 1,361,764 managed by Social Marketing Pills 42,359,158 3,025,654 Company (formerly SMP). Injectables 1,686,279 421,570 IUDs 5,017 22,075 Implants 1,914 8,700 TOTAL 4,839,763 9% 4. BENIN USAID and KfW support Source: PSI Started by DKT International (DKT) Condoms 7,290,230 72,902 and PSI in 1989. Free Condoms 415,504 2,078 Female Condoms 12,916 646 Free Female Condoms 1,193 30 Pills 204,559 14,611 Injectables (2) 40,909 6,818 IUDs 18,230 80,212 Implants 22,782 103,555 Miso Tabs 15,194 950 TOTAL 281,801 2% 5. BRAZIL Self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1991; Condoms 114,550,042 1,145,500 managed by DKT do Brasil. Female Condoms 240,476 12,024 MVA Kits 1,674 80,352 TOTAL 1,237,876 12% 3 6. BURKINA FASO MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2009. Condoms 670,424 6,704 Pills 210,036 15,003 Injectables (3) 550 138 TOTAL 21,844 -1% 7. BURMA (Myanmar) Private, DFID, and UNICEF Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 17,202,590 172,026 Female Condoms 100,969 5,048 Pills 3,052,676 218,048 Injectables (3) 724,961 181,240 Injectables (1) 225 19 IUDs 6,506 28,626 EC 28,409 2,029 TOTAL 607,037 0% 7.1 BURMA (Myanmar) II DFID and MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 1998. Condoms 103,391 1,034 Pills 2,384,090 170,292 Injectables (3) 8,070 2,018 IUDs 340 1,496 Implants 139 632 EC 31,762 2,269 TOTAL 177,740 -26% 7.2 BURMA (Myanmar) III Packard and DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2015. Condoms 691,757 6,918 Injectables (3) 10,345 2,586 IUDs 4,077 17,939 TOTAL 27,443 NA 8. BURUNDI USAID, Global Fund, KfW, and DoD Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1990. Condoms 3,343,769 33,438 Free Condoms 768,840 3,844 Female Condoms 9,654 483 Pills 28,968 2,069 Injectables 24,419 6,105 IUDs 471 2,072 Implants 866 3,936 TOTAL 51,947 1% 9. CAMBODIA USAID, DFID, KfW, UNFPA, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. and government Condoms 12,381,228 123,812 Pills 4,492,121 320,866 Injectables 419,080 104,770 IUDs 29,415 129,426 Implants 4,996 22,709 EC 46,270 3,305 Medical Abortion (MA) 224,238 381,205 TOTAL 1,086,093 15% 10. CAMEROON DoD, KfW, Plan, Care, Dutch Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1989. MTN, Art Venture, and CIDA Condoms 23,736,856 237,369 Female Condoms 1,051,162 52,558 Pills 158,627 11,331 Injectables 48,025 12,006 IUDs 23,898 105,151 Implants 16,960 77,091 Miso Tabs 149,709 9,357 TOTAL 504,862 14% 11. CHILE Self-sustaining project Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2010. Condoms 1,701,792 17,018 TOTAL 17,018 9% 12. CHINA DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 24,011,366 240,114 EC 5,518 394 TOTAL 240,508 -76% 13. COLOMBIA Self-sustaining project Source: PROFAMILIA PROFAMILIA project; started Condoms 40,916,047 409,160 in 1975 with International Planned Pills 175,044 12,503 Parenthood Federation support. IUDs 96,256 423,526 TOTAL 845,190 NA % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 4 14. CONGO (DRC/Kinshasa) UNDP, Georgetown University (GU), Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1988. DoD, UNICEF, Proctor & Gamble Condoms 24,283,179 242,832 Free Condoms 8,133,000 40,665 Female Condoms 544,720 