MSH International Drug Price Indicator Guide

Publication date: 2007

INTERNATIONAL DRUG PRICE INDICATOR GUIDE GUIA INTERNACIONAL DE INDICADORES DE PRECIOS DE MEDICAMENTOS INDICATEUR DE PRIX INTERNATIONAUX DES MEDICAMENTS 2007 Selected Titles by Management Sciences for Health “Addressing Barriers in Malaria Control through Pharmaceutical and Commodity Management,” The Manager, vol. 12, no. 1 (also available in French) Commodity Management in VCT Programs: A Planning Guide by Helena Walkowiak and Michael Gabra CORE—Cost and Revenue Analysis Tool (also available in French and Spanish) HOSPICAL: A Tool for Allocating Hospital Costs by William Newbrander and Elizabeth Lewis Human Resource Management Rapid Assessment Tool for HIV/AIDS Environments: A Guide for Strengthening HRM Systems (also available in French) “Improving Drug Management to Control Tuberculosis,” The Manager, vol. 10, no. 4 (also available in Spanish) Management Strategies for Improving Health Services: A Compendium of The Manager Series, Vols. V–IX, ed. Janice Miller et al. Managers Who Lead: A Handbook for Improving Health Services by Management Sciences for Health (also available in French and Spanish) Managing Drug Supply: The Selection, Procurement, Distribution, and Use of Pharmaceuticals (also available in Spanish) with the World Health Organization, 2d edition, revised and expanded Managing Drug Supply Training Series, Trainer’s Guide and Managing Drug Supply Training Series, Participant’s Guide, 2d edition, revised and expanded Modernizing Health Institutions in Latin America by Hector Colindres MSH Occasional Papers Scaling up HIV/AIDS Programs: A Manual for Multisectoral Planning by Saul Helfenbein and Catherine A. Severo Selected Titles by the World Health Organization, Department of Medicines Policy and Standards Handbook of Supply Management at First-Level Health Care Facilities, Working document for field testing and review (WHO/HIV/2006.03) (also available in French) Implementation of the WTO General Council Decision on Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Health Economics and Drugs, EDM Series No. 16 (WHO/EDM/PAR/2004.4) Interagency List of Essential Medicines for Reproductive Health, Interagency document, 2006 (WHO/PSM/PAR/ 2006.1) (also available in Arabic, French, and Spanish) Measuring Transparency in Medicines Registration, Selection and Procurement: Four Country Assessments, 2006 (WHO/PSM/PAR/2006.7) Multi-Country Study of Medicine Supply and Distribution Activities of Faith-based Organizations in Sub- Saharan African Countries, 2006 (WHO/PSM/PAR/2006.2) (also available in French) All WHO documents are available on website INTERNATIONAL DRUG PRICE INDICATOR GUIDE GUIA INTERNACIONAL DE INDICADORES DE PRECIOS DE MEDICAMENTOS INDICATEUR DE PRIX INTERNATIONAUX DES MEDICAMENTS 2007 Edited by Julie E. Frye Copyright © 2008 Management Sciences for Health, Inc. Management Sciences for Health Phone: 617.250.9500 784 Memorial Drive Fax: 617.250.9090 Cambridge, MA 02139-4613 USA URL: Orders: Center for Pharmaceutical Management Phone: 703.524.6575 Management Sciences for Health Fax: 703.524.7898 4301 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 400 E-mail: Arlington, VA 22203 USA ISBN: 0-913723-05-3 Cover design by Joe Meiring This publication was developed by Management Sciences for Health’s Center for Pharmaceutical Management, Arlington, Virginia, with funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA). The Guide is updated annually. The explanatory notes are in English, French, and Spanish and the products and prices are in English. Comments and questions should be e-mailed to Printed in the United States of America on recycled, acid-free paper by United Graphics Inc., with soy-based ink. Note: All rights reserved. Published by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) on its own behalf and for the World Health Organization (WHO). MSH and WHO have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of price, supplier, procurement agency and other information presented in this publication. However, the reader’s attention is drawn to the introduction, which describes the specific sources and limitations of information provided in this publication. The reader’s attention is also drawn to the importance of quality assurance for pharmaceutical products. Licensing authorities in the respective countries of manufacture are responsible for the review and approval of the detailed composition and formulation when authorizing a pharmaceutical product to be marketed, including the specifica- tions of its ingredients, as submitted by the manufacturer of the dosage form, and to oversee compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice requirements as recommended by WHO. MSH and WHO do not warrant that the products mentioned are in accordance with the national laws and regula- tions of any country, including but not limited to patent laws. It is recommended that readers intending to use this publication familiarize themselves with issues such as quality, safety and efficacy as well as quantification, patents, financial stability and standing of the supplier, ability to supply the required quantities, delivery time, and other related aspects. This publication does not constitute an endorsement or warranty of the fitness of any product for a particular purpose. This publication is not based on an active assessment of, and does not therefore constitute an acceptance or recommendation in regard to, any product’s quality, safety, or efficacy. This list may not be used by manufacturers and suppliers for commercial or promotional purposes. The mention of specific companies and certain of their products does not imply that they are recommended by MSH and WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors or omissions excepted, the names of propriety products are distinguished by initial capital letters. Bearing in mind that the data and information provided for a product depend largely on the supplier or procure- ment agency, these data and information are being provided as is, and MSH and WHO make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to their accuracy, completeness, or fitness for a particular purpose. MSH and WHO accept no responsibility or liability for the reliance on, or use of, such data and information. Nota: Todos los derechos reservados. Publicado por Management Sciences for Health (MSH) por cuenta propia y para la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). MSH y la OMS han realizado todos los esfuerzos necesarios para asegurar la exactitud de los precios, proveedores, agencias de adquisiciones y otra información presentada en esta publicación. Sin embargo, se llama la atención del lector a la introducción que describe las fuentes específicas y las limitaciones de la información proporcionada en esta publicación. También se llama la atención del lector a la importancia del aseguramiento de la calidad para los productos farmacéuticos. Las autoridades responsables de otorgar licencias en los respectivos países de fabricación son responsables de la revisión y aprobación de la composición y formulación detallada al autorizar un producto farmacéutico para su comercialización, incluyendo las especificaciones de los ingredientes, de acuerdo con la información suministrada por el fabricante, así como de supervisar el cumplimiento con los requisitos de las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación recomendadas por la OMS. MSH y la OMS no garantizan que los productos mencionados están de acuerdo con las leyes y regulaciones nacionales de ningún país, incluyendo pero no limitándose a las leyes de patentes. Se recomienda que los lectores que tengan la intención de utilizar esta publicación se familiaricen con los aspectos relativos a la calidad, seguridad y eficacia así como la cuantificación, los patentes, la estabilidad financiera y la situación del proveedor, su habilidad para suministrar las cantidades requeridas, el tiempo de entrega y otros aspectos relacionados. Esta publicación no constituye un respaldo o garantía con respecto a la idoneidad de cualquier producto para un fin en particular. Esta publicación no está basada en una evaluación activa y por lo tanto no constituye una aceptación o recomendación con respecto a la calidad, seguridad o eficacia de cualquier producto. Esta lista no puede ser utilizada por los fabricantes y proveedores para fines comerciales o promocionales. La mención de empresas específicas así como ciertos de sus productos no implica que estos están recomendados por MSH y la OMS con preferencia sobre otros productos de naturaleza similar que no hubieran sido mencionados. Salvo por errores u omisiones, los nombres de los productos comerciales se distinguen con una letra mayúscula inicial. Teniendo en mente que los datos y la información dados para un producto dependen en gran medida del proveedor o de la agencia de adquisiciones, estos datos e información se suministran tal cuál están, y MSH y la OMS no realizan ninguna declación o garantía, ya sea expresa o implícita con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o idoneidad para un propósito en particular. MSH y la OMS no aceptan responsabilidad alguna por la confianza depositada o el uso de dichos datos e información. Note: Tous droits réservés. Publié par Management Sciences for Health (MSH) pour son propre compte et pour l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS). MSH et l’OMS ont cherché dans la mesure du possible à vérifier l’exactitude des données sur les prix, les fournisseurs, les organismes d’achat et des autres informations présentées dans cette publication. Le lecteur n’en est pas moins prié de se rapporter à l’introduction qui décrit les sources spécifiques et les limitations de l’information donnée dans cette publication. Le lecteur doit également prêter attention à l’importance de l’assurance de qualité pour les produits pharmaceutiques. Les organismes chargés de la délivrance des autorisations dans les pays respectifs des fabricants sont responsables de l’examen et de l’approbation de la composition et formulation détaillées avant d’autoriser la mise sur le marché d’un produit donnée, notamment des spécifications des composants, tel qu’indiqué par le fabricant dans la présentation et doivent par ailleurs s’assurer que sont observées les Bonnes pratiques de fabrication recommandées par l’OMS. MSH et l’OMS ne garantissent pas que les produits mentionnés soient conformes aux lois et réglementations nationales d’un pays donné, notamment les lois relatives aux brevets. On recommande au lecteur qui souhaite utiliser cette publication de se mettre au courant des divers aspects tels que la qualité, l’innocuité et l’efficacité ainsi que la quantifications, brevets, situation financière et réputation du fournisseur ainsi que sa capacité à fournir les quantités demandées dans les bons délais. La présente publication ne constitue pas une approbation ou recommandation de l’efficacité d’un produit dans un but précis. Cette publication ne se fonde pas sur une évaluation active et ne constitue donc pas une acceptation ou recommandation de la qualité, innocuité ou efficacité d’un produit. Cette liste ne peut pas être utilisée par des fabricants ou fournisseurs à des fins commerciales ou promotionnelles. Si certaines sociétés ou certains produits sont mentionnés, cela ne veut nullement dire qu’ils sont recommandés par MSH et l’OMS de préférence à d’autres de nature analogue qui ne sont pas recommandés. Sauf erreur ou omission, les marques déposées sont indiquées par des initiales en majuscule. Sachant que les données et informations fournies sur un produit dépendent largement du fournisseur ou de l’organisme chargé des achats, lesdites informations sont donc données telles quelles, sans que MSH et l’OMS ne fassent aucune recommandation ou garantie, explicite ou implicite, quant à leur exactitude, intégralité ou adéquation dans tel but donné. MSH et l’OMS n’acceptent aucune responsabilité concernant la fiabilité ou l’utilisation des dites données et informations. Editor Julie E. Frye, Management Sciences for Health Consulting Editors Marthe M. Everard, World Health Organization, Department of Medicines Policy and Stan- dards Keith Johnson, Management Sciences for Health Contributors We thank MSH and WHO staff for their assistance with the International Drug Price Indicator Guide. We also very much appreciate the information and cooperation we receive from the suppliers included in the Guide. Finally, the tender data provided by government agencies around the world greatly enhances the usefulness of the International Drug Price Indicator Guide, and we thank the staff of the following organizations for their time and effort. • Barbados Drug Service • Bureau des Formations Médicales Agrées du Rwanda (BUFMAR) ("Office of Church- affiliated Health Facilities in Rwanda") • Centrale d'achat des Médicaments Essentiels, Consommables et Equipements Médicaux du Rwanda (CAMERWA) ("Central Purchasing of Essential Drugs, Medical Consumables and Equipment in Rwanda") • La División Médica, la Gerencia de Operaciones y el Departamento de Farmacoterapia de la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (“Costa Rica Social Security”) • República de El Salvador, C.A., Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social, Unidad de Adquisiciones y Contrataciones Institucional (“El Salvador Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance”) • Pharmaceuticals Supplies and Logistics Department, Ethiopia • Fédération des Centrales d’Approvisionnement en Medicaments Essentiels (FEDECAME), Democratic Republic of Congo (“Federation of Essential Medical Supply Stores”) • Dirección Normativa de Contrataciones y Adquisiciones del Estado, Guatemala (“State Regulatory Authority for Contracting and Acquisitions”) • Malawi Central Medical Stores • Medical Stores Department (MSD), Tanzania • Mission for Essential Medical Supplies (MEMS), Tanzania • Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia • Unidad de Adquisiciones del Ministerio de Salud de Nicaragua (“Ministry of Health Pro- curement Unit”) • Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Pharmaceutical Procurement Service, St. Lucia • Uganda National Medical Store (NMS) Contents/Contenido/Table des Matières ix Contents ACRONYMS/ABREVIATURAS/SIGLES . ix PREFACE . E-3 Prólogo . S-3 Préface . F-3 HOW TO USE THE GUIDE . E-5 Cómo Usar la Guía .S-5 Comment Utiliser le Guide . F-5 INFORMATION YOU SHOULD KNOW . E-6 Información que Usted Debe Saber . S-6 Information que Vous Devriez Connaître . F-6 LIST OF PRICE SOURCES . E-9 Fuentes de las Listas de Precios .S-9 Liste des Sources des Prix . F-9 CONTACT INFORMATION . E-14 Información del Contacto .S-15 Information de Contact . F-15 FORMAT OF THE PRICE LISTS . E-22 Formato de las Listas de Precios .S-23 Format des Listes de Prix . F-23 HOW TO ANALYZE AND COMPARE YOUR PRICES . E-32 Cómo Analizar y Comparar sus Precios .S-36 Comment Analyser et Comparer vos Prix . F-35 PLEASE NOTE: Explanatory notes are presented in three languages, each displayed with its own pagination: English - E-1 Spanish - S-1 French - F-1 FAVOR DE NOTAR: Notas explicativas están presenta- das en tres idiomas, cada uno con su propia paginación: Inglés - E-1 Español - S-1 Francés - F-1 NOTE: Le texte explicatif est disponible en trois langues, chacune avec une numérotation différente : Anglais - E-1 Espagnol - S-1 Français - F-1 x International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 LIST I: PRODUCTS SORTED ALPHABETICALLY . A-1 Lista I: Productos Clasificados por Orden Alfabético Liste I : Produits Pharmaceutiques Classés par Ordre Alphabétique LIST II: PRODUCTS SORTED BY THERAPEUTIC CATEGORY . T-1 Lista II: Productos Clasificados por Categoría Terapéutica Liste II : Produits Pharmaceutiques Classés par Classe Thérapeutique LIST III: PRICE COMPARISON FORM (SUPPLIER PRICES ONLY) . SP-1 Lista III: Formulario para la Comparación de Precios (Precios de Proveedores Solamente) Liste III : Formulaire pour la Comparaison des Prix (Prix des Fournisseurs Seulement) LIST III: PRICE COMPARISON FORM (BUYER PRICES ONLY) . BP-1 Lista III: Formulario para la Comparación de Precios (Precios de Compradores Solamente) Liste III : Formulaire pour la Comparaison des Prix (Prix des Acheteurs Seulement) ANNEXES List of Synonyms WHO Essential Medicines List Therapeutic Categories OMS Lista Modelo de Medicamentos Esenciales Categorías Terapéuticas OMS Liste Modèle des Médicaments Essentiels Catégories Thérapeutiques ABOUT MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH ABOUT THE MSH CENTER FOR PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT Acronyms/Abreviaturas/Sigles xi Acronyms/Abreviaturas/Sigles AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ARV antiretroviral ATC anatomical therapeutic chemical anatómica terapéutica química anatomique thérapeutique chimique BP British Pharmacopoeia Farmacopea Británica Pharmacopée britannique BPF Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication CIF cost, insurance, and freight [Incoterm] costo, seguro y flete coût, assurance et fret CIP carriage and insurance paid [Incoterm] transporte y seguro pagados port payé assurance comprise CPM Center for Pharmaceutical Management Centro de Gestión Farmacéutica Centre pour la Gestion des Médicaments CPT carriage paid to [Incoterm] transporte pagado hasta [Incoterm] transport payé à [Incoterm] DDD defined daily dose dosis diaria definida dose journalière définie DDP delivered duty paid [Incoterm] entregada derechos pagados délivré dédouané DDU delivered duty unpaid [Incoterm] derechos de entrega no pagados livraison droits non payés DMP Drug Management Program [part of Management Sciences for Health] DOTS directly observed treatment, short-course tratamiento directamente observado, a corto plazo stratégie de traitement sous surveillance directe DURG Drug Utilization Research Group Grupo de Investigación sobre la Utilización de Medicamentos Groupe de Recherche de l’Utilisation des Médicaments ECDS Eastern Caribbean Drug Service Servicio de Medicamentos del Caribe Oriental Service pharmaceutique de Etats de la Caraïbe de l’Est EEUU estadounidense EML Essential Medicines List [WHO] xii International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 EP European Pharmacopoeia Farmacopea Europea Pharmacopée européenne EXW ex-works [Incoterm] franco en almacén sin transporte départ usine FCA free carrier [Incoterm] franco transportista [Incoterm] franco transporteur [Incoterm] FNUAP Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population FOB free on board [Incoterm] franco a bordo franco à bord GDF Global TB Drug Facility GLC Green Light Committee Comité de Luz Verde GMP good manufacturing practices buenas prácticas de manufactura HIV human immunodeficiency virus IC international (narcotics) control control internacional de narcóticos contrôle international (narcotiques) IDA International Dispensary Association INN international nonproprietary name denominación común internacional dénomination internationale LME Lista de Medicamentos Esenciales [OMS] Liste de Médicaments essentiels [OMS] MDR-TB multidrug-resistant tuberculosis tuberculosis con farmacorresistencia multiple la tuberculose polychimiorésistante MOH Ministry of Health MS ministère de la santé MSF Doctors without Borders Médicos sin Fronteras Médecins sans Frontières MSH Management Sciences for Health MSP ministerios de salud pública N/D no disponible NGO nongovernmental organization OECS Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Organización de Estados del Caribe Oriental Organisation des Etats de la Caraïbe de l’Est OMS Organización Mundial de la Salud Organisation mondiale de la Santé Acronyms/Abreviaturas/Sigles xiii ONG organizaciones no gubernamentales organisations nongouvernementales ONUSIDA Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA Programme Commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/SIDA OPB organisations bénévoles privées OVP organizaciones voluntarias privadas P/D pas disponible PPS Pharmaceutical Procurement Service Servicio de Abastecimiento Farmacéutico Service d’Approvisionnement pharmaceutique PSI Population Services International PVO private voluntary organization RBM Roll Back Malaria SIDA síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise TB tuberculosis tuberculosis tuberculose TU thousand units miles de unidades mille unités UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNFPA United Nations Population Fund Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance USAID United States Agency for International Development USP United States Pharmacopeia Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Pharmacopée des Etats Unis VIH virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana virus d’immunodéficience humaine WHO World Health Organization INTERNATIONAL DRUG PRICE INDICATOR GUIDE Preface E-3 Preface The International Drug Price Indicator Guide provides what the name implies—an indication of drug prices on the international market. This Guide has been published by MSH since 1986, and in collaboration with WHO since 2000. It provides a spectrum of prices from nonprofit drug suppliers and commercial procurement agencies, based on their current catalogs or price lists. It also contains prices obtained from international development agencies and from government agencies. MSH, in collaboration with WHO, is working with partners to make existing drug price infor- mation more widely available in order to improve procurement of medicines of assured quality for the lowest possible price. This will contribute to equitable access to health services and commodities, including essential medicines, that are necessary for the prevention and treatment of prevalent diseases. Because the potential cost of providing a full range of treatments for common diseases is high, prices and financing are inescapable factors in determining access to essential medicines. Lower prices can be obtained through bulk purchasing, competition, skillful negotiation, and sound supply management. Comparative price information is important for getting the best price. Such information helps in price negotiations, in locating new supply sources, and in assessing the efficiency of local procurement systems. The International Drug Price Indicator Guide helps supply officers determine the probable cost of pharmaceutical products for their programs. It can be used as a reference list to compare current prices paid to prices for products available on the international market; it can also be used to assess the potential financial impact of changes to a drug list. The database of prices is maintained by the Center for Pharmaceutical Management of Manage- ment Sciences for Health, a nonprofit organization, as a contribution towards making essential medicines available to all the world’s citizens. The Guide may be copied for in-service education or other nonprofit use. Additional information on international drug prices can be found on the Web at: • “Medicines Price Information” ( en/index.html), a page maintained by WHO. It includes prices of international price information services on starting materials, finished products, and selected HIV-related medicines. In addition, it reports on disease-specific price information and individual country price information services. • “Sources and Prices of Selected Drugs and Diagnostics for People Living with HIV/ AIDS,” June 2005 (, a survey of HIV medicines, test kits, and suppliers of AIDS-related products for procurement agencies and countries published by UNICEF, UNAIDS, WHO, and MSF. • “Untangling the Web of Price Reductions: A Pricing Guide for the Purchase of ARVs for Developing Countries,” 10th edition, September 2007 ( fileadmin/user_upload/diseases/hiv-aids/Untangling_the_Web/ UTW10_RSep_horizontal.pdf). E-4 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 • “Sources and Prices of Selected Products for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Malaria,” September 2004 ( med_prices_malaria/en/index.html), a survey of procurement agencies and country prices of medicines, tests, and malaria-related products published by WHO, RBM, UNICEF, PSI, and MSH. Please note that an electronic version of the International Drug Price Indicator Guide can be found on MSH’s Electronic Resource Center at and WHO’s website at http:// For more information or to provide comments or suggestions on the format or the contents of this publication, please contact us at: Center for Pharmaceutical Management Medicines Policy and Standards Management Sciences for Health World Health Organization 4301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 400 Avenue Appia 20 Arlington, VA 22203-1627 USA CH-1211 Geneva 27 Telephone: 1.703.524.6575 Switzerland Fax: 1.703.524.7898 Fax: 41.22.791.4167 E-mail: E-mail: How to Use the Guide E-5 How to Use the Guide The Guide begins with “Information You Should Know” to better understand the data presented here. A list of the suppliers and buyers in this edition follows that section and includes details on shipping terms and restrictions. Supplier and buyer addresses appear next. After that, the Guide explains the format of the comparative price information reports, as well as the terms used on the price listings and the codes and abbreviations used. The price data are provided in three formats in this Guide. Each format includes supplier prices and buyer prices. The buyer prices are usually government agency international competitive bidding (or tender) prices. • List I: The products are in alphabetical order by generic name, and the list includes the price details for each supplier and buyer. This format is intended for procurement refer- ence and allows a quick search for a particular medicine. • List II: The products are in alphabetical order within the WHO Essential Medicines List (EML) classification system. This format assists with, for example, formulary develop- ment and allows a convenient comparison of medicines within classes. Items in a class cannot necessarily directly substitute for each other. • List III: The products are in alphabetical order with only the median price for an item displayed. This format is meant to facilitate comparison of a user’s prices with Guide prices. The supplier and buyer prices appear on separate lists. If you need information on how to use these prices for comparison purposes, please see the section called “How to Analyze and Compare Your Prices.” A list of synonyms and the WHO therapeutic class categories are included in the Annexes for reference. This Guide is intended as a comparative reference only; it is not suitable for actually ordering products. To place orders, the vendor must be contacted directly. No guarantees are implied as to availability of prices listed, quality of products, or specific sales conditions. The vendors included are not intended to be a comprehensive list of potential suppliers. Prices from buyers are listed for comparison purposes only. E-6 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Information You Should Know Price Conversion Prices in the International Drug Price Indicator Guide are listed in ascending order according to unit price. All prices for the organizations listed below have been converted to U.S. dollars (USD). The exchange rates used are for 1 July 2007 ( Other catalogue prices were listed originally in U.S. dollars and were not converted. Currency (Organization Code) Exchange Rate (to USD) Barbados dollar (BDS) 0.5076 British pound (DURBIN) 2.0092 Euro (ACTION, ORBI) 1.3546 Guatemalan quetzal (GUATEMALA) 0.1323 Kenya shilling (MEDS) 0.0150 Namibian dollar (NAMIBIA) 0.1446 Nicaraguan cordoba (NICARAGUA) 0.0554 Rwandan franc (BUFMAR, CAMERWA) 0.0019 Tanzanin shilling (ACTION/IH, MSD) 0.0008 Uganda shilling (JMS, NMS/UGAND) 0.0006 Changes in exchange rates can cause costs to vary widely. The most current rate at the time of your analysis should always be used when calculating drug costs. Direct comparison of prices between suppliers for a given product may be unrealistic because of the varying terms and services offered by different suppliers. Price Terms The supplier prices and buyer prices in this Guide are based on different price terms, and so must not be directly compared. The following incoterms are used to define the price types: • CIF (cost, insurance, and freight): includes insurance and transport charges up to the port of destination (sea shipments only) • CPT (carriage paid to): includes transport charges up to the place of destination • DDP (delivered duty paid): includes delivery and import duties and unloading costs • DDU (delivered duty unpaid): includes delivery, but not import duties or unloading costs • EXW (ex works): does not include loading, insurance, or freight • FCA (free carrier): includes transport and insurance until the goods are delivered to the carrier • FOB (free on board): the price of goods at the point of shipment, but does not include the cost of insurance and freight (transportation) Information You Should Know E-7 Some suppliers and agencies charge a standard handling fee. The handling fees shown in the List of Price Sources have been added to the prices listed in this Guide. Calculating Prices When calculating and projecting real costs, it is important to consider factors such as financing, delivery times, modes of transportation (air/sea/inland), and handling charges. An analysis of these factors is beyond the scope and intent of this Guide. However, it is reasonable, for estima- tion purposes, to add 10 to 15% for shipping costs to the listed price for suppliers in this Guide. The buyer (government agency tender) prices listed generally do not require adjustment for shipping charges. Quality Assurance We require all suppliers included in the International Drug Price Indicator Guide to complete a quality assurance questionnaire. The purpose of the mandatory questionnaire is to help ensure that the prices listed in this Guide are from reputable suppliers with established quality assur- ance processes in place. The 42 questions address issues including inspection, testing, quality assurance, licensing, recalls, quality control procedures, standards, and documentation. Al- though this requirement provides some assurance of quality control processes, it does not necessarily guarantee the quality of the products listed. Copies of the questionnaire can be obtained from MSH on request. The price sources included in the Guide have been screened only through the completeness of the documents they have provided. This screening in no way constitutes an in-depth review of product quality. Inclusion in the Guide does not necessarily constitute pre-qualification or approval of any sort by MSH and WHO. Product Quality Except for IMRES and JMS, the suppliers and agencies selected for this Guide are not manufac- turers, but they offer products that are stated to be in compliance with international quality standards specified by organizations such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP). IMRES and JMS state that their manufacturing plants maintain high quality standards by having in place on-site quality assur- ance systems in order to ensure that all products are complying with WHO Good Manufactur- ing Practices (GMP) and with government regulations. Quality certificates in line with the WHO Certification Scheme on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International Commerce should be available from all of these suppliers on request. Suppliers and agencies listed in the Guide maintain their own independent quality assurance programs. Contact them directly for these details. E-8 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 ATC/DDD System1 Drug utilization data have a central role in the quality of care cycle and are essential to the management of policy related to drug supply, pricing, cost, and use. The anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) and defined daily dose (DDD) methodologies for classification and measure- ment can be helpful in following and comparing cost trends, but need to be used with caution. Basing detailed reimbursement, therapeutic group reference pricing, and other specific pricing decisions on the ATC and DDD assignments is a misuse of the system. The purpose of the ATC/DDD system is to serve as a tool for drug utilization research in order to improve drug use practices. One component of this is the presentation and comparison of drug consumption statistics at international and other levels. A major aim of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology and Working Group is to maintain stable ATC codes and DDDs over time to allow trends in drug consump- tion to be studied without the complication of frequent changes to the system. There is a strong reluctance to make changes to classifications or DDDs when such changes are requested for reasons not directly related to drug consumption studies. For this reason the ATC/DDD system by itself is not suitable for guiding decisions about reimbursement, pricing, and therapeutic substitution. The classification of a substance in the ATC/DDD system is not a recommendation for use, nor does it imply any judgments about efficacy or relative efficacy of drugs and groups of drugs. 1Text in this section is adapted from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology website (http:// List of Price Sources E-9 Li st o f P ri ce S ou rc es T hr ee p ri m ar y ty pe s of s up pl ie rs a nd b uy er s ar e in cl ud ed in th e G ui de . 1. S up pl ie rs w ho m ai nt ai n a w ar eh ou se a nd s up pl y it em s d ir ec tl y to c us to m er s. A ll of th es e su pp lie rs p ro vi d e a w id er r an ge o f pr od uc ts th an s ho w n in th is G ui de . F or a c om pl et e lis t o f p ro d uc ts , c on ta ct th e ve nd or d ir ec tl y. T he fo llo w in g su pp lie rs a re in cl ud ed in th e G ui de : Su pp lie r C od e D at e o f L is t H an dl in g F ee P ri ce T yp e D et ai ls A ct io n M ed eo r A C T IO N Ja nu ar y 20 07 1% EX W T ön is vo rs t Pr ic es a re e ffe ct iv e un til p ub lic at io n o f r ev is ed p ri ce li st . T ra ns po rt c o st s ar e ch ar ge d in di vi du al ly a cc or di ng t o ex pe ns es . S pe ci al p ac ka gi ng in c as es c o st s Eu ro 2 6 pe r ca se . M in im um o rd er is 1 0 co nt ai ne rs o f c ho ic e. M in im um h an dl in g fe e is E ur o 50 . A ct io n M ed eo r In te rn at io na l H ea lth ar e A C T IO N / IH Se pt em be r 20 07 0% EX W A ct io n m ed eo r In te rn at io na l H ea lth ca re is a n o t- fo r pr of it pr oc ur em en t ag en cy fo un de d in 2 00 4 an d ow ne d by a ct io n m ed eo r. It s up pl ie s th e no t- fo r- pr of it m ar ke t (p ri m ar ily in T an za ni a) a nd d o es n o t su pp ly t o in di vi du al s o r co m m er ci al p ha rm ac ie s. A 2 .5 % s er vi ce c ha rg e ap pl ie s fo r al l n o n- T an za ni an c us to m er s to c o ve r ba nk c ha rg es an d cu rr en cy lo ss . N o m in im um q ua nt iti es a re r eq ui re d. D ur bi n PL C D U R BI N 20 07 /2 00 8 0% EX W U ni te d K in gd o m D ur bi n su pp lie s ph ar m ac eu tic al s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s to d oc to rs , p ha rm ac ie s, ho sp it al s, p ha rm ac eu tic al w ho le sa le rs a nd t ra de rs , m ili ta ry a nd g o ve rn m en t ag en ci es , ch ar iti es a nd o th er r el ie f o rg an is at io ns w or ld w id e. ID A F ou nd at io n ID A N ov em be r 20 07 1. 5% EX W A m st er da m Si nc e 19 72 , t he ID A F o un da tio n ha s be en c om m it te d to im pr o vi ng a cc es s to a nd de liv er in g hi gh -q ua lit y es se nt ia l m ed ic in es a nd m ed ic al s up pl ie s to lo w - an d m ed iu m - in co m e co un tr ie s. A s an in de pe nd en t an d se lf- su pp o rt in g fo un da ti on , I D A d is tr ib ut es m or e th an 3 ,0 00 p ro du ct s to o ve r 10 0 co un tr ie s w or ld w id e. M in im um o rd er o f E ur o 1, 50 0. O rd er s un de r Eu ro 5 ,0 00 a re c ha rg ed a h an dl in g fe e of 3 % . O rd er s ov er E ur o 5, 00 0 ar e ch ar ge d a ha nd lin g fe e o f 1 .5 % . P ri ce s ar e in di ca tiv e an d m ay c ha ng e. ID A H IV /A ID S G ro up ID A /H IV N ov em be r 20 07 0% EX W A m st er da m T he n ot -f or -p ro fit o rg an iz at io n ID A H IV /A ID S G ro up is a 1 00 % s ub si di ar y of ID A Fo un da tio n, fa ci lit at in g an d ac ce le ra tin g ac ce ss t o qu al it y- as su re d an tir et ro vi ra l m ed ic in es , H IV t es ts , m ed ic in es a ga in st o pp or tu ni st ic in fe ct io ns a nd d ia gn o st ic re qu ir em en ts . I D A H IV /A ID S G ro up d is tr ib ut es p ro du ct s to o ve r 47 c o un tr ie s w or ld w id e. ID A H IV /A ID S G ro up h as a m in im um o rd er a m ou nt o f U S$ 15 ,0 00 . P ri ce s ar e in di ca tiv e an d de pe nd o n o rd er v ol um e, d es tin at io n, a nd s pe ci fic s ou rc es . E-10 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Su pp lie r C od e D at e o f L is t H an dl in g F ee P ri ce T yp e D et ai ls IM R ES IM R ES Ju ly 2 00 7 0% C PT N et he rl an ds M in im um o rd er q ua nt ity is E ur o 12 50 a nd o rd er s be lo w t ha t in cu r a Eu ro 2 00 ha nd lin g ch ar ge . Jo in t M ed ic al S to re s JM S A ug us t 20 07 0% EX W K am pa la JM S su pp lie s ph ar m ac eu tic al s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s to m is si on h ea lt h un its a nd o th er N G O s in U ga nd a an d do es n o t ex po rt p ro du ct s. JM S o pe ra te s on a n o t- fo r- pr o fit ba si s, a nd p ri ce t er m s ar e ca sh -a nd -c ar ry o nl y. C us to m er s w ho a re r eg is te re d w ith t he U ga nd a C at ho lic M ed ic al B ur ea u or U ga nd a Pr o te st an t M ed ic al B ur ea u re ce iv e a 5% di sc o un t. M al aw i C en tr al M ed ic al S to re s M A LA W I 20 07 0% N /A T he M al aw i C en tr al M ed ic al S to re s pr ov id es p ha rm ac eu tic al s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s to M al aw i g ov er nm en t he al th fa ci lit ie s. M ed ic al E xp or t G ro up M EG O ct ob er 20 07 0% FC A G o ri nc he m , N et he rl an ds Pr ic es a re g iv en a s an in di ca ti on o nl y. T he re a re n o m in im um o rd er s re qu ir ed o r se rv ic e ch ar ge s. M is si o n fo r Es se nt ia l D ru gs a nd S up pl ie s M ED S 20 07 0% C IF N ai ro bi M ED S su pp lie s dr ug s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s to n on pr o fit h ea lth c ar e pr o vi de rs in K en ya , T an za ni a, E th io pi a, S ud an , a nd D em oc ra ti c R ep ub lic o f C on go . F re ig ht c ha rg es a re ad de d fo r de liv er ie s ou ts id e of K en ya . M is si o np ha rm a M IS SI O N 20 07 0% FO B L yn ge Pr ic es a re g iv en a s an in di ca ti on o nl y. T he re a re n o m in im um o rd er s re qu ir ed o r se rv ic e ch ar ge s. O rb i- Ph ar m a O R BI O ct ob er 20 07 0% EX W A nt w er p Pr ic es a re g iv en a s an in di ca ti on o nl y an d m ay b e ad ap te d in c as e of fl uc tu at io ns in t he in te rn at io na l m ar ke t or in c ur re nc ie s. H an dl in g ch ar ge s o f E ur o 15 w ill b e ad de d fo r o rd er s be lo w E ur o 25 0. Su pp ly C ha in M an ag em en t Sy st em SC M S O ct ob er 20 07 2% EX W o r FO B T he S up pl y C ha in M an ag em en t Sy st em p ro je ct d el iv er s es se nt ia l l ife sa vi ng m ed ic in es to H IV /A ID S pr og ra m s ar ou nd t he w or ld . T he p ro je ct h el ps s tr en gt he n ex is tin g su pp ly ch ai ns o r es ta bl is he s ne w o ne s to e ns ur e a sa fe , s ec ur e, r el ia bl e an d su st ai na bl e su pp ly ch ai n m an ag em en t sy st em t o p ro cu re p ha rm ac eu tic al s an d ot he r pr od uc ts fo r pe op le w ith H IV /A ID S an d re la te d in fe ct io ns . S C M S is fu nd ed b y th e U S go ve rn m en t as p ar t o f t he P re si de nt 's Em er ge nc y Pl an fo r A ID S R el ie f ( PE PF A R ). T he S C M S pr oj ec t ca n w or k an yw he re in t he w o rl d, b ut is in iti al ly fo cu se d on t he 1 5 PE PF A R fo cu s co un tr ie s. In a dd iti on t o se rv in g an y pr oj ec t o r im pl em en tin g pa rt ne r su pp or te d by PE PF A R , S C M S ca n al so s up pl y pr oj ec ts s up po rt ed b y na tio na l g o ve rn m en ts a nd o th er do no rs , s ub je ct t o in di vi du al a rr an ge m en ts . Format of the Price Lists E-11 2. In te rn at io na l d ev el o pm en t o rg an iz at io ns th at p ro vi d e co m m od it ie s to c ou nt ry p ro gr am s th ey a nd o th er s su pp or t. T he o rg an i- za ti on s lis te d in th e G ui de a re : In te rn at io na l D ev el o pm en t O rg an iz at io n C od e D at e o f L is t H an dl in g F ee P ri ce T yp e D et ai ls G lo ba l T B D ru g Fa ci lit y G D F D ec em be r 20 07 0% EX W S up pl ie r Fa ct or y U N P op ul at io n Fu nd U N FP A O ct ob er 20 07 0% FO B U N FP A c o nd uc ts a nn ua l t en de rs t o pu rc ha se g oo ds fo r th ei r fie ld o ffi ce s an d o n be ha lf o f e xt er na l c lie nt s in m or e th an 1 68 c ou nt ri es , m ai nl y in t he d ev el op in g w o rl d. U N FP A s er ve s o nl y go ve rn m en ts a nd n o np ro fit o rg an iz at io ns . T he p ri ce s lis te d ar e th e pr ic es U N FP A p ay s. U N FP A c ha rg es a 5 % a dm in is tr at io n fe e to n on -U N FP A bu ye rs . U .S . A ge nc y fo r In te rn at io na l D ev el o pm en t U SA ID 20 07 5. 5% EX W U SA ID s er ve s U SA ID M is si o ns , b ur ea us , a nd c o nt ra ct o rs o nl y. T he G lo ba l D ru g Fa ci lit y (G D F) is a m ec ha ni sm t o ex pa nd a cc es s to , a nd av ai la bi lit y of , h ig h- qu al ity a nt i-T B dr ug s to fa ci lit at e gl ob al e xp an si on a nd m ai nt en an ce o f D O TS , t he in te rn at io na lly r ec om m en de d st ra te gy t o co nt ro l tu be rc ul os is. D ru gs a re s up pl ie d th ro ug h fr ee g ra nt s, b ut a re a ls o av ai la bl e fo r pu rc ha se b y go ve rn m en ts a nd o rg an iz at io ns w ish in g to ta ke a dv an ta ge o f t he qu al ity , p ric es , a nd t ec hn ic al s up po rt o ffe re d th ro ug h th e G D F D ir ec t Pr oc ur em en t Se rv ic e. G D F pe rf or m s co m pu lso ry in de pe nd en t t es tin g of e ac h ba tc h of d ru gs it s up pl ie s an d pr e- sh ip m en t in sp ec tio n of e ac h or de r it de liv er s to co nf ir m h ig h qu al ity . T o fa ci lit at e th e ef fic ie nt d el iv er y of p ro du ct s, G D F us es pr oc ur em en t ag en ts . P ric es in cl ud e th e co st o f t he p ro du ct a s w el l a s qu al ity co nt ro l c os ts a nd a G D F pr oc ur em en t ag en t fe e. C os ts fo r pr e- sh ip m en t in sp ec tio n, t ra ns po rt ( ai r fr ei gh t or s ea fr ei gh t) a nd in su ra nc e, a re n ot in cl ud ed in th e lis te d pr od uc t p ri ce s. G D F se nd s a te am o f T B an d dr ug m an ag em en t ex pe rt s to t he c ou nt ry fo ur m on th s af te r dr ug s ar ri ve , t o as se ss d ru g us ag e an d pr ov id e an y ne ed ed t ec hn ic al a ss ist an ce . G D F do es n ot c ha rg e fo r its te ch ni ca l a ss is ta nc e to c ou nt rie s. E-12 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 3. B uy er s (u su al ly p ub lic -s ec to r ag en ci es ) t ha t p ro cu re c om m od it ie s th ro ug h in te rn at io na l c om pe ti ti ve b id d in g, o r te nd er s. T he se ar e ac tu al p ri ce s ob ta in ed b y th e or ga ni za ti on s lis te d a nd a re in cl ud ed fo r co m pa ri so n pu rp os es . I t i s no t p os si bl e fo r a re ad er to pl ac e an o rd er w it h an y of th es e or ga ni za ti on s. B uy er C od e D at e of L is t P ri ce T yp e A pp ro x. V al ue o f T en de r (U SD ) D et ai ls Ba rb ad os D ru g Se rv ic e BD S A ug us t 20 07 C IF N /A T he B ar ba do s D ru g Se rv ic e co nd uc ts a n an nu al , d om es tic , c lo se d te nd er fo r ph ar m ac eu ti ca ls a nd m ed ic al s up pl ie s. Bu re au d es F or m at io ns M éd ic al es A gr ée s du R w an da BU FM A R 20 07 C IF & F O B 0. 1 m ill io n BU FM A R ( th e O ffi ce o f C hu rc h- af fil ia te d H ea lth F ac ili tie s in R w an da ) co nd uc ts a c lo se d, in te rn at io na l t en de r tw ic e a ye ar . C en tr al e d' ac ha t de s M éd ic am en ts Es se nt ie ls , C on so m m ab le s et Eq ui pe m en ts M éd ic au x du R w an da C A M ER W A 20 07 N /A N /A C A M ER W A ( C en tr al P ur ch as in g o f E ss en tia l D ru gs , M ed ic al C on su m ab le s an d Eq ui pm en t in R w an da ) se rv es p ub lic h ea lth g oa ls in R w an da C aj a C o st ar ri ce ns e de S eg ur o So ci al C R SS 20 07 D D U 16 6 m ill io n C os ta R ic a So ci al S ec ur ity c on du ct s an a nn ua l, cl o se d, in te rn at io na l te nd er a nd n eg ot ia te s co nt ra ct s fo r dr ug s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s fo r its ow n fa ci lit ie s. R ep úb lic a de E l S al va do r, M in is te ri o de Sa lu d Pu bl ic a y A si st en ci a So ci al EL SA LV 20 07 C IF N /A T he E l S al va do r M O H c on du ct s an a nn ua l, do m es tic , o pe n te nd er a nd ne go tia te s co nt ra ct s fo r dr ug s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s fo r El S al va do r. Ph ar m ac eu tic al s Su pp ly a nd L o gi st ic s D ep ar tm en t, E th io pi a ET H IO PI A D ec em be r 20 07 C IF 56 m ill io n T he P ha rm ac eu ti ca ls S up pl y an d Lo gi st ic s D ep ar tm en t co nd uc ts a n in te rn at io na l, o pe n te nd er t w ic e a ye ar . Fé dé ra tio n de s C en tr al es d’ A pp ro vi si on ne m en t en M ed ic am en ts Es se nt ie ls ( FE D EC A M E) FE D EC A M E M ar ch 2 00 7 C IF 2. 7 m ill io n T he F ed er at io n of E ss en tia l D ru g Pr o cu re m en t A ge nc ie s (F ED EC A M E) , in t he D em oc ra ti c R ep ub lic o f C on go , c on du ct s op en a nd c lo se d in te rn at io na l t en de rs o n a re gu la r ba si s. T he d at a he re a re fr om a c lo se d, in te rn at io na l t en de r. G ua te m al a, D ir ec ci ó n N o rm at iv a de C o nt ra ta ci on es y A dq ui si ci on es d el Es ta do G U A T E- M A LA 20 07 N /A N /A T he G ua te m al an O ffi ce o f C o nt ra ct in g an d A cq ui si tio ns c on du ct s an an nu al , o pe n, d o m es tic t en de r fo r th e M in is tr y of H ea lth a nd S o ci al Se cu ri ty . List of Price Sources E-13 B uy er C od e D at e of L is t P ri ce T yp e A pp ro x. V al ue o f T en de r (U SD ) D et ai ls M ed ic al S to re s D ep ar tm en t (M SD ), T an za ni a M SD /T A N Z 20 07 C FR /C PT 11 m ill io n T he M ed ic al S to re s D ep ar tm en t of T an za ni a co nd uc ts a n an nu al , o pe n, in te rn at io na l t en de r fo r ph ar m ac eu tic al s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s. M is si o n fo r Es se nt ia l M ed ic al S up pl ie s (M EM S) , T an za ni a M EM S Se pt em be r 20 07 C IF 0. 4 m ill io n M EM S ha s aw ar de d a fiv e- ye ar d ru g an d m ed ic al s up pl y co nt ra ct t o a pr im e ve nd or , a ft er a n o pe n pr e- qu al ifi ca ti on p ro ce ss a nd a c lo se d te nd er p ro ce ss . T he p ri m e ve nd o r m us t de liv er t o a n ag re ed lo ca l co lle ct io n po in t w ith in 1 0 da ys o f r ec ei vi ng t he o rd er . N am ib ia C en tr al M ed ic al S to re s N A M IB IA M ar ch & Ju ne ( A R V s) 20 07 D D P 28 .4 m ill io n T he N am ib ia C en tr al M ed ic al S to re s co nd uc ts a n o pe n, in te rn at io na l te nd er e ve ry t w o y ea rs fo r ph ar m ac eu tic al s an d m ed ic al s up pl ie s an d on ce a y ea r fo r an ti- re tr ov ir al s. M in is te ri o d e Sa lu d de N ic ar ag ua N IC A R - A G U A Ju ly 2 00 7 C IF 11 .3 m ill io n T he N ic ar ag ua n M in is tr y o f H ea lt h co nd uc ts a n an nu al , d o m es tic , o pe n te nd er . O rg an is at io n o f E as te rn C ar ib be an St at es P ha rm ac eu tic al P ro cu re m en t Se rv ic e (O EC S/ PP S) O EC S/ PP S 20 06 -2 00 7 C IF 6 m ill io n T he O EC S/ PP S pr ov id es it s se rv ic es t o m em be r co un tr ie s of t he O rg an is at io n of E as te rn C ar ib be an S ta te s on ly . F o r th es e ni ne c o un tr ie s, O EC S/ PP S ne go tia te s co nt ra ct s an d pu rc ha se s th ro ug h a cl os ed , in te rn at io na l t en de r ev er y 18 m on th s. U ga nd a N at io na l M ed ic al S to re ( N M S) N M S/ U G A N D 20 07 D D P 0. 5 m ill io n T he U ga nd a N M S co nd uc ts c lo se d, in te rn at io na l o r o pe n, d o m es tic te nd er s si x tim es a y ea r. E-14 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Contact Information Action Medeor Deutsches Medikamenten-Hilfswerk St. Töniser Strasse 21 D-47918 Tönisvorst GERMANY Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Action Medeor International Healthcare Deutsches Medikamenten-Hilfswerk St. Töniser Strasse 21 D-47918 Tönisvorst GERMANY and P.O. Box 72305 Dar es Salaam TANZANIA Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Barbados Drug Service Ministry of Health Jemmott’s Lane St. Michael BARBADOS Telephone: 246.427.8309 Fax: 246.429.6980 E-mail: Contact Information E-15 BUFMAR (Bureau des Formations Médicales Agrées du Rwanda) B.P. 716 Kigali RWANDA Telephone: Fax: E-mail: CAMERWA (Centrale d'achat des Médicaments Essentiels, Consommables et Equipements Médicaux du Rwanda) B.P. 640 Kigali RWANDA Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social—CCSS (Costa Rica Social Security—CRSS) Pharmacotherapy Department Apartado 10105 San José 1000 COSTA RICA Telephone: 506.222.1878 Fax: 506.257.7004 E-mail: URL: Durbin PLC 180 Northolt Road South Harrow Middlesex HA2 0LT UNITED KINGDOM Telephone: 44.20.8660.2220 Fax: 44.20.8668.0751 E-mail: URL: E-16 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 República de El Salvador Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social Unidad de Adquisiciones y Contrataciones Institucional El Salvador Calle Arce No. 827 San Salvador EL SALVADOR Telephone: 503.221.0966 Fax: 503.221.0991 URL: Ethiopia Pharmaceuticals Supply and Logistics Department P.O. Box 1234 Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA Telephone: 251.1.535157 Fax: 251.1.535166 Fédération des Centrales d’Approvisionnement en Medicaments Essentiels (FEDECAME) 44 Avenue de la Justice Kinshasa, Gombe DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Telephone: 243.814.08.96.37 E-mail: Global TB Drug Facility (GDF) Stop TB Partnership Secretariat c/o World Health Organization 20, avenue Appia 1211 Geneva, 27 SWITZERLAND Telephone: 41.22.791.3647 Fax: 41.22.791.4886 E-mail: URL: or Contact Information E-17 Guatemala Dirección Normativa de Contrataciones y Adquisiciones del Estado Torre de Finanzas, 6to nivel 21 calle y 8a Avenida Centro Cívico Zonal Ciudad Guatemala GUATEMALA Telephone: 502.2511997 E-mail: URL: IDA Foundation P.O. Box 37098 1030 AB Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: IDA HIV/AIDS Group P.O. Box 37348 1030 AH Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: 31.20.4037178 Fax: 31.20.4037179 E-mail: URL: IMRES P.O. Box 214 8200 AE Lelystad THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: 31.320.296969 Fax: 31.320.296929 E-mail: URL: E-18 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Joint Medical Stores (JMS) P.O. Box 4501 Kampala UGANDA Telephone: 256.41.510096 Fax: 256.41.510098 E-mail: URL: Malawi Central Medical Stores Mzimba Street Private Bag 55 Lilongwe MALAWI Telephone: 265.1.753.910 Fax: 265.1.751.326 E-mail: Medical Export Group, BV Papland 16 P.O. Box 598 4200 AN Gorinchem THE NETHERLANDS Telephone: 31.183.356.100 Fax: 31.183.356.122 E-mail: URL: Medical Stores Department (MSD) P.O. Box 9081 Dar es Salaam TANZANIA Telephone: 255.22.2860890 Fax: 255.22.2865814 E-mail: URL : Contact Information E-19 Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS) P.O. Box 78040 Viwandani Nairobi, 00507 KENYA Telephone: 254.020.551633 Fax: 254.020.556632 E-mail: Mission for Essential Medical Supplies (MEMS) P.O. Box 10810 Arusha TANZANIA Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Missionpharma A/S Vassingeroedvej 9 DK-3540 Lynge DENMARK Telephone: Fax: E-mail: URL: Namibia Central Medical Stores P.O. Box 5552 Windhoek NAMIBIA Phone: 264.61.233151 Fax: 264.61.238746 Unidad de Adquisiciones del Ministerio de Salud de Nicaragua Sector Postal 15AB Apartado Postal 107 Managua NICARAGUA Telephone: 505.289.4700 E-mail: URL: E-20 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Orbi-Pharma Molenberglei 18 B-2627 Schelle BELGIUM Telephone: 32.3.880.63.60 Fax: 32.3.888.74.81 E-mail: URL: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Pharmaceutical Procurement Service OECS The Morne, P.O. Box 3093 Castries ST. LUCIA, WEST INDIES Telephone: 758.452.5895 Fax: 758.453.0227 E-mail: URL: Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) 1616 Fort Myer Drive 12th Floor Arlington, VA 22209-3100 USA Telephone: 1.571.227.8600 Fax: 1.571.227.8601 URL: Uganda National Medical Stores Plot 4-12 Nsamizi Rd. P.O. Box 16 Entebbe UGANDA Telephone: 256.41.320524 Fax: 256.41.321062 E-mail: URL: Contact Information E-21 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Midtermolen 3 P.O. Box 2530 Copenhagen DENMARK Telephone: 45.3546.7000 Fax: 45.3546.7018 E-mail: URL: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) G/PHN/POP/CLM 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Third Floor, Ronald Reagan Building Washington, DC 20523-3601 USA Telephone: 202.712.4549 Fax: 202.216.3404 URL: E-22 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Format of the Price Lists The pharmaceutical products are presented in three separate lists, with different formats and features, but certain elements are common to all. • List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically • List II: Products Sorted by Therapeutic Category • List III: Price Comparison Form A detailed description of the information included in each list follows. Format of the Price Lists E-23 List I - Products Sorted Alphabetically List I is intended for procurement reference and lists drugs in alphabetical order by generic name to allow a quick search for a particular drug. This list shows the pack size(s) available from each source and the pack price in U.S. dollars, including the source’s standard service charges where applicable. Item Description The item description includes the generic name, strength, dosage form, and the route of admin- istration. If the product has two widely used names (for example, vitamin C and ascorbic acid), one name will appear in brackets. See the List of Synonyms in the Annex. IC Products under international narcotics control are identified with (IC) next to the de- scription. Nomenclature International nonproprietary names (INNs) have been used for the list of drugs in this Guide. If an INN has not been assigned, the most common generic name has been used. Drug dosage forms listed are generally those included in the World Health Organization’s 15th Model List of Essential Medicines (revised March 2007), found at Route of Administration Routes of administration are coded as follows: Item Type Code Condoms COND Diagnostic Strips DIAG Ear Preparations OTIC Eye Preparations OPHT Injectable Medicines INJ Intrauterine Device (IUD) IUD Intravenous Solutions IV Medicines for Inhalation INH Not Applicable N/A Medicines for Nasal and Throat Use N/T Subcutaneous Medicines S/C Sublingual Tablets SL Suppositories/Enemas/Rectal Ointment RECT Tablets/Capsules/Oral Liquids PO Topical Medicines (liquids, powders, creams, ointments) TOP Vaginal Preparations VAG E-24 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Source The list of price sources can be found on page E-9. Package Package sizes are provided by the suppliers and buyers. Package Price (US$) Package prices are provided by the suppliers and buyers and have been converted to U.S. dollars at the exchange rates