Delivering in a Pandemic

Publication date: 2021

DELIVERING IN A PANDEMIC ANNUAL REPORT 2020 In 2020, UNFPA witnessed the greatest humanitarian crisis since the organization’s creation 52 years ago: the COVID-19 pandemic. This public health catastrophe brought with it socioeconomic, political and human rights crises, doubling the global need for humanitarian assistance from the previous year. Women and girls bore many of the worst impacts. We saw this in our work. Health systems were strained. Supply chains were disrupted. Many programmes and services were driven to a halt. Globally, a United Nations survey found 7 in 10 countries experienced disruptions in contraceptive services. UNFPA offices reported stark increases in domestic violence cases and calls for help amid lockdowns and movement restrictions. Disrupted services and increased vulnerabilities are projected to result in 2 million more cases of female genital mutilation and an additional 13 million child marriages within the next decade that would otherwise have been averted. But UNFPA rose to the challenge. With ingenuity and flexibility, we ramped up distribution of personal protective equipment and training in infectious disease control. Many disrupted programmes and services were restored, and 74 per cent of UNFPA programme countries were able to maintain or expand family planning services at the community level. Ninety-one per cent maintained or expanded interventions to prevent gender-based violence. The crisis is far from over. We know the road ahead will be long and hard. But we also know that we can deliver progress even amid world-shaking adversity. With solidarity and support, we can transform the future for women and girls. THE YEAR IN REVIEW THE COVID-19 RESPONSE Source: UNFPA COVID-19 response survey, December 2020 The pandemic has had a devastating impact on health systems. More than 17,000 health workers died from COVID-19 over the course of 2020. Massive health resources and many personnel were diverted from routine essential care to support the pandemic response. UNFPA projects 12 million women across 115 low- and middle- income countries experienced contraceptive service disruptions, and 42 per cent of UNFPA programme countries reported facility-level disruptions in family planning services. Some also reported declines in institutional deliveries. Under these extreme circumstances, UNFPA worked to maintain continuity of sexual and reproductive health care, and to safeguard those providing this life-saving work. UNFPA mobilized $94.8 million in additional resources to support the pandemic response, more than a quarter of which came from United Nations entities. With this, nearly a half million health workers were trained to respond to the pandemic, personal protective equipment was delivered to more than 100 countries, and programmes pivoted to restore, sustain or expand sexual and reproductive health services. 478,000 health workers trained in 61 countries to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic 2.5 MILLION migrants, internally displaced persons and refugees who received sexual and reproductive health services $29 MILLION worth of personal protective equipment was delivered to 102 countries 3,350 women’s organizations empowered in 70 countries to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic 506,000 gender-based violence survivors who received mental health and psychosocial support services 640,422 women who received sexual and reproductive health services in humanitarian settings 1,503 youth organizations empowered in 66 countries to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic *Global impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA Despite UNFPA realigning nearly a third of its activities to better respond to the pandemic, results from 2020 showed a positive trend in achieving its strategic plan outputs compared to 2019. UNFPA family planning programmes helped prevent over 14 million unintended pregnancies, nearly 40,000 maternal deaths, and more than 4 million unsafe abortions last year. These figures reflect the agile response UNFPA was able to summon. As we look forward, UNFPA’s programming will have to remain robust and adaptive to the volatile public health and economic conditions around the world. 