MeTA in Tool Box

Publication date: 2008

Dennis Ross-Degnan MeTA Tool Box * MeTA MeTA Goal and Strategy Goal: Equitable access to affordable essential medicines in order to improve health outcomes Primary Objective 1: Increased transparency Disclosure and use of key pharmaceutical sector information Quality, availability, affordability, access, and use Primary Objective 2: Multi-stakeholder alliance Support multi-stakeholder process Strengthen governance and stakeholder accountability MeTA MeTA Country Activities During Pilot Develop and sustain national multi-stakeholder alliance and activities Disclosure and use of key pharmaceutical data Public and private sector Medicine availability, affordability, quality, access, and use Applied research to address key questions Use of data for policy-making and advocacy Share experiences MeTA MeTA Toolbox Protocols and methods to assess and explore key aspects of pharmaceutical system Build on existing tools where they exist Develop new tools to address key gaps Core tools to gain basic understanding of pharmaceutical sector in pilot countries in relation to MeTA objectives Additional tools to guide priority processes identified by stakeholder groups Tools to be available on MeTA website Technical support in implementation MeTA Role of Early Data Gathering Encourage use of core tools in pilot countries Compile and synthesize existing information Roster and summary of publicly available data Community access to medicines Foundation of country information portal Data for priority setting Review by MeTA Stakeholder Group Systematic consideration of sector-wide issues Identify priority activities and future research Early data against which to measure progress MeTA * MeTA * Core Tool: Pharmaceutical Sector Scan Objective: To summarize key pharmaceutical sector data for review by stakeholder group in order to identify priorities Many existing tools and databases Existing pharmaceutical sector data Structures and processes Legislation and regulation Financing and expenditure Market statistics Therapeutic frameworks (e.g., essential medicines lists) Tools and templates to assemble data for review by MeTA stakeholder group MeTA Core Tool: Review of Data Availability Objective: To summarize the public availability and use of key types of pharmaceutical data Key for understanding progress in transparency agenda during MeTA pilot phase Focus areas for disclosure Registration status and quality Availability and price Policies on promotion Tool to be developed in collaboration with MeTA pilot countries MeTA Core Tool: Stakeholder Process Objective: To describe nature and processes of stakeholder engagement Key for understanding progress in accountability agenda during MeTA pilot phase Focus areas Stakeholder mapping Review of stakeholder process and activities Tool to be developed in collaboration with MeTA pilot countries MeTA Core Tools: Community Access to Medicines WHO/HAI Pricing Survey To gather price data where unavailable Launched WHA 2003 Measures Availability Price & affordability Price components 50+ surveys to date Methods refined in 2007 WHO Monitoring Survey Facility survey Price, availability, affordability Treatment appropriateness 35+ surveys to date Revised in 2007 Household survey Expenditures, access Availability, affordability Attitudes Field-tested in 3 countries Integrated MeTA survey being tested in Philippines, Ghana, Uganda MeTA Status of Community Data Collection WHO health facility survey WHO-HAI pricing survey Price components Household survey Ghana WHO-MeTA May 2008 May 2002, October 2004, monitoring 2007 WHO in process WHO-MeTA May 2008 Jordan May 2004 World Bank planned Kyrgyzstan WHO pre-2004 February 2005 MeTA in process USAID July 2007 Peru May 2002, Sept 2005 World Bank planned Philippines pre-2004, WHO-MeTA May 2008 June 2002, February 2005 WHO-MeTA May 2008 Uganda pre-2004, WHO-MeTA May 2008 April 2004, monitoring 2007 WHO-MeTA May 2008 Zambia WHO 2006 Planned June 2008 MeTA in process World Bank (TBD) MeTA Additional MeTA Tools: Existing, Planned, or Possible Price components analysis (WHO-HAI) Price monitoring (HAI, others using routine data) Supply chain mapping (WHO, MIT-Zaragosa) Good Governance for Medicines review (WHO) Political mapping policy review (Harvard) Public procurement performance analysis Communication and media mapping and review Assessment of quality of promotional materials & practices Others? MeTA Technical Assistance Available to pilot countries through several channels MeTA Secretariat WHO World Bank International and national consultants Country to country collaborations MeTA Title of presentation * MeTA *

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