listed on page E-6 to facilitate comparison. If a supplier charges a standard handling fee percentage, that percentage has been added to the package price listed. Unit Price (US$) The unit price is calculated by dividing the package price by the package size. This format facilitates the price comparison of different vendor pack sizes. The unit used to compare prices varies with the type of pharmaceutical preparation as follows: Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Comparison Unit (Code) Ampoule or Vial Milliliter (ML) Cartridge Milliliter (ML) Condom, Intrauterine Device (IUD), Net, Test Each (EACH) Ear, Nose, and Throat Preparation Milliliter (ML) Enema Milliliter (ML) Gas Cubic Meter (CUBMETER) Inhaler Dose (DOSE) Oral Liquid Milliliter (ML) Pessary Pessary (PESS) Suppository Suppository (SUPP) Syringe Syringe (SYRINGE) Tablet or Capsule Tablet or Capsule (TAB-CAP) Topical Liquid Milliliter (ML) Topical Solid Gram (G) Vaccine Dose (DOSE) Vial (single strength) Vial (VIAL) DDD The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indica- tion in adults. The defined daily dose is a unit of measurement and does not necessarily reflect the recommended or prescribed daily dose. Doses for individual patients and patient groups will often differ from the DDD and will necessarily be based on individual characteristics (e.g., age and weight) and pharmacokinetic considerations. Format of the Price Lists E-25 Drug consumption data presented in DDDs give only a rough estimate of consumption and not an exact picture of actual use. DDDs provide a fixed unit of measurement independent of price and formulation, enabling the researcher to assess trends in drug consumption and to perform comparisons between population groups. The defined daily doses are from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodol- ogy. They are illustrative defined daily doses, as recommended by the World Health Organization’s Drug Utilization Research Group (DURG). Not all drugs listed in this price comparison guide have defined daily doses assigned by this method. A DDD will only be assigned for drugs that already have an ATC code. The main use of the DDD is for estimating drug consumption, based on inventory/distribution data. This estimate can be combined with price information for budgeting purposes. Note: The defined daily dose should not be used for dosing or therapeutic determinations. Refer to prescribing information for dosing schedules for specific indications. WHO EML The “WHO EML” column indicates whether the product is included on the 2007 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. We identify five categories in the International Drug Price Indicator Guide: E = On the WHO core list in the same dosage form and strength C = On the WHO complementary list in the same dosage form and strength P = On the WHO list, but in a different presentation (different dosage form and/or strength) T = Not on the WHO list, but can be an alternative for an item listed as a therapeutic group example N = Not on the WHO model list ATC Code The ATC code is the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification code assigned by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. The purpose of the ATC/DDD system is to serve as a tool for drug utilization research in order to improve drug use practices. One component of this is the presentation and comparison of drug consumption statistics at interna- tional and other levels. In the ATC classification system, the drugs are divided into different groups according to the organ or system on which they act and their chemical, pharmacological, and therapeutic prop- erties. Drugs are classified in groups at five different levels. The drugs are divided into 14 main groups (1st level), with one pharmacological/therapeutic subgroup (2nd level). The 3rd and 4th levels are chemical/pharmacological/therapeutic subgroups, and the 5th level is the chemical substance.2 2 Adapted from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology website at atcddd/. E-26 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Median Price When using the Guide for comparison with local prices, or for estimating the total value of a proposed procurement list, an average price can be helpful. There are basically two kinds of average prices that could be used: the mean price and the median price. The mean price is the simple average of all prices shown for a drug; the values are added up and divided by the number of values. However, there is a problem when one or two prices are much higher or lower than the rest for a certain drug. These “outliers” skew the mean and make it less representative. For example, in a series of seven values such as $1, $2, $2, $3, $5, $16, $20, the total of all the values is $49, and dividing by seven gives a mean value of $7. For comparison or estimation purposes, it is likely that this average is too high, due to the two prices that are much higher than others in the series. To avoid this risk, we use the median price. The median price is a type of average; it is the value that splits a series of values in half when the series is put in ascending order. This is likely to be a more valuable approach for estimating actual future prices (or for comparing with local prices) when there is a skewed distribution. If there is an odd number of values in the series, as in the example above, the median value is the middle value in the series ($3 in the example). When there is an even number of values in a series, such as the series $1, $3, $4, $6, $14, $20, the median is calculated by averaging the two middle values. In this example, the median is the average of $4 and $6, which is $5. Again, this is likely to be closer to reality for comparison or estimation than the arithmetic mean of $8 ($48 divided by 6).3 High/Low Ratio The high/low ratio compares the highest unit price with the lowest unit price. For example, a high/low ratio of 3 means that the highest unit price is three times greater than the lowest unit price. 3 For further discussion, see Statistics without Tears—A Primer for Non-Mathematicians, by Derek Rowntree (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981), pp. 41–45. Format of the Price Lists E-27 List II - Products Sorted by Therapeutic Category For List II, the pharmaceuticals are listed in alphabetical order within each therapeutic class based on the WHO Essential Medicines List classification system. For products not included on the latest WHO EML (i.e., those products with an “N” in the “WHO EML” column in this Guide), we have assigned a therapeutic class based on the WHO EML classification system. This is done when a non-EML product clearly falls within an EML therapeutic category, as determined by MSH staff. This assignment does not reflect a decision by WHO Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy or MSH staff that the non-EML product is appropriate for inclusion in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. If an unambiguous assignment of an EML therapeutic category was not possible, we placed the product in the category of “UA – Agents Unclassified in WHO EML.” Items in a class cannot necessarily directly substitute for each other. All prices on this list are unit prices. For each item in this list, the following data are shown: Item Description The item description includes the generic name, strength, dosage form, and the route of admin- istration. If the product has two widely used names (for example, vitamin C and ascorbic acid), one name will appear in brackets. See the List of Synonyms in the Annex. IC Products under international narcotics control are identified with (IC) next to the de- scription. Nomenclature International nonproprietary names have been used for the list of drugs in this Guide. If an INN has not been assigned, the most common generic name has been used. Drug dosage forms listed are generally those included in the World Health Organization’s 15th Model List of Essential Medicines (revised March 2007), found at medicines. Route of Administration Routes of administration are coded as follows: Item Type Code Condoms COND Diagnostic Strips and Tests DIAG Ear Preparations OTIC Eye Preparations OPHT Injectable Medicines INJ Intrauterine Device (IUD) IUD Intravenous Solutions IV Medicines for Inhalation INH E-28 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 Medicines for Nasal and Throat Use N/T Subcutaneous Medicines S/C Sublingual Tablets SL Suppositories/Enemas/Rectal Ointment RECT Tablets/Capsules/Oral Liquids PO Topical Medicines (liquids, powders, creams, ointments) TOP Vaginal Preparations VAG WHO EML The “WHO EML” column indicates whether the product is included on the 2007 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. We identify five categories in the International Drug Price Indicator Guide: E = On the WHO core list in the same dosage form and strength C = On the WHO complementary list in the same dosage form and strength P = On the WHO list, but in a different presentation (different dosage form and/or strength) T = Not on the WHO list, but can be an alternative for an item listed as a therapeutic group example N = Not on the WHO model list Number of Suppliers/Buyers The number of suppliers or buyers offering this product. Median Price When using the Guide for comparison with local prices, or for estimating the total value of a proposed procurement list, an average price can be helpful. There are basically two kinds of average prices that could be used: the mean price and the median price. The mean price is the simple average of all prices shown for a drug; the values are added up and divided by the number of values. However, there is a problem when one or two prices are much higher or lower than the rest for a certain drug. These “outliers” skew the mean and make it less representative. For example, in a series of seven values such as $1, $2, $2, $3, $5, $16, $20, the total of all the values is $49, and dividing by seven gives a mean value of $7. For comparison or estimation purposes, it is likely that this average is too high, due to the two prices that are much higher than others in the series. To avoid this risk, we use the median price. The median price is a type of average; it is the value that splits a series of values in half when the series is put in ascending order. This is likely to be a more valuable approach for estimating actual future prices (or for comparing with local prices) when there is a skewed distribution. Format of the Price Lists E-29 If there is an odd number of values in the series, as in the example above, the median value is the middle value in the series ($3 in the example). When there is an even number of values in a series, such as the series $1, $3, $4, $6, $14, $20, the median is calculated by averaging the two middle values. In this example, the median is the average of $4 and $6, which is $5. Again, this is likely to be closer to reality for comparison or estimation than the arithmetic mean of $8 ($48 divided by 6).4 Highest Price The highest price from listed suppliers and buyers. Lowest Price The lowest price from listed suppliers and buyers. High/Low Ratio The high/low ratio compares the highest unit price with the lowest unit price. For example, a high/low ratio of 3 means that the highest unit price is three times greater than the lowest unit price. DDD The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indica- tion in adults. The defined daily dose is a unit of measurement and does not necessarily reflect the recommended or prescribed daily dose. Doses for individual patients and patient groups will often differ from the DDD and will necessarily be based on individual characteristics (e.g., age and weight) and pharmacokinetic considerations. Drug consumption data presented in DDDs give only a rough estimate of consumption and not an exact picture of actual use. DDDs provide a fixed unit of measurement independent of price and formulation, enabling the researcher to assess trends in drug consumption and to perform comparisons between population groups. The defined daily doses are from the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodol- ogy. They are illustrative defined daily doses, as recommended by the World Health Organization’s Drug Utilization Research Group (DURG). Not all drugs listed in this price comparison guide have defined daily doses assigned by this method. A DDD will only be assigned for drugs that already have an ATC code. The main use of the DDD is for estimating drug consumption, based on inventory/distribution data. This estimate can be combined with price information for budgeting purposes. Note: The defined daily dose should not be used for dosing or therapeutic determinations. Refer to prescribing information for dosing schedules for specific indications. 4 For further discussion, see Statistics without Tears—A Primer for Non-Mathematicians, by Derek Rowntree (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981), pp. 41–45. E-30 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 List III - Price Comparison Form The purpose of this list is to help the user compare his or her prices with the prices in the Guide. Only the median price is displayed here, and a shortened description of the item is used. Item Description The item description includes the generic name, strength, dosage form, and the route of admin- istration. If the product has two widely used names (for example, vitamin C and ascorbic acid), one name will appear in brackets. See the List of Synonyms in the Annex. IC Products under international narcotics control are identified with (IC) next to the de- scription. Nomenclature International nonproprietary names have been used as the basis for the list of drugs in this Guide. If an INN has not been assigned, the most common generic name has been used. Drug dosage forms listed are generally those included in the World Health Organization’s 15th Model List of Essential Medicines (revised March 2007), found at WHO EML The “WHO EML” column indicates whether the product is included on the 2007 WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. We identify five categories in the International Drug Price Indicator Guide: E = On the WHO core list in the same dosage form and strength C = On the WHO complementary list in the same dosage form and strength P = On the WHO list but in a different presentation (different dosage form and/or strength) T = Not on the WHO list, but can be an alternative for an item listed as a therapeutic group example N = Not on the WHO model list Pack Size The blank here is for the user to enter his or her purchase pack size. How to Use the Guide E-31 Pack Price The blank here is for the user to enter the price for the purchase pack entered in the previous blank. Unit Price The user should calculate his or her unit price by dividing the pack price by the pack size. The comparison units used in the Guide are listed for each item to help ensure that prices are being compared on an equivalent basis. Median Int. Supplier/Buyer Unit Price (US$) The unit price is calculated by dividing the package price by the package size. This format facilitates the price comparison of different vendor pack sizes. The unit used to compare prices varies with the type of pharmaceutical preparation as follows: Pharmaceutical Dosage Form Comparison Unit Ampoule or Vial Milliliter (ML) Cartridge Milliliter (ML) Condom, Intrauterine Device (IUD), Net, Test Each (EACH) Ear, Nose, and Throat Preparation Milliliter (ML) Enema Milliliter (ML) Gas Cubic Meter (CUBMETER) Inhaler Dose (DOSE) Oral Liquid Milliliter (ML) Pessary Pessary (PESS) Suppository Suppository (SUPP) Syringe Syringe (SYRINGE) Tablet or Capsule Tablet or Capsule (TAB-CAP) Topical Liquid Milliliter (ML) Topical Solid Gram (G) Vaccine Dose (DOSE) Vial (single strength) Vial (VIAL) The median price is a type of average; it is whatever value splits a series of values in half when the series is put in ascending order. If there is an odd number of values in the series, the median value is the middle value in the series. This is likely to be more valuable for estimating actual future prices (or comparing with local prices), when there is a skewed distribution. When there is an even number of values in a series, such as the series $1, $3, $4, $6, $14, $20, the median is calculated by averaging the two middle values. In this example, the median is the average of $4 and $6, which is $5. Again, this is likely to be closer to reality for comparison or estimation than the arithmetic mean of $8 ($48 divided by 6).5 5 For further discussion, see Statistics without Tears—A Primer for Non-Mathematicians, by Derek Rowntree (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981), pp. 41–45. E-32 International Drug Price Indicator Guide 2007 How to Analyze and Compare Your Prices Comparison of prices that you have paid with international prices is one of the most fundamen- tal indicators for assessing procurement efficiency. Other key indicators of procurement effi- ciency are the accuracy of needs estimation, timeliness of deliveries, and quality of products procured. With the assistance of this Guide, it is possible for procurement personnel to compare the prices they pay with international reference prices (refer to the Price Comparison Form, SP-1 and BP- 1). The method below presents one approach to making such comparisons. You may wish to visit the electronic version of the International Drug Price Indicator Guide in the Electronic Re- source Center at It contains features to help you compare your prices to those in the Guide and plan a budget or tender. 1. Make a list of products that you routinely procure in large volumes or that represent a high percentage of the budget. 2. For each product, list the vendor pack size used and the most recent price for this vendor pack size. Be sure to note whether the price is CIF (cost, insurance, and freight); FOB (free on board: transportation as far as the port of departure); EXW (ex-works: no transportation included); or another type of price. Prices may need to be adjusted so that they can be compared accurately. 3. Choose one of the two price comparison forms included in the Guide, based on the type of prices you are comparing. The buyer prices include shipping costs, and may be most appro- priate if they represent a region of the world and tender value similar to yours. The supplier prices are FOB and EXW and must be adjusted to reflect the usual shipping, handling, and insurance charges for your situation. 4. On one of the price comparison forms, select the product in this Guide that corresponds most closely to your product. If the prices you are using locally are CIF prices and you have selected the buyer comparison form, no adjustment should be needed for either set of prices. If the prices you are using locally are CIF prices and you have selected the supplier com- parison form, we suggest that the prices on the supplier list be adjusted upward to reflect the difference between CIF and EXW/FOB. When prices on this list are FOB or EXW, it is reasonable to add 10 to 15% to the list price for freight and insurance, depending on the distance and the mode of transport. Any standard percentage charged for handling has already been added to the prices on this list. When significant fluctuations in exchange rates occur, price adjustments must be made to reflect these changes. 5. Once the pack prices have been adjusted to reflect freight, insurance, and other additional costs, divide the pack price by the number of comparison units contained in the vendor pack (for example, divide the pack price by 1,000 if that pack is a bottle of 1,000 tablets, or by 100 if the pack is a vial of 100 ml). Make sure that the comparison unit used is the same as the comparison unit on the Guide list. The median international unit price is listed on both price comparison forms for your convenience. How to Analyze and Compare Your Prices E-33 Because packaging can add considerably to the cost of a product, caution is needed when comparing unit prices between different packages. For example, the unit price with strip packaging is usually much higher than the unit price for tablets packaged in a bottle of 1,000. Prices in the Guide do not cover specialty packaging, except where noted. An analysis of this type includes many assumptions that affect its outcome. International price comparisons identify extreme price differences, both high and low. An extremely high ratio between locally available prices and the prices in this Guide may indicate that a less expensive source is available. If the locally available prices are much lower than the prices in this Guide, it might reflect effective procurement, but it could also be the result of a compromise of quality control, differences in packaging, or other factors that might reduce product quality. These comparisons are only indicators, and should be viewed as pointers for further investigation. List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically Lista I: Productos Clasificados por Orden Alfabético Liste I : Produits Pharmaceutiques Classés par Ordre Alphabétique List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ABACAVIR (ABC) 20 mg/ml solution (PO) Price/ml 0.6 g E J05AF06 Supplier SCMS 1 BOTT (240 ml) 16.83 0.0701 AS SULFATE Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (240 ml) 17.78 0.0741 SYRUP Supplier IDA/HIV 1 BOTT (240 ml) 19.95 0.0831 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0741 High/Low Ratio=1.19 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (240 ml) 43.22 0.1801 ABACAVIR (ABC) 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.6 g E J05AF06 Supplier SCMS 60 TAB-CAP 28.08 0.4680 AS SULFATE, TABLETS Supplier IDA/HIV 60 TAB-CAP 35.55 0.5925 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 60 TAB-CAP 35.56 0.5927 TABLETS Supplier MEG 60 TAB-CAP 48.60 0.8100 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 60 TAB-CAP 63.99 1.0665 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.5927 High/Low Ratio=2.28 Buyer ETHIOPIA 60 TAB-CAP 27.50 0.4583 Buyer BDS 60 TAB-CAP 93.14 1.5523 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 555.29 5.5529 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=1.5523 High/Low Ratio=12.12 ABACAVIR + LAMIVUDINE (ABC + 3TC) 600 mg+300mg tab-cap Price/tab-cap 1 tab P J05AR02 (PO) Supplier SCMS 30 TAB-CAP 55.69 1.8563 TABLETS ACETAZOLAMIDE 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.75 g E S01EC01 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 15.75 0.0158 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 22.90 0.0229 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 27.12 0.0271 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 2.75 0.0275 Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 29.33 0.0293 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 30.65 0.0306 TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 31.14 0.0311 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0275 High/Low Ratio=1.97 Buyer OECS/PPS 500 TAB-CAP 9.35 0.0187 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 2.44 0.0244 TABLETS Buyer BDS 500 TAB-CAP 12.91 0.0258 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 2.98 0.0298 SCORED TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 5.94 0.0594 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.20 0.1985 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0278 High/Low Ratio=10.61 ACETAZOLAMIDE (POWDER) 500 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 0.75 g P S01EC01 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 25.89 25.8876 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E B01AC06 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 1.25 0.0013 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 1.52 0.0015 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 1.59 0.0016 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 2.05 0.0021 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 2.05 0.0021 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 3500 TAB-CAP 13.95 0.0039 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0019 High/Low Ratio=3.00 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 0.34 0.0034 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 7.37 0.0074 Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 1.24 0.0124 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.02 0.0159 TABLET Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0099 High/Low Ratio=4.68 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E N02BA01 Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 1.59 0.0016 TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 1.80 0.0018 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 2.00 0.0020 Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 2.04 0.0020 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 2.16 0.0022 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 2.33 0.0023 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 2.40 0.0024 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 2.71 0.0027 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 3.16 0.0032 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 3.82 0.0038 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0023 High/Low Ratio=2.38 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 1.02 0.0010 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1000 TAB-CAP 1.26 0.0013 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 2.11 0.0021 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-1 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E N02BA01 Buyer NAMIBIA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.75 0.0047 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.0127 325 MG, E.C. TABLETS Buyer BDS 16 TAB-CAP 1.50 0.0939 SOLUBLE TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0034 High/Low Ratio=93.90 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E N02BA01 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 2.90 0.0029 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 3.12 0.0031 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 3.13 0.0031 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 3.30 0.0033 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 3.42 0.0034 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 4.09 0.0041 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 4.32 0.0044 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 12.46 0.0125 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0033 High/Low Ratio=4.31 Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 3.56 0.0036 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.75 0.0048 TABLET Buyer GUATEMALA 10 TAB-CAP 0.14 0.0139 TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 2.26 0.0226 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0093 High/Low Ratio=6.28 ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 75 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g P B01AC06 Supplier ORBI 5000 TAB-CAP 8.86 0.0018 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 6.03 0.0060 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 28 TAB-CAP 0.57 0.0204 ENTERIC-COATED TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0060 High/Low Ratio=11.33 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 0.82 0.0082 DISPERSIBLE TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 120 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.0106 81 MG, E.C. TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0094 High/Low Ratio=1.29 ACICLOVIR 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 4 g E J05AB01 Supplier IDA 500 TAB-CAP 9.24 0.0185 DISPERSIBLE TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 