Linking Family Planning to Resilience in the Sahel: Findings from an Integrated Pilot Project in Zinder, Niger

Publication date: 2020

Linking Family Planning to Resilience in the Sahel: Findings from an Integrated Pilot Project in Zinder, Niger D E C EM B ER 2 0 1 9 REPORT | E2A PROJECT increase cross- institutional and cross-sectoral exchanges among FP and resilience programming partners and E2A and Pathfinder International Niger conducted a study using both qualitative and quantitative data to • • • • • • increase cross-institutional and cross-sectoral exchanges among FP and resilience programming partners and • • • • • • • • • support collaboration and network strengthening among partners • • • • • • • • • • • • • • all community-based actors understood how to use the flipbook, conduct group discussion sessions, and collect data. Healthy, more resilient households Increased access to information on nutrition and agriculture Use of conservation agriculture techniques Wider variety of crops Greater yield even in times of drought and stresses Planting and use of agroforestry trees in hh Additional food and sale crops for hh Increased birth spacing Possible delayed first pregnancy Increased access to information on FP Increased access to information on health Improved resource management Healthier moms and children Improved HH nutrition More informed health decisions for family Increased access to information on links between P,H,E - integration Increased understanding of links between family health and environment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •               • • • • • E x p a n d N e t EVIDENCE TO ACTION PROJECT 1015 15th St NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005, USA Phone: +1 (202) 775-1977 Fax: +1 (202) 775-1998/1988 PH O TO S A da m a Z ou rk ale in i

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