mSupply User Guide

Publication date: 2008

upply er guide Version 2 [20 May 2008] mS us 2 Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About this user guide 5 About us 5 Thanks 5 Copyright 6 Licence Agreement and Costs 6 Chan v2 v2b v 2 v 1 v 1 v 1 v 1 Conv Setti Ha Ha Up Ins Sta Pre Tutor mS Op The Ad Cu Ent Ent Work Fin Name Ab Ad 35 Editing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer 37 Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 The Item Menu 43 Show items. 43 New item. 57 Show builds. 58 Transferring goods to another Store . . . . 94 Receiving payment from Customers . . . . 95 Overpayments 95 Electronic invoices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Setting up electronic invoices: 97 Restricting User Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 restrictions 98 g Customer access to items 102 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 spensary Mode 103 Dispensary Mode 103 nges in dispensary mode? 104 prescribed items 106 directions 106 atient details 108 ispensing 109 abels 110 eceipts 110 ly Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 e mSupply Web Server 111 the web server 111 g to mSupply from a web browser Items From Suppliers . . . . . . 121 ges in recent versions . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (very soon . towards the end of May) 7 2 (18th April 2008) 7 b1 (1st Feb 2008) 7 96r6 (24th Jan 2008) 8 .96r4 (31st Aug 2007) 8 96r3 (5th June 2007) 8 96 (24th April 2007) 9 entions used in this manual . . . . . . . 10 ng up mSupply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 rdware requirements: 12 rdware recommendations: 12 grading from previous versions 12 tallation 13 rting mSupply for the first time 13 paring mSupply for actual use 15 ial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 New build. 58 Manage Ad Hoc items. 61 Show repacks. 63 New repack. 63 When to use inventory adjustments 64 Inventory adjust - add stock. 65 Inventory adjust- reduce stock 65 Merge two items. 66 Show departments. 66 Manage Item Access. 67 Manage Drug interaction groups68 Show units. 70 Show Accounts. 70 Show item categories. 71 Show Locations. 72 Merge two Locations. 75 Check stock is correct. 75 Non-stock items 75 Applying Restrictin Dispensary About Di Activating What cha Entering Entering Viewing p Repeat D Printing l Printing r The mSupp About th Activating Connectin 112 gOrdering 1 upply Explained 17 Receiving Goods- a Supplier Invoice . . . . . 79 Creating a new purchase order 121 a blank purchase order 124 purchase order 124 goods using the Goods Receipt func- 136 management when receiving goods. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 143 145 146 148 149 ening the example data file 18 Navigator 19 ding and viewing items 19 stomers, Suppliers, and Contacts 22 er incoming goods (a supplier invoice) 24 er outgoing goods (a customer invoice) 27 ing with lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ding records 33 s: using, adding and editing . . . . . . 35 out names 35 ding a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer Adding new lines to a Supplier invoice 81 Editing lines on a supplier invoice 82 Deleting a line on a supplier invoice 83 Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer In- voices) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Creating a new Invoice 85 Adding lines to an invoice 89 Deleting a line from an invoice 92 Reordering invoice lines 92 Confirming an invoice 92 Entering a service line on an invoice 93 Editing tax on invoices 93 Creating Editing a Receiving tion Location 137 Preference Invoices 1 Invoices 2 Printing Misc Log 2 Font 150 E-mail 150 Backup 151 Web server 152 Moneyworks 152 Drug intera Customizat Dispensary Item Purchase O Purchase O Prices This compu OK and Pri Logo Report Menu Report prin Custom Re Category A Transaction Purchase O Purchases. ABC analys Manageme Show total Current Sto Opening St Stock on da Graphical s Graphical d Suggest ord Item list. Item usage Item slow m Expiring ite Quotation Transport R Prescriber r User transa Debtors. Customer statements. 188 Backorder report 188 Suggest price list additions. 188 Update price list. 189 Price list. 189 New Blank Purchase Order. 213 Show Goods Received 213 New Goods Received 213 Show cash payments. 213 New cash payment. 213 s. 214 214 ers 214 r 215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 216 217 . 217 217 217 218 . 218 218 ice. 218 ce 218 s. 218 218 lier invoice 219 s. 219 ctions options 153 ion Options 154 mode 154 155 rder Defaults 156 rder Printing 156 156 ter 157 nt 158 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 ting options. 159 port. 160 nalysis. 172 s. 173 rders. 178 . 179 is. 179 nt summary. 180 Item Ledger date range 189 Look for ledger problems. 189 Print item ledger. 189 Location report. 190 Manage Reports. 190 File menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 New data file… 192 Change user 192 Change Password 193 Edit users and groups. 193 Show current user. 193 Backup. 193 Restore. 193 Finalise customer invoices. 193 Finalise supplier invoices. . 194 Finalise inventory adjustments. 195 Finalise builds. 195 Export a batch again. 195 Import items. 195 Merge two name Show categories Show manufactur New manufacture Customer Menu . Show invoices. New Invoice. Show customers. New customer. New credit. Cash Receipts. New cash receipt. Export invoice. Export HTML invo Print special invoi Print invoice serie Show groups. Invoice from supp Merge two name stock value. 180 Import items & stock 197 Show Categories 219 ethods 220 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 221 ces 221 s. 222 sers 222 222 223 224 225 227 227 228 228 229 ck. 181 ock. 181 te. 181 tock history 182 aily stock 182 er quantities 183 184 . 184 overs. 185 ms. 186 Summary. 186 eport 186 eport 187 ction totals 187 188 Import customers and suppliers 199 Export. 200 Preferences 201 Exit/Quit 201 The Edit Menu 201 Supplier Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Show invoices. 203 New Supplier invoice. 203 New Supplier. 203 Show suppliers. 204 New Supplier credit. 204 Import invoice. 204 Show tenders. 204 Show purchase Orders. 213 New Purchase Order. 213 Show shipping m The Special menu Show Navigator Printing preferen Check for update Show connected u Currencies. Reminders. Show budgets. Show stores Misc labels Abbreviations. Warnings. Prescribers. Merge prescribers Transaction categories 229 Contacts. 230 New e-mail. 231 Show e-mails. 232 Send queued e-mails. 233 Set start of year stock. 233 Show Web messages 233 View log 235 Use Pur Sho The H Ab Wh Misce End End Ma Ho b Pri Sec Sup Techn mS Exp mS mS File Ge m Trans Tra Tra Fie Ch Ve Ve Index 285 r’s report 235 ge. 235 w stores. 236 elp Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 out mSupply. 237 y is there no help option? 237 llaneous Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 of Month tasks 239 of Year Tasks 239 intenance and Repair 239 w do I move a window whose title bar has een hidden? 240 nting notes 240 urity of your data 240 ervisor mode 240 ical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 upply Client/Server installation 242 ort file formats 250 3 upply Server backup configuration 250 upply file extensions and types 251 arrangementLocation 252 tting the right data file when you open Supply 252 action Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 nsaction type codes 253 nsaction Status Codes 253 ld formats 254 anges in Earlier Versions 269 rsion 1.61r2 (April 2004) 277 rsion 1.61r1 (March 2004) 278 4 5 Introduction Thank you for choosing mSupply. Before you launch in (if you haven't already!), we suggest you plan to take the following steps. • Read the rest of this introduction. • s Pleas • • mSup • • • • • • • . • s • • • d help with installing mSupply please feel free to email us at About this user guide This user guide is designed for either printing or viewing within Acrobat ges do not show properly, please we use JPEG2000 compression to show bookmarks from the window ugh the sections and chapters by e the find command to find words 2001 with the primary aim of supply- developing countries. We are com- les excellence in health care delivery. ho choose to use our services. al> )572-9431 andu, Nepal tion. more, and has put up with me think- ve been. This software grew out of necessity at the Medical Supply Department, Kath- mandu, Nepal. We learnt a lot from Jaap Zijp's software "Bhandari", and as originally developed and tested. Read the e note that You need dows. If you are ply is desig Recording makes for Create ten Ordering usage figu Entering o Manufact your stock Tracking A Issuing of inventory Customer status and Exporting gram. Reporting want! If you nee <info@ms etup, tutorial and licence chapters in this manual. installation requires basic computer skills to be able to locate a file using the "open" and "save" win- not sure, why not try, and email us if you get stuck. ned to handle the following tasks quotations received from various suppliers in a way that easy comparison of true cost prices. ders for suppliers to respond to. (Purchasing) of items from a particular supplier, using actual res to calculate the required quantities. f incoming goods into inventory. uring items. That is, building new items from raw materials in . ccounts Payable and Accounts Receivable invoices for customers, and recording the transaction against are able to order on-line via the internet, and can view stock the status of their orders. purchase and invoice data for import into an accounting pro- on transactions and other data in almost any manner you Reader or another PDF viewer. If the ima upgrade to Acrobat Reader 6 or later, as keep the download size reasonable. If you are using Acrobat Reader, choose menu. You can then easily navigate thro clicking on a bookmark. You can also us and topics which interest you. About us Sustainable Solutions was established in ing and supporting mSupply software in mitted to producing software that enab We take pride in looking after people w We are based in Kathmandu, Nep We can be contacted at: email:<> or <i phone: 977 1 5548 021, fax: 1 (815 post: PO Box 8975, EPC 355, Kathm Please feel free to request more informa Thanks Juliet has always been encouraging and ing about mSupply when I shouldn't ha> from the staff at MSD where mSupply w Introduction 6 Ujwal Khatry has stuck with Sustainable Solutions for five years, including the startup period where our company name could well have been a misnomer. Jim Staples of 4D inc. kindly arranged an initial donation of the superb development environment we use. Thanks to those people in the 4D tech mailing list who have helped for no benefit to the John Ross of P enough to us David Adams The moderato that list for oc Copyright mSupply softw erve 1996 to 1 accompanyin Licence A Commercial u obtain a licen Please view o Non-commer • You ma is used country registra pose ot shall be • Users w suppor Please contac and training p mselves. atan Hospital, Kathmandu, believed in the quality of mSupply e it long before it was fully ready. kindly donated his superb texts on 4D. rs of the E-Drug mailing list have been gracious in letting us use casional announcements. are is copyright Sustainable Solutions, 2006, UMN/INF/Inters- 999. You may only use the software in accordance with the g licence agreement. greement and Costs sers or any user wanting multi-user functionality enabled must ce from Sustainable Solutions. ur web site for up-to-date pricing. cial use y use mSupply software in single user mode for free as long as it in an approved not-for-profit organization in a developing . All users must register with Sustainable Solutions to obtain a tion code. Information supplied will not be used for any pur- her than generation of registration code. Sustainable Solutions the sole arbiter of those qualifying for this offer. ho have obtained a free licence number are not eligible for free t. t us for quotes regarding customised versions and installation ackages. v2 (very soon . towards the end of May) 7 Changes in recent versions v2 (very soon . towards the end of May) Most of the major changes in version 2 are listed under earlier beta versions. Chan Featu • d • . • i • l o • l • • f • n • o • • Bug f • for duplicate item codes now working • • • Other minor bug fixes v2b2 (18th April 2008) e order lines e report that allows easy display on a mandatory field turned off by mSupply when quote view imes wrong firmation were not being assigned to backorder quantity for all Ad Hoc n you log into mSupply you can a different store mSupply will only nd report results related to the cur- supervisor mode" and report on stock and transactions across all stores. ges betwee res Inter-user are logge Security m any more Can now when crea mSupply c Shipping printing t Item labe Order line Change o are now c stock item New, simp recomme New secti Logging o ences) ixes Checking Volumes n Viewing g n v2b2 and v2 final include: messaging system - a simple system to see which other users in, and to send them messages. uch improved for web itnerface- can't execute arbitary URLs nclude Purchase Order lines with zero suggested quantity ting a purchase order (allows you to investigate lines that onsiders have sufficient stock) abels (or "box/carton labels") from customer invoices (EPL Zebra printers only) s for items manufactured from builds s history now shows the goods received ID nomenclature - items previously known as ‘Non-stock’ items alled ‘Ad Hoc’ items to diferentiate from re-defined Non- s. lified Ad Hoc item handling (old system still in place, but we d you don't use it) n on ‘Non-stock’ items f user log-in and log-out (can be turned on/off in the prefer- New Features • New report: outstanding purchas • New report type for Stock on Dat spreadsheets • Quote validity can be specified as • Quote preferred checkbox can be validity date is reached. • Extra fields available for item list Bug fixes • Stock totals displayed were somet • Backorders created on invoice con the correct store • Ad Hoc items were showing total items. v 2b1 (1st Feb 2008) New Features • Multiple store management. Whe choose a store. Until you log into show you the transactions, stock a rent store. You can also log in as " ow show m3 by default before a value is entered. oods received lines on a purchase order fixed. Changes in recent versions 8 • Patient information recording: you can now specify tests and values and then keep a record of results of these values for each patient. This enables mSupply to be used in simple clinic situations. • Inter store transfers • Handy • Duplic • French • Purcha • Autom due to • Ad Ho • Start o Bug fixes • Close b v 196r6 (2 New Features • Prescrib Bug Fixes • Transac now w • Repeat tomer v 1.96r4 ( New Features • Allow n • Set sto • Checks • Import default location key of an item, now we search for location code, if does not exist create location and assign location code for the item • Added a new method accesible from the quick report editor: llows using an item's shelf ied out if the item code is a stock line nalized. s and Supplier invoice lines: e based on the previous ratio. me availability at chosen loca- to indicate no space/tight rders on the location tab to ble-clicking a goods receipt calculator for days stock required. ation of multiple customer or supplier invoices version completed (almost!) se orders can now have split deliveries of a line or lines atic order calculations take into account forward commitments existing split delivery requests c items can now be excluded from most reports f year stock can now be set retrospectively ox now works for item and invoice windows! 4th Jan 2008) er report now includes prescription count as well as item count. tion report: “not equals to” filter for transaction categories. orks correctly. s can no longer be issued when the transaction type is “cc” (Cus- credit) 31st Aug 2007) qr_get_loc_from_key_new_process that a location in custom reports • The duplicate item code check is only carr changed. • Internet version checking improvements. v 196r3 (5th June 2007) New Features • Pack size shows when viewing details for • Repacks: can now delete a repa ck if not fi • Repacks: now record user id • Location management • Purchase order lines, Goods Received line changing the pack size changes the volum • Goods Receipts: new button to show volu tions (lines are coloured red/orange/green space/ enough space) • Same line colouring applied to purchase o show effect of receiving purchase order • Available volume is now shown when dou line Bug Fixes • Available volume is now shown when double-clicking a goods receipt line o issue with a long supplier tatus “sg” fixed (critical) ew users to logged as store by default re as default mode if new database is created for unique item code • Occasional error when choosing an item t code fixed (non-critical) • Repacks: bug when saving a repack with s v 196 (24th April 2007) • Purchase Orders now correctly ignore the current purchase orders’ stock volumes when calculating volume on order. • Purchase Orders: volume for this order now excludes lines already received. • Labels on the item usage tab were wrong. • Negative numbers in location management windows (indication over- full locations) now display their units correctly v 19 New • • • • • • • • • • • • Each name has an option to determine if invoices are printed with items in alphabetical order or line number order • The New Goods Receipt input form has two new line buttons, allowing entry of a line from the purchase order, or entry of a line not on the purchase order • The Show Goods Received form has a “Find” button in the lower left corner, allowing a rapid search for a particular line any errors fixed. ms is now respected when converting ice. ges in earlier versions. 6 (24th April 2007) Features Now certified with Windows Vista If editing a supplier invoice line where stock has already been issued, you have the option to view which customer invoices the stock was issued on. Many new options for printing dispensary labels Mini invoiices can be printed on dispensary labels Location management now handles item volumes, including the ability to determine whether a purchase order will result in more stock being delivered than there is available volume. This is especially relevant for cold chain items. New form of transaction report Backorders button on Customer invoice now has “New” and “Modify” buttons In Preferences > Invoices 1, there is a new option “Activate budget module” A budget period can now be set for both Customer and Supplier invoices In Preferences > Printing, the option “Don’t print placeholder lines on pick slips” may be toggled on or off Bug fixes • The French localization has had m • Convert pack to one option for ite a goods receipt to a supplier invo See the technical notes chapter for chan 9 Customer invoices: the $ icon at lower left has a new option to print a Proforma invoice in place of a pick slip. Conventions used in this manual 10 Conventions used in this manual If you aren't familiar with using a computer, you should read this chapter, and also work thr Menus Choose new i Items ) New it choose new it Field An area wher white coloure Check box is a box that c click in it. To " h there is not o ing what the Tab & Shift You can move SHIFT key wh reverse order ble"- that is, p button. Pressi Highlight but Pressing the E which is usua Double-click In lists (e.g. of line to edit or details. Insertion poin is the blinking typed input. OK button "Enter" key,. down "CONTROL" ("COM- full stop). a document is stored on your er 2:document", which is the s. We've tried to list both in gh, so the "COMMAND" (cmd) key OPTION" (opt) key on Macs. item. Columns that can be will be true of all columns). t represents physical stock item may or may not have example data file provided n item. When you first start to use the example data file it has 2 stock lines. (You can view them under the that later!). a particular item in your ough the tu tem from t em means em from th e you can m d box. hanges fro check" a c ne already box is for. from field ile pressing to normal. ressing the ng the "ret ton NTER key w lly the OK b Names or view more t line in a fi torial. he item menu (sometime also written as Choose . Click on the word item in the menu bar, then e menu that drops down. ake an entry, either text or numbers - usually a m having an "X" in it to being blank each time you eck box means to click it so that an "X" appears (if present). Check boxes have text beside them explain- to field by using the TAB key. Holding down the the TAB key will move you from field to field in the (Note that on Windows, some buttons are "taba- tab key moves the "focus" (the active area) to a urn" key then activates that button.) ill operate the highlighted button in a window, utton. of Items), double click the left mouse button on a The OK button can be operated by pressing the Cancel button The cancel button can be controlled by holding MAND" on Macs), and pressing the period key ( Path to a file (Or to a document) is a way of describing where hard disk. It is written as "hard disk:folder 1: fold same as "C:\folder 1\folder 2\document". Modifier keys Windows and Macs have different modifier key the manual, but sometimes one might slip throu The Windows "CONTROL" key does the same as on Macs The Windows "ALT" key does the same as the " Column headings in mSupply can be clicked to sort the list by that clicked for sorting have blue text. (In future this Stock Also called "inventory"- an entry in mSupply tha (inventory) in your store. Item An "item" in mSupply is a particular product. An stock lines at any given time. For example: In the with mSupply, "Amoxycillin 250mg tab/cap" is a eld that indicates which field is currently accepting "stock" tab of the item details window (more on Item lines (or "stock lines") represent different batches of store. v 196 (24th April 2007) Negative values In general, there is no need to enter negative values in mSupply. Even when you are entering returned goods from customers, or returned goods to sup- pliers, you must enter positive values. mSupply automatically converts the invoice total to a negative amount when it is a credit to a supplier or from a customer. Supplier invoice A sup Build A tra mate plier invoice is the same as a "bill" or a "purchase" nsaction that records the manufacturing of an item by turning raw rials into a finished product. 