Logistics Indicators Assessment Tool (LIAT)

Publication date: 2013

Inventory of Tools for Maternal Health Supplies Prepared by Maternal Health Technical Reference Team, 2013 Information Sheet Logistics Indicators Assessment Tool (LIAT) Developer DELIVER Project/John Snow, Inc. (JSI) How to access the tool http://deliver.jsi.com/dhome/search/searchdetail?p_item_id=26807325&p_token=507 58F31934D82A746862CEFE616E4BE&p_item_title=LIAT and LSAT Resources Purpose This quantitative data collection instrument assesses health commodity logistics system performance and commodity availability at warehouses and health facilities. It has been used over the years in numerous countries, often in coordination with the Logistics System Assessment Tool (LSAT). Audience This tool may be used by program managers at all levels of the health system. Language English, French, Spanish Keywords logistics management, monitoring

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