Maternal and Newborn Quality of Care Surveys: Antenatal Care and Labor and Delivery Observation Checklists

Publication date: 2013

Inventory of Tools for Maternal Health Supplies Prepared by Maternal Health Technical Reference Team, 2013 Information Sheet Maternal and Newborn Quality of Care Surveys: Antenatal Care and Labor and Delivery Observation Checklists Developer Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) How to access the tool Antenatal care (ANC) observation checklist: Labor and delivery observation checklist: Purpose A set of concise, structured clinical observation checklists was used for observation of ANC consultations and vaginal deliveries in selected facilities. The content of the checklists is based on: WHO’s manual on Integrated Management of Pregnancy & Childbirth and guidelines on screening for PE/E in ANC and labor and delivery (L&D); management of PE/E and PPH; routine and correct use of the partograph; routine and correct use of AMTSL; infection prevention behaviors; provider-client interactions/ communication; and correct essential newborn care and newborn resuscitation. Client background information collected includes age, gravidity, and parity. The tool also captures the qualifications of the provider and level of care provided by the health facility (tertiary care, hospital, health center, etc.). Audience This tool may be used at the facility level. Language English Keywords maternal health, survey, quality of care, medicines use

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