11 Setting up mSupply 12 Setting up mSupply Hardware Windows Hardware req mSupply for Here’s a roug If you have an mSupply that Macintosh Mac OS X 10. 50Mb hard di Backup syste Once you star upply, it is of crucial importance that you have a method of ba our data. mSupply stores all it's data in a couple of files that rapi have a high c use of an exte tate off-site st • Synchronize is a good backup program for Macintosh. le for Windows. h backup solution, you should ows), and a tape backup ata off-site to prevent the risk le to help you if you have backup. ssary in every situation, but ot-matrix printer may be btain good support. even if it means buying a e range of hardware. We are r via email or phone. revious version, it will auto- note that this process may take some time. IMPORTANT! Always make a backup of your data file before upgrading. We unexpected disaster if you Absolu Sugge or Clie use wi Sugge r require uirements h guide. older ope runs on W 3 or later. sk space. m t using mS cking up y dly become apacity rem rnal hard d orage of b te minimum sted single nt machine th server. sted serve ments: vary widely depending on what you want to use rating system, please contact us for an old version of indows 98 or later. • Backup Magic is a similar program availab • If you are looking for an industrial strengt use Retrospect (Available for Mac & Wind device. • You need to be able to store backed up d of loss by fire, theft, etc. • Note! Sustainable Solutions will not be ab hardware failures and you do not have a Hardware recommendations: • A connected printer is not absolutely nece for most situations it is a requirement. A d used, but an ink-jet or laser is preferable. • Buy hardware for which you are able to o • Buy brands with a reputation for quality ( slower/older machine). • We have clients running mSupply on a wid happy to discuss hardware options furthe Upgrading from previous versions If you open a data file that was created with a p matically be updated to the new format. Please Windows 2000 or XP computer with a 500 Mhz Pentium processor or equivalent. user for Win 2000 or later, 800 Mhz or faster Pentium processor or equivalent, 256Mb RAM Win 2000 or later, 1.4Ghz Pentium 4 or equivalent, 512Mb or more RAM. 2 Hard disks. Attached to Uniterrupt- ible power supply with software to shut down server if battery power is about to run out. too large to fit on diskettes. You need, therefore, to ovable storage device. We strongly recommend the isk using either firewire (IEEE 1394) or USB2 to facili- ackups. will not be able to help you in the event of some haven't followed this advice. Installation Installation We are assuming you have obtained mSupply either via the Internet or on a CD. If you have downloaded the file you need, and you have saved it to your desktop, it is important that you saved the file with an ".exe" extension or it will not run (You can rename a file by right-clicking on it). The default name for th If you locate It is st instal • • Now exam Exam The m mSup ple d have To ins one of the options mentioned below : • Un-install mSupply using the Windows menu Start > Program Files > mSupply > Uninstall mSupply . This will remove all installed files of mSupply which inculdes the example data files. Re-installing mSupply now will install a fresh copy of the example data file. • You can manually delete the example data file and re-install mSupply. The mSupply installer will install a fresh copy of the example database . the example folder from the mSupply panel, make sure the short date for- or the year (YY, not YYYY). mSupply gh space for 2 digits. Having the display, not the actual data. It does or MM/DD/YY or YY/MM/DD verlaps the separator lines, turn off anel. st time n on your desktop, or m the mSupply menu in the programs dows). If this is the first time mSupply , then an example data file will be e mSupply tutorial. mSupply will . last data file used, and automatically nless you move or rename your data u a standard open/save window for f your data. e file is "mSupply_installer.exe" are using the CD, it should automatically run when inserted. Otherwise, the file "mSupply.exe" on the CD using Windows Explorer. rongly recommended that users who are not familiar with program lation adhere to these directions. Double-click "mSupply_installer.exe", and it will automatically run the mSupply installer. The installer will do the following: • Create a folder on your chosen drive called "mSupply" • Create in the mSupply folder a sub folder called "example folder" containing an example data file. You can use this data file for prac- tice. (Or use the tutorial at the start of the manual to learn the basics quickly) • Install the "mSupply.exe" application and associated files. Double- clicking this file will do the same as double-clicking the "start mSup- ply" icon on your desktop. • Install "readme.txt" - information on licensing and using mSupply. • Install "mSupply manual.pdf" -this document. • Create two shortcuts on your desktop: "start mSupply" and "mSupply manual" • Create a "mSupply folder" entry in the "programs" section of your "start" menu. you are ready to begin! Proceed to the section below on starting the ple database. ple Data file Supply installer treats example data files in a special way. Re-installing ply on a previous installation will replace all the files except the exam- as the previous file does not exist On Macintosh machines, simply replace installer image. Notes for Windows users • In the regional settings in control mat is set to display only 2 digits f lists are set up to allow only enou wrong seting here will only affect not matter if you use DD/MM/YY • If the display of lists in mSupply o large font in the display control p Starting mSupply for the fir To start mSupply, either • double-click the start mSupply ico • choose the start mSupply item fro section of the Start menu (on Win has been started after installation opened allowing you to follow th present you with a log in window Note that mSupply will “remember” the present the log-in window for that file u file. If you do this, mSupply will show yo you to choose the new name/location o 13 ata file. This is to prevent valuable data from being deleted as users may Creating a new data file le now, then log in to the example o the following. started entering actual stock into the example data file. tall a fresh copy of the example data file on windows you can carry out If you would like to create a new data fi data file and from the mSupply menu d Setting up mSupply 14 • File > New Data File.Navigate to a convenient location. Assign a name to your data file and click the save button. mSupply will now start creat- ing a new data file. • You will be presented with a login window. See next page for instru- cions • Start en Alternative m Here is an ano • Quit m • Start m now be “New” right coner of the window. choose the location and le, that file becomes the starting mSupply. To use a dif- If the default data file is st be openedusing its new nted with the log-in window tering your data. ethod for creating a new date file ther way to create a new data file. Supply if it is running. Supply and then immediately hold down the “alt” key (You will shown the window to choose a data file. This window has a button allowing you to create a new data file if you wish. • Click on the “New” button in the bottom Another window will open where you can name of your new data. Once mSupply has opened up a particular data fi default file which is opened automatically on re ferent file, it must be chosen, as described later. renamed or moved to a different location, it mu name or location. Log-in to mSupply The first time you use mSupply, you will be prese like this: Preparing mSupply for actual use User You s Passw At 2., with ing yo Store At 3. Most ating the st trans select Super visor mode uted For fu Mode At 4. Dispe Finall Preparing mSupply for actual use The following 2 steps are necessary to start mSupply for the first time. • Create a new data file • Prepare the new data file for use 1. Create a new data file arting mSupply for the first time on can easily find for doing backups. We pply data" inside the “My Docu- ta file. The documents folder on a e ency. After you save the file, mSupply rate of “one” and a name of “Hom”. double click the one line in the win- r code to represent the currency you ase (eg "ICr" for Indian Rupees, or US dollars). This currency will have a d when you are calculating cost prices and when you are comparing quota- Special > Preferences to do this. Read the File Menu - Preferences to learn- ttings do. ers (If you like you can also do this as g a customer or supplier the first time om them) ck. There are a number of ways you ant to just enter items as you enter tep by clicking the "new item" button ck line for which there is no item. elimited item data, which you can cre- name hould select “user 1(pass=user1)”from the list ord enter the password “user1” (without the quotes). When different users their own level of access have been set up, you will then log-in by selecti- ur user name and typing your own password. select from the drop down list the store with which you are working. mSupply users will be operating with a single store, but for users oper- with more than one store, the login screen allows you to select any of ores to which you have access. After selecting the desired store, all actions will relate to that store until you return to the login screen and a different store from the drop down menu. visors and other Level 1 users will have an additional menu item, Super- mode. In this mode, all stores are accessible, and you would use this , for instance, when placing an order for supplies which will be distrib- to a number of stores. rther information see Show stores on page 225. “Choose login mode .”, you have the option to select Store mode or In order to create a new data file, see St page 13 Save the data file in a location that you suggest you create a folder called "mSu ments” on windows PC to store your da MAC could be used in a similiar manner. 2. Prepare the new data file for us 1. Give a name to your home curr will create one currency with a Choose Special > Currencies and dow. Enter a two or three lette will use to operate your datab "Rnd" for Rands, or "USD" for "rate" of "1". Currencies are use for orders in other currencies, tions from suppliers. 2. Enter your preferences. Choose the chapter of the manual on what the different Preference se 3. Enter your Suppliers and Custom you go along by simply enterin you create an invoice or order fr 4. Enter the items you keep in sto can do this: • You can skip this step if you w your actual stock in the next s when you come to enter a sto • You can import a file of tab-d 15 nsary mode; the default can be set in your Preferences ate, for example, in MS Excel. See the Import. command in the "File menu" chapter. A file containing the WHO essential drug list is page of the mSupply web site. We y, click “OK” to login available from the download recommend you use this file. Setting up mSupply 16 • You can enter each item using the New item Command from the item menu. 5. If you intend to record the location of each item, you should define the locations that your store contains.For further information see Location - Defining locations on page 73. 6. Abou mSupply allow Each user can The modes pr dows, depend individual For further in t Dispensary Mode s you to log in in two different modes, Store or Dispensary. have his/her permissions set to allow or disallow each mode. esent the user with a different menu bar and different win- ing on whether you are issuing stock to an organisation or an formation see Dispensary Mode on page 103. 17 Tutorial If some of the terms used below are not clear, please read the Conventions chapter earlier in this manual. Only mSupply’s basic features are covered in the Tutorial; its many enhanced features are covered in depth in appropriate chapters in the User Guide. mSu The c proce mSu The t (si) an from trail b w given trans t Of co the co Note p beha ences stated data h Befor open ters in Note r you h the sc • : nd make the necessary changes. • n pply Ex hart (right) sses. (Of co pply work wo most co d the custo suppliers, a y only allo an openin actions tha urse, there re of the s that mSup viour of ma from their below. W to ensure t e starting t ed the exam the manu - mSupply ave your sc reen. To ch Windows Settings, a Macintosh plays” ico plained shows the common steps in most pharmaceutical supply urse, the manufacturing step only applies to manufacturers!) flow diagram mmon transaction types in mSupply are the supplier invoice mer invoice (ci). These transactions record stock purchases nd stock supply to customers. mSupply records a full audit ing stock adjustments by way of a transaction. Therefore, g balance of stock for the year, mSupply can show a series of result in the recorded closing stock. is much more to it than that, but these two transactions are ystem. ly has dozens of preference settings which change the ny aspects of the software. If you have customized prefer- default settings, some aspects of this tutorial may not be as e recommend you start with a fresh copy of the example e preferences are set correctly. he tutorial, you will need to have installed mSupply, and ple database. If you haven't done so, read the setup chap- al to do this uns best with a screen resolution of 1024 or 768 or greater. If reen set to 800 x 600 or lower, some windows will not fit on ange screen resolution: Right click anywhere on the desktop, select Properties, then : Choose Apple > System Preferences. then click on the “Dis- and set a new resolution Tutorial 18 Opening the example data file You will have two icons on your desktop- double-click the start mSupply icon. If you are opening mSupply for the first time, the the program should auto- matically ope If you have al would like to can use the m file. By defau mSupply/exam Note: If you h installer, the e A password e message pane hlighted, but if it is not, it uotes) in the password area ‘General’, and the ‘Choose ”- these should not be gged on, the Navigator n the example data file. ready been using mSupply and have another data file open, but open the example data file for use with this tutorial, then you Supply menu File > Open data File. to open the example data lt the example data folder is stored inside “c:/program files/ ple folder/”; navigate to the location and open the data file. ave chosen a different location from the one suggested by the xample folder will be in your chosen location. ntry window is presented as mSupply opens up a data file. The l informs the user that the example data base is in use. The "User 1” (pass= "user1") entry should be hig should be selected. Enter "user1" (without the q (2.). The ‘Choose store .’ drop-down list will display login mode .’ drop-down list will display “store changed. Click the OK button. After you have lo screen appears: The Navigator The Navigator Overv The m using also b and o the sh The N Displa mode work user c few s Imme Admi you w availa ing on the icon of your choice with the mouse, or by advancing through the icons with the right or left arrow keys and pressing the Enter key. You will be using the Items panel of the Navigator in the next step in the tutorial, and as the same procedures are common to all panels, you will quickly become familiar with using them. The bottom right area of the Navigator screen is available for displaying your own logo - the logo of “Acme Medical Supplies” is displayed in our example. The placing of your logo is performed by choosing File > Preferences > Logo. ing to add two new items to our ck on “Items”, the 3rd of the large iew Supply Navigator provides access to most of the functions you will be regularly in mSupply. You will learn that many of these functions may e opened with shortcut key sequences from the various Menu items, nce you have gained some experience, you may find it quicker to use ortcuts. avigator always opens at the Customers screen, shown above. yed along the top of the screen are four items of information: [1.]the selected at logon (store or dispensary), [2.]the store in which you are ing - for most users this will be ‘General”, [3.] active data file, and [3.]the urrently logged on. Keep the pointer on the datafile name, and after a econds the full path to the data file will be displayed. Adding and viewing items Adding a new item to the database For this section of the tutorial, we are go mSupply database. From the Navigator’s opening screen, cli icons near the top of the screen and the following screen appears: 19 diately below this, there are six large icons, “Customers, Suppliers . n.” Click on the icon appropriate to the task you are performing, and ill be presented with a panel displaying annotated icons listing the ble functions and procedures; these are in turn selected either by click- Tutorial 20 • Click on • You are Below is a list key to advanc the mouse. Type The default entry “normal” appears, and should not be changed. Item code Enter "amo500c". Press the Tab key to advance to the next field. b key to advance to the next f the tutorial when you need s "ea" for "each". means that when we export d. e "a" section of our imagi- tly from "a", so it is good to for entering shelf locations. k to be our standard for com- allows the item which is gory. em blank. the “New item” icon presented with a window with a number of fields to enter: Item name Enter "Amoxycillin 500mg tab/cap". Press the Ta field Note: Continue to use the Tab key for the rest o to advance to the next field. Units “None” is displayed by default. The alternative i Price list Click on the square so a check appears in it. This a price list, the price for this item will be include Shelf location Enter "a3". Amoxycillin is stored on shelf 3 in th nary store. Note that "A" is interpreted differen use either all upper case or all lower case letters Preferred pack size Enter "100". This means we want a 100 unit pac paring prices of this item. Category If a list of categories has been defined, this field being added to be placed in its appropriate cate ATC code, DDD factor, Essential drug For this tutorial, ignore these fields and leave th Click the "OK & next" button to add this item to mSupply. The window will . d click the OK button to add u accidentally click "OK & button. The Amoxycillin aved when you pressed the of fields and the text to be entered into each field. Use the tab e from field to field or click on the field you want to edit with now go blank allowing you to add a further item Note: If you had no more items to add, you coul only the item you wanted, and then to exit. If yo next" and then want to exit, just click the cancel 500mg tab/cap would still be entered, as it was s Adding and viewing items "OK & next" button. Proceed to add a further item with the following details: Note that if you make a mistake, you can click in a field and edit the value. Click dow. Cong go an View Click You w • Type "a" into the text entry area, then click the Find button. • You will be presented with a list of all the items whose name or code 50mg tabs/caps - an item that was o choose the item, double-click any- window that displays a lot of infor- g tab/caps". From this window you dit supplier quotations, view usage Item code "amo125s" Item name "Amoxycillin 125mg/ 5ml syrup". OK now that you have added the item, then click cancel to exit the win- ratulations! You have now added 2 items to our example data file. Let's d see how to find them. ing or Editing item details on"Show items" from the Navigator ‘s Item screen. ill be presented with a window to find items: starts with "a" • We will choose the Amoxycillin 2 already in the example data file. T where on its line in the window. • You will now be presented with a mation about "Amoxycillin 250m can see stock on hand, view and e Units "mL" (double-click the entry in the window that appears to choose it. Price list check the check box. Shelf location enter "a7". Preferred pack size enter "60". 