2.78 0.0278 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 100 TAB-CAP 3.18 0.0318 BLISTER-PACK TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 100 TAB-CAP 3.50 0.0350 TABLETS Supplier MEG 100 TAB-CAP 4.15 0.0415 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 6.99 0.0699 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 30 TAB-CAP 2.20 0.0733 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 30 TAB-CAP 2.21 0.0737 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 30 TAB-CAP 2.63 0.0875 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0415 High/Low Ratio=4.73 Buyer CAMERWA 500 TAB-CAP 13.35 0.0267 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 6.48 0.0648 TABLETS Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 1.96 0.0655 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 100 TAB-CAP 10.80 0.1080 Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 13.00 0.1300 BLISTER PACK Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0655 High/Low Ratio=4.87 ACICLOVIR 200 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 4 g P J05AB01 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (125 ml) 44.99 0.3599 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (125 ml) 2.15 0.0172 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (125 ml) 28.69 0.2295 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1234 High/Low Ratio=13.34 ACICLOVIR 3% opht oint (OPHT) Price/g N S01AD03 Supplier MALAWI 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.35 0.0700 Supplier IMRES 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.36 0.0712 Supplier IDA 10 TUBE (4.50 g) 4.26 0.0947 Supplier MISSION 1 TUBE (4.50 g) 0.55 0.1222 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (4.50 g) 0.93 0.2062 Supplier MEDS 1 TUBE (4.50 g) 1.43 0.3167 Supplier Median Price/g=0.1085 High/Low Ratio=4.52 Buyer CRSS 1 TUBE (5 g) 1.40 0.2800 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 TUBE (4.50 g) 4.97 1.1047 Buyer Median Price/g=0.6924 High/Low Ratio=3.95 ACICLOVIR 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 4 g P J05AB01 Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 3.33 0.0333 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 4.84 0.0484 Supplier MEDS 25 TAB-CAP 3.33 0.1332 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-2 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ACICLOVIR 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 4 g P J05AB01 Supplier ACTION/IH 25 TAB-CAP 3.34 0.1334 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0908 High/Low Ratio=4.01 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 2.80 0.0280 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.05 0.0542 TABLET Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 10.40 0.1040 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0542 High/Low Ratio=3.71 ACICLOVIR 5% cream (TOP) Price/g N D06BB03 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.73 0.1464 Supplier DURBIN 2 TUBE (5 g) 3.42 0.3416 Supplier IDA 1 TUBE (2 g) 2.39 1.1926 Supplier UNFPA 1 TUBE (2 g) 5.00 2.5000 Supplier Median Price/g=0.7671 High/Low Ratio=17.08 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 TUBE (10 g) 2.52 0.2520 Buyer BDS 1 TUBE (10 g) 2.53 0.2528 Buyer Median Price/g=0.2524 High/Low Ratio=1.00 ACICLOVIR 800 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 4 g P J05AB01 Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 5.21 0.0521 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 25 TAB-CAP 2.14 0.0855 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 35 TAB-CAP 6.30 0.1800 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 21.32 0.2132 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1800 High/Low Ratio=2.49 ACICLOVIR (POWDER) 250 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 4 g E J05AB01 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 3.20 3.2000 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 13.37 13.3700 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=8.2850 High/Low Ratio=4.18 ADENOSINE 3 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 15 mg N C01EB10 Buyer BDS 6 VIAL (2 ml) 19.81 1.6506 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 AMP (2 ml) 8.71 4.3547 Buyer Median Price/ml=3.0027 High/Low Ratio=2.64 ALBENDAZOLE 100 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.4 g P P02CA03 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 BOTT (20 ml) 12.31 0.0062 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF BOTTLES Buyer CAMERWA 1 BOTT (20 ml) 0.17 0.0084 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (20 ml) 0.25 0.0125 Buyer ETHIOPIA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.88 0.0147 ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (20 ml) 0.32 0.0160 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (20 ml) 0.32 0.0162 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0136 High/Low Ratio=2.61 ALBENDAZOLE 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P P02CA03 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 5.17 0.0052 Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 8.90 0.0089 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 10.40 0.0104 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 13.06 0.0131 TABLETS Supplier JMS 2 TAB-CAP 0.06 0.0300 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1500 TAB-CAP 45.02 0.0300 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 100 TAB-CAP 8.10 0.0810 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0131 High/Low Ratio=15.58 Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TAB-CAP 0.55 0.0055 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 13.98 0.0140 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 1.69 0.0169 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 1.94 0.0194 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 2.20 0.0220 TABLET Buyer NMS/UGAND 2 TAB-CAP 0.10 0.0476 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 4.78 0.0478 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 7.23 0.0723 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0207 High/Low Ratio=13.15 ALBENDAZOLE 200 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.4 g P P02CA03 Supplier IDA 30 BOTT (10 ml) 6.40 0.0213 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.30 0.0304 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.31 0.0310 SYRUP Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0304 High/Low Ratio=1.46 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.91 0.0914 ALBENDAZOLE 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P P02CA03 Supplier JMS 500 TAB-CAP 12.33 0.0247 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-3 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ALBENDAZOLE 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P P02CA03 Supplier DURBIN 500 TAB-CAP 13.06 0.0261 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0254 High/Low Ratio=1.06 Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 15.08 0.0151 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer ETHIOPIA 100 TAB-CAP 2.09 0.0209 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer NMS/UGAND 500 TAB-CAP 10.67 0.0213 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 22.47 0.0225 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0211 High/Low Ratio=1.49 ALBENDAZOLE (CHEWABLE) 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P P02CA03 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 8.33 0.0083 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 10.02 0.0100 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 20.16 0.0202 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 1500 TAB-CAP 33.87 0.0226 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0151 High/Low Ratio=2.72 ALBENDAZOLE (CHEWABLE) 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g E P02CA03 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 15.07 0.0151 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 500 TAB-CAP 8.90 0.0178 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 18.42 0.0184 TABLETS Supplier MEG 500 TAB-CAP 14.00 0.0280 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0181 High/Low Ratio=1.85 ALBUMIN, HUMAN NORMAL 20-25% vial (INJ) Price/ml N B05AA01 Supplier UNFPA 1 VIAL (50 ml) 33.00 0.6600 20% Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (50 ml) 28.47 0.5694 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL (50 ml) 31.42 0.6284 20% Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL (50 ml) 32.00 0.6400 20% Buyer Median Price/ml=0.6284 High/Low Ratio=1.12 ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) 95-96% solution (TOP) Price/ml N V07AV Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 6.75 0.0014 96% Supplier JMS 20 LITER (1000 ml) 40.26 0.0020 95%, NOT DENATURED Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (2500 ml) 11.85 0.0047 ETHANOL 95% Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 11.62 0.0116 96%, DENATURED Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0034 High/Low Ratio=8.29 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (3785 ml) 4.10 0.0011 95% Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (2500 ml) 4.58 0.0018 ETHANOL, 96% Buyer NAMIBIA 25 BOTT (1000 ml) 78.85 0.0032 96% Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0018 High/Low Ratio=2.91 ALCOHOL, DENATURED 70% bott (TOP) Price/ml N Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.06 0.0031 ETHANOL, METHYLATED Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.95 0.0040 ETHYL ALCOHOL Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0036 High/Low Ratio=1.29 ALCOHOL, DENATURED 95-96% bott (TOP) Price/ml N Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.25 0.0033 ETHANOL 96%, METHYLATED Buyer CAMERWA 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 17.32 0.0035 96% ALCOHOL, ISOPROPYL 70% solution (TOP) Price/ml N V07AV Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 39.33 0.0079 + DETERGENT Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (3785 ml) 8.26 0.0022 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 BOTT (100 ml) 3.05 0.0030 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF BOTTLES Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 30.59 0.0061 + DETERGENT Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0030 High/Low Ratio=2.77 ALENDRONATE 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap N M05BA04 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 20.00 0.2000 TABLETS, SODIUM Buyer BDS 10 TAB-CAP 2.04 0.2035 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.2017 High/Low Ratio=1.02 ALLOPURINOL 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g E M04AA01 Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 1.47 0.0147 TABLETS Supplier MEG 500 TAB-CAP 8.63 0.0173 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 1.81 0.0181 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 2.05 0.0205 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 23.90 0.0238 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 2.80 0.0280 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-4 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ALLOPURINOL 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g E M04AA01 Supplier ACTION/IH 50 TAB-CAP 2.34 0.0467 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0205 High/Low Ratio=3.18 Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 14.74 0.0147 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 250 TAB-CAP 4.68 0.0187 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 2.00 0.0200 TABLETS Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TAB-CAP 2.39 0.0239 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.52 0.0352 TABLET Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0200 High/Low Ratio=2.39 ALLOPURINOL 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P M04AA01 Supplier JMS 28 TAB-CAP 4.29 0.1532 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 1.62 0.0162 SCORED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer GUATEMALA 1000 TAB-CAP 19.32 0.0193 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.0400 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 4.45 0.0445 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0297 High/Low Ratio=2.75 ALPHACYPERMETHRIN liquid (N/A) Price/ml N P03BA02 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (250 ml) 11.78 0.0471 TREATS 60 NETS ALPRAZOLAM 0.25 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 mg N N05BA12 Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 5.00 0.0050 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 10.90 0.1090 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0570 High/Low Ratio=21.80 ALPRAZOLAM 0.5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 mg T N05BA12 Supplier ACTION/IH 30 TAB-CAP 2.93 0.0976 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 9.39 0.0094 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1000 TAB-CAP 10.98 0.0110 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0102 High/Low Ratio=1.17 ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g P A02AB01 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 4.57 0.0457 TABLETS ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E A02AB01 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 2.00 0.0020 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 2.99 0.0030 MINT-FLAVORED TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 3.42 0.0034 CHEWABLE TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 3.81 0.0038 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 4.20 0.0042 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 5.22 0.0052 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 5.81 0.0058 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0038 High/Low Ratio=2.90 Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 2.77 0.0028 TABLETS ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE (CHEWABLE) 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E A02AB01 Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 13.00 0.0130 TABLETS AMIDOTRIZOATE 76% ampoule (INJ) Price/ml P V08AA01 Supplier IMRES 10 AMP (20 ml) 34.35 0.1717 Supplier IDA 10 AMP (20 ml) 35.83 0.1791 Supplier MISSION 10 AMP (20 ml) 39.05 0.1953 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.1791 High/Low Ratio=1.14 Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL (20 ml) 8.23 0.4116 AMIFOSTINE 500 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 1.7 g N V03AF05 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 461.96 461.9638 POWDER AMIKACIN SULFATE 250 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 1 g P J01GB06 Supplier GDF 10 VIAL (2 ml) 13.37 0.6685 Supplier MISSION 50 VIAL (2 ml) 198.87 1.9887 Supplier Median Price/ml=1.3286 High/Low Ratio=2.97 Buyer NICARAGUA 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.21 0.1050 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 AMP (2 ml) 3.51 0.1756 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.49 0.2450 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 VIAL (2 ml) 13.16 0.6580 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-5 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMIKACIN SULFATE 250 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 1 g P J01GB06 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (2 ml) 1.57 0.7850 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.2450 High/Low Ratio=7.48 AMIKACIN SULFATE 50 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 1 g P J01GB06 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 AMP (2 ml) 13.91 0.0696 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer GUATEMALA 10 AMP (2 ml) 2.93 0.1463 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (2 ml) 1.00 0.5000 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1463 High/Low Ratio=7.18 AMINOPHYLLINE 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.6 g N R03DA05 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 2.64 0.0026 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 3.00 0.0030 Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 3.50 0.0035 TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.62 0.0046 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 4.77 0.0048 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 5.03 0.0050 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 6.13 0.0062 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 6.29 0.0063 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 6.30 0.0064 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 1900 TAB-CAP 12.73 0.0066 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 6.80 0.0068 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0050 High/Low Ratio=2.62 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1000 TAB-CAP 1.80 0.0018 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 2.46 0.0025 Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 2.56 0.0026 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.15 0.0041 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.18 0.0042 TABLET Buyer BUFMAR 1000 TAB-CAP 7.23 0.0072 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0034 High/Low Ratio=4.00 AMINOPHYLLINE 25 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 0.6 g N R03DA05 Supplier MALAWI 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.04 0.0040 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (10 ml) 10.62 0.0106 Supplier UNFPA 100 AMP (10 ml) 12.75 0.0128 Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (10 ml) 13.86 0.0139 Supplier MEDS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.15 0.0150 Supplier JMS 50 AMP (10 ml) 8.58 0.0172 Supplier ORBI 100 AMP (10 ml) 21.09 0.0211 IM OR IV, LENTE Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (10 ml) 24.17 0.0242 Supplier ACTION/IH 50 AMP (10 ml) 12.20 0.0244 Supplier MEG 100 AMP (10 ml) 28.45 0.0285 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (10 ml) 35.17 0.0352 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0172 High/Low Ratio=8.80 Buyer MSD/TANZ 10 AMP (10 ml) 0.72 0.0072 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.13 0.0130 Buyer FEDECAME 100 AMP (10 ml) 14.82 0.0148 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 AMP (10 ml) 1.57 0.0157 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.18 0.0177 Buyer NICARAGUA 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.19 0.0194 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.20 0.0198 Buyer MEMS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.22 0.0220 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 AMP (10 ml) 22.10 0.0221 Buyer BDS 100 AMP (10 ml) 23.22 0.0232 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.58 0.0580 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0194 High/Low Ratio=8.06 AMINOSALICYLIC ACID (PAS) 4 g powder (PO) Price/packet 12 g C J04AA01 Supplier GDF 30 PACKET 48.18 1.6060 AMIODARONE 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.2 g N C01BD01 Buyer NICARAGUA 1 TAB-CAP 0.04 0.0432 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 4.50 0.0450 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1000 TAB-CAP 51.86 0.0519 TABLET Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 5.40 0.0540 SCORED TABLET, BLISTER PACK Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 2.44 0.0812 3 X 10 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0519 High/Low Ratio=1.88 AMIODARONE 50 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.2 g N C01BD01 Supplier UNFPA 10 AMP (3 ml) 40.00 1.3333 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-6 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMIODARONE 50 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.2 g N C01BD01 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 AMP (3 ml) 8.28 0.2758 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (3 ml) 1.37 0.4567 Buyer BDS 10 VIAL (3 ml) 15.71 0.5237 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.4567 High/Low Ratio=1.90 AMITRIPTYLINE 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg P N06AA09 Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 0.61 0.0006 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 1.12 0.0112 COATED TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0059 High/Low Ratio=18.67 AMITRIPTYLINE 25 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg E N06AA09 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 3.06 0.0031 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.09 0.0041 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 5.09 0.0051 COATED TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.68 0.0057 COATED TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 6.39 0.0064 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 0.73 0.0073 Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 10.65 0.0107 COATED TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 500 TAB-CAP 5.32 0.0106 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 10.90 0.0109 TABLETS Supplier MEG 500 TAB-CAP 6.50 0.0130 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0069 High/Low Ratio=4.19 Buyer MSD/TANZ 500 TAB-CAP 2.02 0.0040 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 5.72 0.0057 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 7.35 0.0074 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 8.80 0.0088 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 5.11 0.0102 TABLETS Buyer BDS 500 TAB-CAP 6.11 0.0122 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 500 TAB-CAP 7.04 0.0141 TABLET Buyer ETHIOPIA 100 TAB-CAP 2.90 0.0290 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 3.90 0.0390 COATED TABLETS IN BLISTER PACK Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0102 High/Low Ratio=9.75 AMITRIPTYLINE 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg P N06AA09 Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 12.00 0.0120 TABLETS AMLODIPINE 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 5 mg N C08CA01 Buyer OECS/PPS 30 TAB-CAP 3.40 0.1133 TABLETS Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 8.06 0.2687 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1910 High/Low Ratio=2.37 AMLODIPINE 5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 5 mg T C08CA01 Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 2.75 0.0275 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 1.22 0.0122 TABLET, BLISTER PACK Buyer OECS/PPS 30 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.1333 TABLETS Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 5.08 0.1694 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1333 High/Low Ratio=13.89 AMODIAQUINE 50 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g P P01BA06 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 1.20 0.0012 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.34 0.0056 SYRUP AMODIAQUINE HCL 150-200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap E P01BA06 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 8.11 0.0081 TABLETS, AS HCL, EQUIV. TO 200 MG Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 8.40 0.0084 200 MG TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 8.90 0.0089 200 MG (150 MG BASE) TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 9.17 0.0092 200 MG TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 9.50 0.0095 200 MG TABLET (150 MG BASE) Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.11 0.0111 200 MG TABLET Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 11.52 0.0115 TABLETS, EQUIVALENT TO 200 MG BASE Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 11.64 0.0116 260 MG (200 MG BASE) TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 16.58 0.0167 200 MG TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0095 High/Low Ratio=2.06 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 9.67 0.0097 200 MG Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.19 0.0119 200 MG TABLET Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0108 High/Low Ratio=1.23 AMODIAQUINE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (3 TABS AMOD.+1 TAB Price/tab-cap P P01B SP CO-PACK) 100+250/12.5 tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 400 TAB-CAP 10.59 0.0265 100 TREATMENTS, TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-7 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMODIAQUINE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (3 TABS AMOD.+1 TAB Price/tab-cap P P01B SP CO-PACK) 100+250/12.5 tab-cap (PO) AMODIAQUINE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (3 TABS AMOD.+1 TAB Price/tab-cap P P01B SP CO-PACK) 200+500/25mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 400 TAB-CAP 13.31 0.0333 100 TREATMENTS, TABLETS AMODIAQUINE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (6 TAB AMOD.+2 TAB Price/tab-cap P P01B SP CO-PACK) 200+500/25mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 800 TAB-CAP 14.86 0.0186 100 TREATMENTS, TABLETS AMODIAQUINE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (9 TAB AMOD.+3 TAB Price/tab-cap P P01B SP CO-PACK) 200+500/25mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 1200 TAB-CAP 18.92 0.0158 100 TREATMENTS, TABLETS AMOXICILLIN 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g E J01CA04 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.42 0.0042 POWDER Supplier UNFPA 10 BOTT (100 ml) 4.45 0.0045 POWDER Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.45 0.0045 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.48 0.0048 POWDER FOR SYRUP Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.50 0.0050 POWDER FOR SYRUP Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.51 0.0051 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.54 0.0054 POWDER Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.55 0.0055 Supplier IMRES 10 BOTT (100 ml) 5.72 0.0057 POWDER Supplier IDA 40 BOTT (100 ml) 26.34 0.0066 POWDER Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.88 0.0088 POWDER Supplier ACTION 25 BOTT (100 ml) 22.69 0.0091 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0053 High/Low Ratio=2.17 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.36 0.0036 Buyer FEDECAME 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.46 0.0046 Buyer OECS/PPS 40 BOTT (100 ml) 20.00 0.0050 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.53 0.0053 Buyer CAMERWA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.59 0.0059 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.69 0.0069 Buyer ETHIOPIA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.46 0.0077 ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.81 0.0081 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0056 High/Low Ratio=2.25 AMOXICILLIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E J01CA04 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 16.63 0.0166 Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 18.67 0.0187 CAPSULES Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 18.99 0.0191 CAPSULES, ANHYDROUS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 19.14 0.0191 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 21.67 0.0217 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 23.25 0.0233 CAPSULES Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 25.00 0.0250 CAPSULES Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 26.00 0.0260 CAPSULES Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 28.80 0.0288 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 29.45 0.0295 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 29.64 0.0296 CAPSULES Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 44.51 0.0446 CAPSULES (EUR.) Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0242 High/Low Ratio=2.69 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 11.85 0.0119 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1000 TAB-CAP 13.60 0.0136 CAPSULES Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 16.10 0.0161 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 9.09 0.0182 CAPSULES Buyer ETHIOPIA 100 TAB-CAP 1.84 0.0184 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 20.00 0.0200 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 22.06 0.0221 CAPSULES Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 30.40 0.0304 CAPSULE Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 32.38 0.0324 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0184 High/Low Ratio=2.72 AMOXICILLIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g P J01CA04 Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.45 0.0045 POWDER Supplier UNFPA 10 BOTT (100 ml) 6.95 0.0070 POWDER Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.79 0.0079 Supplier IDA 40 BOTT (100 ml) 35.37 0.0088 POWDER WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-8 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMOXICILLIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g P J01CA04 Supplier IMRES 10 BOTT (100 ml) 8.90 0.0089 POWDER Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.17 0.0116 POWDER Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0083 High/Low Ratio=2.58 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 BOTT (100 ml) 38.69 0.0039 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF BOTTLES Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.46 0.0046 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.16 0.0116 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0046 High/Low Ratio=2.97 AMOXICILLIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E J01CA04 Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 29.12 0.0291 CAPSULES Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 36.00 0.0360 CAPSULES Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 36.87 0.0370 CAPSULES, ANHYDROUS Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 45.00 0.0450 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 45.51 0.0455 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 500 TAB-CAP 24.00 0.0480 CAPSULES Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 49.23 0.0492 CAPSULES Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 52.05 0.0521 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 52.53 0.0525 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 87.09 0.0871 CAPSULES (EUR.) Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0468 High/Low Ratio=2.99 Buyer NICARAGUA 1000 TAB-CAP 24.49 0.0245 CAPSULES; ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 28.20 0.0282 CAPSULES Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 32.00 0.0320 CAPSULES Buyer ETHIOPIA 100 TAB-CAP 3.54 0.0354 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 3.67 0.0368 CAPSULES Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 3.76 0.0376 BLISTER PACK Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0337 High/Low Ratio=1.53 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID 1000+200 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 1 g P J01CR02 Supplier IDA 10 VIAL 69.55 6.9550 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 3.55 3.5532 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID 250mg+125mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g P J01CR02 Supplier MEDS 20 TAB-CAP 4.72 0.2363 TABLETS Supplier JMS 10 TAB-CAP 2.97 0.2970 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 20 TAB-CAP 7.03 0.3516 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.2970 High/Low Ratio=1.49 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 26.75 0.2675 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 20 TAB-CAP 8.47 0.4233 Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.3454 High/Low Ratio=1.58 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID 500mg+100mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 1 g P J01CR02 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 VIAL 1.80 1.8000 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 2.39 2.3908 Buyer Median Price/vial=2.0954 High/Low Ratio=1.33 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID 500mg+125mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E J01CR02 Supplier IDA 50 TAB-CAP 8.78 0.1756 TABLETS, BLISTER-PACK 10X5 Supplier IMRES 50 TAB-CAP 9.54 0.1908 FILM-COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier MEG 50 TAB-CAP 11.20 0.2240 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 50 TAB-CAP 13.89 0.2778 TABLETS, 5 X 10 ALUMINUM STRIP Supplier ACTION 60 TAB-CAP 18.08 0.3014 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 20 TAB-CAP 8.44 0.4219 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 50 TAB-CAP 24.75 0.4950 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 16 TAB-CAP 10.58 0.6612 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.2896 High/Low Ratio=3.77 Buyer CAMERWA 100 TAB-CAP 15.62 0.1562 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 20 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.2000 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 20 TAB-CAP 4.19 0.2096 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.2000 High/Low Ratio=1.34 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID (125+31.25 MG/5ML) suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g P J01CR02 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.05 0.0205 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.25 0.0225 POWDER FOR SYRUP Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (100 ml) 3.95 0.0395 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 4.24 0.0424 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0310 High/Low Ratio=2.07 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.32 0.0232 AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID (250+62.5 MG/5ML) suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g P J01CR02 Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (100 ml) 7.82 0.0782 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-9 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANIC ACID (250+62.5 MG/5ML) suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g P J01CR02 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 8.11 0.0811 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0796 High/Low Ratio=1.04 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.80 0.0280 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 4.78 0.0478 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0379 High/Low Ratio=1.71 AMPHOTERICIN B 50 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 35 mg C J02AA01 Supplier MALAWI 5 VIAL 19.00 3.8000 Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 4.95 4.9500 IV USE ONLY Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 5.56 5.5600 Supplier JMS 1 VIAL 6.72 6.7200 Supplier IDA 1 VIAL 11.77 11.7740 POWDER, 10 ML Supplier Median Price/vial=5.5600 High/Low Ratio=3.10 Buyer CAMERWA 1 VIAL 3.91 3.9121 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 5.80 5.8000 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 VIAL 106.63 10.6632 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 13.95 13.9500 POWDER Buyer NICARAGUA 1 VIAL 23.39 23.3900 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 23.91 23.9080 Buyer Median Price/vial=12.3066 High/Low Ratio=6.11 AMPICILLIN 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g E J01CA01 Supplier UNFPA 50 VIAL 5.50 0.1100 Supplier IDA 50 VIAL 6.09 0.1218 POWDER Supplier MEG 50 VIAL 6.50 0.1300 Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 8.01 0.1603 Supplier MISSION 50 VIAL 8.90 0.1780 AS SODIUM Supplier ORBI 50 VIAL 9.22 0.1845 POWDER Supplier DURBIN 50 VIAL 13.76 0.2753 POWDER, SODIUM SALT Supplier ORBI 100 VIAL 46.45 0.4645 EUR., POWDER Supplier Median Price/vial=0.1691 High/Low Ratio=4.22 Buyer FEDECAME 100 VIAL 11.07 0.1107 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 VIAL 21.29 0.2129 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 0.25 0.2500 POWDER Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 0.25 0.2514 Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.40 0.3960 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=0.2500 High/Low Ratio=3.58 AMPICILLIN 10 mcg disc (N/A) Price/each N V07AR Supplier UNFPA 250 DISC (1 EACH) 27.00 0.1080 5 X 50 DISCS AMPICILLIN 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.50 0.0050 POWDER FOR SYRUP Supplier IMRES 10 BOTT (100 ml) 5.72 0.0057 POWDER Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.84 0.0084 POWDER Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.94 0.0094 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0070 High/Low Ratio=1.88 AMPICILLIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 15.50 0.0155 CAPSULES Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 16.64 0.0166 CAPSULES Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 24.75 0.0248 CAPSULES Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 26.78 0.0268 CAPSULES Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 30.30 0.0303 CAPSULES Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 34.83 0.0348 CAPSULES Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0258 High/Low Ratio=2.25 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 14.22 0.0142 Buyer BUFMAR 1000 TAB-CAP 18.05 0.0181 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0162 High/Low Ratio=1.27 AMPICILLIN 250 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier MALAWI 1 VIAL 0.13 0.1300 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 0.14 0.1350 Supplier Median Price/vial=0.1325 High/Low Ratio=1.04 Buyer NAMIBIA 50 VIAL 1.55 0.0311 SODIUM Buyer BDS 100 VIAL 19.13 0.1913 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.1112 High/Low Ratio=6.15 AMPICILLIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier IMRES 10 BOTT (100 ml) 8.90 0.0089 POWDER WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-10 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE AMPICILLIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.29 0.0129 POWDER Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0109 High/Low Ratio=1.45 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.73 0.0121 POWDER AMPICILLIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g P J01CA01 Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 37.50 0.0375 CAPSULES Supplier UNFPA 500 TAB-CAP 24.75 0.0495 CAPSULES Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 50.21 0.0502 CAPSULES Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 52.28 0.0523 CAPSULES Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 53.34 0.0533 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 57.16 0.0572 TABLETS/CAPSULES Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 87.09 0.0871 CAPSULES Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0523 High/Low Ratio=2.32 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 21.96 0.0220 CAPSULES AMPICILLIN 500 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g E J01CA01 Supplier IDA 50 VIAL 3.86 0.0771 POWDER Supplier UNFPA 50 VIAL 3.95 0.0790 Supplier JMS 50 VIAL 4.32 0.0864 Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 4.83 0.0967 Supplier MISSION 50 VIAL 5.14 0.1028 AS SODIUM Supplier MEG 50 VIAL 5.23 0.1046 Supplier DURBIN 50 VIAL 5.93 0.1185 POWDER, SODIUM SALT Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 0.12 0.1200 Supplier MALAWI 1 VIAL 0.17 0.1700 POWDER Supplier ACTION/IH 50 VIAL 12.93 0.2586 POWDER Supplier ACTION 50 VIAL 13.75 0.2750 SODIUM Supplier ORBI 100 VIAL 28.07 0.2807 POWDER Supplier Median Price/vial=0.1116 High/Low Ratio=3.64 Buyer NAMIBIA 50 VIAL 1.73 0.0346 SODIUM Buyer CAMERWA 50 VIAL 3.89 0.0779 Buyer MSD/TANZ 50 VIAL 4.06 0.0812 POWDER Buyer FEDECAME 100 VIAL 8.56 0.0856 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 VIAL 0.10 0.1028 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 AMP (1 VIAL) 18.00 0.1800 Buyer BDS 100 VIAL 19.81 0.1981 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 0.26 0.2600 5 ML Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.31 0.3080 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=0.1028 High/Low Ratio=8.90 AMPICILLIN+SULBACTAM 1000mg+500mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g N J01CR01 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 1.68 1.6829 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 2.94 2.9400 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=2.3114 High/Low Ratio=1.75 ANASTROZOLE 1 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 mg N L02BG03 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 255.34 2.5534 COATED TABLETS Buyer BDS 28 TAB-CAP 140.21 5.0077 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=3.7805 High/Low Ratio=1.96 ANTI-D IMMUNOGLOBULIN (ANTI-RHO) 250 mcg vial (INJ) Price/ml E J06BB01 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL (1 ml) 54.64 54.6431 ANTI-D IMMUNOGLOBULIN (ANTI-RHO) 300 mcg vial (INJ) Price/ml P J06BB01 Buyer BDS 1 AMP (1.50 ml) 51.91 34.6082 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (1 ml) 106.35 106.3500 Buyer Median Price/ml=70.4791 High/Low Ratio=3.07 ANTI-RABIES IMMUNOGLOBULIN, HUMAN 150 IU/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml E J06BB05 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL (2 ml) 80.76 40.3800 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (2 ml) 107.09 53.5450 ANTI-TETANUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN 500 U vial (INJ) Price/vial E J06BB02 Supplier IDA 1 AMP (1 VIAL) 26.65 26.6500 ANTI-TETANUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN (HUMAN) 250 IU vial (INJ) Price/ml P J06BB02 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL (1 ml) 24.60 24.6012 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-11 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ANTI-TETANUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN (HUMAN) 250 IU vial (INJ) Price/ml P J06BB02 Buyer ELSALV 1 SYRINGE (1 ml) 40.03 40.0300 Buyer Median Price/ml=32.3156 High/Low Ratio=1.63 ANTIHAEMORRHOIDAL ointment (RECT) Price/g E C05A Supplier MISSION 1 TUBE (30 g) 0.48 0.0160 Supplier IMRES 1 TUBE (30 g) 0.51 0.0170 Supplier ACTION 25 TUBE (50 g) 34.81 0.0279 POLIDOCANOL 3% Supplier MEG 50 TUBE (30 g) 45.40 0.0303 Supplier DURBIN 50 TUBE (30 g) 48.52 0.0323 BENZOCAINE 2%+BUTAMBEN 2%+TANNIC ACID 10% Supplier IDA 10 TUBE (30 g) 10.25 0.0342 Supplier ORBI 50 TUBE (30 g) 52.90 0.0352 Supplier JMS 1 TUBE (25 g) 1.14 0.0456 CREAM Supplier MEDS 1 TUBE (15 g) 2.23 0.1490 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0323 High/Low Ratio=9.31 Buyer CAMERWA 10 TUBE (30 g) 11.19 0.0373 ANTIHAEMORRHOIDAL suppos (RECT) Price/supp E C05A Supplier IMRES 100 SUPP 10.18 0.1018 Supplier MISSION 100 SUPP 10.65 0.1065 STRIP Supplier DURBIN 100 SUPP 13.06 0.1306 BISMUTH SUBGALL. 100 MG+ZINC OXIDE 100 MG+LIDOCAINE 60 MG Supplier IDA 100 SUPP 13.14 0.1314 Supplier ORBI 100 SUPP 13.38 0.1338 2 G Supplier MEG 100 SUPP 14.74 0.1474 Supplier JMS 10 SUPP 2.97 0.2970 Supplier MEDS 10 SUPP 5.55 0.5550 Supplier Median Price/supp=0.1326 High/Low Ratio=5.45 Buyer CRSS 100 SUPP 12.20 0.1220 Buyer OECS/PPS 12 SUPP 1.86 0.1550 HYDROCORTISONE Buyer NAMIBIA 10 SUPP 7.74 0.7745 WITH STEROID AND LOCAL ANESTHETIC Buyer Median Price/supp=0.1550 High/Low Ratio=6.35 ANTIHEMOPHILIC FACTOR (FACTOR VIII, HUMAN) 250 IU vial Price/vial 500 U C B02BD02 (INJ) Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 65.82 65.8154 ANTIHEMOPHILIC FACTOR (FACTOR VIII, HUMAN) 500 IU vial Price/vial 500 U C B02BD02 (INJ) Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 94.98 94.9800 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 131.64 131.6359 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 145.93 145.9300 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=131.6359 High/Low Ratio=1.54 ANTIVENOM SERUM vial (INJ) Price/vial E J06AA03 Supplier MISSION 10 VIAL 171.23 17.1230 10 ML, ANTI-SNAKE, IPSER AFRICA Supplier JMS 1 VIAL 25.08 25.0800 10 ML, EXCL. COBRA Supplier IDA 10 AMP (1 VIAL) 910.46 91.0455 10 ML, AFRICA (10 SNAKES) Supplier Median Price/vial=25.0800 High/Low Ratio=5.32 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 VIAL 26.66 2.6659 SNAKE BITE; EAST & CENTRAL AFRICA Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 12.00 12.0000 SNAKES, 10 ML Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 13.00 13.0000 CORAL SNAKE, 10 ML Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 16.93 16.9344 SNAKES, CENTRAL AMERICAN SPECIES; 10 ML Buyer NICARAGUA 1 VIAL 19.91 19.9102 10 ML, SNAKES (VIPERS), POLYVALENT, USP Buyer NICARAGUA 1 VIAL 21.95 21.9523 10 ML; CORAL SNAKES Buyer Median Price/vial=14.9672 High/Low Ratio=8.23 ARTEMETHER 100 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 120 mg P P01BE02 Supplier ORBI 7 AMP (1 ml) 17.47 2.4964 ARTEMETHER 15 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.28 g CP P01BE02 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (100 ml) 3.82 0.0382 POWDER ARTEMETHER 20 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 120 mg P P01BE02 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (1 ml) 31.57 0.3157 Supplier IMRES 10 AMP (1 ml) 6.36 0.6361 Supplier JMS 10 AMP (1 ml) 6.48 0.6480 Supplier MISSION 10 AMP (1 ml) 6.80 0.6800 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.6421 High/Low Ratio=2.15 ARTEMETHER 40 mg suppos (RECT) Price/supp CP P01BE02 Supplier IMRES 6 SUPP 2.86 0.4770 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-12 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ARTEMETHER 40 mg suppos (RECT) Price/supp CP P01BE02 ARTEMETHER 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.28 g P P01BE02 Supplier ORBI 14 TAB-CAP 10.55 0.7537 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 133.33 1.3333 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=1.0435 High/Low Ratio=1.77 Buyer MEMS 12 TAB-CAP 3.96 0.3300 TABLETS ARTEMETHER 80 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 120 mg C P01BE02 Supplier IMRES 5 AMP (1 ml) 4.45 0.8905 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (1 ml) 91.25 0.9125 Supplier MISSION 5 AMP (1 ml) 4.94 0.9880 Supplier JMS 5 AMP (1 ml) 5.76 1.1520 Supplier ACTION/IH 6 AMP (1 ml) 9.37 1.5613 Supplier ACTION/IH 6 AMP (0.50 ml) 6.05 2.0173 Supplier Median Price/ml=1.0700 High/Low Ratio=2.27 ARTEMETHER+LUMEFANTRINE 15+90mg/5ml suspen (PO) Price/ml P P01BE52 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (60 ml) 3.82 0.0636 ARTEMETHER+LUMEFANTRINE (CO-PACK) 20 mg+120 mg tab-cap Price/tab-cap E P01BE52 (PO) Supplier MISSION 360 TAB-CAP 28.42 0.0789 30 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 6 X 2 Supplier MISSION 180 TAB-CAP 14.21 0.0789 30 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 6 X 1 Supplier MISSION 720 TAB-CAP 56.84 0.0789 30 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 6 X 4 Supplier MISSION 540 TAB-CAP 42.63 0.0789 30 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 6 X 3 Supplier IDA 180 TAB-CAP 15.75 0.0875 30 STRIPS OF 6 X 1 TABLETS, INFANTS Supplier IDA 720 TAB-CAP 63.69 0.0885 30 STRIPS OF 6 X 4 TABLETS, ADULTS Supplier IDA 360 TAB-CAP 31.87 0.0885 30 STRIPS OF 6 X 2 TABLETS, CHILDREN Supplier IDA 540 TAB-CAP 47.81 0.0885 30 STRIPS OF 6 X 3 TABLETS, YOUTH Supplier IMRES 24 TAB-CAP 3.75 0.1564 4 X 6 TABLETS, BLISTER PACK (ADULT) Supplier JMS 24 TAB-CAP 3.87 0.1613 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 24 TAB-CAP 6.09 0.2538 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 24 TAB-CAP 8.00 0.3333 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 16 TAB-CAP 8.04 0.5023 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0885 High/Low Ratio=6.37 ARTESUNATE 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.28 g P P01BE03 Supplier IMRES 6 TAB-CAP 1.91 0.3180 TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 6 TAB-CAP 2.00 0.3333 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 60 TAB-CAP 39.26 0.6543 10 PACKS OF 6 TABS Supplier JMS 120 TAB-CAP 82.56 0.6880 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 6 TAB-CAP 4.22 0.7032 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.6543 High/Low Ratio=2.21 Buyer MEMS 6 TAB-CAP 1.58 0.2640 TABLET ARTESUNATE 200 mg suppos (RECT) Price/supp P P01BE03 Supplier MISSION 6 SUPP 4.69 0.7817 ARTESUNATE 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.28 g CP P01BE03 Supplier DURBIN 6 TAB-CAP 5.63 0.9377 TABLETS ARTESUNATE 50 mg suppos (RECT) Price/supp P P01BE03 Supplier MISSION 6 SUPP 3.13 0.5217 ALUMINUM STRIP ARTESUNATE 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.28 g C P01BE03 Supplier ACTION 500 TAB-CAP 41.99 0.0840 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 12 TAB-CAP 1.91 0.1590 TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 12 TAB-CAP 2.00 0.1667 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.1590 High/Low Ratio=1.98 Buyer MEMS 12 TAB-CAP 2.02 0.1687 TABLET ARTESUNATE 60 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial E P01BE03 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 1.25 1.2500 WITH SOLVENT WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-13 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ARTESUNATE+AMODIAQUINE CO-PACK (1 TAB ARTES.+1 TAB Price/tab-cap E P01BE AMODIA.) 50 mg+153 mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 600 TAB-CAP 23.99 0.0400 25 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 12 + 12 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 300 TAB-CAP 12.94 0.0431 25 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 6 + 6 TABLETS Supplier IDA 24 TAB-CAP 1.22 0.0508 12+12 TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier IDA 12 TAB-CAP 0.65 0.0542 6+6 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier MISSION 150 TAB-CAP 8.24 0.0549 25 TREATMENTS, BLISTER 3 + 3 TABLETS Supplier IDA 6 TAB-CAP 0.41 0.0677 3+3 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier IMRES 24 TAB-CAP 2.23 0.0928 12+12 TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier JMS 24 TAB-CAP 2.28 0.0950 Supplier IMRES 12 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.1060 6 + 6 TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier IMRES 6 TAB-CAP 0.64 0.1060 3 + 3 TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier ACTION 600 TAB-CAP 71.39 0.1189 TABLETS, 25 BLISTER SHEETS WITH 12 OF EACH Supplier MEG 24 TAB-CAP 2.90 0.1208 12+12 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 240 TAB-CAP 34.16 0.1423 TABLETS Supplier MEG 12 TAB-CAP 1.90 0.1583 6+6 BLISTER-PACK TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 120 TAB-CAP 24.40 0.2033 TABLETS Supplier MEG 6 TAB-CAP 1.50 0.2500 3+3 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.1005 High/Low Ratio=6.25 ARTESUNATE+MEFLOQUINE (6 TAB ART.+2 TAB MEF. CO-PACK) 50 Price/tab-cap P P01B mg+250 mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier MISSION 8 TAB-CAP 2.10 0.2625 1 TREATMENT, TABLETS ARTESUNATE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (6 TAB ARTES.+2 TAB Price/tab-cap E SP CO-PACK) 50+500/25mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier IDA 8 TAB-CAP 0.95 0.1188 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 8 TAB-CAP 1.35 0.1688 1 TREATMENT, 1 X 8 BLISTER TABLETS Supplier MEG 8 TAB-CAP 2.42 0.3025 6+2 BLISTER-PACK TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.1688 High/Low Ratio=2.55 ARTESUNATE+SULFADOXINE/PYRIMETHAMINE (6 TAB ARTES.+3 TAB Price/tab-cap E SP CO-PACK) 100+500/25mg tab-cap (PO) Supplier IDA 9 TAB-CAP 1.45 0.1611 CO-BLISTER TABLETS Supplier MISSION 9 TAB-CAP 1.95 0.2167 1 TREATMENT, BLISTER 1 X 9 TABLETS Supplier MEG 9 TAB-CAP 2.50 0.2778 BLISTER-PACK TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.2167 High/Low Ratio=1.72 ASPARAGINASE 1,000 IU/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml P L01XX02 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (10 ml) 44.90 4.4900 ATAZANAVIR 150 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g N J05AE08 Buyer BDS 60 TAB-CAP 286.88 4.7813 CAPSULES ATENOLOL 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg E C07AB03 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 5.48 0.0055 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 9.08 0.0091 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 9.29 0.0093 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 13.50 0.0135 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 24.80 0.0248 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 2.82 0.0282 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0114 High/Low Ratio=5.13 Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.25 0.0125 TABLETS Buyer NICARAGUA 1000 TAB-CAP 12.80 0.0128 SCORED TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer BDS 28 TAB-CAP 0.41 0.0147 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 10 TAB-CAP 0.22 0.0218 TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 28.08 0.0281 Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0147 High/Low Ratio=2.25 ATENOLOL 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg E C07AB03 Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 6.36 0.0064 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 6.50 0.0065 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 7.36 0.0074 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 3000 TAB-CAP 34.95 0.0116 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 16.07 0.0161 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.92 0.0192 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 19.76 0.0198 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 28 TAB-CAP 0.73 0.0261 BLISTER 2 X 14 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 28 TAB-CAP 1.08 0.0386 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0161 High/Low Ratio=6.03 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 0.48 0.0048 SCORED TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 1.00 0.0100 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-14 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ATENOLOL 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 75 mg E C07AB03 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 1.09 0.0109 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 500 TAB-CAP 6.00 0.0120 TABLETS Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TAB-CAP 1.74 0.0174 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 2.64 0.0264 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0115 High/Low Ratio=5.50 ATORVASTATIN 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 10 mg N C10AA05 Buyer OECS/PPS 20 TAB-CAP 16.15 0.8075 TABLETS Buyer BDS 20 TAB-CAP 16.39 0.8195 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.8135 High/Low Ratio=1.01 ATORVASTATIN 20 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 10 mg T C10AA05 Buyer OECS/PPS 20 TAB-CAP 21.53 1.0765 TABLETS Buyer BDS 20 TAB-CAP 21.86 1.0929 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=1.0847 High/Low Ratio=1.02 ATOVAQUONE+PROGUANIL 250mg+100mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 4 tab N P01BB51 Supplier DURBIN 12 TAB-CAP 58.27 4.8556 TABLETS ATRACURIUM 10 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml N M03AC04 Supplier JMS 5 AMP (2.50 ml) 28.26 2.2608 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (2.50 ml) 0.98 0.3920 BESYLATE Buyer NAMIBIA 5 VIAL (2.50 ml) 20.95 1.6762 BESYLATE Buyer Median Price/ml=1.0341 High/Low Ratio=4.28 ATROPINE SULFATE 0.5 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 1.5 mg P A03BA01 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (1 ml) 35.50 0.3550 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.09 0.0900 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.09 0.0900 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 AMP (1 ml) 14.30 0.1430 IM/IV/SC Buyer NAMIBIA 10 AMP (1 ml) 1.49 0.1485 Buyer BDS 100 AMP (1 ml) 