MeTA Launch in Jordan

Publication date: 2008

Dr Taher Abu ElSamen Secretary General High Health Council MeTA in JORDAN MeTA * * MeTA * MeTA * Reasons for Jordan to be a MeTA pilot country All regulations relating to registration & pricing of medicines & registered medicines prices on website Transparent laws, regulations and procurement prices on website HAI/WHO medicine price survey conducted in 2004 and workshop held in 2007 to recommend policy changes Commitment to form a comprehensive national Health Insurance scheme (access, quality, equity) Aim to be a model in the region- share learning & collaboration in medicines policies and regulations MeTA JORDAN * MeTA * GDP per capita: $2,500 US Health expenditure 10.4 % of GDP (30% of this spent on medicines) Total Medicine Expenditure $ 338 Million Public Medicine Expenditure $ 112.6 Million 25% Medicine expenditure public sector 75% in the private sector. No.of local medicines manufacturers: 16 Medicines expenditure growth 17% per annum compared to GDP growth of 3.3%. MeTA Transparency JFDA- all regulations relating to registration & pricing of medicines & registered medicines prices on website JPD- transparent laws, regulations and procurement prices on website RDU- reviewing NFD and creation of RDL High Health Council tasked to form a comprehensive national Health Insurance scheme MoH Supplies Dept. has recently created its website. It will contain information (availability, prices, shelf life, distribution) on all medicines & medical devices procured MeTA Accountability In the past, lack of clear accountability Weak Civil Society National Agenda recently approved by the Royal Court & Prime Ministry and emphasizes: - QUALITY at all levels of the health service - EQUITY in access to healthcare & medicines for whole population - All citizens must be covered by an appropriate HEALTH INSURANCE - Performance budgeting - Key performance indicators - Encourages cooperation with national & int. Civil Society (CSOs) Plan and need to IMPLEMENT, MONITOR and REVIEW !! MeTA * * MeTA Structures in JORDAN Formal agreement to pilot MeTA on 8 May 2008 includes: ( country launch planned for mid 2008) Formation National multi-stakeholder MeTA Council- policy body- with membership of: - PUBLIC: MoH, RMS, JFDA, JPD, HI, ( MoF, MOPIC) - PRIVATE: Local manufacturers, multinationals & agents, Health Insurance - CSO: National Consumer Society, International CSO (HAI), Pharmacy and Medical Associations - Academics (pharmaco-economist) MeTA Secretariat - coordinating role under MoH or HHC Ministry of Planning (MOPIC)- facilitator of project MeTA Status of MeTA workplan Several areas of work identified by ALL stakeholders Will be prioritised by MeTA Council to 3-4 areas for Phase I Plan for an initial 6 months work plan followed by an 18 months workplan ( Phase I MeTA = 24 months) MeTA Main areas of work for MeTA (I) Suggested areas of work identified by stakeholders to be prioritised to 3-4 by MeTA Council: Revisit and analyse existing studies and data on medicines- identify gaps to conduct needed studies Build capacity to collect data relating to medicines (eg procurement, prices, utilisation, expenditure etc.) to inform policy development and implementation Build capacity of civil society (Health Action International has already started) Identify best way to IMPLEMENT guidelines for the ethical promotion of medicines & MONITOR (JFDA has recently developed guidelines for the ethical promotion of medicines) MeTA Main areas of work for MeTA (II) 5. Use medical evidence as the main criteria for the removal and addition of medicines to the RDL. Develop an improved mechanism for monitoring the effectiveness of medicines using transparent measurement criteria 6. Disseminate information to both prescribers and patients on the quality of generics 7. Improve rational use of medicines, led by the newly formed RDU Dept. at the JFDA - include consolidation and implementation of Standard Treatment Guidelines and work with physicians to improve prescribing behaviour (e.g through continuing medical education programmes) MeTA National research needs Utilisation of medicines data Accurate data on expenditure on pharmaceuticals Measuring & monitoring of medicines availability & prices ( + price components) Actuarial studies for expanding health insurance system Perception of generics by prescribers and patients Quantifying risk groups (poor, elderly, chronic diseases) out of pocket expenditures on medicines Measuring impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on access to medicines MeTA Lessons learned so far… Where there is a will there is a way to effect change!! Better understanding of ALL stakeholders policy and operations regarding the medicines supply chain There are some common issues/challenges that the three sectors (public, private and civil society) could share information and collaborate on MeTA Challenges, risks Assuring commitment & engagement of all stakeholders High medicine prices in private sector, low availability in public sector Clarity and understanding of MeTA’s objectives to Jordan’s MeTA Council stakeholders at ALL levels of their organisations Lack of good quality information and data Civil Society are in early stages of development Resistance to change How to make the MeTA approach SUSTAINABLE MeTA Support needs? National & International Technical and financial assistance to conduct needed studies and research impacting on access to medicines Capacity building for National information & planning systems relating to medicines Capacity building for Civil Society Awareness campaign regarding MeTA objectives and activities MeTA Other important messages? Important not to forget that MeTA is a GLOBAL Alliance - need for continuous communication & shared learning between & across MeTA pilot countries and also with International Secretariat to achieve the ultimate goal of improved access to medicines MeTA Questions from JORDAN to MeTA Need for clarity on sources/mechanisms of technical and financial support Is MeTA International committed with us for the long term???? MeTA * * Thank you! Dr Taher Abu El Samen Mobile Tel: +962797267444 National MeTA email / website (will be created) MeTA: MeTA Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA *

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