21 for this item for the last 24 months, view backorders, view, add and edit notes for this item. Phew! Tutorial 22 • At this an exp mation • When return • If you w erwise Customer Adding a Cu For this tutori customer. Adding a Supp From the Nav pliers, near th Navigator scre enter the det plier. y the Supplier (Acme eed to choose a unique to choose a logical sys- d to look up the Supplier are entering invoice start the code with at rs of the Supplier name) is field is only used when ounting program - this de you use for the sup- program. uticals" - the name of our ed, as we are entering a stage, we only want to know how to view the information. For lanation of all the information displayed, and for further infor- see Item Edit - General options on page 45. you are finished viewing the information, click the OK button to to the list of items. ant to view a different item, you can double-click it's line. Oth- click the OK button to exit to the mSupply start up screen. s, Suppliers, and Contacts stomer or Supplier al example, we will first add a new supplier, then add a new You can now enter the details for your new Sup Code Enter "Acmep" to identif Pharmaceuticals). You n code for each name. Try tem, as the code is use (or Customer) when you data. (for example, try to least the first three lette Charge to Enter "Acmep" again. Th exporting data to an acc code must match the co plier in your accounting Name Enter "Acme Pharmace supplier. Customer check Leave this box uncheck lier box new Supplier. plier" this box will already igator’s opening screen, click on the 2nd of the large icons, Sup- e top of the screen, and then click on "New Supplier" from the en that appears. You will be presented with this window to ails: Supplier check box As you chose "new sup be checked. Customers, Suppliers, and Contacts If you ply st Enter From tome the N lar to Fill in nd exit the window. ls" the Navigator’s "Supplier" screen. You nter as much of the Supplier name or orial, just click the OK button- you will Hold checkbox If this box is checked for supplier or customer, that particular supplier or customer cannot supply or be supplied with items. Price Category This applies to customers. It is possible to assign multiple sell prices to customers. Leave it set to “A”. Print invoices alphabetically This is only for customer invoices at the moment. A a ta C M F C A C Charge to Enter "bluec" Name Enter "Blue Cross Hospital" - the name of our customer. Supplier check box Leave this box unchecked, as we are entering a new customer. Customer check box As you chose "new customer" this box will already be checked. n fill these in with appro- values fields will not be visible, as nly apply to suppliers. these for the time being icable, a note or comment may ered. are happy with the details, click OK. You will be returned to the mSup- artup screen. a new customer. the Navigator’s opening screen, click on the 1st of the large icons, Cus- rs, near the top of the screen, and then click on "New Customer" from avigator screen that appears. You will be presented with a window simi- the New Supplier one above to enter the details: Click the OK button to save the details a Editing a Customer or Supplier Let's now look up "Acme Pharmaceutica • Choose "Show suppliers…" from are presented with a window to e the code as you know. For this tut get a full list of all suppliers. ddress, Postal ddress, Con- ct. You can complete these with appropriate values. urrency The field is automatically filled in with "Nrs" (which stands for Nepali rupees - the default currency in our example data). This is the currency that this supplier will use to bill us. argin Enter "10". Items purchased from this supplier will have a 10% margin added to them to calculate the selling price. reight factor Enter "0". Acme pharmaceuticals does not charge any freight to us - their prices are "CIF". This field is only used for comparing quotations from suppliers - it is not used for actual invoices. ategory & nalysis Ignore these for now omment You can enter a brief note here (Ignore it for now) Address and Contact fields You ca proiate Currency, Freight fac- tor, and Margin fields These they o Category & Analysis Fields Ignore Comment field If appl be ent 23 the fields as follows: Code Enter "bluec" Tutorial 24 • Double shown cals" as • Note the window has "Tabs" along the top edge , “Gen- eral”,"Invoices", "Backorders", "Quotes" and "Notes", etc. Let's add a note for Acme pharmaceuticals: • Click on the "Notes" tab. date is entered automatically eld. K button. in the list of notes. ier, then click OK again to exit invoice) is referred to as a "bill"- we ontaining two items from ese goods into stock. The ticals Expiry Price Extension 31/12/ 2010 344 344,000.0 0 31/12/ 2009 21 1,365.00 15/12/ 2010 21 2,100.00 347465.00 -click the "Acme pharmaceuticals" entry in the list. You will be a window the same as you used to enter "Acme pharmaceuti- a new supplier. • Click on the "New Note" button. Today's and highlighted. Click on the Note Entry fi • Enter "This is a test note" then click the O • The first line of your note text will appear • Click OK to exit viewing/editing the suppl the list of suppliers. Enter incoming goods (a supplier In some countries an invoice for incoming goods use "supplier invoice" to mean the same thing. Let's suppose we have just received a shipment c Acme Pharmaceuticals, and we want to enter th invoice looks like this: From: Acme pharmaceu Bill no.:A939 Item Quan Pack Batch Amoxycillin Caps 250mg 1000 100 b93333 Amoxycillin syrup 125mg/5ml 65 60 bb23d Amoxycillin syrup 125mg/5ml 100 60 bb22d Total: Choose new invoice. from the "Supplier" menu. Enter incoming goods (a supplier invoice) The c the ta detai butio suppl ceutic "bill n Type “Com In the invoic Note adde Click with e "Item" field. Type "a", then press with a window listing all items ble-click the "Amoxycillin 250mg tab/ r will now be positioned in the "Quan- d: "1000" (Note that this is the num- y of capsules). Press tab to advance to ab to advance to the next field. ." Press tab to advance to the next " (Presuming you have dates set up to re set to the USA's mm/dd/yy format, o enter 2 digits for the year, as long as 60. Dates outside this range must its. Press tab to advance to the next er the cost price: "344" OK and Next button. The entry is Re-numbering line ursor will be positioned in the "name" field. Type in "a" and then press b key. If there is only one supplier whose name starts with "a", the ls will automatically be filled in. In our case the supplier "Arbuckle distri- n" was already present, so you are presented with a window listing the iers starting with "a". Double-click the line containing "Acme Pharma- als" to choose them for this invoice. The insertion point will jump to the o." field. "A939" into the “bill no.” field. Press the tab key to advance to the ment” field. Comment field you can type a comment or information to identify the e. that the margin is showing as 10 percent (the percentage that will be d to your cost price to obtain the selling price). the new line button to add the first invoice line. You will be presented the window for adding invoice lines. • The cursor will be positioned in th the Tab key. You will be presented whose name starts with "a". Dou cap" entry to choose it. The curso tity" field. • Enter the number of units receive ber of packs, not the total quantit the next field. • Enter the pack size: "100." Press t • Enter the batch number: "b93333 field. • Enter the expiry date: "31/12/2010 enter as dd/mm/yy. If your dates a enter "12/31/10"). You only have t the year is in the range 1961 to 20 have the year entered as four dig field. • In the “Invoice line cost” field ent As we have another line to add, click the Transaction note Copy to clipboard 25 recorded, and the window is now blank to accept your second invoice line. Tutorial 26 • Enter "a" into the item name field and press tab. In the list of items showing, you will find "Amoxycillin syrup 125mg/5ml". Double-click the entry. • Enter the remaining invoice details for "Amoxycillin syrup 125mg/5ml": • num un • pack si most p eye-dro • batch: • expiry: • price: " Click the "OK item. Now enter th from Acme Ph When you ha of invoices. Our invoice w "347,465" wish to edit, which will now to edit it. You will be shown rrections and click the OK ft the "print" check box he invoice (you may do so). indows. The first window is ow allows you to specify ow also has "preview" check "confirmed" when you w. You can still view and edit ote that if you issue some of me fields relating to that its: "65" ze: "60" (Note that it is better to record the actual volume of acks, unless the volume is not important- for example with an p, where you could record the pack as "1") "bb23d" "31/10/2010" 21.00" (You can just enter "21") & next" button to save the details and start to enter another e third item on the supplier invoice from the example invoice armaceuticals example invoice above. ve finished, click the OK button to take you back to the main list ill now have 3 items added to it. The invoice total should read If you have made a mistake, click on the line you be highlighted; double-clicking on it allows you the line details again, and you can then make co button to save your changes. Now click the OK button. As long as you have le checked, you will be asked if you want to print t Note that when you print, you are shown two w the page setup for your printer, the second wind how many copies to print, etc. (The second wind box, where you can preview the print job) As this invoice is a "supplier invoice" it has been clicked the OK button in the invoice entry windo the invoice details until the invoice is finalized. N the stock you have just entered to a customer, so stock will no longer be edit-able. NOTE - As of mSupply v190, a more precise alternative for logging received ation see Viewing and edit- on page 138. goods has been implemented. for further inform ing supplier invoices created via Goods Receipts Enter outgoing goods (a customer invoice) Enter outgoing goods (a customer invoice) Now let's suppose we have just received an order as follows: Choo appe Type with Cross In the In the comment field enter "This afternoon by courier" click the "New line" button to add a line to the invoice. You are presented with the "new invoice line" window. en press the tab key. In the list you are Amoxycillin 250mg tab/cap" entry. stock has appeared in the window, line number" field. Enter "2" to batches with the shortest expiry date From: Blue Cross Hospital Order number: PO882 Delivery: Express courier please se New Invoice from the Customer menu, and the following window ars: "b" into the "Name" field, and press the tab key. You will be presented Enter the following details: • Type "a" into the "name" field th presented with, double-click the " • You will see that a list of available and the cursor has moved to the " choose line 2. (The list is sorted so Item Quan Amoxycillin 250mg tab/caps 10000 amoxycillin 125mg/5ml syrup 120 27 a list of customers whose name starts with "b". Double-click the "Blue Hospital" entry to select it. are at the top - usually you would choose the shortest expiry batch, but "Their ref" field enter "PO882". today we're being different!). Tutorial 28 • Quanti need to Click the OK & Once again e 125mg/5ml sy able batches w Note that in t "Acme pharm sorted so that list. Line 1 is selec meet the ord field, and the following message will appear: ely to be your normal order will be drawn from atch which will be the first to ou wish to override this auto- u would select “Try Again” wish to meet the order. "available" amount for the stock) is still showing as you can see stock that has your store. You can then edit he current invoice. ill be returned to the main d and Category fields. ty field - the line we have chosen has a pack size of "100", so we enter a quantity of "100" to make a total of 10,000 next button to add the second line of the order. nter "a" and press the tab key. Double-click the "Amoxycillin rup" entry. The window will close and the list of available Avail- ill be filled out. For this tutorial, choose “Distribute” (which is lik choice), and the necessary stock to complete the another batch/other batches, starting with the b expire. There will be occasions, however, when y matic means of distribution, and in this event yo and manually select the batches from which you Click the OK & next button Because the invoice has not been confirmed, the line has been reduced, but the "total stc" (total "100". mSupply includes these lines in the list so been allocated to an invoice but has not yet left the other invoice if stock is urgently needed on t Click OK as we are finished entering lines. You w supplier invoice window. For the purposes of the tutorial, ignore the Perio he list of available stock, the second line we entered from aceuticals" is now at the top of the list - this is because the list is the item with the shortest expiry date comes to the top of the ted, despite the fact that there is insufficient stock of line 1 to er of 120. Nevertheless, you should enter “120” in the Quantity Enter outgoing goods (a customer invoice) At th • • • Now check colum Conf Let's and y good Firstly invoic • Chose show invoices. from the customer menu. • If you know the invoice number (printed on the packing slip) you can enter it. To bring a list of the most recent invoices, you enter the num- ber of invoices to view. As we know the invoice we want is the last one to be entered, we just type "1" and click OK - you will be taken straight to the invoice. Click the "confirm" truck icon. Click OK to confirm you want to proceed. ven the opportunity to print an prices that suppliers have quoted to ived 2 quotations for Amoxycillin as used US dollars for their quota- nds, so before entering the details of of these currencies are recognised. To ial > Currencies , and this window appears which allows you to enter e bottom right of the invoice you will see the invoice total. As the customer has requested an express courier, we will charge them Rs200 for the service (Rs = "rupees" the currency in our tutorial). At the bottom of the window you will see the Other charges field: There, enter "Courier charge" and press the Tab key In the "amount" field enter "200" and press the Tab key. The new total should be "40,675.00" we are ready to print a packing slip. Click OK (make sure that "print" is ed). Print out your packing slip. You will notice the packing slip has a n where you can write down the actual quantity packed. irming the invoice: suppose the order was successfully packed according to the packing slip, ou now want to confirm the order and print an invoice to pack with the s. (We're in a hurry - the express courier is on her way!) The invoice is confirmed, and you are gi invoice. Entering Quotations mSupply allows you to keep a record of you. Let’s assume that you have just rece 250mg capsules; one of the companies h tion, and the other has used British pou the quotations, it is necessary that both achieve this, choose the menu item Spec appears: Click on the New button, and a window another currency: 29 , we need to look up the invoice. Here's an easy way to look up the last Rate field you should enter the - in this case Nepali rupees - equiva- e you have entered: Enter “USD” in the Currency field; in the number of units of the default currency Tutorial 30 lent to 1 US dollar; at the time of compiling this tutorial, the rate was 66 N Rs to US $1, so 71 is entered in the Rate field. Click on the OK button, and repeat the exercise for British pounds, the rate presently being 133. Once you have performed this, the Currencies window should look like this: We’re now re To enter the q 1. Choo 2. Type 3. Doub 4. The i Usage 5. Click 6. Note enter 7. Enter autom “USD 8. Their field 9. Click 10. Now 11. Click “OK” when you are done. Now we can see the list of quotes. If you have done it correctly, it should look like this: t differences in pack size and nt something useful. ters in the User Guide. with different commands as ta file and using it. ady to proceed. uotations: se Items > Show items. “Amox” then press enter. le-click the “Amoxycillin 250mg caps” entry from the list. tem view window, on the left, has vertical content list (General, , Quotes). Click the “Quotes” line. the “New Quote” button. that the item is entered for us. We need to choose a supplier and their price details. “Arb” in the supplier field and press tab. Arbuckle distribution is atically chosen. They have quoted in US dollars, so choose ” from the currency menu. price is US $3.50 per 100 capsules, so enter “3.5” in the price and “100” in the pack size field. “OK” to save the entry click “new quote” again and enter the following details: Notice how the adjusted price takes into accoun currency, so you can easily compare suppliers. Thanks for doing the tutorial. We hope you lear Where to now? • Continue with the "getting started" chap • Use the example database to experiment you read about them in the manual. • Have a "dummy run" at starting a new da Supplier Gold Medical Supplies. Currency Sterling [GBP] Price £20.00 Pack size 1000 31 Working with lists Whenever you do a search in mSupply that finds more than one item, you will be presented with a list of records (be they items, names, contacts or another list) that matches the criteria you entered. mSupply uses two types of list display. Shorter lists, such as those you see when stripe have next t name s millio d When tom o Custo Click ise list button in the toolbar will display a window like this: using. you are not using. To add a column to nd list, then click the right--pointing trol-click to add multiple columns at ) to remove from the right-hand list, ve the columns back to the available in chosen list, as it is a hidden key right hand list you can change the Column widths The easiest way to set column widths is to drag the dividers between the col- you view a d backgrou an indicato chapter. In s and item ns of recor these lists f the wind mising the the custom n invoice, or view the stock for an item use a list with a nd. These lists have resizable and movebale columns, and r to show the sorted column. Their use is discussed in the his chapter we are concerned with tools for handling lists of and transactions, which run into hundred of thousands or s. are displayed, a series of buttons are present along the bot- ow. The following graphic shows the item list window columns viewed On the right is a list of columns you are On the left is a list of available columns the view, click on the item in the left-ha button in between the lists. You can con the same time. To remove a column select the column(s and click the left-pointing button to mo list. You can not remove the first column column to uniquely identify each row. Rennaming columns By clicking twice on a field name in the column title. umns in the list view. Working with lists 32 Note that if the total column width is too wide for the window, a horizontal scroll bar is added to the list allowing you to view columns to the right of those displayed. Choosing the column order To change the location. (This window. Viewing or ed To view or ed new window Ordering (Sor Ordering a lis Any column t column headi means: • A > Z (u • 1 > 2 > • earlier Descending m Note that ord only changes Clicking the O n which type of records you by a particular field, double- the window will look like order of column in a list, drag the column header to a new is done when viewing the list, not in the customise list view iting a particular record it a record, double-click the row in the list you wish to view. A will open showing the details of the record you clicked. ting) lists t is the same as sorting it. We will use “ordering” from now on. hat has a blue heading can be ordered by clicking on the blue ng. The column will be sorted in ascending order. Ascending pper and lowercase are not considered different) 3 for numbers dates to later dates eans the opposite of Ascending. ering a list does not add or remove any records from the list. It the order in which the records are displayed. rder by button shows the order by window: The Available Fields list will change depending o are viewing. The list shown is for items. To order click it in the left-hand list. If we double-click on the “stock_on_hand” field this: (You can also drag fields to the right, or click the right-pointing arrow after er fields to the right-hand highlighting the field on the left) You can order by multiple fields by adding furth list. Finding records To change to ascending/descending ordering Each item in the “Ordered by Fields” list has a small triangle to the right. If the triangle is pointing up, the ordering will be ascending. If pointing down, it will be descending. To change the direction, click on the triangle. To remove a field Highlight the field in the left-hand column, then click the red left-pointing arrow “Ord Using If you follow “Leng Using short Click Once Find In thi In the item list shown above there is a Find button. This button shows a simple find window where you can enter the start of the item name or code. x find button. This allows you to per- ing this button shows the query edi- s from which you have to choose or between the two lists. The double left-pointing arrow will clear the ered by Fields” list formulae wanting to order by a formula, click the Add formula button. In the ing graphic the formul window is shown, and the formula th([items]code)” has been entered. this formula would allow you to identify items whose item code is er than your organisational specifications. the OK button to close the window. the details are entered, click the Order by button to order the list. Complex finds The window shown above has a Comple form a find using multiple criteria. Click tor Within this window there are three area set a value for each line of a query. 