27,236 Free Female Condoms 700,000 17,500 Pills 507,435 36,245 Injectables 216,849 54,212 IUDs 4,931 21,696 Implants 17,549 79,768 EC 16,956 1,211 TOTAL 521,366 116% 14.1 CONGO II (DRC/Kinshasa) Private, DFID, and DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2009. Condoms 12,030,520 120,305 Pills 291,241 20,803 Injectables 34,435 8,609 IUDs 23,134 101,790 Implants 18,072 82,145 EC 7,984 570 MVA Kits 299 14,352 Miso Tabs 222,466 13,904 TOTAL 362,478 -3% 15. COSTA RICA KfW, Global Fund, USAID, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2002. Bergstorm, the Netherlands, Condoms 1,475,808 14,758 Managua, and Summit TOTAL 14,758 29% 16. COTE D'IVOIRE KFW, AFD, UNFPA , GFA Source: AIMAS Started by PSI in 1998. and Global Fund Condoms 26,878,572 268,786 Now managed by AIMAS. Pills 2,857,026 204,073 Injectables 97,463 24,366 EC 635,576 45,398 TOTAL 542,623 25% 17. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC KfW, USAID, and private Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2003. Condoms 10,752,048 107,520 Free Condoms 1,483,458 7,417 Pills 2,479 177 Injectables (2) 76 13 Injectables (3) 268 67 IUDs 57 251 Implants (3) 933 2,666 EC 51 4 TOTAL 118,115 -33% 18. EGYPT DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2004. Condoms 5,510,349 55,103 IUDs 440,959 1,940,220 EC 2,453 175 VFT 927,996 7,733 TOTAL 2,003,232 -10% 19. EL SALVADOR USAID, KfW, DoD, and Dutch Source: PSI Founded by PSI/EL Salvador Condoms 2,707,336 27,073 (PASMO) in 1998. Pills 47,004 3,357 IUDs 9,572 42,117 Implants 983 4,468 Miso Tabs 1,370 86 TOTAL 77,101 26% 20. ETHIOPIA Dutch government, Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1990. DKT, and private Condoms 59,434,226 DKT discounts some CYPs Free Condoms 37,901 attributed to sales to the public Pills 4,030,152 and not-for-profit sector. Injectables 3,724,990 IUDs 510,199 Implants 88,141 EC 2,523,806 MA 340,753 MVA Kits 6,558 Miso Tabs 1,807,356 TOTAL 3,594,895 -19% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 5 20.1 ETHIOPIA II Global Fund, USAID, UNICEF, Source: PSI Implemented by PSI in 2003. and Proctor and Gamble Condoms 14,432,875 144,329 Free Condoms 15,819,074 79,095 Free Female Condoms 32,592 815 Pills 9,776 698 Injectables 13,537 3,384 IUDs 3 13 Implants (3) 824 2,354 Implants 282 1,282 EC 834 60 TOTAL 232,030 37% 21. GHANA USAID, private, and Dutch Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2010. Condoms 22,320,489 223,205 Pills 1,031,028 73,645 Injectables 593,600 148,400 IUDs 10,230 45,012 Implants 2,350 10,682 EC 879,188 62,799 MA 273,885 465,605 TOTAL 1,029,347 -5% 22. GUATEMALA Abt Associates, KfW, USAID, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. and private Condoms 11,476,713 114,767 Pills 88,816 6,344 Injectables (2) 7,731 1,289 Injectables (1) 44,527 3,711 Injectables 28,126 7,032 IUDs 22,845 100,518 Implants 7,302 33,191 Miso Tabs 100,160 6,260 TOTAL 273,111 37% 23. GUINEA USAID and KfW co-funded Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1990. Condoms 8,234,191 82,342 Pills 261,001 18,643 Injectables 180,221 45,055 TOTAL 146,040 4% 24. HAITI USAID, UNFPA, Sogebank Foundation, Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI 1990. MSH, and