MeTA Launch in Zambia

Publication date: 2008

Zambia Country Presentation Goodwell Lungu * MeTA Background Initial contacts (since Feb. 2007) July stakeholders consultations CSO meeting in Uganda Stakeholders mtn 12 May Lsk Zambia * MeTA Agreements reached at MeTA Stakeholder Forum Meeting Lusaka/Zambia - 12 May 2008 * MeTA MeTA Zambia Overall Objective To contribute towards improving governance, transparency and accountability in the supply chain of medicines in Zambia in order to increase access to medicines. This will be achieved through having a strong civil society having a well functioning multi stakeholder governing forum. (aiming at achieving value for money through enhanced transparency and accountability ) * MeTA National Stakeholder Forum (sample) Zambia pharmaceutical business forum (ZPBF) Pharmaceutical society Law association of Zambia (LAZ) Faith-based organisations Media Institute of Southern Africa(MISA) Ministry of Health including statutory bodies (MSL, PRA, MCZ) National Tender Board Ministry of Commerce & Industry CSOs (TI/Zambia, CHESSORE, FHT, EFZ, ZARAN and others) - CSOs to identify relevant CSO partners Consumer Association of Zambia Drug Enforcement Commission (M of Home Affaires?) Global MeTA partners (WHO, WB, DfID) Co-operating partners' representative (e.g. CIDA) APNAC (African Parliamentary Network against Corruption) Anti-Corruption Commission of Zambia Human Rights Commission * MeTA National MeTA Secretariat 1 to 2 full time (part time?) project managers coordination information 'repository' web page? other work assignments temporarily to be located at DSBL office Multistakeholder group representatives (1 each) from government, civil society, private sector, faith-based DSBL Manager, TI (CSO), ZPBF, FBO, MOH) meets regularly (e.g. 1/week during set up) 'contracts' work either to members of stakeholder forum or outside if required To establish sub-committees to contribute to particular issues * MeTA Immediate priorities for Work Plan Area Task Admin and Organisation Organise Secretariat Draft Job Descriptions for Secretariat Manager(s) Draft TOR for Secretariat Drafting financial and administrative arrangements Communicate to Forum Members Planning Develop draft work plan to present to Stakeholder Forum taking into account CSO draft work plan Plan national launch of MeTA Zambia Baseline Collect relevant available data Develop clear understanding of MeTA concept in the Zambian context Develop Communication Strategy MeTA Ongoing activities: WHO/GGM survey Survey on access to antimalarial medicines in the private sector (WB/CHAI/UNZA) WHO/HAI price survey TI/Zambia Health Watch activity to develop tools in 4 pilot districts of Zambia Short TA done to help establish MeTA local structure CSO Capacity Building workshop in Uganda * MeTA Next steps: Formal establishment of National MeTA secretariat (by first week of June) Development of MeTA country plan (by end of June) National launch (July) Implementation (August and onwards) * MeTA * Summary Zambia accepted MeTA membership A first stakeholder meeting took place Secretariat to be established Plan of action being developed MeTA * * Thank you! Name of presenter: Goodwell Lungu Email: Mobile number: 00 260 977 455 455 International Secretariat, MeTA: DFID: MeTA Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA *

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