1. Available fields 2. Comparisons 3. Value 33 ing records For example, if you want to find all items whose default pack size is greater than one and whose code starts with “A” we would undertake the following s user guide the terms find and query are used interchangeably steps Working with lists 34 1. Click on “default_pack_size” in the available fields list. 2. Click on “is greater than” in the Comparisons list 3. Enter “10” (no quotes) in the value field. 4. Click the Add line button 5. Scroll down the available fields lists then click on “code” in the avail- able fi 6. Click 7. Enter 8. Click Before step 8 The top area to be perform Note that we code starts wi If you wanted entered, we w the “or” butt Saving and U If you think y will be asked is very small. When a blank query window is first shown, you can re-use a previously saved query by clicking the Load. button and locating the query file. elds list. on “is equal to” in the Comparisons list “a@” (no quotes) in the value field. the Query button to perform the query. , the window would look like this of the query editor shows a summary of the query that is about ed. have used the wildcard character “@” to match all items whose th “a” to find items that matched either one of the criteria we ould click on the second line in the top list and then click on on at the bottom left of the window. sing saved queries ou will use a complex query again, click the Save. button. You to choose a name and location to save the query. The saved file 35 Names: using, adding and editing About names In mSupply a "name" can be a customer, a supplier, a manufacturer, plus all or no good Add To ad To ad (Mak plier > New manufacturer from the ne of the a s to- e.g. an ing a Cu d a new cu d a new su es sense rea bove. (Note that a "customer" can be anyone you supply other organization, or a ward in your hospital, or a patient) stomer, Supplier or Manufacturer stomer, choose Customer > new customer from the menu. pplier, choose Supplier > New supplier from the menu. lly!) To add a new manufacturer, choose Sup menu: Names: using, adding and editing 36 Items in the names entry window Name: Code The unique code to identify this customer, supplier or manufacturer. Charge to mSupply is m it will also fun exported with name code th make sure thi • If you h the one its own accoun code th • In your with th • For a su will be a curre the cur choose • Note th codes, "custom mSupp cally sy The "custome depending on from the men here without Name The customer/supplier name. (Remember you can use the Tab key to move from field to field) Type: s to mark each entry as a cus- eceving or issuing goods. in price for that Supplier or File >Preferences > Prices. he selling price increased/ ferences for this price cate- refernces category B is mer XYZ that has a normal ice will be $15. nd billing addresses. t you have assigned using categories. types of customers or suppli- up in the “Analysis“ field. nt to the physical address of F M S ade to work in tandem with an accounting program (Although ction just fine by itself). The "charge to" is the code that is each invoice. Generally you should make the charge code and e same (If you want, there is an option in the preferences to s is the case). For example: ave for example, 3 hospitals you supply, but you send the bills to place for payment, you may want to enter each hospital with name code, and all of them with the same charge code. In your ting program you would just enter one debtor (customer) with a e same as the charge code. eg accounting program you would enter "Blue Hospitals Assoc" e code "bluehos" pplier, if you have entered a default currency and margin these entered, but you can override them. Every supplier should have ncy entered against it (The currency it uses for you invoice(s). If rency isn’t yet in your system, close the name entry window and "currencies" from the "special" menu to add a currency. at if you do not wish to use different name codes and charge check the "supplier name code and charge must match" and In the main entry screen, there are 3 check boxe tomer, a supplier or a manufacturer. Restriction: Hold checkbox If this is checked this name can not be used for r Price Category Selection of any of the categories will fix a certa Customer.The price category value is entered in When goods are being issued to this customer, t decreased by the percentage specified in the pre gory. Eg: If customer XYZ is in category B and in the p assigned value of 50. If an item is issued to custo selling price of $10, the selling price on this invo Address and contact details These are fairly self-explanatory (we think.) For customers, you can enter separate delivery a Category This drop-down list shows a list of categories tha Supplier > Show categories or Customer > Show Analysis You can use this field to group together certain ers. You can filter the report by selecting the gro Postal address Here you can enter a postal address if it is differe Hosp name code charge code red H Hosp fhhosp bluehos ary P Hosp mphosp bluehos am Q Hosp sqhosp bluehos er name code and charge must match" check boxes in the ly preferences. If you do this, the charge code will be automati- the supplier. r as in the above “New cus- sorted in printed customer Sort by line number” and nchronized with the name code. r" or "supplier" check boxes will be checked as appropriate, whether you have chosen "new supplier" or "new customer" us to produce this window. However, you can still alter things upsetting mSupply. Print invoices alphabetically If you check this button for a particular custome tomer window”, item lines will be alphabetically invoice for that customer. This will override the “ Editing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer “Sort by shelf location“ set in Preferences > Printing. Extra information for customers only. Shipping address If the name is a customer, shipping address fields will be shown. Extra Supp Enter Marg Enter Freig Enter prices shoul see th the in Abou When of ea name For th mark “invo Edit For th excep Choo enter youcan also click the OK button to the window has a series of radio but- your search to customers, suppliers, an one customer, a list of matching ddress labels for the names in the information for suppliers only: lier Details: Currency the currency code of the currency this supplier uses for invoicing you. in the percentage margin to apply to items received from this supplier. ht factor the amount to add to quotations from this supplier to adjust quoted for freight. Note that if suppliers quote you "CIF" prices, then you d enter "0" here. An example: by looking back on invoices from IDA, we at freight to Nepal generally amounts to about 15% of the net value of voice. There we enter "1.15" in this field for IDA. t Manufacturers you are receiving goods, you can optionally specify the manufacturer ch item. Manufacturers can be chosen from a list that is made up of s who have the “manufacturer” checkbox checked. e manufacturer field to be shown, the option must be turned on by ing the “show manufacturer field on supplier invoices” option on the ices 1” page of the mSupply preferences. ing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer is example we will edit a customer. Editing a supplier is just the same, t that you can start by choosing Show supplier from the supplier menu. se Customer > Show Customer. You are presented with a window to as much of the Customer name or codeas you know: If you leave the name/code field empty, get a full list of all customers. Note that tons on the left to change the target of manufacturers or all names. If the text you entered matches more th names is shown. Buttons in the names list window Labels Clicking this button allows you to print a list. The label editor is displayed. 37 Print r to the one displayed on screen. Clicking this button will print a list simila Names: using, adding and editing 38 Find This button shows the same find window as choosing the menu item did so you can find a different group of names. Order by This button a The Labels an names are dis Flags This button a Firstly, highlig (command on click the Flags wish to add, a new flag to th Editing or v To edit/view a You will be sh ble-click a line displayed has rders", "Quot and “Website If you want a entering anyt The Invoice Here you can this window. To do so, dou- dow will open with the llows you to sort the displayed list by the criteria you choose. d Print buttons will use the order that is displayed. By default played alphabetically based on the name column. llows you to mark certain names with a flag. ht the names you wish to flag by holding down the control key Mac) and clicking the names in the list you wish to use. Then button to show a window where you can enter the flag you nd decide whether to replace any existing flags or append the e old one. iewing a name particular name, double-click the entry you want from the list. own a window where you can view the customer details. Dou- to view details for that customer or supplier.Note the window "tabs" (buttons) along the top edge called "Invoices", "Backo- es" ;"notes";”contacts”;”Emails”;”Group”;”Purchase order” login”. list of all customers or suppliers, click the find button without hing in the search field. s tab view the invoices for a customer or supplier. You are now able to edit an invoice directly from ble-click the invoice you wish to edit. A new win invoice details displayed. Options for the invoices tab: Editing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer Print Range Click this button to print a range of invoices for a customer. You will be asked to enter the first and last invoice numbers to be printed. Aging Clicking this button displays a list of aging categories and the outstanding unpaid balance for each invoice in each category. Dates Choo rever The Backorders tab korders for a customer name. mSup- ppliers as well, but we are not sure window where you can add a backo- code or item name, then press the red. You can change the date if you se a date range from this menu to quickly show recent invoices, or to t to showing all invoices Here you can view, add and edit the bac ply allows entry of backorders against su why you would want to do this! Buttons on the backorders tab: New backorder Clicking this button presents you with a rder line for this customer. • Type at least a portion of the item tab key. • Today's date is automatically ente 39 like • Enter the total quantity owing. Names: using, adding and editing 40 • Enter a comment (e.g. an expected arrival date) • Click OK to save changes and exit the window. Delete backorder Click a backorder line to highlight it, then click this button to delete the line. Copy This comman the report int Print The list of bac Double-click a rder entry win Show: This drop-dow • Backor • Ad Hoc want to just for The Quotes tab red in mSupply for this sup- d copies the backorder to the clipboard, allowing you to paste o an email message, word processor or spreadsheet document. kordered items for the customer is printed. backorder line to edit the line. You will be shown the backo- dow, where you can change any details you wish. n list allows you to choose which backorders to display. ders are normal items that have not been supplied to customers. items are items that customers have ordered that you do not add to your stock list, but would rather make a special order that customer. Here you can view the quotations you have ente plier. The Notes tab s. Here you can view, add and edit notes. A list of the first line of current notes is shown. The text of a note can be up to 32,000 character Editing a Customer, Supplier or Manufacturer To add a new note, click the "new note" button, enter the details, then click the OK button. To edit or view a note, double-click on it. To Delete a note, click on it, then click the "delete note" button. The Contacts tab To ad tacts. enter Note: inform and s If you programs available. The free Palm Desktop (for Mac & Windows) can be download from The yes/no check box on the right is a way of marking contacts. You can then use this field to find a sub-set of your contacts (e.g. those to whom you want to send a price list or newsletter). To delete a contact, click on the contact you wish to delete, then click the "delete contact" button. been associated with this name. compose a new email to this name. hlight it, then click the “Delete d a contact for this contact or supplier, first click once in the list of con- The Add contact button will be highlighted. Click the button, then the details in the window that is shown. The Email tab This tab displays all the emails that have You can use the “New Email” button to To delete an email, click on its line to hig email” button. 41 mSupply is not designed to function as your main source of all contact ation- it is only designed to keep simple information about customers uppliers, and people within those organizations. want more complete contact management there are many software Names: using, adding and editing 42 The Group tab This tab displa only relevant Here you can choose a grou linked to the ences, only ite no departme The Purchase Orders tab current name. If you are pty! ys the group information for the current customer. Groups are to customers, not suppliers. select the group of which a customer is a member. When you p, you will be shown a list of item departments which are chosen group. Once the group system is activated in the prefer- ms belonging to one of the listed departments (or items with nt) will be able to be supplied to that customer. This tab shows a view of purchase orders for the viewing a customer the list will (hopefully) be em The Website login tab er information using the ou assign a logon name and If you are allowing customers to access their ord mSupply web server, this is the window where y password to a customer. 43 Items An item in mSupply is usually a product that you purchase and supply. How- ever, there are also other types of items • A service item has no stock, but can still be added to customer invoices and charged for. Examples of a service item might be a freight charge • f d Mana comm tions The Show items. Use this command for editing or viewing just about any information about asking you to enter either as much " when you want to proceed. If only raight to the item details, otherwise ices. An item is considered to have tarts with the characters entered. ss to a more powerful query editor items. See the custom report section detailed description of the query edi- “@” sign before the text. E.g. enter- ” anywhere in their name. d button without entering anything or a consu A cross re in a list, it have item only issue ging items ands for m and units. Item M ltation fee. erence item points to another item, so that when it is chosen is substituted with the item it refers to. This allows you to s in your system that are referred to by trade name, but are according to their generic name. is mostly done from the Item menu. This menu also contains anaging lists related to items such as accounts, drug interac- enu an item Firstly you are presented with a window of the item code or name as you know: Click the “Find” button or press "return one item was found you will be taken st you will be shown a list of matching cho been matched if its name or item code s The Complex find button gives you acce where you can find a very specific set of of the Report menu chapter for a more tor. (Tip: to do a “contains” search, enter an ing “@250” will find all items with “250 If you want a list of all items, click the fin in the search field. Items 44 Double-click t Other Buttons Report Click this butt report. The re lighted record Set flags A flag is a qui You can set a hold down th wish to flag. T You will be sh We reccommend you use a single character (or two) as the flag. If you choose “Append to existing flags, any items with existing flags will have the new flag added to the end of the flag. If you choose “Replace exist- ing flags”, then the selected items will have their flags cleared. Note that you can clear all flags for all items by selecting all items (control - A) then leaving existing flags”, and then click- rder by window, where you items in a list. e same as if you had chosen rd that is highlighted. Click- s window will jump to the cords, hold down the control cords you wish to highlight. ou can choose which fields or further information see along the left side. Click on on about an item. e, you can click cancel. Note , notes and backorders will he item in the list that you want to view. in the item list view on to open a report editor window where you can design a port will use the currently displayed records (not the high- s). ck way of identifying a group of items for use in a report. nd remove flags for multiple items at the same time. To do so, e control key (command key on Mac) and click on the lines you hey will become highlighted. Then click the “set flags” button. own a window like this: the “Set flag to.” field blank, clicking “Replace ing the OK button. Order by Clicking this button will bring up the standard O can choose fields to sort the displayed items by. Print Click this button to print the currently displayed Find Clicking this button displays the Find window, th Items > Show items. Modify Click this button to show details for the first reco ing the “OK and next” button in the item detail next highlighted record. To highlight multiple re key (command on Mac) while you click on the re Customise list Clicking this button will show a window where y from the items table are shown in the list view. F Working with lists on page 31. The Item Details WIndow The item details are presented with a vertical list the appropriate item to view detailed informati If you make changes that you don't want to sav however that changes you have made to quotes be saved, even if you click Cancel. Show items. Item Edit - General options Item You c the it you s here. rect n an in Item This i To ch the n Units Choo by pa What Befor padlo edit the field, you will then be able to change the field contents. If not, you will be alerted. You assign user permissions for each user by choosing File>Edit users and groups Department You can assign each item to a department by choosing from the list of departments here. To set up departments, use the show departments. com- mand in the item menu. e available to be issued on invoices. It warning if you choose it when issu- a different item. Note that this you wish to hold selected batches options