World Bank Condoms 2,079,396 20,794 Pills 594,905 42,493 Injectables 178,900 44,725 IUDs 52 229 TOTAL 108,241 -19% 25. HONDURAS KfW, Abt Associates, Summit Foundation, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. and private Condoms 3,701,192 37,012 TOTAL 37,012 5% 25.1 HONDURAS II KfW and USAID Source: IPPF Honduras Social Marketing Program; Condoms 17,000 170 Managed by the FPA ASHONPLAFA. Pills 226,100 16,150 IUDs 1,300 5,720 Implants 2,600 11,818 TOTAL 33,858 0% 26. INDIA I Government of India (GOI) Project Source: GOI Nirodh, Mala-D, and Mala-N. (figures are for fiscal year ended Condoms (Nirodh D.) 143,818,715 1,438,187 3/31/16) Pills (Mala-D) 7,687,450 549,104 TOTAL 1,987,291 -67% 26.1 INDIA II GOI, KfW, DFID, and USAID Source: PSI MAsti and Pearl (calendar year data, 2015) Condoms 109,768,291 1,097,683 PSI/India, 1988. Pills 2,930,551 209,325 Injectables 35,797 8,949 IUDs 114,540 503,976 Medical Abortion (MA) 220,800 375,360 TOTAL 2,195,293 -2% 26.2 INDIA III (Zaroor, Choice, XXX) Private Source: DKT DKT/India (Mumbai), 1992. (calendar year 2015) Condoms 58,206,236 582,062 Pills 12,692,483 906,606 Injectables (3) 137,009 34,252 IUDs 155,122 682,537 EC 56,070 4,005 MA 1,119,390 1,902,963 MVA Kits 1,256 60,288 TOTAL 4,172,713 44% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 6 26.3 INDIA IV (Apsara, Mithun, Style) Packard private Source: DKT Bihar-based project started by DKT (calendar year 2015) Condoms 21,251,761 212,518 in 1996; now managed by Janani. Pills 1,460,659 104,333 Injectables 189,176 47,294 IUDs 31,447 138,367 EC 30,636 2,188 MA 464,105 788,979 MVA Kits 478 22,944 Miso Tabs 143,772 8,986 TOTAL 1,325,608 30% 26.4 INDIA V (Ahsas, Thril, Flavoured) MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI/PHS (Population Health (calendar year 2015) Condoms 108,434,348 1,084,343 Services) in 1999. (India I totals include Pills 7,400,336 528,595 3 million Mala-D pills and 10 million Injectables 328,570 82,143 Nirodh condoms sold by PHS.) IUDs 75,106 330,466 EC 283,402 20,243 MA 1,184,112 2,012,990 TOTAL 4,058,781 21% 26.5 INDIA VI Private Source: WHP Started by World Health Partners Condoms 2,676,378 26,764 in 2009. Pills 560,034 40,002 Injectables 21,323 5,331 IUDs 19,187 84,423 MA 24,570 41,769 TOTAL 198,289 -12% 26.6 INDIA VII MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI/India in 2013. Condoms 2,499,840 24,998 (Separate from India V.) Pills 160 11 Injectables (3) 2,000 500 IUDs 100 440 EC 19,500 1,393 MA 72,230 122,791 TOTAL 150,134 87% 27. INDONESIA Gates Foundation and private Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1996. Condoms 154,049,252 1,540,493 Female Condoms 20,404 1,020 Pills 20,859,690 1,489,978 Injectables (3) 14,021,840 3,505,460 Injectables (1) 5,913,920 492,827 IUDs 146,130 642,972 Implants 6,428 29,218 EC 20,303 1,450 Miso Tabs 50,900 3,181 TOTAL 7,706,599 11% 28. KENYA DFID Source: PSI Started by DKT and PSI in 1989. Condoms 27,799,668 277,997 Free Condoms 23,809,600 119,048 Pills 3,069,480 219,249 Injectables 298,833 74,708 IUDs 13,641 60,020 Implants (3) 100,234 286,383 Implants 23,160 105,273 TOTAL 1,142,677 -50% 28.1 KENYA II Source: MSI Started by MSI in March 1986. EC 52,529 3,752 MA 