15.03 0.1502 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1430 High/Low Ratio=1.67 ATROPINE SULFATE 0.6 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 1.5 mg P A03BA01 Supplier MALAWI 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.05 0.0500 Buyer BDS 10 AMP (1 ml) 2.25 0.2254 ATROPINE SULFATE 1 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 1.5 mg E A03BA01 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (1 ml) 6.16 0.0616 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (1 ml) 6.75 0.0675 Supplier JMS 10 AMP (1 ml) 0.72 0.0720 Supplier MEG 100 AMP (1 ml) 8.75 0.0875 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (1 ml) 9.54 0.0954 Supplier UNFPA 100 AMP (1 ml) 10.00 0.1000 Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (1 ml) 10.55 0.1055 Supplier ACTION/IH 100 AMP (1 ml) 11.04 0.1104 Supplier ACTION 50 AMP (1 ml) 5.55 0.1111 Supplier ORBI 100 AMP (1 ml) 14.51 0.1451 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0977 High/Low Ratio=2.36 Buyer FEDECAME 100 AMP (1 ml) 6.16 0.0616 Buyer MSD/TANZ 10 AMP (1 ml) 0.73 0.0725 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 AMP (1 ml) 8.48 0.0848 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.12 0.1248 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0786 High/Low Ratio=2.03 ATROPINE SULFATE 1% opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml E S01FA01 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.39 0.0784 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.48 0.0960 DROPPER Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.57 0.1140 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.73 0.1726 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (10 ml) 2.21 0.2210 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (5 ml) 1.44 0.2880 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (9 ml) 4.40 0.4891 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.1726 High/Low Ratio=6.24 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.90 0.0896 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.00 0.1000 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-15 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE ATROPINE SULFATE 1% opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml E S01FA01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.50 0.1502 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (5 ml) 1.23 0.2455 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 2.55 0.2552 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1502 High/Low Ratio=2.85 ATROPINE SULFATE 1% opht oint (OPHT) Price/g P S01FA01 Supplier MALAWI 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.20 0.0571 AZATHIOPRINE 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.15 g C L04AX01 Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 12.05 0.1205 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 22.40 0.2240 TABLETS Supplier IDA 56 TAB-CAP 18.78 0.3353 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.2240 High/Low Ratio=2.78 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 3.10 0.0310 SCORED TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.10 0.0966 TABLET Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 11.33 0.1133 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 19.89 0.1989 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1050 High/Low Ratio=6.42 AZITHROMYCIN 200 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.3 g E J01FA10 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (15 ml) 0.53 0.0353 SYRUP AS DIHYDRATE Supplier IDA 120 BOTT (15 ml) 104.09 0.0578 POWDER Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (15 ml) 1.27 0.0848 DIHYDRATE Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0578 High/Low Ratio=2.40 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (15 ml) 1.49 0.0993 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (15 ml) 5.46 0.3641 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.2317 High/Low Ratio=3.67 AZITHROMYCIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g E J01FA10 Supplier IMRES 4 TAB-CAP 0.64 0.1590 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier MISSION 6 TAB-CAP 0.97 0.1617 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier MEG 100 TAB-CAP 18.20 0.1820 TABLETS Supplier IDA 6 TAB-CAP 1.22 0.2030 BLISTER PACK CAPSULES Supplier ACTION/IH 6 TAB-CAP 2.64 0.4400 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.1820 High/Low Ratio=2.77 Buyer MEMS 6 TAB-CAP 2.64 0.4400 TABLETS AZITHROMYCIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g E J01FA10 Supplier IDA 3 TAB-CAP 1.20 0.4000 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier JMS 3 TAB-CAP 3.00 1.0000 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.7000 High/Low Ratio=2.50 Buyer NAMIBIA 3 TAB-CAP 0.79 0.2627 TABLETS Buyer BDS 10 TAB-CAP 6.80 0.6802 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 3 TAB-CAP 4.00 1.3333 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.6802 High/Low Ratio=5.08 BACLOFEN 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 50 mg N M03BX01 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 2.60 0.0260 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 30 TAB-CAP 4.32 0.1439 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0849 High/Low Ratio=5.53 BALANCED SALT SOLUTION opht (OPHT) Price/ml N S01XA Buyer OECS/PPS 36 BOTT (15 ml) 4.52 0.0084 Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (500 ml) 9.04 0.0181 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (18 ml) 3.17 0.1760 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0181 High/Low Ratio=20.95 BALANCED SALT SOLUTION solution (TOP) Price/ml N B05CB10 Buyer OECS/PPS 12 BOTT (500 ml) 5.00 0.0008 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (500 ml) 5.23 0.0105 Buyer CRSS 1 BOTT (500 ml) 10.40 0.0208 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0105 High/Low Ratio=26.00 BARIUM SULFATE powder (PO) Price/kg P V08BA02 Supplier IDA 1 DRUM (25 kg) 147.73 5.9093 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 JAR (1 kg) 6.96 6.9615 Buyer OECS/PPS 24 CUP (0.34 kg) 122.00 14.9510 12 OZ. CUP, 340 GM Buyer MEMS 1 JAR (1 kg) 15.12 15.1200 Buyer Median Price/kg=14.9510 High/Low Ratio=2.17 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-16 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE BECLOMETASONE 100 mcg/dose inhaler (INH) Price/dose 0.8 mg P R03BA01 Supplier MEDS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 4.83 0.0242 Supplier DURBIN 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 7.53 0.0378 Supplier Median Price/dose=0.0310 High/Low Ratio=1.56 Buyer CRSS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.08 0.0154 BECLOMETASONE 250 mcg/dose inhaler (INH) Price/dose 0.8 mg E R03BA01 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.97 0.0198 ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer BDS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 7.24 0.0362 CFC-FREE Buyer Median Price/dose=0.0280 High/Low Ratio=1.83 BECLOMETASONE 50 mcg nasal (N/T) Price/dose 0.4 mg E R01AD01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (200 DOSE) 2.13 0.0107 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (200 DOSE) 5.00 0.0250 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (150 DOSE) 5.76 0.0384 AQUEOUS Buyer Median Price/dose=0.0250 High/Low Ratio=3.59 BECLOMETASONE 50 mcg/dose inhaler (INH) Price/dose 0.8 mg E R03BA01 Supplier MISSION 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 2.08 0.0104 CFC-FREE Supplier IDA 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 2.99 0.0150 Supplier DURBIN 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.01 0.0151 Supplier MALAWI 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.19 0.0160 Supplier MEG 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.24 0.0162 Supplier Median Price/dose=0.0151 High/Low Ratio=1.56 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 1.46 0.0073 Buyer CRSS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 1.86 0.0093 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 1.98 0.0099 ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer NICARAGUA 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.20 0.0160 Buyer BDS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.36 0.0168 CFC-FREE Buyer OECS/PPS 1 INHALER (200 DOSE) 3.75 0.0188 CFC-FREE Buyer Median Price/dose=0.0130 High/Low Ratio=2.58 BENDROFLUMETHIAZIDE 2.5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2.5 mg T C03AA01 Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.74 0.0047 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 8.33 0.0083 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0065 High/Low Ratio=1.77 BENDROFLUMETHIAZIDE 5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2.5 mg T C03AA01 Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 6.44 0.0064 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 9.24 0.0092 TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 11.88 0.0119 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0092 High/Low Ratio=1.86 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1000 TAB-CAP 2.62 0.0026 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 9.30 0.0093 Buyer BDS 2000 TAB-CAP 20.64 0.0103 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 15.84 0.0158 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0098 High/Low Ratio=6.08 BENZATROPINE MESILATE 1 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 2 mg N N04AC01 Buyer BDS 5 AMP (2 ml) 27.32 2.7319 BENZATROPINE MESILATE 2 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 mg N N04AC01 Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 9.50 0.0095 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 15.68 0.0157 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0126 High/Low Ratio=1.65 BENZOIC & SALICYLIC ACID (WHITFIELD'S) 6% + 3% ointment Price/g E D01AE20 (TOP) Supplier MEDS 1 JAR (400 g) 1.61 0.0040 Supplier MEG 1 JAR (800 g) 4.45 0.0056 Supplier MALAWI 1 JAR (500 g) 4.35 0.0087 Supplier ORBI 1 JAR (800 g) 7.45 0.0093 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (25 g) 0.24 0.0094 Supplier DURBIN 1 JAR (500 g) 4.82 0.0096 Supplier IDA 10 TUBE (40 g) 4.11 0.0103 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0093 High/Low Ratio=2.58 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 JAR (500 g) 2.52 0.0050 Buyer MEMS 1 TUBE (40 g) 0.25 0.0062 Buyer FEDECAME 1 TUBE (40 g) 0.40 0.0100 Buyer Median Price/g=0.0062 High/Low Ratio=2.00 BENZOYL PEROXIDE 5% gel (TOP) Price/g P D10AE01 Buyer BDS 1 TUBE (60 g) 3.29 0.0549 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-17 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE BENZYL BENZOATE 25% lotion (TOP) Price/ml E P03AX01 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 8.70 0.0017 EMULSION Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (500 ml) 1.19 0.0024 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 2.57 0.0026 Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 2.65 0.0027 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.29 0.0029 EMULSION Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.04 0.0030 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.24 0.0032 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.33 0.0033 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.12 0.0042 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.48 0.0045 Supplier ACTION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 6.03 0.0061 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0030 High/Low Ratio=3.59 Buyer MSD/TANZ 12 BOTT (100 ml) 2.16 0.0018 EMULSION Buyer FEDECAME 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 2.83 0.0028 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.36 0.0036 Buyer CAMERWA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.10 0.0041 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.37 0.0137 EMULSION Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0036 High/Low Ratio=7.61 BENZYL BENZOATE (CONCENTRATED) 90% solution (TOP) Price/ml P P03AX01 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 6.29 0.0063 SAPONATED Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 7.50 0.0075 SAPONATED Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 8.59 0.0086 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 8.82 0.0088 SAPONATED Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 10.24 0.0103 SAPONATED Supplier ACTION 12 BOTT (550 ml) 85.34 0.0129 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0087 High/Low Ratio=2.05 BETAMETHASONE (OPHT/OTIC) 0.1% opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml P S03BA03 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.70 0.1700 BETAMETHASONE VALERATE 0.1% cream (TOP) Price/g E D07AC01 Supplier MEDS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.23 0.0150 Supplier UNFPA 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.25 0.0167 Supplier MEG 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.35 0.0233 Supplier IMRES 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.36 0.0237 Supplier IDA 10 TUBE (15 g) 3.65 0.0244 Supplier MISSION 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.37 0.0247 Supplier JMS 1 JAR (200 g) 5.61 0.0281 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.49 0.0325 Supplier ORBI 50 TUBE (15 g) 34.96 0.0466 Supplier ACTION 50 TUBE (15 g) 36.57 0.0488 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0246 High/Low Ratio=3.25 Buyer CRSS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.15 0.0100 Buyer MSD/TANZ 12 TUBE (15 g) 2.48 0.0138 Buyer MEMS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.31 0.0205 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.37 0.0246 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 TUBE (15 g) 47.40 0.0316 DIPROPIONATE, ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF TUBES Buyer CAMERWA 50 TUBE (15 g) 32.18 0.0429 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.82 0.0547 Buyer BDS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.89 0.0592 Buyer Median Price/g=0.0281 High/Low Ratio=5.92 BETAMETHASONE VALERATE 0.1% ointment (TOP) Price/g E D07AC01 Supplier MEDS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.23 0.0150 Supplier DURBIN 10 TUBE (30 g) 6.93 0.0231 Supplier JMS 1 JAR (200 g) 4.80 0.0240 Supplier MALAWI 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.46 0.0307 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0236 High/Low Ratio=2.05 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.40 0.0269 Buyer CRSS 1 TUBE (15 g) 0.83 0.0553 Buyer BDS 1 TUBE (15 g) 1.15 0.0765 Buyer Median Price/g=0.0553 High/Low Ratio=2.84 BICALUTAMIDE 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 50 mg N L02BB03 Buyer BDS 28 TAB-CAP 167.87 5.9955 TABLETS Buyer JMS 28 TAB-CAP 249.69 8.9175 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=7.4565 High/Low Ratio=1.49 BIPERIDEN 2 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 10 mg E N04AA02 Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 59.39 0.0593 TABLETS Supplier IDA 50 TAB-CAP 4.36 0.0873 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-18 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE BIPERIDEN 2 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 10 mg E N04AA02 Supplier ACTION/IH 50 TAB-CAP 4.83 0.0966 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 10.48 0.1048 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0920 High/Low Ratio=1.77 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 3.20 0.0320 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 34.01 0.0680 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 7.11 0.0711 SCORED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer NICARAGUA 50 TAB-CAP 4.14 0.0829 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0696 High/Low Ratio=2.59 BISACODYL 10 mg suppos (RECT) Price/supp 10 mg N A06AB02 Buyer OECS/PPS 12 SUPP 0.98 0.0817 Buyer CRSS 100 SUPP 10.70 0.1070 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 SUPP 3.18 0.3180 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 SUPP 0.43 0.4300 Buyer Median Price/supp=0.2125 High/Low Ratio=5.26 BISACODYL 5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 10 mg N A06AB02 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 2.50 0.0025 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 4.11 0.0041 ENTERIC-COATED TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.29 0.0043 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 100 TAB-CAP 0.44 0.0044 ENTERIC-COATED TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.38 0.0054 ENTERIC COATED TABLETS Supplier IMRES 100 TAB-CAP 0.57 0.0057 ENTERIC-COATED TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 5.97 0.0060 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 3500 TAB-CAP 29.80 0.0085 DRAGEES Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 10.05 0.0100 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 21.17 0.0211 ENTERIC-COATED TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0056 High/Low Ratio=8.44 Buyer MSD/TANZ 200 TAB-CAP 0.60 0.0030 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 3.27 0.0033 Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 7.39 0.0074 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 1.30 0.0130 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 200 TAB-CAP 2.91 0.0146 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0074 High/Low Ratio=4.87 BISMUTH SUBGALLATE suppos (RECT) Price/supp N C05AX02 Supplier MALAWI 12 SUPP 6.59 0.5492 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 SUPP 2.79 0.2794 BLEOMYCIN 15 Units vial (INJ) Price/vial C L01DC01 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 18.06 18.0600 WITH SOLVENT Supplier JMS 1 VIAL 32.10 32.1000 Supplier IDA 1 VIAL 38.35 38.3500 POWDER Supplier Median Price/vial=32.1000 High/Low Ratio=2.12 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 16.99 16.9873 POWDER Buyer CAMERWA 1 VIAL 20.66 20.6644 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 VIAL 22.50 22.5036 10 MG Buyer NAMIBIA 1 VIAL 30.19 30.1925 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 40.36 40.3600 5 ML Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 59.95 59.9500 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 80.67 80.6678 Buyer Median Price/vial=30.1925 High/Low Ratio=4.75 BROMOCRIPTINE MESILATE 2.5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 40 mg N G02CB01 Supplier UNFPA 14 TAB-CAP 2.75 0.1964 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 50.20 0.5020 Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.3492 High/Low Ratio=2.56 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 6.93 0.0693 TABLETS Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 2.84 0.0948 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 30 TAB-CAP 5.12 0.1707 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 30 TAB-CAP 5.19 0.1731 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1327 High/Low Ratio=2.50 BUPIVACAINE 0.75% ampoule (INJ) Price/ml P N01BB01 Buyer OECS/PPS 5 AMP (20 ml) 23.96 0.2396 PRESERVATIVE-FREE Buyer BDS 5 VIAL (20 ml) 26.07 0.2607 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.2501 High/Low Ratio=1.09 BUPIVACAINE HCL 0.25% ampoule (INJ) Price/ml E N01BB01 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 AMP (20 ml) 1.80 0.0900 PRESERVATIVE-FREE WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-19 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE BUPIVACAINE HCL 0.5% ampoule (INJ) Price/ml E N01BB01 Supplier MEDS 5 AMP (4 ml) 0.41 0.0203 HEAVY, SPINAL Supplier IDA 10 VIAL (20 ml) 6.80 0.0340 Supplier IMRES 10 VIAL (20 ml) 13.99 0.0700 Supplier MISSION 10 VIAL (20 ml) 14.20 0.0710 Supplier UNFPA 10 VIAL (20 ml) 15.00 0.0750 Supplier ORBI 10 VIAL (20 ml) 15.42 0.0771 Supplier MEG 10 VIAL (20 ml) 19.69 0.0985 Supplier IDA 20 AMP (4 ml) 17.05 0.2131 SPINAL HEAVY Supplier MALAWI 1 AMP (4 ml) 0.86 0.2150 SPINAL HYPERBARIC Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0750 High/Low Ratio=10.59 Buyer CAMERWA 10 VIAL (20 ml) 9.31 0.0465 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 AMP (10 ml) 5.27 0.0527 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer NAMIBIA 10 AMP (10 ml) 5.82 0.0582 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1 VIAL (10 ml) 0.93 0.0928 Buyer BDS 5 VIAL (4 ml) 14.34 0.7172 SPINAL HEAVY Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0582 High/Low Ratio=15.42 BUPIVACAINE HCL + DEXTROSE 0.5% + 8% ampoule (INJ) Price/ml E N01BB51 Supplier IMRES 20 AMP (4 ml) 17.56 0.2194 Supplier MISSION 20 AMP (4 ml) 17.57 0.2196 Supplier UNFPA 20 AMP (4 ml) 18.50 0.2313 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.2196 High/Low Ratio=1.05 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (3 ml) 7.69 2.5633 BUPIVACAINE HCL + EPINEPHRINE (0.5% + 1:200,000) vial Price/ml N N01BB51 (INJ) Supplier UNFPA 10 VIAL (20 ml) 17.75 0.0888 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 AMP (20 ml) 1.88 0.0942 Buyer NICARAGUA 1 AMP (20 ml) 4.94 0.2470 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1706 High/Low Ratio=2.62 BUSULFAN 2 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap N L01AB01 Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 71.06 0.7106 TABLETS Buyer BDS 25 TAB-CAP 53.28 2.1311 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=1.4208 High/Low Ratio=3.00 CALAMINE lotion (TOP) Price/ml E D02AB Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 1.95 0.0020 15% Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (500 ml) 1.25 0.0025 AQUEOUS Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.36 0.0036 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (3000 ml) 11.04 0.0037 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (2000 ml) 9.04 0.0046 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (200 ml) 1.02 0.0051 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (500 ml) 2.74 0.0055 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (500 ml) 3.15 0.0063 Supplier UNFPA 12 BOTT (100 ml) 7.85 0.0065 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0046 High/Low Ratio=3.25 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (2500 ml) 5.28 0.0021 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.33 0.0033 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.40 0.0040 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0033 High/Low Ratio=1.90 CALCITONIN (SALMON) 200 IU/dose nasal spr (N/T) Price/dose 200 U N H05BA01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (14 DOSE) 120.73 8.6238 CALCITONIN (SEMI-SYNTHETIC SALMON) 100 IU/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 100 U N H05BA01 Supplier UNFPA 10 AMP (1 ml) 17.00 1.7000 CALCIUM 600 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g P A12AA05 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 4.30 0.0043 GLUCONATE Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 7.50 0.0075 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 2.75 0.0275 CARBONATE, TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 10 TAB-CAP 0.39 0.0393 CALCIUM CARBONATE, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 10.00 0.1000 CARBONATE Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0334 High/Low Ratio=13.33 CALCIUM CHLORIDE 10% vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.2 g N A12AA07 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 VIAL (10 ml) 2.97 0.0297 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-20 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CALCIUM CHLORIDE 10% vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.2 g N A12AA07 Buyer BDS 10 VIAL (10 ml) 44.74 0.4474 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.2386 High/Low Ratio=15.06 CALCIUM FOLINATE 15 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 60 mg C V03AF03 Supplier JMS 10 TAB-CAP 18.30 1.8300 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 20 TAB-CAP 47.50 2.3750 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 20 TAB-CAP 47.81 2.3905 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=2.3827 High/Low Ratio=1.01 CALCIUM FOLINATE 50 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 60 mg P V03AF03 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 3.49 3.4900 5 ML Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 10.79 10.7916 Buyer Median Price/vial=7.1408 High/Low Ratio=3.09 CALCIUM GLUCONATE 100 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 3 g E A12AA03 Supplier MEDS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.14 0.0135 Supplier MALAWI 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.14 0.0140 Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (10 ml) 17.28 0.0173 Supplier IDA 20 AMP (10 ml) 3.86 0.0193 2.23 MMOL CALCIUM Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (10 ml) 20.94 0.0209 Supplier MEG 100 AMP (10 ml) 23.00 0.0230 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (10 ml) 24.81 0.0248 Supplier UNFPA 100 AMP (10 ml) 27.50 0.0275 Supplier ORBI 100 AMP (10 ml) 27.51 0.0275 Supplier JMS 100 AMP (10 ml) 33.00 0.0330 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0219 High/Low Ratio=2.44 Buyer BUFMAR 50 AMP (10 ml) 6.41 0.0128 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.15 0.0150 Buyer OECS/PPS 20 VIAL (10 ml) 3.20 0.0160 Buyer FEDECAME 100 AMP (10 ml) 16.36 0.0164 Buyer BDS 20 AMP (10 ml) 3.30 0.0165 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.19 0.0185 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 AMP (10 ml) 2.18 0.0218 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF AMPS Buyer NICARAGUA 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.22 0.0220 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.37 0.0370 Buyer MSD/TANZ 10 AMP (10 ml) 4.08 0.0408 Buyer MEMS 1 AMP (10 ml) 0.55 0.0550 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 AMP (10 ml) 5.66 0.0566 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0202 High/Low Ratio=4.42 CALCIUM LACTATE 250-300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g P A12AA05 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 2.74 0.0027 300 MG TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 3.66 0.0037 300 MG TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 7.53 0.0076 300 MG TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 8.00 0.0080 300 MG TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 8.90 0.0089 300 MG TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 9.67 0.0096 300 MG TABLETS Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 9.75 0.0098 300 MG TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 10.25 0.0102 300 MG TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 11.42 0.0114 300 MG TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0089 High/Low Ratio=4.22 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 3.34 0.0033 300 MG Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 2.67 0.0053 300 MG GLUCONATE TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 9.24 0.0092 300 MG TABLET Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0053 High/Low Ratio=2.79 CAMPHOR 10% ointment (TOP) Price/g N M02AB Supplier ORBI 1 JAR (1000 g) 12.87 0.0129 Supplier ACTION 15 TUBE (100 g) 27.09 0.0180 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (100 g) 2.26 0.0226 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0180 High/Low Ratio=1.75 CAPECITABINE 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap N L01BC06 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 487.50 4.8750 TABLETS Buyer BDS 120 TAB-CAP 764.99 6.3749 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=5.6250 High/Low Ratio=1.31 CAPREOMYCIN 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 1 g C J04AB30 Supplier GDF 1 VIAL 3.21 3.2100 POWDER WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-21 