list on the left, and in the icular batch/batches to be held. m cannot be issued on customer turing. This is to stop someone acci- omer invoice (for example, items ocessed state). ing the drop down list. Item catego- hapter. For further information see up for the item. We recommend you upings available from <www.dru- osing file > manage drug interaction age Drug interaction groups on page items the pack size will automatically name annot edit the item name directly. Rather, click on the lock icon next to em name, and enter a new name in the window that appears. Note that hould never change the name of an item to a completely different item As of version 1.5 of mSupply, historical records will still record the cor- ame, but invoices in process will pick up the new name when you edit voice line. code s the code assigned to the item. ange an item code, you must click on the lock icon first, and then enter ew code in the field. se the unit you use for this item. It is useful to distinguish items you issue ck (eg eye drops) from items you issue by volume (eg oral liquids) Hold: do not issue If this box is checked, the item will not b will still appear in lists, but you will get a ing stock, and will be required to choose applies to all batches of the item; should only, you should choose Stock from the Hold column, check the box for the part Issue in builds only Checking this box will mean that the ite invoices- it may only be used in manufac dentally issuing a raw material on a cust which by law can not be sold in an unpr Category The item category should be selected us ries are explained in detail later in this c Show item categories. on page 71. Interaction group Here you can choose the interaction gro base interaction groups on ATC code gro> You can set up interaction groups by cho groups. For further information see Man 68. Convert pack to one when receiving If this box is checked, when you receive 45 are those lock icons? be converted to “1”. This is primarily for use in dispensary mode, but may be useful in other situations too. xes of Paracetamol, but you issue var- e you can edit an item’s name, code or units, you need to click the small ck icon to the left of the field. If you have sufficient user permissions to For example: say you receive 50 x 100 bo Items 46 iable amounts of paracetmol on invoices. If this option is checked, as you receive the stock on a supplier invoice, it will be converted to 5000 (quantity) x 1 (pack size). You will now be able to issue any quantity you like. The cost and sell price are automatically adjusted for the new quantity. Shelf Location Type as much then press the filled in autom this: Select the loc the line and t Note that eac receive items unless a diffe Volume per p If you are usin default volum Note that mS enter a volume as millilitres (ml), litres (L) or cubic metres (m3) lk quantities of goods/items. to identify the place where sent in one pack (outer). er pack. This may be different entered above, as outer , vaccine packs may come in most users will be using a sin- users managing more than the drop down menu. For ork with the cumulative visor mode”. Such users may on supplier invoices to cal- You enter Value displayed mSupply stores 30ml 30ml 0.00003 m3 1.5 m3 0.6 m3 0.0015 m3 of the location (ie the first few characters) or code as you know, Tab key. If only one location code matches your entry it will be atically, otherwise you will be shown a standard choice list like ation you want by double-clicking a line or by clicking once on hen clicking OK h batch of stock can have its own shelf location. When you into stock, they will be given the shelf location you enter here rent location is chosen. ack g available volume tracking in your warehouse, then fill in the Bulk shelf location Similar to shelf location but it is used to store bu You can enter a code here (up to 20 characters) the item is stored. Outer pack size This field is for entering the number of items pre Outer pack volume Here you can enter a volume for a standard out to an exact multiple of the volume per pack you packs may have their own packing. (For example an insulated container.) Store The store which you are using is displayed here; gle store and this paragraph is not relevant. For one store, the desired store may be selected from users having access to all stores, and wishing to w data from them all, the display will show “Super also access a single store should they so wish. Pricing option: default margin This is the margin that will be applied to this item 1500L 1.5 m3 600 L 600 L 1500 ml 1.5 L e for one pack of the item here. culate the sell price. Note that if a supplier margin is also set, there is a setting in the preferences ( file | preferences) that determines which margin will be t, this price will be used g price for this item. Enter upply always stores volumes as m3 (cubic metres), but you can used. Note also that if a default selling price is se rather than the margin. default sell price Only enter a price here if you want a fixed sellin Show items. the price for one unit (eg 1 capsule or 1 gm). A price entered here will over- ride an margins you have specified for either the supplier or the item. User fields 1, 2 and 3 & 4 You can use these fields for your own data. You can (query) search for items with a particular value or range of values in this field when producing a cus- tom report To set the names of the user fields, choose File > Preferences and click on the “Misc Catal Frequ audit entry is che duced Butt Cance Exits matio be sa OK Saves OK & Saves If you the li your Delet If an delet In oth You c Note assoc action Item Edit- Misc options This window currently has settings for cautionary warnings used when dis- pensing medicines and accounts used when exporting transaction informa- tion. t. This list is set up using the Special > for the item. line then click the “Delete” button. ” option in the left hand list. ogue code ently organisations may apply a second code to an item - e.g. one for ing purposes, in addition to one for general use. This field allows the of such a code. Provided the Include catalogue code for each item box cked under Preferences > Misc, a report on Catalogue codes may be pro- . ons in the item details window l the window without saving changes. (Note that changes to other infor- n you have made such as editing a backorder, adding a quote etc. will ved). changes then exits the window. Next changes, exits the window, then brings up the next item in the item list. did not have an item list open, or if you have reached the last item in st, you will be returned to the list or the initial menus, depending on starting point. e Item item has no transactions, quotes, order lines or backorder lines, it can be ed using this button. er words, once you have received stock for the item, you can’t delete it. an delete an item immediately after you have created it or imported it. Warnings Warnings are chosen from a standard lis Warnings menu. Use the “New” button to add a warning To delete a warning, double-click on its 47 that if you have imported an item and stock, you can delete it, and it’s iated stock will be deleted too (but not once it has been used in a trans- When an item has more than one warning, the warning that has priority will be automatically printed on the label. You can add other warnings as part of such as an invoice or build). the label directions if required. Items 48 To set a warning’s priority, double-click its line in the list Accounts You can set th supply transa To set each ac press the Tab account matc Item Edit- " The Usage tab 24 months. Th usage for a pa Show Graph b Clicking this b popup menu to choose from ge usage and the standard n. transactions that were s to multi-user mode). It also uild transctions included in clude builds” checkbox is e general ledger account to be used for exporting purchase and ctions involving this item here. count enter a portion of the account description or code and key. You will be shown a standard choice list if more than one hes what you typed. Usage" Below the list of usage for each month there is a 1 to 24 months. After choosing a value the avera deviation for the period in question will be show Refresh usage button This button allows you to update the usage with added since you opened the window (this applie allows you to show the usage with or without b the totals, depending on whether or not the “in checked or not. allows you to view the item usage per month for the previous is information is very useful for quickly spotting a trend in rticular item. utton utton shows the same information in a graphical format. Show items. Item Edit- Stock options The " Editin To ed you w are p The Stock tab This tab shows the details of a stock line.It also gives you total and available quantity of a stock line. Hold batches To hold a batch check the hold check-box. Once an item is held, it cannot be stock window, but held lines will d if a user attempts to issue the line hold. Note that the Hold: do not s precedence, and if that option is gardless of batch. omer invoices for the item batch to view immediately the list of cus- is particular batch. re still in your data file, but which of a use for this information, please the button title changes to "hide k to the info you really wanted. Stock" tab shows the lines of stock for this item. g a stock line it the cost price and selling price for an item line, double-click the line ish to edit. Note that only users in the level 1 or level 2 access groups ermitted to edit stock lines. issued. It will still appear in the available have a check box in the hold column, an they will be informed that the line is on issue option in the General options take checked, then no stock may be issued, re The Ledger tab This tab shows a list of supplier and cust being viewed. You can use this window tomers who have been supplied with th Show zero lines This button will show all the lines that a have no stock on hand. If you can think let us know! When you click the button zero lines", which allows you to get bac 49 Other information on the stock options page hand. Note that you do not need to Minimum stock The minimum stock you wish to keep on Items 50 enter a quantity here for mSupply's ordering system to work. In fact, it is bet- ter in most cases to leave this number set to zero. This field should only be filled in if you absolutely must keep a minimum on hand. For example, if you stock naloxone for narcotic over dosage reduction, and even if you only use 1 vial every year, you have decided you need to keep five vials on hand, you would enter " Stock on han The total stoc Stock on orde The total qua Analysis This is the val value of sales Qualifying qu The minimum Bonus quanti The quantity reached. Bonus price If your bonus charge on bo For example, 2 the followin Price List On Price list If this box is c Indicative price The price for the item that will be used when you produce a price list Report pack The pack size for the item that will be used when you produce a price list or the item in question. 5" as the minimum quantity for naloxone. d k of this item on hand. r ntity of stock of this item on order from suppliers ue of the last item ranking analysis. The figure represents the for the item for the last analysis period. antity quantity to be supplied before bonus stock is given. ty of bonus stock to be given when the qualifying quantity is stock is totally free, leave this field as "0". If you charge a sur- nus stock of (say) 5% of the original price, enter "5" here. if you enter a qualifying quantity of 10 and a bonus quantity of g bonus stock will be given: Item Edit - Ledger options The item "Ledger" tab lists all the transactions f Drop-down lists You can use the "Show." menu to show: Order quantity Bonus quantity 9 0 10 2 15 2 • Only supplier transactions • Only customer transactions transaction line for the name 20 4 hecked, this item will be included when a price list is produced. • Transactions for just one name (click on a you are interested in) Show items. • Transactions for one particular item line. This will show the supplier invoice on which the item line was received, and all subsequent issues of that item line to customers. This can be useful for tracing a particular batch of medicines. Tip: Clicking on the column headings of the transaction list will sort the list by the information in that column. The column header will be underlined to show by which column the list is sorted. Note: have each If you click t be) w Print Clicki curre year ( Item A quo item have been quoted from different suppliers, or even different prices from the one supplier for different pack sizes. When you come to compare quotes, there are several factors that need to be taken into account. By entering the information in mSupply you are able to find the best price once these factors have been taken into account, and you build a history of quotations from each supplier. Cost r local currency, taking into account . rred pack size" you have entered for direct comparison between suppliers. pack" for an item, all your quotes will . otes to bring the cheapest quote to es input window will open If the cost price column is blank, this is because the current user does not permission to view cost prices. (This option can be turned on or off for user from the “File > edit users…” menu item). want to view an invoice for one of the displayed lines, simply double- he line you are interested in. The invoice (or payment, as the case may ill be shown in a new window. ng this button will give you the choice of printing either the information ntly displayed in the window or a complete ledger from the start of your along with the current stock and a running total of stock on hand) Edit- Quotes options Cost is the price for that pack size in you the freight factor and the exchange rate Adjusted cost Adjusted cost is the price for your "prefe that item. This second price allows for a Note that if you change the "preferred be updated to reflect the new pack size Comparing quotes: Click "Adj cost" heading in the list of qu the top of the list. Add a new quote Click the "new quote" button. The quot 51 tation is a record of a price you have been given by a supplier. For each you can have multiple quotes recorded, reflecting different prices you Items 52 • Type as you wi choose • Enter t • Note th tion yo • If the s default the dro • The fre to acco quoted should about 1 Strip pack This check bo packed items Preferred This check box allows you to identify one (or more) suppliers as the preferred supplier for the item. One of the ordering methods uses the "preferred" check box to indicate which items should be considered for ordering from a particular supplier. See the Ordering chapter for more details. ust use this field to record heir electronic invoices. his product. along with the percentage ched. ck) and the freight for that cide not to add a quote for date, the supplier, the price, erred" check box. much of the supplier code as you know, then press the Tab key- ll be presented with a list of suppliers if there is more than one to from. he price and the pack size in the currency you have been quoted. at the currency and freight factor are filled in with the informa- u have entered for the supplier. upplier has quoted in a different currency to the supplier’s currency, you can change the currency for this quotation from p-down list on the right. ight factor is the factor you need to add to the supplier's prices unt for delivery costs. If your supplier includes these costs in the price (i.e. prices are "CIF"), the freight factor for the supplier be set to "1". If your supplier adds freight that amounts to Supplier code If you are using electronic invoice transfer, you m the code for the item that this supplier uses on t Supplier bar code Here you can record the bar code identifier for t Price Break Enter the quantity that generates a price break discount that will apply once this quantity is rea Freight Enter the value for the preferred pack (outer pa pack provided by the supplier. Click OK to accept the details, or cancel if you de this item. To modify a quote: Double-click the line you want to edit. In the window that appears you can change the the pack size, the "strip" check box, or the "pref To delete a quote • Click on the quote line you wish to delete • Click the "Delete quote" button. • Confirm that you want to proceed. 5% of the invoice price, set the freight factor to 1.15. x allows easy identification of quotes that are for strip/blister (as opposed to "loose" items). Show items. Item Edit- Backorders options You c click t To ad wind • • To de backo The t Item Edit - "Notes" here. . A note can be up to 32,000 charac- he list you want to edit. an view the backorders for an item here. To edit a backorder, double- he line you wish to edit. d a new backorder for this item, click the New backorder button. This ow will be shown: Enter part of the customer name, then press Tab to search for the cus- tomer. Enter the order date, quantity and any comment, then click OK the save the new backorder entry. You can add and edit notes for an item Click the new note button to add a note ters. To edit a note, double-click the note in t 53 lete a backorder, click the line you wish to delete, then click the Delete rder button. Notice that in the lower left corner of the note editing window with “Dis- play” label, there is a drop-down list: otal stock on backorder is shown below the list. Items 54 Use this list to issued on a cu have the mes Item Edit - Clicking the " It is useful for error here it i occured. In m will allow you occured. In no you will not s Item Edit - (This option m ply that enab not make ent Materials.) Note too that if your user permissions do not allow you to add and edit Bills of Materials, this option may not be available. em if it is a manufactured the “Use a Bill of Materials enter a new build, it can be ls (ingredients) and the cor- . ge: als (if one has been entered) f materials. set the text of the note to display as an alert when this item is stomer invoice, received on a supplier invoice, or choose “all” to sage display for both customer and supplier invoices. Reconcile options reconcile" button will give a summary of usage. checking mSupply is working like we claim it does! If you get an s most likely due to your using mSupply when a power failure ulti-user versions we are able to provide you with a log file that to incorporate transactions entered even if a power failure has rmal use ,with a UPS, mSupply will automatically save data and Here you can specify a Bill of Materials for the it item. Once you have done so, and have checked to manufacture this item” check box, when you automatically filled out with the correct materia rect quantities for the total to be manufactured Items on the Bill of Materials Options pa Use a bill of materials to manufacture this item If this check box is not checked the bill of materi will not be used when manufacturing builds. New ingredient This button allows you to add items to the bill o You will be shown a window like this: ee an error here. “Bill of Materials” options ay not be showing if you do not have a registration for mSup- les manufacturing, or the buttons may be dimmed so you can ries if your user permissions do not allow you to view Bills of Show items. Enter the start of the item name or code then press the Tab key. If only one matching entry is found, you can then enter the quantity. Otherwise you will be shown a list of matching items. Double-click the item you wish to use. Click the OK button when you have finished, and the item will be added to the bill of materials for the item you are editing. Note: Be careful to enter quantities corresponding to the units you have speci- fied for the item. Delet To de that i Print This b Quan This i rials t corre Item The d geste Item Edit - Order Options r the same code when creating a new s with that code for ordering. have been discontinued, use this ers. receive this item. This can be useful if em, and you do not want people to e ingredient lete an ingredient, first click on the ingredient you wish to delete so t is highlighted, then click this button. utton allows you to print the bill of materials that is displayed. tity of finished product this bill of materials is for s the total quantity of this item that will be produced by the bill of mate- hat is entered for the item. Be careful to set this quantity and the units ctly. Edit- Order options Ordering: Supplier ref Enter a code in this field, and then ente supplier order only to evaluate the item Never order this item If you have items that are "one-offs" or check box to stop them appearing in ord Hold: do not receive If this check-box is checked, you can not