39,098 maternal deaths averted* 367,000 new HIV infections averted* cumulative results from 2018-2020 210 MILLION couple years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA* cumulative results from 2018-2020 4,122,505 unsafe abortions averted* 1.3 MILLION safe deliveries assisted in 39 humanitarian-affected countries 350,630 girls saved from female genital mutilation cumulative results from 2018-2020 930,351 gender-based violence survivors who received essential services 13,166 gender-based violence survivors with disabilities who received essential services 1,703,373 girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage 14,402,835 unintended pregnancies averted* DELIVERING WORLDWIDE CONTRACEPTION PROVIDED BY UNFPA WORLDWIDE: MALE CONDOMS 724,643,280 ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES (MONTHLY CYCLES OF THE PILL) 80,089,103 CONTRACEPTIVE IMPLANTS (IUD) 11,084,230 EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVES 2,304,592 FEMALE CONDOMS 5,556,162 DOSES OF INJECTABLE CONTRACEPTIVES 54,702,365 INTRAUTERINE DEVICES (IUD) 2,606,795 TUBES OF PERSONAL LUBRICANTS 69,534,936 AFRICA, EAST AND SOUTHERN 304,405 girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage 277,741 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services 50,597 women and girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ ANGOLA 2.5 BOTSWANA 0.9 BURUNDI 4.5 COMOROS 0.8 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO 28.4 ERITREA 1.1 ESWATINI 1.3 ETHIOPIA 17.4 KENYA 9.4 LESOTHO 1.6 MADAGASCAR 6.6 MALAWI 19.8 MAURITIUS 0.2 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ MOZAMBIQUE 19.4 NAMIBIA 2.0 RWANDA 3.6 SOUTH AFRICA 2.7 SOUTH SUDAN 17.8 UGANDA 18.5 UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA 12.4 ZAMBIA 8.0 ZIMBABWE 17.9 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 196.8 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 6.6 TOTAL FOR EAST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA 203.40 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES See full regional results: AFRICA, WEST AND CENTRAL 256,109 girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage 225,457 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services 461,145 women and girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ BENIN 5.0 BURKINA FASO 10.8 CABO VERDE 0.9 CAMEROON 10.4 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 3.7 CHAD 6.9 CONGO 2.9 COTE D'IVOIRE 13.4 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1.4 GABON 1.1 GAMBIA (REPUBLIC OF THE) 2.7 GHANA 8.1 GUINEA 5.2 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ GUINEA BISSAU 1.6 LIBERIA 7.7 MALI 15.0 MAURITANIA 3.0 NIGER 16.4 NIGERIA 23.8 SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE 0.7 SENEGAL 9.3 SIERRA LEONE 8.5 TOGO 3.6 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 162.1 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 8.8 TOTAL FOR WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA 170.9 See full regional results: ARAB STATES 140,589 girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ ALGERIA 1.0 DJIBOUTI 2.0 EGYPT 11.6 IRAQ 22.8 JORDAN 11.2 LEBANON 5.9 LIBYA 4.3 MOROCCO 3.0 OMAN 1.3 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES 316,690 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services 72,468 women and girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ SOMALIA 20.7 STATE OF PALESTINE 5.6 SUDAN 20.0 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC 32.9 TUNISIA 1.2 YEMEN 71.7 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 214.2 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 4.7 TOTAL FOR ARAB STATES 218.9 See full regional results: ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 904,189 girls who received UNFPA-supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ AFGHANISTAN 13.0 BANGLADESH 37.0 BHUTAN 1.0 CAMBODIA 2.3 CHINA 2.4 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA 1.1 INDIA 8.1 INDONESIA 6.6 IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) 1.2 LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 2.9 MALAYSIA 0.9 MALDIVES 0.4 MONGOLIA 2.7 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES 89,100 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ MYANMAR 12.6 NEPAL 8.4 PACIFIC ISLANDS (MULTICOUNTRY)* 9.5 PAKISTAN 10.1 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3.2 PHILIPPINES 7.8 SRI LANKA 1.6 THAILAND 0.9 