51,583 87,691 TOTAL 91,443 NA 29. LAOS USAID (AIDSMark), Global Fund, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1999. Ministry of Health, and UN Condoms 3,366,144 33,661 Pills 4,102 293 Injectables 3,058 765 IUDs 11,160 49,104 Implants 276 1,255 Miso Tabs 27,400 1,713 TOTAL 86,790 18% 30. LESOTHO USAID and Dutch Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. Condoms 1,286,856 12,869 Free Condoms 28,536,000 142,680 Female Condoms 831,480 41,574 TOTAL 197,123 0% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 7 31. MADAGASCAR USAID, Global Fund, Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1996; Women's Health Project, Condoms 7,943,508 79,435 now managed by PSI. and private foundations Free Condoms 616,499 3,082 Female Condoms 35,667 1,783 Pills 3,630,903 259,350 Injectables 2,563,022 640,756 IUDs 24,733 108,825 Implants (3) 4,915 14,043 Implants 1,870 8,500 TOTAL 1,115,775 12% 32. MALAWI USAID and KfW Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1994. Condoms 16,996,668 169,967 Free Condoms 1,399,957 7,000 Female Condoms 72,872 3,644 Free Female Condoms 86,984 2,175 Pills 146,272 10,448 Injectables 94,175 23,544 IUDs 1,662 7,313 Implants (3) 18,662 53,320 Implants 10,449 47,495 EC 29,153 2,082 TOTAL 326,987 40% 32.1 MALAWI II MSI, Norwegian government, Source: MSI Started by MSI in 1989. DFID, PFPS Grants, and Wellspring Condoms 1,034,151 10,342 Pills 1,050 75 Injectables 48 12 MA 851 1,447 TOTAL 11,875 -48% 33. MALI Global Fund, USAID, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2000. Netherlands Government, CIDA, Condoms 11,443,110 114,431 and UNFPA Free Condoms 640,160 3,201 Female Condoms 2,775 139 Pills 670,562 47,897 Injectables 75,439 18,860 IUDs 8,781 38,636 Implants 12,800 58,182 TOTAL 281,346 -39% 33.1 MALI II USAID Source: Palladium Started by Palladium in 2015. Condoms 9,420,852 94,209 Female Condoms 810 41 Pills 254,550 18,182 Injectables 189,412 47,353 IUDs 30 132 Implants 11,031 31,517 TOTAL 191,433 NA 34. MEXICO DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2002. Condoms 40,815,319 408,153 Female Condoms 8,817 441 IUDs 96,256 423,526 EC 175,044 12,503 Miso Tabs 280 18 TOTAL 844,641 116% 35. MONGOLIA UNFPA and MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2000. Condoms 4,614,208 46,142 Female Condoms 234 12 Pills 145,972 10,427 IUDs 22,085 97,174 Implants 1,204 5,473 EC 78,520 5,609 MA 19,227 32,686 TOTAL 197,522 12% 36. MOZAMBIQUE DFID and GTZ Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1995. Condoms 19,286,124 192,861 Free Condoms 1,895,858 9,479 Female Condoms 33,640 1,682 Free Female Condoms 13,472 337 Pills 106,896 7,635 Injectables 47,715 11,929 IUDs 2,448 10,771 Implants 7,615 34,614 TOTAL 269,308 12% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 8 36.1 MOZAMBIQUE II UNFPA, PSI, private, and DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 6,328,566 63,286 Pills 117,024 8,359 Injectables 50,497 12,624 IUDs 2,448 10,771 Implants 17,777 80,805 EC 55,012 3,929 MA 8,624 14,661 Miso Tabs 206,690 12,918 TOTAL 207,353 99% 37. NAMIBIA USAID, The Global Fund, and DoD Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1997; managed Free Condoms 1,956,654 9,783 by Society for