you have changed to using a different it accidentally use the redundant item. 55 ropdown list beside “Show” is used to display all the orders or sug- d orders or confirmed orders or finalised orders for the particular item. Items 56 Item edit - Dispensing options Here you can The priority o you dispense If there are di a drop-down default direct with longhan Warning: If yo • Inform • Ensure • Check e scriptio • Update Add button Click this butt enter any com choosing Spe Delete button Click a line, then click this button to delete directions you no longer need, or if you have made an error. Warn if user tries to issue more than field warned if they try to dis- sential Drugs List. ion system such as ATC codes set the default directions for an item that is being dispensed. ne direction will be entered for the item automatically when it. rections with a priority of 2 or more, they will be available from list when dispensing the item. Note that even if you set up ions, you can override these at the time of dispensing, either d text or by editing the abbreviation that has been entered. u choose to use this option be very careful to: other users that default directions have been entered. the directions are appropriate. ach prescription dispensed, and change the directions if the pre- n has different directions to the default set. the default directions if you change any of the abbreviations. You can enter a number here and have the user pense more than this quantity. Item Edit- Reporting options Reporting: Essential drug list If this box is checked, the item is on the WHO Es Category This field should be used for an item categorizat DDD value The DDD value is the defined daily dose of the item. For example, doxycy- cline’s DDD value is 100mg., while the DDD value for Amoxycillin is 1g. DDDs ents of a drug or class of units of the item that make on to show a window where you can add directions. You can bination of directions and text. (Abbreviations are managed by ical > Abrreviations.) give a way of calculating the quantity of treatm drugs given to a population. DDD factor Defined Daily Dose factor- this is the number of New item. up the DDD value. For example, for amoxycillin 250mg capsules the DDD fac- tor is 4. For Doxycycline 100mg tablets it is 1 ABC category This option allows you to mark items that are commonly used and then report on only those items. For further information see ABC analysis. on page 179. New Use t detai You w Here ignor codes • • • If you appro Price list If this box is checked, this item will be included when you produce price lists. Reference pack This is the standard pack size that you use for comparing quotes from suppli- ers. Category u command Item > Show item cate- w item categories. on page 71. few text characters) or code as you e location code matches your entry it you will be shown a standard choice clicking a line or by clicking once on item. his command to add new items. (It is not for adding actual stock- just ls about an item) ill be presented with a entry screen. are some suggestions for making things systematic. (You are at liberty to e these suggestions, as you do not need to know or remember item in order to use mSupply). The "code" field should start with the first three letters of the item name The item name should not be the trade name of the item, and should start with the most obvious and broadest description. eg a "brody forcep" should be entered as "forcep, brody". "aqueous Choose a category from the list. Item categories are set up using the men gories. For further information see Sho Shelf location Type as much of the location (ie the first know, then press the Tab key. If only on will be filled in automatically, otherwise list like this: Select the location you want by double- the line and then clicking OK Essential drug 57 iodine" should be entered as "iodine, aqueous" think the item should appear in the published price list, then check the Check this box if the item is on your Essential Drugs List priate box. Items 58 ATC Category Here you can enter category information. mSupply works best with the ATC classification system, but other systems can also be used. DDD value The Defined D units as well ( DDD factor The DDD for and the stren Pressing OK w If you don't w still saved- jus Show bui You will be sh recent builds You will then licking on it. nufactured. That is, raw ut of stock), and a new stock at allows use in manufactur- build entry window: aily Dose for this item. This is a text field, so you can enter the eg "1g" or "250mg") this item divided by the strength (eg if the "DDD" is 1000mg, gth is "125mg", you would enter "8") ill accept the details and allow you to add another item. ant to add more items, press cancel. Items previously added are t the details showing on the screen are not saved. lds. own the standard find window to enter either the number of to display, or a particular build number. be shown a list as in the picture below. Here you can view a particular build by double-c New build. A build is a way of recording items you have ma materials that are in your stock are used (taken o item is created. Note that you must have an mSupply version th ing for this feature to be enabled. On choosing this menu item you are shown the New build. Note: prices *The detai used Addi Note tab. I for th of Ma Firstly in the check Doing order ing to time • To add a new ingredient, click the New ingredient button. You will be shown the standard window for issuing goods from stock: ld for entering a customer invoice. ingredient lines, click OK to return to lick it, and change the details. t it's quantity to zero, then click the w item to build" button. You will be eiving goods. matically calculated for you. You may ice as you prefer. o build, click OK to return to the main if you have restricted access to builds, you will not be able to see cost or the profit summary window at the bottom of the window build window has two parts: The top part of the window records the ls of the item to be built and the lower part lists ingredients that are in the manufacture of the product. ng ingredients manually that ingredients can be added automatically from the bill of materials f you regularly build the same item, you should enter a Bill of Materials e item being built, and use the method outlined under the “Using a Bill terials” heading below. , if you are entering a projected build (one that you expect to perform future), Check the This is a projected build check box. If this box is ed, all items added will be placeholder lines rather than actual stock. • Enter ingredients just as you wou • Once you have finished entering the main window. • If you wish to edit a line, double-c • To delete a line, double-click it, se OK button. Adding the item to be built. • To add the item to build, click “Ne shown the window below for rec • The cost price for the item is auto enter the margin or the selling pr • Once you have entered the item t window. 59 this allows you to enter your manufacturing schedule in advance of ing raw materials. The schedule will be taken into account when order- • If you wish to edit the item, simply double-click inside the “item to build” rectangle. ensure that you will have enough materials in stock when it comes to manufacture. Items 60 • At the bottom right of the window in “summary” section is a summary of the cost, margin and selling prices for the build. • Once you are satisfied with the details, click OK to enter the build into the system. You will be asked if you want to enter the details into stock. If you s issuing able un stock. • Note th "sold" Finishing bu • Unders build is • Eac • When the bui Quality questio “none” project • To fina is show Converting projected builds into an actual build. • Once your manufacturing of a projected build is about to take place, choose Item > Show builds… to locate the build you want to edit. • For each line whose batch is equal to “none” (a placeholder line) you actual stock line from the line number or double-click- ve done this, the stock you cturing can take place. at will result from your build, ll print the correct number of ” or “formula” for building tity of each required to make the build window you will be Code nw sg cn fn ay yes, the newly created item will immediately be available for to customers. If you click later then the stock will not be avail- til you open the build window at a later date and enter it into at the ingredients used in a build are considered to have been for re-ordering purposes, and will be counted in your usage. ild entry tanding build status codes enables you to know what stage each at. The codes are the same as for other transactions. h build transaction has a status code: you click the OK button you may be asked if you want to enter ld into stock. You should only do so once the manufacturing and will have to double-click it and choose an item issue window (either by entering the ing the line you wish to use). Once you ha have chosen will be reserved, and manufa • mSupply calculates the number of items th and by clicking on the Print labels icon wi labels. Using a Bill of Materials A bill of materials can be thought of as a “recipe an item. It records the ingredients, and the quan the finished product. When you click on the “Bill of materials” tab in shown the following information: Meaning A new build is being entered, but has not been saved. "Suggested". A build has been entered, but has not yet been confirmed. If stock lines have been entered, raw material stock is reduced so that it is no longer available for other invoices, but the new item is not yet entered into stock. You should leave builds with this status while manu- factured items are "in process" , or if it is a projected build for a future date. "Confirmed." The item to build has been entered into stock. "Finalized." The build can no longer be edited Assurance (QA) process is complete. You will not be asked this n if there are any placeholder lines (those with a batch of ) entered as an ingredient. Such builds are presumed to be for ed manufacturing, and are kept with status “sg” automatically. lize builds, choose File > Finalize builds. when the splash screen ing. Manage Ad Hoc items. Add Bill of Materials Button: This button will add a Bill of Materials according to the formula entered for the item. Before you click this button you should enter the item to be built including the quantity of finished product. Once you know the actual yeild of finished product you can adjust the final quantity manufactured by double-clicking the item to build. Print It’s po or a s side t priate Choo Each attac take to use Actua ents T stock butto the a to issu At th issued quantities and the actual batches of raw materials used, as opposed to the theoretical quantities that are initially entered. Calculate Yields button This button compares the actual quantities issued and the actual final quan- tity manufactured with the theoretical amounts that should have been used and made. This allows you to monitor production efficiency. Use the Print yield report button to print the yield information if required. eep in stock. When a customer orders ff” purchase, you can enter it as an k flow for Ad Hoc items options ssible to print either a Pick list, detailing the ingredients and quantities, ummary of the manufactured product. To achieve this, the box along- he print icon in the lower right corner must be checked, and the appro- form selected from the Printing form drop down box sing stock after adding a bill of materials item added is also added to the “ingredients” tab, but no stock is hed to the item- it is a placeholder item. This is done as mSupply can not into account all the factors that go into choosing an appropriate batch for each manufacturing run (The expiry, amount on hand, etc) lly to issue stock for use in the build you need to return to the ingredi- ab and double-click each line, then choose stock from the available list. Note that there is a button displayed Re-distribute all. Clicking this n will take the “total quantity issued” figure and re-distribute it over vailable batches, making it easy to move from using a placeholder line ing actual stock. Manage Ad Hoc items. Ad Hoc items are items that you don’t k an item that you decide will be a “one-o Ad Hoc item. The following diagram outlines the wor 61 is time (or later) you can adjust the amount issued to reflect actual Items 62 When you ch dd new items, delete items ems by their status. Ad Hoc ning en assigned to a sup- ur “to-do” list igned to a supplier, on a purchase need action. ed to a purchase ve not arrived. m a supplier and stomer oose Items>Ad Hoc items, the following window is displayed: From this window you can view Ad Hoc items, a and edit existing items. The “Show” Drop-down list This drop-down list allows you to view Ad Hoc it items can have the following status codes: Status code Mea un The item has not yet be plier- think of this as yo as The item has been ass but has not been placed order. These items also po The item has been add order, but the goods ha fn The item has arrived fro been invoiced to the cu s field and press Tab to show ll show items assigned to that pplied or to be supplied to The “Name” field Enter part of a customer or supplier name in thi a list of matching names. Choosing a supplier wi supplier. Choosing a customer will show items su that customer. Show repacks. Once you have chosen a name you can fine-tune the list displayed for that name. The “New” button Clicking the “new” button displays a window like this: From then When You c You c to the Editin To ed er for a particular supplier, you can click of Ad Hoc items you have assigned m to the purchase order. For further n page 131. rmal transaction list window. of mSupply prior to v1.4 will not section of the window- you will have this window you can add an item name, the name of the customer, name of the supplier, the quantity to order, and add a comment. the customer orders an item, you may not know who the supplier is. an just leave the supplier name blank. an edit the default accounting codes for the item or just leave them set default values. g an Ad Hoc item it an item, double-click it in the list to display the item details: Adding Ad Hoc items to a purchase ord When you are making a purchase order on the “Ad Hoc items” Tab to view a list to that supplier, allowing you to add the information see The Ad Hoc items tab o Show repacks. Repacked items can be viewed in the no Note that repacks created with versions show up using the "recent transactions" to enter the number directly. New repack. 63 This command will display a window where you can re pack a particular item into smaller packs. Items 64 There are 4 st bottom to he 1. Choose ite At [1.] type th the Tab key. If in automatica where you ca 2 Choose a b At [2.] double be mixed, and 3. Quantity to At [3.] enter t matically com 4 Details of n At [4.] click on repacks, and e ted at this stage - e.g. 5,000 and 30x100. The Sell price, omatically completed, but all roken, for example, the total the quantity selected for re- stock record, an inventory w. uggested (sg), checking the slip of the number and size of lised, the same operation will ed showing the original line stock. The total value of the ransaction after you have time! (You can always “re- k will be deleted. Only eps for creating a repack. The window is numbered from top to lp you follow the correct steps m to be repacked e first characters or code of the item to be repacked, then press only one item text or code matches your entry, it will be filled lly, otherwise you will be shown a standard choice list from n select the item. atch click a line to choose the batch; for repacking, batches cannot a single batch must be used. be repacked he quantity which is to be repacked; the pack size field is auto- pleted. ew line(s) - i.e. the repacks Newline to bring up this window calling for the details of the nter the details as appropriate. Note that repacks of different sizes may be crea Paracetamol tablets may be repacked into 40x50 the Batch number and the New Location are aut these fields may be edited as required. Not infrequently, because some tablets may be b quantity of the item re-packed will be less than packing at [2.]. To maintain the accuracy of your stock adjustment should be performed - see belo Printing While the status of the repacking transaction is s box beside the print icon will produce a picking packs of the original item; once the status is fina produce a detailed record of the re-packs. On clicking the OK button, a transaction is creat taken out of stock, and the new line(s) put into transaction is always zero. Note: currently there is no way to edit a repack t clicked the "OK" button, so get it right the first repack” an item to adjust a mistake however!) Deleting a repack if you click on the Delete button, then the repac repacks whose status is “sg” (suggested) or “nw” (new) repacks can be deleted. ts ents allow you to increase or When to use inventory adjustmen Items>Inventory adjustments. Inventory adjustm Inventory adjust - add stock. decrease the stock of an item that is recorded in mSupply. You will need to adjust the inventory if: • Stock is discarded (due to damage or expiry) • You do a stock take and find that physical stock is different to the stock recorded in mSupply. In this case the first thing to do is to see if you can find out where a mistake may have been made in issuing stock. For example, you may be able to retrieve extra stock mistakenly given to a • • Inve Use t stock A transaction that is like a supplier invoice will be created. Enter the details in just the same way you would as if you were receiving goods from a supplier, except that mSupply fills in the name field for you automatically, and does not allow you to edit it. After a stock take, this can be used to adjust any stock lines where the stock recorded in mSupply is less than the physical stock. You will be asked to enter the margin when starting this transaction. For a normal inventory adjustment, set this to zero. If you are entering stock when , enter the percentage to apply here. ck stock take and find that the physical amount recorded in mSupply.A trans- will be created, except that you do on entering customer invoices for a client, or may need to ask a supplier for an order that has been entered but never actually received. Stock has been stolen. As a general rule, consider using a regular invoice to account for any transactions with a customer or supplier. Only use an inventory adjuste- ment as a last resort. ntory adjust - add stock. his function when you have done a stock take and find that the physical of an item or items exceeds the amount recorded in mSupply. starting to use mSupply for the first time Inventory adjust- reduce sto Use this function when you have done a stock of an item or items is less thanthe action that is just like a customer invoice not choose the customer. See the section description of the entry procedure. 65 Note: Inventory adjustments are treated by mSuppy as a kind of Supplier ntory adjustment, Choose the "Show Item" menu. invoice (or credit). To view or edit an inve inventry adjustments" option from the " Items 66 Merge two items. If an item has inadvertently been added twice, with slightly different descrip- tions, here is your safety line! Enter the item to keep and the item to be merged. Important- if mess things u Note that me finalized tran Note: Items th can not be us warned. Show de Items>Show d departments. to a departm For example, packinging m You are shown a list of departments: utton. nt you want to edit. You are tment name: l happen when you attempt ber of a linked group. Either owed. This only applies if you group turned on in the pref- mbers of the group you are you merge two items that are in fact different, you will really p. There is no un-do for this operation. rging items affects all historical records except for item names on sactions, which will retain the original name for safety reasons. at either have a bill of materials or are used in a bill of materials ed for the item to delete/merge. If you try to do so, you will be partments. epartments. This item allows you to create and edit item Once you have created departments, each item can be assigned ent. a manufacturer might create departments for raw materials, aterials, and quality control reagents. To add a new department, click the New dept. b To edit a department, double-click the departme shown a window allowing you to edit the depar The radio buttons allow you to choose what wil to issue an item to a customer who is not a mem the user can be warned or the issue can be disall have Activate restricted item access by customer erences - otherwise you can ignore this setting. The Items tab displays a list of items that are me viewing: Manage Item Access. To de Doub that y warn items the It eithe depa Man This m Item • • • • ble departments omer groups that are members of the on the right hand side. ou to add and remove groups from ing the “Add a new relationship” can add. k OK) to add a group to the current arning if you try to add the same lete a department le-click it to display the entry window, then click the delete button. Note ou can not delete a department that has item members. You will be ed if you try to do this. To delete a department with Items, click the tab and note the items that are members, then edit those items (using ems > Show items… menu command) and set their departments to r none or a different department. You will then be able to delete the rtment. See the Manage Item Access entry below for more details age Item Access. enu item allows you to create and edit item departments. departments are a bit complicated. Here’s what you need to remember Each customer is a member of one group Each item is a member of one department. Each group can have any number and combination of item groups in it. When you attempt to issue stock to a customer whose group does not contain the department of the item you are issuing, either a warning will be displayed or mSupply will refuse to issue the stock, depending on the entry for that department in the “show departments” list. • The left hand list shows the availa • The right hand list shows the cust department which is highlighted • The icons at the right side allow y the highlighted department. Click button shows a list of groups you • Double-click (or click and then clic department. You will be given a w group twice. 