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CAPREOMYCIN 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 1 g C J04AB30 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 13.70 13.7000 AS SULFATE Supplier Median Price/vial=8.4550 High/Low Ratio=4.27 CAPTOPRIL 12.5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 50 mg T C09AA01 Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 0.70 0.0070 Buyer OECS/PPS 500 TAB-CAP 4.65 0.0093 TABLETS Buyer BDS 56 TAB-CAP 0.75 0.0134 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0113 High/Low Ratio=1.44 CAPTOPRIL 25 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 50 mg T C09AA01 Supplier ACTION 4000 TAB-CAP 36.98 0.0092 SCORED TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 9.54 0.0095 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 1.10 0.0110 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.0127 BLISTER PACK TABLETS 10X10 Supplier DURBIN 56 TAB-CAP 1.41 0.0251 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 32.90 0.0329 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.57 0.0357 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 100 TAB-CAP 4.70 0.0470 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0189 High/Low Ratio=5.11 Buyer NICARAGUA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.89 0.0049 BLISTER PACK TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 0.53 0.0053 TABLET Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 0.53 0.0053 SCORED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer GUATEMALA 100 TAB-CAP 1.08 0.0108 BLISTER PACK TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 11.00 0.0110 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 1.57 0.0157 TABLETS Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TAB-CAP 2.37 0.0237 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 100 TAB-CAP 2.76 0.0276 Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0109 High/Low Ratio=5.63 CAPTOPRIL 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 50 mg T C09AA01 Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 19.08 0.0191 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 2.52 0.0252 TABLETS CARBAMAZEPINE 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E N03AF01 Supplier IDA 84 TAB-CAP 5.94 0.0707 6 X 14 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer BDS 28 TAB-CAP 3.89 0.1390 TABLETS CARBAMAZEPINE 100 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 1 g E N03AF01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (450 ml) 7.24 0.0161 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.65 0.0265 SYRUP Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 4.55 0.0455 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (250 ml) 14.36 0.0574 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0360 High/Low Ratio=3.57 CARBAMAZEPINE 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E N03AF01 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 10.00 0.0100 Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 11.13 0.0111 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 11.42 0.0114 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 12.50 0.0125 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 19.00 0.0190 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 19.48 0.0195 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 2500 TAB-CAP 52.15 0.0209 SCORED TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 21.10 0.0211 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 24.19 0.0242 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 24.38 0.0244 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 2.82 0.0282 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0195 High/Low Ratio=2.82 Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 5.46 0.0109 TABLETS Buyer NICARAGUA 1000 TAB-CAP 12.89 0.0129 SCORED TABLET; ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 1.39 0.0139 BLISTER PACK SCORED TABLETS Buyer MSD/TANZ 500 TAB-CAP 7.96 0.0159 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 17.04 0.0170 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 17.51 0.0175 TABLET Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 3.35 0.0335 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 4.93 0.0493 TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 8.40 0.0840 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0170 High/Low Ratio=7.71 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-22 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CARBAMAZEPINE (SUSTAINED-RELEASE) 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E N03AF01 Buyer BDS 50 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.0801 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 50 TAB-CAP 7.82 0.1564 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1183 High/Low Ratio=1.95 CARBAMAZEPINE (SUSTAINED-RELEASE) 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g P N03AF01 Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 10.79 0.3597 TABLETS CARBIMAZOLE 5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 15 mg N H03BB01 Supplier IMRES 100 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.0127 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 1.47 0.0147 Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 21.97 0.0220 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 30.09 0.0301 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.96 0.0396 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 11.15 0.1115 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0260 High/Low Ratio=8.78 Buyer BDS 500 TAB-CAP 9.22 0.0184 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 7.01 0.0701 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 9.68 0.0968 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0701 High/Low Ratio=5.26 CEFADROXIL 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA09 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.93 0.0093 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 1.37 0.0227 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0160 High/Low Ratio=2.44 CEFADROXIL MONOHYDRATE 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA09 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.70 0.0117 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 1.09 0.0182 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0150 High/Low Ratio=1.56 CEFADROXIL MONOHYDRATE 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g N J01DA09 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 9.00 0.0900 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 3.00 0.1001 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 19.00 0.1900 BLISTER PACK CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1001 High/Low Ratio=2.11 CEFAZOLIN 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 3 g E J01DA04 Supplier ORBI 50 VIAL 58.06 1.1612 POWDER Buyer NICARAGUA 100 VIAL 57.80 0.5780 POWDER, ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 0.91 0.9137 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 3.49 3.4900 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=0.9137 High/Low Ratio=6.04 CEFAZOLIN 500 mg ampoule (INJ) Price/vial 3 g P J01DA04 Buyer OECS/PPS 50 VIAL 27.50 0.5500 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 0.56 0.5584 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.5542 High/Low Ratio=1.02 CEFEPIME 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g T J01DA24 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 5.18 5.1775 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 6.75 6.7500 POWDER Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 9.27 9.2716 Buyer Median Price/vial=6.7500 High/Low Ratio=1.79 CEFIXIME 100 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.4 g P J01DA23 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (50 ml) 2.00 0.0401 POWDER CEFIXIME 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g P J01DA23 Supplier IMRES 10 TAB-CAP 2.54 0.2544 FILM-COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 26.49 0.2649 BLISTER PACK TABLETS 10X10 Supplier MEG 100 TAB-CAP 30.42 0.3042 25 X 4 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier MISSION 6 TAB-CAP 2.08 0.3467 TABLETS, STRIP Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.2846 High/Low Ratio=1.36 CEFIXIME 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g E J01DA23 Supplier UNFPA 10 TAB-CAP 5.00 0.5000 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 52.78 0.5278 BLISTER PACK TABLETS, 10X10 Supplier IMRES 100 TAB-CAP 57.24 0.5724 FILM-COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.5278 High/Low Ratio=1.14 Buyer FEDECAME 100 TAB-CAP 36.21 0.3621 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-23 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CEFIXIME 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.4 g E J01DA23 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.79 0.7898 CAPSULE Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.5759 High/Low Ratio=2.18 CEFOTAXIME 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 4 g N J01DA10 Supplier MEG 100 VIAL 32.00 0.3200 POWDER Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 0.66 0.6600 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 0.79 0.7900 POWDER Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.99 0.9936 Buyer OECS/PPS 10 VIAL 10.00 1.0000 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 1.24 1.2436 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.9936 High/Low Ratio=1.88 CEFOTAXIME 500 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 4 g N J01DA10 Supplier MALAWI 1 VIAL 0.19 0.1900 POWDER CEFOXITIN 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 6 g N J01DC01 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 2.90 2.8974 4 ML Buyer NICARAGUA 1 VIAL 4.99 4.9900 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=3.9437 High/Low Ratio=1.72 CEFTAZIDIME 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 4 g P J01DA11 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 VIAL 97.37 0.9737 POWDER, ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 1.87 1.8700 POWDER Buyer OECS/PPS 1 VIAL 3.00 3.0000 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 4.03 4.0303 Buyer Median Price/vial=2.4350 High/Low Ratio=4.14 CEFTRIAXONE 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g C J01DA13 Supplier UNFPA 50 VIAL 25.00 0.5000 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 0.63 0.6300 WITH SOLVENT Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 38.16 0.7633 Supplier IDA 10 VIAL 7.66 0.7663 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 0.87 0.8700 IV/IM Supplier MEG 50 VIAL 45.20 0.9040 POWDER Supplier ACTION/IH 1 VIAL 1.24 1.2400 POWDER Supplier JMS 1 VIAL 1.41 1.4100 Supplier DURBIN 10 VIAL 14.37 1.4366 POWDER, SODIUM SALT Supplier ACTION 10 VIAL 28.85 2.8853 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 4.44 4.4400 IV; WITH WATER FOR INJECTION AS DILUENT Supplier Median Price/vial=0.9040 High/Low Ratio=8.88 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1 VIAL 0.44 0.4351 POWDER Buyer NICARAGUA 100 VIAL 43.80 0.4380 POWDER, ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 0.47 0.4700 POWDER Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 0.65 0.6483 Buyer CAMERWA 1 VIAL 0.73 0.7315 POWDER + SOLVENT Buyer NAMIBIA 1 VIAL 0.88 0.8821 Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.92 0.9245 Buyer FEDECAME 10 VIAL 9.37 0.9370 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 1.37 1.3654 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 VIAL 1.40 1.4000 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 VIAL 3.02 3.0150 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.8821 High/Low Ratio=6.93 CEFTRIAXONE 250 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g C J01DA13 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 0.32 0.3200 WITH SOLVENT Supplier UNFPA 1 VIAL 0.45 0.4500 Supplier IDA 10 VIAL 4.57 0.4568 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 0.54 0.5400 IV/IM Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 31.80 0.6361 Supplier MALAWI 1 VIAL 0.72 0.7200 POWDER Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 2.13 2.1300 IV, WITH WATER FOR INJECTION AS DILUENT Supplier Median Price/vial=0.5400 High/Low Ratio=6.66 Buyer MSD/TANZ 20 VIAL 4.22 0.2108 POWDER Buyer OECS/PPS 1 AMP (1 VIAL) 0.35 0.3500 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 VIAL 0.66 0.6579 Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.82 0.8208 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL 1.99 1.9900 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-24 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CEFTRIAXONE 250 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g C J01DA13 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 3.28 3.2791 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.7393 High/Low Ratio=15.56 CEFTRIAXONE 500 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 2 g P J01DA13 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL 0.39 0.3900 W/ SOLVENT Supplier IDA 10 VIAL 5.79 0.5786 POWDER Supplier DURBIN 10 VIAL 20.09 2.0092 Supplier Median Price/vial=0.5786 High/Low Ratio=5.15 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 0.46 0.4617 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 1.37 1.3654 Buyer Median Price/vial=0.9135 High/Low Ratio=2.96 CEFUROXIME 1.5 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 3 g N J01DA06 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 2.73 2.7309 CEFUROXIME 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g N J01DA06 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 11.70 0.1170 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 12.77 0.1277 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 13.24 0.1324 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1277 High/Low Ratio=1.13 CEFUROXIME 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g N J01DA06 Buyer OECS/PPS 10 TAB-CAP 2.50 0.2500 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 10 TAB-CAP 5.91 0.5908 TABLETS Buyer BDS 20 TAB-CAP 12.29 0.6147 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.5908 High/Low Ratio=2.46 CEFUROXIME 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g N J01DC02 Supplier UNFPA 10 TAB-CAP 4.25 0.4250 AXETIL, TABLETS Supplier IMRES 10 TAB-CAP 5.41 0.5406 TABLETS, AXETIL Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.4828 High/Low Ratio=1.27 Buyer BDS 10 TAB-CAP 13.66 1.3660 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 100 TAB-CAP 141.22 1.4122 BLISTER PACK TABLETS, ILLUS. PACK SIZE Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=1.3891 High/Low Ratio=1.03 CEFUROXIME 750 mg vial (INJ) Price/vial 3 g N J01DA06 Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 50.88 1.0177 Supplier DURBIN 10 VIAL 16.58 1.6576 POWDER Supplier Median Price/vial=1.3377 High/Low Ratio=1.63 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 VIAL 2.22 0.2220 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 VIAL 12.67 1.2669 POWDER WITH 3 ML SOLVENT; ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer OECS/PPS 1 VIAL 1.40 1.4000 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL 1.64 1.6395 Buyer Median Price/vial=1.3335 High/Low Ratio=7.39 CEPHALEXIN 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA01 Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.70 0.0070 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.03 0.0103 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.38 0.0138 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0121 High/Low Ratio=1.34 CEPHALEXIN 125 mg/ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA01 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.63 0.0063 CEPHALEXIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g N J01DA01 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 37.00 0.0370 CAPSULES Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 42.49 0.0425 CAPSULES Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 4.52 0.0452 Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 4.72 0.0472 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION/IH 100 TAB-CAP 5.32 0.0532 CAPSULES Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 5.97 0.0597 CAPSULES Supplier MEDS 100 TAB-CAP 6.25 0.0625 CAPSULES Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 64.44 0.0645 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 68.27 0.0683 CAPSULES Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0532 High/Low Ratio=1.85 Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 4.75 0.0475 TABLETS CEPHALEXIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA01 Buyer CRSS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.68 0.0113 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-25 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CEPHALEXIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 2 g N J01DA01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.37 0.0137 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0125 High/Low Ratio=1.21 CEPHALEXIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 2 g N J01DA01 Supplier UNFPA 500 TAB-CAP 37.00 0.0740 CAPSULES Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 7.61 0.0761 BLISTER PACK CAPSULES 10X10 Supplier IMRES 500 TAB-CAP 42.17 0.0843 CAPSULES Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 8.56 0.0856 CAPSULES Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 9.24 0.0924 CAPSULES Supplier MEDS 100 TAB-CAP 10.50 0.1050 CAPSULES Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0849 High/Low Ratio=1.42 Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 3.42 0.0342 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 30 TAB-CAP 2.32 0.0775 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0558 High/Low Ratio=2.27 CETRIMIDE powder (TOP) Price/g N D08AJ04 Supplier ORBI 1 JAR (1000 g) 40.39 0.0404 CETRIMIDE+CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 15%+1.5% solution (TOP) Price/ml P D08AC52 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 11.23 0.0022 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 12.80 0.0026 Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 15.00 0.0030 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.18 0.0032 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.33 0.0033 Supplier ACTION/IH 5 LITER (1000 ml) 17.57 0.0035 1 JERRYCAN Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.75 0.0038 DI-GLUCONATE Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 19.48 0.0039 SAVLON, HAC Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.26 0.0043 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 21.78 0.0044 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 25.11 0.0050 CONCENTRATE Supplier ACTION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 6.10 0.0061 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0037 High/Low Ratio=2.77 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 21.00 0.0042 Buyer FEDECAME 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.37 0.0044 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0043 High/Low Ratio=1.05 CHARCOAL, ACTIVATED 125 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 5 g P A07BA01 Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 11.62 0.0116 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 12.72 0.0127 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 15.09 0.0151 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 15.24 0.0153 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0139 High/Low Ratio=1.32 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 15.16 0.0152 TABLETS CHARCOAL, ACTIVATED 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 5 g P A07BA01 Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.98 0.0198 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 81.89 0.0820 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0509 High/Low Ratio=4.14 CHLAMYDIA RAPID TEST test (N/A) Price/each N V04CX Supplier UNFPA 25 TEST (1 EACH) 30.00 1.2000 CHLORAMBUCIL 2 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap C L01AA02 Supplier JMS 25 TAB-CAP 23.04 0.9216 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 25 TAB-CAP 24.73 0.9893 TABLETS Buyer BDS 25 TAB-CAP 53.28 2.1311 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=1.5602 High/Low Ratio=2.15 CHLORAMINE 500 mg tab-cap (TOP) Price/tab-cap N Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 13.06 0.0130 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 13.36 0.0134 TOSYLCHLORAMIDE Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 13.44 0.0134 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 15.78 0.0158 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0134 High/Low Ratio=1.22 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 17.88 0.0179 TABLETS Buyer BUFMAR 1000 TAB-CAP 19.52 0.0195 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0187 High/Low Ratio=1.09 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-26 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLORAMPHENICOL 0.5% opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml P S01AA01 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.15 0.0150 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.16 0.0161 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.25 0.0254 Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.13 0.0260 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.21 0.0424 Supplier IDA 50 BOTT (10 ml) 33.09 0.0662 Supplier MEG 25 BOTT (10 ml) 17.78 0.0711 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.76 0.0760 Supplier ORBI 100 BOTT (10 ml) 76.20 0.0763 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.00 0.1005 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0543 High/Low Ratio=6.70 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (15 ml) 0.26 0.0172 DROPPER Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.21 0.0210 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.22 0.0216 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.70 0.0700 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.71 0.0711 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0216 High/Low Ratio=4.13 CHLORAMPHENICOL 1% opht oint (OPHT) Price/g P S01AA01 Supplier MISSION 50 TUBE (5 g) 6.44 0.0258 Supplier IMRES 25 TUBE (5 g) 3.50 0.0280 Supplier MALAWI 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.11 0.0314 Supplier DURBIN 100 TUBE (5 g) 17.98 0.0360 Supplier IDA 10 TUBE (5 g) 1.88 0.0376 Supplier MEG 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.19 0.0380 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.14 0.0411 Supplier ORBI 50 TUBE (5 g) 12.27 0.0490 Supplier JMS 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.18 0.0514 Supplier ACTION 50 TUBE (5 g) 36.44 0.1458 Supplier Median Price/g=0.0378 High/Low Ratio=5.65 Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TUBE (3.50 g) 7.56 0.0216 Buyer MEMS 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.17 0.0494 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.28 0.0556 Buyer BDS 1 TUBE (5 g) 0.40 0.0792 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 TUBE (3.50 g) 0.49 0.1392 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 TUBE (4 g) 0.98 0.2450 Buyer Median Price/g=0.0674 High/Low Ratio=11.34 CHLORAMPHENICOL 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 3 g P J01BA01 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.44 0.0044 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.44 0.0044 Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.50 0.0050 POWDER Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.56 0.0056 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.57 0.0057 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.57 0.0057 POWDER Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.59 0.0059 Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.65 0.0065 POWDER Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 9.00 0.0090 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.25 0.0125 POWDER Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.31 0.0131 PALMITATE Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 1.32 0.0132 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0058 High/Low Ratio=3.00 Buyer MSD/TANZ 24 BOTT (100 ml) 7.70 0.0032 SYRUP Buyer CAMERWA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.68 0.0068 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.75 0.0075 PALMITATE Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.80 0.0080 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.88 0.0088 Buyer NICARAGUA 1 BOTT (100 ml) 2.45 0.0245 PALMITATE Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0077 High/Low Ratio=7.66 CHLORAMPHENICOL 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E J01BA01 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 9.92 0.0099 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 12.00 0.0120 CAPSULES Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 12.09 0.0121 CAPSULES Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 14.01 0.0140 CAPSULES Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 16.70 0.0167 CAPSULES Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 16.98 0.0169 CAPSULES Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 18.23 0.0182 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION 1000 TAB-CAP 20.32 0.0203 TABLETS/CAPSULES Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 20.84 0.0208 CAPSULES Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 20.92 0.0209 CAPSULES Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 22.00 0.0220 CAPSULES WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-27 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLORAMPHENICOL 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g E J01BA01 Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 24.19 0.0242 CAPSULES Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0176 High/Low Ratio=2.44 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 7.89 0.0079 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1000 TAB-CAP 13.28 0.0133 CAPSULES Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 14.06 0.0141 CAPSULES Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 17.02 0.0170 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 26.40 0.0264 CAPSULES Buyer NAMIBIA 1000 TAB-CAP 35.04 0.0350 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0156 High/Low Ratio=4.43 CHLORAMPHENICOL 30 mcg disc (N/A) Price/each N V07AR Supplier UNFPA 250 DISC (1 EACH) 27.00 0.1080 5 X 50 DISCS CHLORAMPHENICOL 5% otic drop (OTIC) Price/ml P S02AA01 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.32 0.0318 Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.20 0.0400 Supplier ORBI 100 BOTT (10 ml) 77.89 0.0779 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0400 High/Low Ratio=2.45 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.30 0.0302 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (10 ml) 1.88 0.1880 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1091 High/Low Ratio=6.23 CHLORAMPHENICOL 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 3 g P J01BA01 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 TAB-CAP 36.00 0.3600 CAPSULES, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE CHLORAMPHENICOL (BASE) 1 g vial (INJ) Price/vial 3 g E J01BA01 Supplier IMRES 50 VIAL 11.64 0.2328 SODIUM SUCCINATE Supplier MALAWI 1 VIAL 0.24 0.2400 POWDER Supplier ORBI 100 VIAL 25.06 0.2506 Supplier DURBIN 50 VIAL 13.86 0.2773 POWDER, SODIUM SUCCINATE Supplier MEDS 1 VIAL 0.28 0.2850 Supplier JMS 25 VIAL 7.44 0.2976 Supplier IDA 50 VIAL 15.78 0.3157 SODIUM SUCCINATE Supplier MEG 50 VIAL 18.62 0.3724 SODIUM SUCCINATE Supplier MISSION 50 VIAL 19.44 0.3888 SODIUM SUCCINATE Supplier ACTION/IH 50 VIAL 22.65 0.4530 POWDER Supplier Median Price/vial=0.2913 High/Low Ratio=1.95 Buyer FEDECAME 50 VIAL 11.39 0.2278 SODIUM SUCCINATE Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 VIAL 0.24 0.2399 Buyer CAMERWA 50 AMP (1 VIAL) 15.37 0.3075 SODIUM Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL 0.32 0.3175 Buyer OECS/PPS 50 VIAL 17.39 0.3478 Buyer NICARAGUA 100 VIAL 43.90 0.4390 POWDER, ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL 0.48 0.4840 POWDER Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL 3.45 3.4500 POWDER Buyer Median Price/vial=0.3327 High/Low Ratio=15.14 CHLORAMPHENICOL IN OIL 250 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 3 g E J01BA01 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (2 ml) 155.70 0.7785 CHLORAMPHENICOL+DEXAMETHASONE 0.5%+0.1% opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml N S01AA20 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.25 0.0506 CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE HYDROCHLORIDE 10 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 30 mg N N05BA02 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 3.02 0.0302 TABLETS CHLORHEXIDINE 1% cream (TOP) Price/g P D08AC02 Supplier DURBIN 10 TUBE (50 g) 13.06 0.0261 Buyer OECS/PPS 12 BOTT (500 g) 10.42 0.0017 O.B. Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (250 g) 5.71 0.0228 Buyer Median Price/g=0.0123 High/Low Ratio=13.41 CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 20% solution (TOP) Price/ml P D08AC02 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 32.00 0.0064 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 12.64 0.0126 Supplier ACTION 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 65.02 0.0130 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0126 High/Low Ratio=2.03 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 BOTT (500 ml) 2.51 0.0050 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-28 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 20% solution (TOP) Price/ml P D08AC02 Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (500 ml) 19.05 0.0381 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0216 High/Low Ratio=7.62 CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 5% solution (TOP) Price/ml E D08AC02 Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 2.65 0.0027 DI-GLUCONATE Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.13 0.0031 Supplier IMRES 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.82 0.0038 DI-GLUCONATE Supplier MEG 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.05 0.0041 DIGLUCONATE Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 4.31 0.0043 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 25.11 0.0050 DIGLUCONATE Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 7.45 0.0075 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0041 High/Low Ratio=2.78 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.28 0.0033 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 26.00 0.0052 4% W/V Buyer NAMIBIA 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 35.33 0.0071 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0052 High/Low Ratio=2.15 CHLORHEXIDINE SURGICAL SCRUB 4% liquid (TOP) Price/ml P D08AC02 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.28 0.0033 Buyer NAMIBIA 20 BOTT (1000 ml) 123.00 0.0061 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0047 High/Low Ratio=1.85 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g E P01BA01 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.0040 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.18 0.0052 TABLETS, AS PHOSPHATE Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 5.72 0.0057 TABLETS, PHOSPHATE Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0052 High/Low Ratio=1.43 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 150 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g E P01BA01 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.00 0.0050 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 5.88 0.0059 TABLETS, PHOSPHATE Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 6.04 0.0060 155 MG BASE TABLETS, PHOSPHATE Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 6.33 0.0063 TABLETS, AS PHOSPHATE Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 6.75 0.0067 TABLETS, AS PHOSPHATE Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 10.65 0.0107 TABLETS (EUR.) Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 11.05 0.0111 TABLETS, AS PHOSPHATE Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0063 High/Low Ratio=2.22 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 4.48 0.0045 Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 14.60 0.0146 SULFATE TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 1.75 0.0175 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 5.34 0.0534 COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0161 High/Low Ratio=11.87 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g P P01BA01 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 6.00 0.0060 UNCOATED TABLETS, EQUIV. TO 155 MG BASE, PHOSPHATE Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 16.39 0.0164 TABLETS, DIPHOSPHATE Buyer NICARAGUA 1 TAB-CAP 0.02 0.0177 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 10 TAB-CAP 0.18 0.0184 TABLET, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0177 High/Low Ratio=1.12 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 40 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 0.5 g P P01BA01 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (5 ml) 6.36 0.0127 Supplier JMS 100 AMP (5 ml) 8.16 0.0163 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (5 ml) 8.22 0.0164 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (5 ml) 8.27 0.0165 AS PHOSPHATE Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (5 ml) 13.56 0.0271 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0164 High/Low Ratio=2.13 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 50 mg/5 ml syrup (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g E P01BA01 Supplier MEG 25 BOTT (60 ml) 0.42 0.0003 Supplier DURBIN 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 3.52 0.0036 Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.23 0.0038 Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.25 0.0042 Supplier IMRES 10 BOTT (60 ml) 3.56 0.0059 PHOSPHATE Supplier IDA 195 BOTT (60 ml) 90.08 0.0077 SOLUTION, AS PHOSPHATE Supplier ORBI 25 BOTT (100 ml) 33.45 0.0134 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0042 High/Low Ratio=44.67 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.30 0.0030 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 75 mg/5 ml syrup (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g P P01BA01 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.22 0.0036 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-29 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 75 mg/5 ml syrup (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g P P01BA01 CHLOROQUINE (BASE) 75 mg/ml syrup (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g P P01BA01 Supplier JMS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 15.84 0.0032 CHLOROQUINE+PRIMAQUINE 75 mg+7.5 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap P P01B Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 4.94 0.0494 COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK CHLOROQUINE+PRIMAQUINE (BASE) 150+15 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap P P01BA Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 5.96 0.0596 BLISTER PACK COATED TABLETS CHLOROQUINE+PRIMAQUINE (BASE) 450+45 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap P P01BA Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 15.37 0.1537 BLISTER PACK COATED TABLETS CHLOROXYLENOL 4.8% solution (N/A) Price/ml E D08AE05 Supplier ACTION/IH 5 LITER (1000 ml) 9.76 0.0020 1 JERRYCAN Supplier UNFPA 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 18.00 0.0036 Supplier ORBI 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 41.63 0.0083 4.9% Supplier MEDS 5 BOTT (1000 ml) 44.85 0.0090 Supplier IDA 1 BOTT (1000 ml) 10.71 0.0107 4.5%-5.5% Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0083 High/Low Ratio=5.35 Buyer MSD/TANZ 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 5.58 0.0011 5% Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 15.12 0.0030 5% Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0021 High/Low Ratio=2.73 CHLORPHENAMINE MALEATE 10 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 12 mg E R06AB04 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (1 ml) 6.16 0.0616 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (1 ml) 6.29 0.0629 Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (1 ml) 13.96 0.1396 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (1 ml) 14.25 0.1425 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.1013 High/Low Ratio=2.31 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.09 0.0900 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 AMP (1 ml) 14.70 0.1470 IV/IM/SC Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (1 ml) 0.21 0.2100 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1470 High/Low Ratio=2.33 CHLORPHENAMINE MALEATE 2 mg/5 ml elixir (PO) Price/ml 6 mg P R06AB02 Supplier MEDS 1 BOTT (5000 ml) 1.68 0.0003 SYRUP Supplier MALAWI 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.22 0.0022 SUSPENSION Supplier MISSION 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.33 0.0033 SYRUP Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0022 High/Low Ratio=11.00 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (120 ml) 0.22 0.0019 SYRUP Buyer OECS/PPS 1 BOTT (2000 ml) 4.93 0.0025 Buyer MEMS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 0.35 0.0035 SYRUP Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (120 ml) 0.44 0.0037 SYRUP, DROPPER Buyer ETHIOPIA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 0.23 0.0039 SYRUP, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (120 ml) 1.45 0.0121 SYRUP Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0036 High/Low Ratio=6.37 CHLORPHENAMINE MALEATE 4 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 12 mg E R06AB04 Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 0.69 0.0007 TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 0.78 0.0008 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 1.04 0.0010 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 1.17 0.0012 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 1.20 0.0012 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 1.27 0.0013 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 1.32 0.0013 Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 2.13 0.0021 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 3.92 0.0040 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 5.03 0.0050 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0012 High/Low Ratio=7.14 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 0.53 0.0005 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 0.57 0.0006 Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 0.97 0.0010 TABLETS Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 1.52 0.0015 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 2.10 0.0021 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 0.25 0.0025 SCORED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 3.96 0.0040 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 0.66 0.0066 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0018 High/Low Ratio=13.20 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-30 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLORPROMAZINE HCL 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g E N05AA01 Supplier MALAWI 1000 TAB-CAP 7.07 0.0071 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 8.01 0.0080 COATED TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 8.27 0.0083 COATED TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 8.53 0.0085 COATED TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 10.71 0.0107 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 11.55 0.0117 TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 12.19 0.0122 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 2000 TAB-CAP 29.12 0.0146 TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 15.18 0.0152 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0107 High/Low Ratio=2.14 Buyer MSD/TANZ 500 TAB-CAP 2.90 0.0058 TABLETS Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 8.18 0.0082 TABLETS Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 11.18 0.0112 Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 1.30 0.0130 SCORED TABLET, BLISTER PACK Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 17.60 0.0176 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 19.13 0.0191 TABLETS Buyer NICARAGUA 100 TAB-CAP 2.47 0.0247 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 15.34 0.0307 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 36.50 0.0365 TABLETS Buyer GUATEMALA 1000 TAB-CAP 41.41 0.0414 COATED TABLETS Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 11.25 0.1125 SCORED, COATED TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0191 High/Low Ratio=19.40 CHLORPROMAZINE HCL 25 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g P N05AA01 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 2.33 0.0023 COATED TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 3.63 0.0036 COATED TABLETS Supplier MEDS 1000 TAB-CAP 3.93 0.0039 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.31 0.0043 COATED TABLETS Supplier JMS 1000 TAB-CAP 4.95 0.0050 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 1000 TAB-CAP 6.43 0.0064 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 7.26 0.0073 TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 1.00 0.0100 Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 14.06 0.0141 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0050 High/Low Ratio=6.13 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1000 TAB-CAP 3.88 0.0039 Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 4.84 0.0048 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 8.88 0.0089 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 500 TAB-CAP 7.94 0.0159 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 1000 TAB-CAP 16.50 0.0165 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 1000 TAB-CAP 16.50 0.0165 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0124 High/Low Ratio=4.23 CHLORPROMAZINE HCL 25 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml 0.1 g E N05AA01 Supplier MALAWI 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.06 0.0300 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (2 ml) 6.36 0.0318 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (2 ml) 6.85 0.0343 Supplier IDA 100 AMP (2 ml) 7.16 0.0358 Supplier JMS 100 AMP (2 ml) 8.16 0.0408 Supplier MEG 100 AMP (2 ml) 8.50 0.0425 Supplier MEDS 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.09 0.0450 Supplier DURBIN 100 AMP (2 ml) 11.95 0.0599 Supplier ORBI 100 AMP (2 ml) 18.19 0.0910 Supplier ACTION/IH 100 AMP (2 ml) 29.28 0.1464 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0417 High/Low Ratio=4.88 Buyer BUFMAR 100 AMP (2 ml) 7.52 0.0376 Buyer FEDECAME 100 AMP (2 ml) 7.54 0.0377 Buyer MSD/TANZ 10 AMP (2 ml) 0.80 0.0399 Buyer OECS/PPS 100 AMP (2 ml) 15.10 0.0755 Buyer NMS/UGAND 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.17 0.0838 Buyer BDS 100 AMP (2 ml) 17.76 0.0888 Buyer MEMS 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.22 0.1100 Buyer NAMIBIA 10 AMP (2 ml) 2.45 0.1225 Buyer CRSS 1 AMP (2 ml) 0.99 0.4950 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0838 High/Low Ratio=13.16 CHLORPROMAZINE HCL 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.3 g P N05AA01 Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 15.03 0.0150 TABLETS CHLORPROPAMIDE 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.375 g T A01BB02 Supplier ACTION/IH 112 TAB-CAP 2.73 0.0244 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 16.24 0.0162 TABLETS WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-31 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CHLORPROPAMIDE 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.375 g T A01BB02 Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.52 0.0352 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0257 High/Low Ratio=2.17 CHLORTHALIDONE 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 25 mg N C03BA04 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 4.18 0.0418 TABLETS CICLOSPORIN 100 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.25 g P L04AD01 Buyer NAMIBIA 50 TAB-CAP 143.45 2.8690 CAPSULES Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 347.00 3.4700 "A", CAPSULES, BLISTER PACK Buyer BDS 50 TAB-CAP 200.77 4.0154 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=3.4700 High/Low Ratio=1.40 CICLOSPORIN 100 mg/ml solution (PO) Price/ml 0.25 g CP L04AD01 Buyer CRSS 1 BOTT (50 ml) 85.00 1.7000 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (50 ml) 133.25 2.6649 Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (50 ml) 173.59 3.4718 "A" Buyer Median Price/ml=2.6649 High/Low Ratio=2.04 CICLOSPORIN 25 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.25 g C L04AD01 Buyer NAMIBIA 50 TAB-CAP 40.76 0.8153 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 50 TAB-CAP 50.18 1.0035 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.9094 High/Low Ratio=1.23 CICLOSPORIN 50 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.25 g P L04AD01 Buyer BDS 50 TAB-CAP 100.45 2.0090 TABLETS CIMETIDINE 100 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.8 g T A02BA01 Supplier IMRES 100 AMP (2 ml) 19.08 0.0954 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (2 ml) 24.85 0.1243 Supplier IDA 10 AMP (2 ml) 3.04 0.1523 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.1243 High/Low Ratio=1.60 Buyer CAMERWA 100 AMP (2 ml) 8.40 0.0420 Buyer BDS 25 VIAL (2 ml) 2.87 0.0574 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0497 High/Low Ratio=1.37 CIMETIDINE 200 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.8 g T A02BA01 Supplier UNFPA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.00 0.0050 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 5.82 0.0058 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 6.50 0.0065 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 6.74 0.0067 TABLETS Supplier IDA 500 TAB-CAP 3.91 0.0078 TABLETS Supplier ACTION 2500 TAB-CAP 20.86 0.0084 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.08 0.0108 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 500 TAB-CAP 6.53 0.0131 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0072 High/Low Ratio=2.62 Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 5.10 0.0051 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 5.30 0.0053 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 200 TAB-CAP 2.30 0.0115 TABLETS Buyer BUFMAR 1000 TAB-CAP 13.30 0.0133 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.96 0.0396 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0115 High/Low Ratio=7.76 CIMETIDINE 400 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.8 g T A02BA01 Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 1.00 0.0100 Supplier ACTION/IH 1000 TAB-CAP 20.54 0.0205 TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 2.31 0.0231 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 31.93 0.0320 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.84 0.0384 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0231 High/Low Ratio=3.84 Buyer MSD/TANZ 500 TAB-CAP 3.27 0.0065 TABLETS Buyer BDS 1000 TAB-CAP 19.90 0.0199 TABLETS Buyer BUFMAR 1000 TAB-CAP 22.80 0.0228 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 3.96 0.0396 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0214 High/Low Ratio=6.09 CIPROFLOXACIN 2 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.5 g P J01MA02 Supplier UNFPA 1 VIAL (100 ml) 0.45 0.0045 Supplier JMS 1 VIAL (100 ml) 0.78 0.0078 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.0061 High/Low Ratio=1.73 Buyer FEDECAME 100 BOTT (100 ml) 54.59 0.0055 CHLORHYDRATE Buyer MEMS 1 VIAL (100 ml) 0.57 0.0057 Buyer OECS/PPS 1 VIAL (100 ml) 1.09 0.0109 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 VIAL (100 ml) 2.12 0.0212 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-32 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CIPROFLOXACIN 2 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml 0.5 g P J01MA02 Buyer ELSALV 1 VIAL (100 ml) 5.05 0.0505 Buyer BDS 1 VIAL (200 ml) 39.62 0.1981 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0161 High/Low Ratio=36.02 CIPROFLOXACIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g E J01MA02 Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 1.71 0.0171 TABLETS Supplier UNFPA 100 TAB-CAP 1.75 0.0175 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier MALAWI 100 TAB-CAP 1.76 0.0176 Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 1.81 0.0181 BLISTER 10 X 10 TABLETS Supplier IDA 1000 TAB-CAP 20.15 0.0201 TABLETS Supplier IMRES 100 TAB-CAP 2.65 0.0265 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 4.02 0.0402 TABLETS, HYDROCHLORIDE Supplier ACTION 100 TAB-CAP 12.33 0.1233 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0191 High/Low Ratio=7.21 Buyer OECS/PPS 30 TAB-CAP 0.60 0.0200 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 3.55 0.0355 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0277 High/Low Ratio=1.77 CIPROFLOXACIN 3 mg/ml opht drop (OPHT) Price/ml P S01AX13 Supplier ACTION/IH 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.78 0.1568 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (10 ml) 0.48 0.0476 DROPPER Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (5 ml) 0.80 0.1600 DROPPER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (5 ml) 4.10 0.8193 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1600 High/Low Ratio=17.21 CIPROFLOXACIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1 g P J01MA02 Supplier UNFPA 100 TAB-CAP 2.50 0.0250 TABLETS Supplier MEG 1000 TAB-CAP 25.15 0.0252 TABLETS Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 2.91 0.0291 TABLETS Supplier ORBI 1000 TAB-CAP 31.35 0.0313 FILM COATED TABLETS Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 3.20 0.0320 TABLETS Supplier MEG 100 TAB-CAP 3.20 0.0320 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier ACTION/IH 100 TAB-CAP 3.27 0.0327 TABLETS Supplier MISSION 100 TAB-CAP 3.79 0.0379 BLISTER 10 X 10 TABLETS Supplier MEDS 10 TAB-CAP 0.39 0.0390 CAPSULES Supplier DURBIN 100 TAB-CAP 3.92 0.0392 TABLETS, HYDROCHLORIDE Supplier IMRES 1000 TAB-CAP 39.69 0.0397 FILM-COATED TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.0320 High/Low Ratio=1.59 Buyer MSD/TANZ 100 TAB-CAP 1.35 0.0135 TABLETS Buyer CAMERWA 1000 TAB-CAP 24.46 0.0245 TABLETS Buyer NICARAGUA 1000 TAB-CAP 24.49 0.0245 COATED TABLETS, ILLUS. PACK SIZE Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 2.47 0.0247 COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer FEDECAME 1000 TAB-CAP 25.70 0.0257 CHLORHYDRATE TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer NMS/UGAND 100 TAB-CAP 2.93 0.0293 Buyer ETHIOPIA 100 TAB-CAP 2.99 0.0299 TABLETS, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer CRSS 100 TAB-CAP 3.63 0.0363 TABLETS Buyer NAMIBIA 10 TAB-CAP 0.40 0.0405 TABLETS Buyer MEMS 100 TAB-CAP 4.14 0.0414 TABLET Buyer BUFMAR 100 TAB-CAP 5.02 0.0502 TABLETS Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 5.33 0.0533 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.0296 High/Low Ratio=3.95 CISATRACURIUM 2 mg/ml ampoule (INJ) Price/ml N M03AC11 Buyer ELSALV 1 AMP (2.50 ml) 1.64 0.6560 Buyer OECS/PPS 5 AMP (5 ml) 59.90 2.3960 Buyer BDS 5 VIAL (5 ml) 60.10 2.4042 Buyer Median Price/ml=2.3960 High/Low Ratio=3.66 CISPLATIN 1 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml P L01XA01 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL (50 ml) 6.74 0.1348 Supplier MISSION 1 VIAL (10 ml) 2.31 0.2310 Supplier JMS 1 VIAL (50 ml) 13.20 0.2640 Supplier Median Price/ml=0.2310 High/Low Ratio=1.96 Buyer GUATEMALA 10 VIAL (50 ml) 49.61 0.0992 ILLUSTRATIVE NUMBER OF VIALS Buyer BDS 1 VIAL (50 ml) 12.94 0.2588 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1790 High/Low Ratio=2.61 CISPLATIN 10 mg vial (INJ) Price/ml C L01XA01 Buyer CRSS 1 VIAL (20 ml) 2.60 0.1300 WHO EML = <E>ssential, <C>omplementary, <P>resentation, <T>herapeutic group alternative, <N>ot on list *The DDD is the assumed average maintenance dose per day for a drug used for its main indication in adults. DDDs have not been established for pediatric use. A-33 International Drug Price Indicator Guide, 2007 List I: Products Sorted Alphabetically ITEM DESCRIPTION PACKAGE UNIT DEFINED WHO ATC SOURCE PACKAGE PRICE (US$) PRICE (US$) COMMENTS DAILY DOSE* EML CODE CLARITHROMYCIN 125 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g N J01FA09 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 BOTT (60 ml) 2.20 0.0366 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 13.00 0.1300 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.0833 High/Low Ratio=3.55 CLARITHROMYCIN 250 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g N J01FA09 Supplier MISSION 1000 TAB-CAP 125.00 0.1250 TABLETS Supplier IDA 40 TAB-CAP 10.30 0.2575 4 X 10 BLISTER PACK TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.1913 High/Low Ratio=2.06 Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 15.71 0.1571 TABLETS Buyer OECS/PPS 14 TAB-CAP 4.00 0.2857 TABLETS Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.2214 High/Low Ratio=1.82 CLARITHROMYCIN 250 mg/5 ml suspen (PO) Price/ml 0.5 g N J01FA09 Buyer CRSS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 6.38 0.1063 POWDER Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (60 ml) 8.20 0.1366 Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (60 ml) 9.40 0.1567 Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1366 High/Low Ratio=1.47 CLARITHROMYCIN 500 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.5 g N J01FA09 Supplier IDA 40 TAB-CAP 17.15 0.4288 BLISTER PACK TABLETS, 4 X 10 Buyer GUATEMALA 1 TAB-CAP 0.23 0.2315 TABLET Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 27.31 0.2731 TABLETS Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 67.12 0.6712 COATED TABLETS, BLISTER PACK Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.2731 High/Low Ratio=2.90 CLINDAMYCIN 300 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 1.2 g P J01FF01 Supplier UNFPA 30 TAB-CAP 7.50 0.2500 HCL, CAPSULES Buyer ELSALV 100 TAB-CAP 8.60 0.0860 CAPSULES, BLISTER PACK Buyer GUATEMALA 10 TAB-CAP 1.12 0.1123 CAPSULE, ILLUSTRATIVE PACK SIZE Buyer OECS/PPS 100 TAB-CAP 20.00 0.2000 CAPSULES Buyer NICARAGUA 1 TAB-CAP 0.21 0.2100 CAPSULE Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 34.43 0.3443 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.2000 High/Low Ratio=4.00 CLINDAMYCIN 75 mg/5 ml solution (PO) Price/ml 1.2 g P J01FF01 Buyer BDS 1 BOTT (100 ml) 10.87 0.1087 SUSPENSION Buyer ELSALV 1 BOTT (100 ml) 12.13 0.1213 GRANULES Buyer Median Price/ml=0.1150 High/Low Ratio=1.12 CLINDAMYCIN (BASE) 150 mg tab-cap (PO) Price/tab-cap 0.1 g C J01FF01 Supplier IDA 100 TAB-CAP 35.63 0.3563 CAPSULES Supplier JMS 100 TAB-CAP 52.50 0.5250 TABLETS Supplier Median Price/tab-cap=0.4406 High/Low Ratio=1.47 Buyer NAMIBIA 100 TAB-CAP 16.30 0.1630 CAPSULES Buyer BDS 100 TAB-CAP 18.44 0.1844 CAPSULES Buyer Median Price/tab-cap=0.1737 High/Low Ratio=1.13 CLINDAMYCIN (BASE) 150 mg/ml vial (INJ) Price/ml C J01FF01 Supplier MISSION 100 AMP (4 ml) 269.93 0.6748 Supplier UNFPA 1 AMP (4 ml) 4.25 1.0625 PHO

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