Family Health, Free Female Condoms 64,241 1,606 a member of PSI's global network TOTAL 11,389 -31% 38. NEPAL USAID and KfW Source: FHI360 Started in 1973. Nepal Condoms 14,142,460 141,425 Contraceptive Retail Sales (CRS). Pills 1,388,088 99,149 Injectables 629,040 157,260 IUDs 1,255 5,522 Implants 1,047 4,759 EC 490,108 35,008 TOTAL 443,123 26% 38.1 NEPAL II MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2002. Condoms 1,682,060 16,821 Pills 83,726 5,980 MA 47,878 81,393 TOTAL 104,194 503% 38.2 NEPAL III Global Fund Source: PSI Activated by PSI in 2009. Pills 100,540 7,181 Injectables 25 6 IUDs 24,494 107,774 Implants 31 141 MA 53,028 90,148 TOTAL 205,250 66% 39. NICARAGUA Abt Associates, USAID, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1998. Dutch Embassy, and private Condoms 4,901,687 49,017 Pills 30,885 2,206 IUDs 3,051 13,424 Implants 500 2,273 TOTAL 66,920 -22% 40. NIGER KfW and technical support Source: Animas Sutura Association Nigerienne de from GFA Condoms 10,506,528 105,065 Marketing Social 2006. Pills 355,800 25,414 Injectables (3) 4,769 1,192 TOTAL 131,672 -11% 41. NIGERIA DFID, USAID, and private Source: PSI Started by PSI and DKT in 1988-90; Condoms 134,964,972 1,349,650 Now managed by Society for Free Condoms 7,881,600 39,408 Family Health with technical Female Condoms 1,009,976 50,499 assistance from PSI. Pills 6,645,600 474,686 Injectables (3) 1,190,302 297,576 Injectables (2) 1,194,317 199,053 IUDs 86,843 382,109 Implants 30,939 140,632 EC 1,202,250 85,875 Miso Tabs 594,950 37,184 TOTAL 3,056,671 -18% 41.1 NIGERIA II CIFF, Gates, and DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2013. Condoms 35,592,477 355,925 Pills 298,845 21,346 Injectables (3) 252,100 63,025 IUDs 87,600 385,440 Implants 15,967 72,577 EC 550,780 39,341 MVA Kits 12,507 600,336 Miso Tabs 837,864 52,367 TOTAL 1,590,357 241% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 9 42. PAKISTAN KfW, USAID, and private Source: PSI Program started by PSI Marketing Condoms 121,832,683 1,218,327 Associates 1986. Cooperating agency: Pills 1,469,214 104,944 PSI and Greenstar Social Marketing. Injectables (3) 320,492 80,123 Injectables (2) 323,440 53,907 Injectables (1) 122,100 10,175 IUDs 166,719 733,564 Implants 3,298 14,991 EC 1,956,080 139,720 TOTAL 2,355,750 2% 42.1 PAKISTAN II Funded by MSI Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2003. Condoms 6,820,497 68,205 Implants 6,297 28,623 TOTAL 96,828 18% 42.2 PAKISTAN III Private and DFID Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2012. Condoms 25,714,101 257,141 Pills 957,467 68,391 Injectables (3) 95,257 23,814 Injectables (1) 24,774 2,065 IUDs 142,482 626,921 Implants 3,298 14,991 EC 202,841 14,489 Miso Tabs 1,526,900 95,431 TOTAL 1,103,242 360% 43. PANAMA USAID and private Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 4,047,721 40,477 TOTAL 40,477 1% 44. PARAGUAY Self sustaining project Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1996. Condoms 2,797,892 27,979 Pills 718,351 51,311 EC 273,948 19,568 TOTAL 98,857 0% 45. PHILIPPINES Self sustaining program Source: DKT Started by DKT in 1990; Condoms 30,847,583 308,476 managed by DKT. Pills 26,781,315 1,912,951 Injectables 743,541 