67 Items 68 • Depending on how the item department options are configured, attempting to issue an item to a customer whose group is not a mem- ber of that department will either result in a warning message or in mSupply refusing to issue the stock. • Note that the option must be turned on in the preferences under the Invoice • Here is can be Mana Items>Manag groups of item these items fr You can set u dispensary mo Steps in setting up interactions: 1. Choose a way of defining interaction groups. We recommend you use the system being developed at <> as in future, mSupply will be able to check automatically interactions with the drug interaction server that is in development there. . . You will be shown a list of , or double-click an entry to s2 tab before this option will have any effect. a summary of how department groups affect whether an item issued. 2. Define which items are in which groups 3. Add interactions between groups. Let’s look at each of those steps in turn Definining interaction groups Choose Items> Manage Drug interaction groups groups: Click the new group button to add a new group edit it. ge Drug interaction groups e Drug Interaction. Drug interaction groups allow you to specify s that interact with each other, and then specify a warning if om interacting groupsare issued to the same patient. p interactions in store mode, but warnings will only appear in de. Manage Drug interaction groups Here we have double-clicked on diazepam: The w The “ You a Show The “ with. This t an in intera To ed will be shown a window like this: rrent group, and then enter details the drop-down lists. n an interaction occurs, and any notes optional. y mode, you will get a warning like indow has two tabs. items” tab shows a list of items that have been assigned to the group. ssign an item to a group by viewing the item details (Choose Items > items), and setting interaction group from a drop-down list. interactions” tab shows a list of groups that the current group interacts ab has two buttons either to add or delete a drug interaction. (To delete You choose the group that affects the cu about the interaction by choosing from The choices available are: • Type of interaction • Inhibits • Augments • No effect • Conflicting evidence • Clinical Significane • Minor • Moderate • Major • Unkown • Quality of evidence • Poor • Fair • Good • Unknown You can enter a message to display whe you may want to record. These fields are When you are issuing items in dispensar 69 teraction click on the line you wish to delete before clicking the “delete ction” button). it an interaction double-click on the interaction you wish to edit. You Items 70 this if the patient has been issued both the items in question: Show uni Items>Show u Click the “New Note that you will need to have sufficient user permissions to use this func- tion. Warning: do not change the record for one unit into a different unit, as all items using that unit will be updated. o manage the range of tion data from mSupply to ting software. Double-click a or description will affect all ts. nits. Choosing this item shows a list of units: ” button to add a new unit. Show Accounts. Items>Show accounts. This window allows you t accounts that can be assigned to items. Account codes are used when exporting transac integrate your information with external accoun line to edit its details. Changing an account code items that are assinged to that account. Click the “New” button to add a new account. Show item categories. Fill in that u code. ton to Sho Using When show It is re there Selec of cat inthe order in which the entries were ightforward. Simply select (by single ish to reposition in the list and drag e entry <CLINICAL EQUIPMENT> has cond place. the code, description field and select the account type. The field “items se this account code” itemline(s) will be displayed for each account Account types are “Expense“, “Income“ and “Asset“.Click on OK but- add and Delete button to delete new account. w item categories. item categories viewing an item’s details, a category can be assigned to that item, as n in the following graphic: commended that each item is placed in its appropriate category, but is the option to select <NONE> ting this item opens the Show Item Catgories window, showing the list egories to which items may be allocated. Reordering the list The Item Categories list appears initially made, but reordering the list is very stra clicking) the category name which you w it to its new position. In this example, th been repositioned from fifth place to se Adding a new category 71 To add a new category, click the New button and the following window appears: Items 72 The category panel remain defined categ adding a new You can repo and if you use group item ca comparison b Editing a cate To edit the na dow, double- category wind lighted in the You can now Note that all name; the pre Show Loc Defining loca Note that it is tion discusses Location type Choose Item > tion types. he criteria for the various d temperature range, ws you to enter a name for ertaining to that storage tor” has been defined, the C. cation types window might name is entered in the “Item category” field, and the Items s blank; only after items have been assigned to the newly ory will they appear under “Items”; this is performed when item, Item> New item, or when editing an existing item. rt on the value of items issued according to their item category, dot notation you can even produce summary reports that tegories together. For further information see The 2 period y item category report on page 176. gory name me of an existing category, in the Show Item Categories win- click on the name of the category to be edited; the New item ow appears with the selected category name already high- “Item category”field. change or edit the category name. items in the selected category will now appear under the edited vious name of that category will no longer appear in the list. ations. The window that appears allows you to define t types of location in your store - e.g. the permitte whether location must be dark, etc. Click on New, and the window that appears allo the storage type, and the permitted conditions p type.: In the above example, a storage type “Refrigera permitted range of temperature being 2° C - 8° Having defined your storage types, the Show lo look like this: tion type better to define the location type before the location. This sec- location types first, then returns to explaining locations. s Show location types to define or show a list of available loca- Show Locations. It is w but th Shou can a Locat Befor erato From defin ton fo window: and appropriate comments, as orth emphasising that the list does not show the actual store locations, e types of locations. ld you wish to edit the details of any storage type,double click on it; you lso add new location types when necessary. ion - Defining locations e you can associate an item with a specific location (e.g. Shelf D4, Refrig- r 2, etc.), these locations must be defined and entered into mSupply. the menu, choose Item > Show locations, even if you have not yet ed any locations, as the window which appears has a New location but- r this very purpose . Clicking on New location brings up this Here you can enter the code, description shown. 73 Location volumes You can also enter the volume of the location you are defining. Volumes are volumes - e.g. 5l - may also be (“litres” = “l” in the example) is stored in cubic metres [m3], but smaller defined, provided the appropriate unit Items 74 entered following the number. See also Volume per pack on page 46 This feature is important if, for example, you are replenishing your stock of vaccines, and you need to know if there is enough space available in the refrigerator in which you store vaccines to accommodate a new order. (You would also need to know the volume of the vaccines that you are ordering). The Location feature, you m Secure cabine tion type on p Once the loca store with its before an item To view the lo you will see a two refrigera litres - with th Clicking the V the volume u has been defi If you want to tion code or d glass icon to s Editing a shelf location Double clicking on a line allows you to view and/or edit location details. When you double-click on a line, the following window is displayed. , comment, volume, location or that particular location. window. type field initially has the entry ‘None’’, and before using this ust, as discussed earlier, define the various location types - e.g. t, refrigerator, etc. [For further information see Defining loca- age 72.] tions have been defined, you can associate each item in your location, but do remember that a location has to be defined can be associated with it. cations you have defined, choose Item > Show locations, and list of location codes and descriptions. In the example shown, tors are listed, one with a capacity of 25 litres, and one of 20 eir volumes expressed as millilitres. General tab The General tab shows code, location descripion type and summary. The Stock Tab The Stock tab shows a list of existing stock linesf Clicking on the “Stock“ tab diplays the following olume usage button will fill in the volume usage column with Double-click on a particular batch of interest to view further information. sed at each location provided that the volume of the location ned. see a particular location, enter the first characters of the loca- escription into the Search location box and click the magnifying how matching locations. Merge two Locations. Mer If you you m used. When Use e locati opera file. In the merg butto Check stock is correct. Item > Check stock is correct. Note: This command is disabled in Version 2 and later versions, as this opera- tion is performed ‘on the fly’. Each item has a "stock on hand" figure which is kept up to date by mSupply. However, we have left this command here in case you suspect your stock on ing it's job you should get an "all sage when choosing this item. (Please rder an item that is not on your stock r stock list. Such an item is considered ck items will be described. nd enter the particularsas you nor- tock item box. In the box immediately of customers held in mSupply. To ge two Locations. want to remove a location from further use in mSupply (for example, ight have accidentally double-entered a location) this command can be you Choose Supplier > Merge two locations, this window is shown xtreme caution: This operation will affect all historical records of the on you delete. They will be moved to the location you are keeping. The tion can only be undone by reverting to a backup copy of your data window displayed enter the location to keep, and then the locationto e. When you have checked that the information is correct, click the OK n. hand figures are wrong. If mSupply is do stock records were already correct" mes report to us if you don't!) Non-stock items There are occasions when you need to o list, and you do not wish to add it to you a ‘non-stock item’. The procedure for dealing with non-sto Step 1 From the Item menu, select New item, a mally do, only this time check the Non-s below, select the customer from the list 75 place an order for a non-stock item, a customer must be identified, and this customer becomes the default customer for the item. for a different customer at a later Should you need to order the same item Items 76 date, the new customer is entered at the time the purchase order is being cre- ated. The example is for non-stock item Granuflex dressing. Step 2 Create the Pu You will obse tomer, in our select anothe is placed for a Step 3 On receiving In our examp which is our n The Goods Re click on OK, and an Alert er invoices have been created oosing Customer > Show ce which has been created tomer, Western Infirmary rchase order which will include the non-stock item, rve that the Customer box already contains the default cus- example, Western Infirmary. You are able to edit this box, and r customer - for example when a subsequent order for this item different customer. the order, proceed as usual to the New Goods receipt form. le, we have ordered 2 items from Diamond Traders, one of on-stock item. Uncheck the Hold box ( bottom left corner) then message is displayed, advising you that ‘Custom for non stock items.’: From the main menu, ch invoices allows us to select and process the invoi automatically for the non stock item for our cus ceived must be finalised in order to create the Supplier invoice: Non-stock items 77 Items 78 79 Receiving Goods- a Supplier Invoice All goods you receive should be entered into mSupply by entering a "Supplier Invoice" or by using the purchase order system, which ends in the creation of a supplier invoice. In some countries a supplier invoice is called a "bill" Entering a supplier invoice puts the goods into stock ready for issue. It calcu- lates p or for You w use w s the g suppl Choo The c Information to enter in the main window Name Enter the first few characters of the supplier’s name, and then press the Tab heck box checked can be used. If only er name will be filled in. Otherwise, a ick cancel to try again. You can also and “u” keys on the keyboard to and then use the"enter" key to on the bill the supplier gave you. out of things to enter! Category ted in File>Preferences>Invoices1 . Click t new su Type in ters of and pr Resiza umn Click t the de the inv the cli Click to note. Resizable column If the line you want is highlighted, click the “use” button or press the “Enter” key. the selling that item, ill notice t ith invoice oods receip ier invoices se Supplier ursor will b o add pplier itial let- the name ess tab ble col- o copy tails of oice to pboard. add a mSupply ge you click on rice based on the margin you have chosen for that supplier depending on how you have set your mSupply preferences. here is a Prices tab in the supplier invoice window- this is for received in foreign currencies, which will usually be done via ting system. For further information see Viewing and editing created via Goods Receipts on page 138. > New invoice. The supplier invoice entry window will open. e in the Name field. key. Any name that has the "supplier" c one name matches the entry, the suppli list will be displayed: Double-click the appropriate entry, or cl use the up and down arrows or the “d” move the highlighted item down or up, choose the highlighted item. Bill no. Enter the bill number- the serial number Comment Enter anything you like. Now you've run nerates automatically both th e Invoice number and the Goods received ID, and if this latter number, the Goods Received transaction will open. See “Tips” on p.82 Double-click a line to choose it. Click the “New” button to add a new name. Category for supplier transaction is crea Receiving Goods- a Supplier Invoice 80 The categories created are listed in this category field. Buttons in the supplier invoice window New line Will add a lin is not finalize adding a line more details. line and edit Delete line Will delete a edit the line a The Hold Che Checking this it’s status is “n be changed t Note the “nw yet, so this all is not availab The Finalize This check bo ton. This will details are cor checked in th be warned if uncheck. If this check b firm window you click on “ “confirm”, th If this check b play a confirm “nw”(new) an be confirmed be viewed and/or printed but it can not be edited. If “Confirm supplier invoices without asking” is checked in the “Invoices 1” tab of the Preferences window, so all invoices will be finalized (whether you like it or not!) oard, allowing you to paste ace of your entry, and the ou have added lines to an g the “delete line” button o save the “oops, I just sly clicking OK, cancel will be window. You are given the een created- clicking invoice and automati- l only delete the invoice ed all lines using the ” ns can be made e to the invoice. This command can be used on any invoice that d. Clicking the button will present you with the window for from stock. See the Adding lines to an invoice section below for To select a line to edit, simply double-click on it. Note that new line are disabled on finalized invoices line whose batch is "none". To delete other lines, you must first nd set it's quantity to zero. ck Box box means that the invoice can not have it’s status changed. If w” it can not become “cn” (confirmed). If it is “cn”, it can not o “fn” (finalized). ” status invoices do not have the stock entered into the system ows you to enter a supplier invoice, but to make sure the stock le for issued until all the details have been checked. Check box x allows you to finalize an invoice when you click the OK but- mean that it can no longer be edited, so be sure first that all the rect. Note that only users with “Can finalize individual invoices” eir user permissions can operate this check box. Other users will they try to turn it on, and the check box will automatically ox is not checked and OK button is clicked, it will display a con- with a message “Confirm invoice and enter into stock now?”If Copy button This button copies the invoice details to the clipb them into a spreadsheet or email message. Delete Allows the deleting an invoice. When you press delete button, it will leave no tr invoice number assigned will be reused. Note:Unless the invoice has a status of “nw” if y invoice, you must manually delete eachline usin before deleting the invoice. This is intentional, t deleted my invoice with 100 lines on it” feeling. If the invoice has already been saved by previou disabled or not present. OK Saves the changes you have made and exits the Invoice status Description nw The invoice has just b cancel will delete the cally delete each line sg The cancel button wil if you have first delet “delete line” button cn Same as for status “sg fn No changes or deletio Later”, the invoice will have a status “nw”(new). If you click on opportunity to print if you want to. If the invoice status is “sg” a packing slip ted. (Tip: you can bypass the you click OK) e invoice will be confirmed. ox is checked and if the invoice is not yet confirmed, it will dis- message.If you click on “Later”, the invoice will have a status d will not be finalised.If you click on “confirm”, the invoice will as well as finalized.So be very careful! A finalised invoice may will be printed, otherwise an invoice will be prin print messages by holding down the shift key as Adding new lines to a Supplier invoice Adding new lines to a Supplier invoice Click the new line button to add a line to the invoice. A window will appear like this: The c Item Enter key. A match want both Note: with) the q Hint: lighte ing th t margin to the whole invoice, click or that supplier by choosing Supplier f you wish to apply a different margin enter the lines, as long as editing g, you can click new item to add the tandard form for entering items. For ing tube" as: ut it is better to get it right in the first to fill in the basic information for the ed in this field. Resizable column ursor will be in the field ready for you to enter the item name. as much