TIMOR-LESTE 1.8 VIET NAM 4.5 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 140.2 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 7.4 TOTAL FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 147.6 * Figures for the Pacific Islands (multi-country) covers the following countries: Cook Islands; Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Federated States of Micronesia; Nauru; Niue; Palau; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tokelau; Tonga; Tuvalu; and Vanuatu. See full regional results: EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA 26,573 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ ALBANIA 1.4 ARMENIA 1.6 AZERBAIJAN 0.9 BELARUS 0.9 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1.8 GEORGIA 1.5 KAZAKHSTAN 1.4 KOSOVO 0.9 KYRGYZSTAN 2.3 NORTH MACEDONIA 0.4 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 2.3 SERBIA 0.6 TAJIKISTAN 2.4 TURKEY 33.3 TURKMENISTAN 1.1 UKRAINE 4.4 UZBEKISTAN 1.3 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 58.5 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 4.3 TOTAL FOR EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA 62.8 See full regional results: LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 98,081 girls who received UNFPA- supported prevention or protection services and care related to child, early and forced marriage 2020 PROGRAMME EXPENSES INCLUDES CORE AND NON-CORE RESOURCES 31,795 gender-based violence survivors, including persons with disabilities, who received essential services COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ ARGENTINA 1.0 BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF) 4.0 BRAZIL 3.0 CARIBBEAN (MULTICOUNTRY)** 4.0 CHILE 0.2 COLOMBIA 3.5 COSTA RICA 0.8 CUBA 0.7 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1.2 ECUADOR 1.8 EL SALVADOR 3.6 GUATEMALA 3.8 COUNTRY/TERRITORY MILLIONS OF US$ HAITI 12.1 HONDURAS 4.1 MEXICO 3.7 NICARAGUA 1.4 PANAMA 1.0 PARAGUAY 1.1 PERU 2.6 URUGUAY 1.0 VENEZUELA, BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF 4.0 TOTAL COUNTRY/TERRITORY ACTIVITIES 57.4 REGIONAL ACTIVITIES 5.5 TOTAL FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 62.9 See full regional results: ** Figures for the Caribbean (multi-country) covers the following countries and territories: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Curacao; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica, Montserrat; Netherlands Antilles; St. Lucia; St. Kitts and Nevis; Saint Maarten (Dutch part); Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname; Turks and Caicos; and Trinidad and Tobago. RESOURCES AND EXPENSES 2020 Donor US$ Germany 78,814,766 Sweden 65,853,225 Norway 55,087,829 Netherlands 36,830,357 Finland 36,423,841 Denmark 34,070,260 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 26,359,305 Japan 17,054,645 Switzerland 16,410,256 Canada 11,917,494 Donor US$ Belgium 10,044,643 Australia 6,443,515 New Zealand 4,018,754 Ireland 3,820,961 Luxembourg 3,275,109 Italy 2,941,176 China 1,600,000 France 1,251,422 Spain 592,417 Private contributions 517,555 Donor US$ United Nations and Interorganizational transfers 271,596,381 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 111,500,198 Netherlands 52,234,935 European Commission 49,857,753 Canada 40,154,055 Sweden 39,942,683 Denmark 36,887,361 Republic of Korea 25,992,080 Norway 22,924,516 Australia 21,317,241 Donor US$ Switzerland 15,862,208 Japan 13,599,374 World Bank 12,941,740 Finland 11,561,956 Anonymous 11,243,354 Cote d'Ivoire 11,046,645 Germany 10,217,880 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 6,600,000 France 5,745,041 Luxembourg 5,578,981 *All 2020 figures are provisional as of 15 April 2021 UNFPA is funded from voluntary contributions that fall into two distinct categories: 1 Core contributions (also referred to as “regular”, “unearmarked” or “unrestricted” contributions), represent resources that are unrestricted as to their use; 2 Non-core contributions (also referred to as “other”, “earmarked” or “restricted” contributions), represent resources that are earmarked as to their use. IN MILLIONS OF US$ TOP 20 NON-CORE DONORS TO UNFPA2 TOP 20 CORE DONORS TO UNFPA1 DONORS AND CONTRIBUTIONS *All 2020 figures are provisional as of 15 April 2021. Donor US$ Afghanistan 1,000 Albania 500 Algeria 10,000 Antigua and Barbuda 5,000 Armenia 3,000 Australia 