185,885 IUDs 74,528 327,923 TOTAL 2,735,235 2% 45.1 PHILIPPINES II Source: MSI Implemented by MSI IUDs 15,672 68,957 in January 1989. MA 3,128 5,318 TOTAL 74,274 NA 46. RWANDA DFID, Netherlands government, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. KfW, USAID, and Global Fund Condoms 11,695,431 116,954 PSI Rwanda & SFH Rwanda. Free Condoms 1,090,205 5,451 Pills 13,155 940 Injectables 3,544 886 Implants (3) 10 29 TOTAL 124,260 -6% 47. SENEGAL KfW and USAID Source: PSI Started by USAID in 1994, then Condoms 4,912,056 49,121 spun off into ADEMAS and Pills 509,883 36,420 partnered with PSI in 2011. Injectables 4,572 1,143 TOTAL 86,684 15% 48. SOUTH AFRICA USAID, Dutch government, EF Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. (PSI), and Government of South Africa Condoms 67,993,681 679,937 Free Condoms 134,211,327 671,057 Female Condoms 523,656 26,183 Free Female Condoms 1,831,300 45,783 TOTAL 1,422,959 12% 49. SRI LANKA Private Source: FPASL Now managed by Family Planning Condoms 9,112,854 91,129 Association of Sri Lanka. Pills 2,338,497 167,036 Figures from 2014. Injectables 237,157 59,289 IUDs 76 334 EC 263 TOTAL 317,788 0% % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 10 % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 49.1 SRI LANKA II Source: MSI/SL Started by MSI in 1983; managed Condoms 6,016,613 60,166 by Population Services Lanka. Pills 58,142 4,153 TOTAL 64,319 12% 50. SWAZILAND USAID and Dutch Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2001. Condoms 5,793,956 57,940 Free Condoms 7,476,600 37,383 Female Condoms 149,432 7,472 TOTAL 102,794 81% 51. TANZANIA USAID, Global Fund, KfW, Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1993. and Dutch government Condoms 99,420,292 994,203 Free Condoms 35,822,016 179,110 Female Condoms 1,457,140 72,857 Pills 3,650,678 260,763 Injectables 115,009 28,752 IUDs 49,273 216,801 Implants 10,876 49,436 EC 60,002 4,286 Miso Tabs 127,736 7,984 TOTAL 1,814,192 2% 51.1 TANZANIA II UNFPA, DKT, and private Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2015. Condoms 425,338 4,253 Injectables 4,800 1,200 IUDs 17,152 75,469 Implants 10,876 49,436 EC 8,200 586 MVA Kits 2,496 119,808 Miso Tabs 12,127 758 TOTAL 251,510 NA 52. THAILAND USAID Source: PSI Started by PSI in 2003. Free Condoms 2,808,000 14,040 TOTAL 14,040 NA 52.1 THAILAND II DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 1,234,105 12,341 Pills 76,826 5,488 IUDs 8,916 39,230 TOTAL 57,059 24% 53. TOGO USAID and Global Fund Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1992; Condoms 1,983,444 19,834 transferred to PSI in 1998. Free Condoms 1,550,881 7,754 Female Condoms 15,607 780 Pills 83,250 5,946 Injectables 36,965 9,241 IUDs 2 9 TOTAL 43,566 -51% 54. TURKEY DKT Source: DKT Started by DKT in 2008. Condoms 4,227,069 42,271 IUDs 19,450 85,580 TOTAL 127,851 -13% 55. UGANDA CDC and private Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1991; Cooperating Agency: PSI Condoms 923,562 9,236 transferred to CMS in 1998; Free Condoms 2,135,760 10,679 transferred to AIDSMark in 2003. Free Female Condoms 199,000 4,975 Pills 160,143 11,439 Injectables 34,425 8,606 IUDs 100,527 442,319 Implants (3) 54,337 155,249 Implants 32,873 149,423 Miso Tabs 936,450 58,528 TOTAL 850,453 -10% 55.1 UGANDA II KfW Source: MSI Started by MSI in 1997; Condoms 11,938,672 119,387 managed by MSI. TOTAL 119,387 71% 55.2 UGANDA III USAID, UNFPA, Civil society fund, Source: UHMG Founded through a USAID and Global Fund Condoms 12,869,796 128,698 project in 2005; now managed Pills 2,250,424 160,745 by UHMG. Injectables 2,235,909 558,977 TOTAL 848,420 NA 11 56. VIET NAM DFID, EC, and IPPF Source: MSI Implemented by MSI in 1989. Condoms 4,320 43 Pills 450 32 IUDs 115,367 507,615 Implants 4,226 19,209 MA 478,693 813,778 TOTAL 1,340,677 0% 56.1 VIET NAM II DKT Source: DKT Implemented by DKT in 1993. Condoms 3,522,672 35,227 Pills 5,228,150 373,439 IUDs 120,000 528,000 EC 740 53 MA 480 816 MVA Kits 188 9,024 TOTAL 946,559 29% 57. YEMEN KfW Source: MSI Started by MSI in 2001. Condoms 1,699,422 16,994 Pills 999,575 71,398 Injectables 76,190 19,048 IUDs 23,680 104,192 Implants (3) 2,440 6,971 MA 4,722 8,027 TOTAL 226,631 -42% 58. ZAMBIA USAID, UNFPA, and KfW Source: PSI Started by PSI in 1992. Condoms 6,220,368 62,204 Free Condoms 2,004,209 10,021 Female Condoms 3,600 180 Pills 1,085,004 77,500 Implants 520 2,364 TOTAL 152,269 -61% 59. ZIMBABWE USAID, DFID, and Packard Source: PSI Started by SOMARC in 1988. Condoms 28,177,518 281,775 Female Condoms 1,653,510 82,676 Free Female Condoms 136,000 3,400 Pills 490,591 35,042 Injectables 86,308 21,577 IUDs 2,157 9,491 Implants (3) 4,612 13,177 Implants 27,750 126,136 EC 185,088 13,221 TOTAL 586,495 3% GRAND TOTAL 67,767,397 % CHANGE PROGRAM SUPPORT FROM 2015 PRODUCT SALES CYP FROM 2014 * 1 CYP equals 100 Condoms; 200 Free Condoms; 14 Pill cycles; 4 Injections (3 mos) or 6 Injections (2 mos) or 12 Injections (1 mo); 20 Female Condoms; 14 EC; .33 Implants; .23 IUDs; .59 MA Doses; .0208 MVA Kits; 16 Miso. ** Medical abortion (MA) = mifepristone and misoprostol sold in combination. [To view reports dating back to 1991, visit our website.] 12 Best Programs The following programs qualify for the “Best Programs” list by • delivering more than 300,000 CYPs, and • reaching more than 9% of their target markets. Ranked by Program Size (CYPs) Ranked by Percent of Target Market* Ethiopia Cambodia Madagascar Tanzania Zimbabwe Ghana Uganda III Bangladesh Uganda I South Africa Cote D’Ivoire Indonesia Malawi Philippines Cameroon Egypt Nigeria I Colombia 43.3% 39.1% 31.2% 25.1% 22.7% 21.7% 16.1% 15.3% 15.3% 15.2% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 14.2% 13.6% 12.4% 11.8% 9.0% Indonesia Bangladesh Ethiopia Nigeria I Philippines Egypt Tanzania South Africa Madagascar Cambodia Ghana Uganda I Uganda III Colombia Zimbabwe Cote D’Ivoire Cameroon Malawi 7,706,599 4,839,763 3,594,895 3,056,671 2,735,235 2,003,232 1,814,192 1,422,959 1,115,775 1,086,093 1,029,347 850,453 848,420 845,190 586,495 542,623 504,862 326,987 * Target market calculated as 75% of women aged 15–49. 0 10000002000000300000040000005000000600000070000008000000 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 43.3% 39.1% 31.2% 25.1% 22.7% 21.7% 16.1% 15.3% 15.3% 15.2% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 14.2% 13.6% 12.4% 11.8% 9.0%

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