6,443,515 Austria 235,571 Bahamas 1,000 Bangladesh 35,000 Barbados 5,000 Belgium 10,044,643 Bhutan 5,950 Botswana 4,675 Burkina Faso 13,259 Burundi 501 Canada 11,917,494 Chile 8,772 China 1,600,000 Cook Islands 914 Costa Rica 4,776 Cuba 5,051 Cyprus 11,900 Denmark 34,070,260 Dominican Republic 14,975 Egypt 24,481 Eritrea 5,000 Estonia 66,667 Ethiopia 1,863 Finland 36,423,841 France 1,251,422 Georgia 20,000 Germany 78,814,766 Ghana 131,169 Guinea Bissau 2,000 Donor US$ Guyana 9,620 Iceland 218,735 India 510,325 Indonesia 12,947 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 10,000 Iraq 50,000 Ireland 3,820,961 Israel 10,000 Italy 2,941,176 Japan 17,054,645 Jordan 49,930 Kenya 10,000 Kuwait 10,000 Lao People's Democratic Republic 3,000 Liechtenstein 26,567 Luxembourg 3,275,109 Malaysia 15,000 Maldives 5,000 Mali 25,138 Mauritania 3,449 Mauritius 2,534 Mexico 51,960 Micronesia (Federated States of) 3,000 Mongolia 4,000 Morocco 12,560 Nepal 4,240 Netherlands 36,830,357 New Zealand 4,018,754 Nicaragua 2,500 Norway 55,087,829 Panama 10,000 Peru 1,174 Philippines 43,335 Portugal 165,563 Donor US$ Qatar 30,000 Republic of Korea 177,004 Republic of Moldova 6,000 Romania 10,000 Russian Federation 300,000 Rwanda 5,000 Samoa 5,990 Sao Tome and Principe 9,200 Saudi Arabia 250,000 Senegal 11,870 Serbia 5,000 Singapore 5,000 Slovakia 5,433 South Africa 39,873 Spain 592,417 Sri Lanka 18,000 Sweden 65,853,225 Switzerland 16,410,256 Tajikistan 851 Thailand 150,000 Tonga 995 Trinidad and Tobago 5,000 Tunisia 18,890 Turkmenistan 6,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 26,359,305 United Arab Emirates 10,000 Zambia 10,080 Zimbabwe 30,000 Private Contributions 517,555 Government contribution to local office costs* 504,661 ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS CORE RESOURCES PROGRAMME AND INSTITUTIONAL BUDGET EXPENSES BY REGION In millions of US$ COUNTRY PROGRAMMES, GRI AND OTHER PROGRAMME ACTIVITIES INSTITUTIONAL BUDGET TOTAL CORE RESOURCES NON-CORE RESOURCES $M $M $M $M % East and Southern Africa 51.7 151.7 20.7 224.1 18.6 West and Central Africa 48.0 122.9 20.4 191.3 15.9 Arab States 23.5 195.4 13.0 231.9 19.2 Asia and the Pacific 52.8 94.8 20.0 167.6 13.9 Latin America and the Caribbean 27.5 35.4 13.7 76.6 6.4 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 17.2 45.6 7.7 70.5 5.8 Global and regional interventions—global 17.0 - - 17.0 1.4 Global activities (0.3) 144.8 82.2 226.7 18.8 Total 237.4 790.6 177.7 1,205.7 100.0 Global and regional interventions - global 1.4% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 5.8% Global activities 18.8% Latin America and the Caribbean 6.4% Asia and the Pacific 13.9% Arab States 19.2% West and Central Africa 15.9% East and Southern Africa 18.6% In millions of US$ REVENUE CORE RESOURCES $M Contributions to core resources 416.8 Other revenue 88.9 Total core resources revenue 505.7 NON-CORE RESOURCES Contributions to non-core resources—gross 850.9 Less: refunds to donors (6.2) Less: indirect costs (58.5) Less: allowance for doubtful contributions receivable 0.4 Other revenue 24.6 Total non-core resources revenue 811.2 TOTAL REVENUE 1,316.9 EXPENSES CORE RESOURCES $M Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions (GRI) and other programme activities 237.4 Institutional budget 177.7 Corporate 15.5 Total core resources expenses 430.6 NON-CORE RESOURCES Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions (GRI) and other programme activities 790.6 Corporate 6.9 Total non-core resources expenses 797.5 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,228.1 *All figures are provisional, subject to external audit and, as a result of rounding, may not add up to the totals. REVENUE AND EXPENSES 2020 Ensuring rights and choices for all since 1969 United Nations Population Fund 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 1-212-297-5000 • • @UNFPA UNFPA Annual Report 2021 The Year in Review The COVID-19 Response Delivering Worldwide Africa, East and Southern Africa, West and Central Arab States Asia and the Pacific Eastern Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Resources and Expenses Button 24: Button 22: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5: Page 6: Page 7: Page 8: Page 9: Page 10: Page 11: Button 20: Page 12: Page 13: Page 14: Page 15:

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