of the item name (or code) as you know, then press the tab s usual, if only one entry matches, it will be filled in. More than one ing entry will present you with a list from which to choose the item you to issue by double-clicking it: The text you type will be matched against the item name and the code. A match for either will display the item. To query for an item name or code that contains (rather than starts “250mg” (for example), enter “@250mg” in the search field (without uotes). you can use the "up" and "down" arrow keys to change the high- d item (You can also press u to move up and d to move down!) . Press- e enter key will choose the highlighted item. Note: If you did wish to apply a differen the cancel button, and edit the margin f | Edit supplier and change the margin. I to just some lines, you can do this as you margins is enabled in the preferences. If you can't find the item you are enterin item. Note: it is a good idea to agree upon a s example, will you enter an "infant feed • "infant feeding tube" • "feeding tube, infant" • "tube, infant feeding" Duplicated items can later be merged, b place! Now there are a series of fields to enter line Num units How many did you receive? Location The location of the item has to be enter 81 Pack size How many units in a pack Receiving Goods- a Supplier Invoice 82 Note: Say you receive 50 packs of 100 amoxycillin caps, you should enter "50" in the quantity field and "100" in the pack size field. However, if you issue the capsules in strips of 10 to customers (eg you allow them to order 20 or 30 cap- sules), you should enter quantity " 500" and pack size "10" Batch The batch nu the invoice, so need to (eg y specific brand as the batch). Expiry You can use " date format y dd). You can e between 1961 receive in the Cost Price Enter your co Margin and S If you have al the margin (a sell price (and Click OK if yo lines added w main screen w Manufacture This field will ences. You enter a m the first few l key. Choose t matches wha If the manufa New button t Editing lines on a supplier invoice Supplier invoice lines can be edited at any time until the invoice is finalized. To edit a line, simply double-click on the line you wish to edit. ustomer, you will be warned of customer invoices that this ow, where certain fields will le to reduce the quantity mber or other identifying information. The batch appears on you can use this field to differentiate between brands if you ou operate using generic names, but occasionally want to give a - you can put an abbreviation for the brand name here as well /" or "." to separate the day/month/year. Note: Use whichever ou have set in your computer (dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy or yy/mm/ nter the year as 2 digits, which will be understood as a date and 2060. This should cover the expiry date on most things you next 56 years! st price for one pack of whatever size pack you entered above. ell price lowed editing of these fields in the preferences, you can adjust nd the sell price will adjust automatically, or you can adjust the the margin will adjust automatically). u are finished, or OK & next to add another line. (The invoice ill be displayed in Items Display Field.)Click cancel to exit to the ithout saving any of the details. r only be shown if you have turned the option on in the prefer- anufacturer just the same as entering an item or supplier- type Editing lines if stock has been issued If you have already issued stock of this line to a c with a window like this: Clicking View issued invoices will show you a list particular line was issed to: Clicking OK will take you to the item issue wind not be able to be edited. Also, you will not be ab you received below the quantity already issued. etters of the manufacturer’s name or code, and press the tab he correct manufacturer from the list if more than one choice The item issue window can edit the line details in etails. t you typed. cturer you want to choose is not in the list, you can click the o add a new manufacturer. You will be presented with a window where you much the same way as if you are entering new d Deleting a line on a supplier invoice In the right issued invoic Note Simpl ton to Note ences whet Work Resiz These hidde positi cross left o Sorting Columns Columns can also be sorted either in increasing order or decreasing order by clicking on the header. n the header and dragging it to the invoice : e, then click on the delete line button above) and set it's quantity to zero. you really want to delete the line. pplier invoice that has been finalized. rmation to calculate the selling price also gives you a lot of power to have it. Mo to graphic above you will notice the “units issued: 100” text in blue to the of the Quantity field. This will only be present if stock has already be to customers. You can click on that text to display a list of issued es as described above with the View issued invoices button. that the OK & Next button is very useful for editing a whole invoice. y double-click the first line of the invoice, then use the OK & Next but- go from line to line. also that many options for the window are set in the mSupply prefer- . For example, whether or not line one is chosen automatically, and her you can use placeholder lines. ing with the list of invoice lines ing Columns columns are resizable. If any of the column data is cut-off or remains n, the column width can be increased or decreased. It can be done by oning the mouse at the borders of the column. The cursor changes to a with arrowheads on the horizontal bar. Click and drag the cursor to the r right. The columns can be moved by clicking o new position. Deleting a line on a supplier To delete a line, do one of the following • Click on the line you wish to delet (it’s got a trash can icon) • Double-click the line to edit it (see Click the OK button. You will be asked if Click OK to proceed. Note: you can not delete a line from a su Selling price calculations in mSupply mSupply uses a number of pieces of info of an item. This can be confusing, but it the price calculated just the way you like Here's the logic mSupply uses: use changes divider sign Increasing order Decreasing order 83 Receiving Goods- a Supplier Invoice 84 • Does the item have a selling price specified? If it does, this price will be used no matter what other information is available. Note that the price entered for the item is for one unit. The price will be multiplied by the pack size to get the selling price for the line you are entering. • Is either the margin specified for the supplier or the margin specified for the • Is there prefere see if it the sup For example: Note that if y plier invoices" mSupply calcu Applying a D If a supplier g ing the price dow will be sh e reduced by 5%, and the match the amount the sup- new cost price, check the es as described above will still e from Supplier invoice, s Received transaction in the he actual number, that partic- . Similarly, the Edit goods r inv . which will display cost price p 100 100 100 100 100 100 item zero? If so, the other (non-zero) value will be used? a margin specified for both the supplier and the item? If so, the nce "item margin overides supplier margin" will be examined to is on or off. If it is set, the item margin will be used, otherwise plier margin will be used. ou have turned on "allow editing margins and sell prices on sup- in the preferences you will be able to over-ride the prices lates. iscount to the whole invoice ives a discount at the bottom of the invoice rather than adjust- If you enter “5” the cost price of each line will b invoice total will be recalculated. It should then plier is actually charging you. If you want the sell price calculated based on the “Recalculate sell price” checkbox. The pricing rul apply. Tip: Rapid access of Goods Received not and vice versa Supplier invoices show the number of the Good upper right area of the window. By clicking on t ular Goods received transaction will be displayed received list has a link Click here to open Supplie the required invoice. ack size Sup- plier mar- gin item mar- gin preference set for item margin overriding supplier margin item price price used 100 6 10 yes 1.15 115 100 6 10 no 1.15 115 100 6 10 yes 0 110 100 6 10 no 0 106 100 0 10 no 0 110 100 6 0 yes 0 106 of each invoice line, you can use the discount button. This win- own: Creating a new Invoice 85 Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer Invoices) Creating a new Invoice Choose new invoice from the customer menu. A window like this will open: Infor o Name Type there cally f Once ntered a valid name, the New line button will be enabled. If you c the name you are looking for, you can add a new name by clickin Their ref Enter the customer's order number if there is one Comment d here indow and can be used on any invoice that present you with the window for g lines to an invoice section below for ply double-click on it. Note that new ed invoices d, and appears highlighted; multiple al, may also be selected and deleted n a backorder system’ is checked in ing this button shows you a list of omer you have chosen. If you click the e told so!. For viewing the backorder ransaction. f the order changes from new (nw) to be made. mation t as much of is only one or you, oth you have e an not find g the icon enter in the main window a customer name here as you know and then press Tab. If name that matches your choice, it will be entered automati- erwise you will be presented with a list of available choices. Enter any information you wish to recor Buttons in the customer invoice w New line Will add a line to the invoice. This comm is not finalized. Clicking the button will adding a line from stock. See the Addin more details. To select a line to edit, sim line and edit line are disabled on finaliz Delete line(s) Will delete a line which has been selecte lines, which do not need to be sequenti using this button. Backorders Note: This icon is displayed only if ‘We ru the Preferences>invoices 2 options. Click items that are on backorder for the cust button before choosing a name, you’ll b list of items, you must first confirm the t Confirm When this button is clicked, the status o confirmed (cn0); modifications may still to the left of ‘Name’. Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer Invoices) 86 Delete back You can delet clicking on De Modify line This button is Modify line b Note: The Bac in the Prefere Confirm This button is ther informat Small icon b There are a row of small icon buttons at the bottom left of the window. Hov- ering the mouse over the button gives a description of what the button does. Reorder lines This button will re-assign line numbers to all lines on the invoice according to y dragging and dropping to cost and selling price infor- box rather than printing a wing you to give a paying cli- e. order e an item line or multiple item lines by selecting the line(s) and lete backorder button. used to edit the item line. Select the desired line and click on utton to display the following window. korders button will be hidden if you have backorders turned off nces. their current order (you can move lines around b a new position. Financial summary Clicking this button shows you a summary of the mation for the invoice. Print as Proforma invoice: If you check this check pick slip, a proforma invoice will be printed, allo ent a form showing expected charges: Transaction note Allows you to make a note relating to this invoic Copy to clipboard Copies the entire invoice to the clipboard Tabs in the customer invoice window three different formats, but the same and is available for only available for invoices with status "sg" (suggested). For fur- ion see Confirming an invoice on page 92. uttons in the Customer invoice window The three tabs allow the invoice to be viewed in note that the lower area of the window remains appropriate input in all views. Creating a new Invoice General Once an invoice has been created, a detailed view of the items on it may be seen by selecting this tab; where the supply of a single item is made up of dif- ferent batch numbers, they will be displayed as separate lines: Sum The S batch invoic select window: mary ummary tab displays the items on the invoice, consolidating different numbers and displaying the total quantities for each item only; the e above appears in the following format when the Summary tab is ed. Transport Details Selecting this tab displays the following 87 Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer Invoices) 88 Here you can related inform Responsible o The choice lis methods. The choice lis “Can be respo users and gro responsible o If you enter in port operatio menu. You can enter line in the list you have star advance to th If you are usin to every item on the Print la and may be attached to the appropriate box. An example of a printed label is shown: u to finalize an invoice when nalize individual invoices” box. Other users will be x will automatically uncheck. rmed as well as finalized l! A finalised invoice may be eans that “Finalize customer es 2” tab of the Preferences r you like it or not!) as a status of “nw” you can status is “cn”or “sg” you will add information about the method of transportation and ation related to shipping - e.g: Ship Date, Ship Method, fficer, box number. t for Ship methods is set by choosing Customer > Show shipping t for Responsible officers is a list of mSupply users for whom the nsible officer” check box has been checked. Choose File > Edit ups, then double-click a user name to set up each user as a fficer (or remove them from the responsible officer list) formation here, you can report on performance of your trans- ns in various ways using the “Transport Report” in the “Report” a box number (or other reference) for each line by clicking on a Finalise This check box, under the General tab, allows yo you click the OK button. Only users with “Can fi checked in their user permissions can check this warned if they try to turn it on, and the check bo If the invoice is not yet confirmed, it will be confi when the OK button is clicked, so be very carefu viewed and/or printed, but it can not be edited. If this check box is checked but dimmed out, it m invoices automatically” is checked in the “Invoic window, so all invoices will be finalized (whethe Delete Allows the deletion of an invoice. If the invoice h delete the invoice even if has lines added. If the , and then clicking again in the “Box number” column. Once ted entering box numbers, you can use the “Tab” key to have to delete the lines manually first. When an invoice has been deleted the invoice number assigned will be reused. window. You are given the e status is “sg” a packing slip ted. (Tip: you can bypass the e next line. g the Box number feature, and having allocated a box number in the order, you may then print labels for each box by clicking bels icon, when the requisite number of labels will be printed, OK Saves the changes you have made and exits the opportunity to print if you want to. If the invoic will be printed, otherwise an invoice will be prin Adding lines to an invoice print messages by holding down the shift key as you click OK) Adding lines to an invoice Clicking New line will bring up this window: The fi name the te Doub If no many click N If onl wise Once displa size, batch, expiry, price. The lines are numbered in the left hand column You can choose the line you want in one of three ways: • By typing the line number into the line number field • By double-clicking on the line in the list • By clicking once on the list to select the line you want, then clicking again in the issue column to allow you to directly edit the issue amount in the list ber available will show to the right nd batch will be filled in. You can less than or equal to the number ntity, the value will be entered in the reen, or OK & next to add another at are more complicated can not be totally filled, enter a place For further information see Place- be filled by the available quantity of lines without leaving the window. y of doing this rst thing to enter is the item name or code. Enter as much of the item as you know, then press tab. All items whose name or code starts with xt you have entered will be displayed. le click on the one you want, or click cancel to try again. entries match the request, the text will read try again. You can try as times as you like! If you decide the line is not entered in the system, ew item to add the line. y one entry matches the request, it will be chosen automatically, other- Once you have chosen your line, the num of the quantity field, and the pack size a enter any number greater than zero and available. Once you have entered a qua “issue” column in the list. Click OK to return to the main invoice sc line.There are a number of situations th If the quantity ordered by the customer holder line for the balance outstanding. holder lines on page 90. Issuing from multiple lines If the quantity you wish to issue can not a single line, you can issue from multiple There is an automatic and a manual wa Double-click the line you want. Or click on the line then click the “use” button 89 you are presented with a list of matching entries. Automatically issuing from multiple lines total quantity you wish to issue into you have the line you want, the list at the bottom of the window will y the available item lines (if any). Each item line may be a different pack To do so automatically, simply enter the Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer Invoices) 90 the “Quan” field. Note that this should be the number of packs. The pack size of the currently selected line will be used to calculate the total quantity required. In the example below, the user has entered 70. When the tab than there is If you acciden wise click the line 1 will be Placeholder If you have se no lines availa needed strip p click the Plach record the qu the order, at w (depending o As in the wind you can easilt in the preferences, and you ceholder line will be created ns will occur: rder line will be created for laceholder lines when con- ey will remain on the invoice eived, but the goods were vilable amount of a particular ilable quantity, it may be sue the batch. In such situa- y holding down the shift key otal amount available of that key is pressed to leave the field, if the quantity entered is more available for that line, this message is displayed. tally entered more than you intended, click “Try again”, other- “Distribute” button. In the example above, all 58 available of issued, and 12 will be issued from line 2. lines t “Allow placeholder lines” in the preferences, and if there are ble, or none of the lines are suitable (for example, this order ackaged stock, and the available lines are all bulk packs), then Note that if you have allowed placeholder lines choose an item that has no available stock, a pla automatically. When confirming an invoice the following actio • If you have activated backorders, a backo each placeholder line. • If you have set the preferences to delete p firming, they will be deleted, otherwise th to show the client that their order was rec not supplied. Issuing all available stock of a batch Sometimes you might end up with an unusual a batch. Due the fact that mSupply rounds the ava hard to enter the exact amount to completely is tions you can issue the total amount available b while you double-click a line. This will issue the t batch. Bonus Stock older line button. You can now add a place holder line that will antity and pack size until you either get stock, or you confirm • If you have activated the bonus stock module in the preferences (on the rates set will automatically mount: hich time the item will be moved to back order or deleted n how you have set your preferences). ow displayed below, placeholder lines are coloured in red so y identify them. invoices 2 tab, then any items with bonus have a second line with the bonus stock a Adding lines to an invoice • The bonus details will be shown when the item is chosen, and the bonus amount will be updated when the quantity is entered. • • See th bonu Editing an invoice line • To edit a line, double-click on it. You will be presented with the same window as when you add a new line, except that the item name is already chosen. Note that the quantity you have already chosen is added back into stock- You are viewing the stock records as if the line has not yet been processed. • Note too that any other invoice lines for the same item are also taken n is filled out with the the amount of voice. In the window below, there are rent batches of amoxycillin, and all espective of which of the three lines or choose a different item line (that ck in the item name field, and select cting a different item has the follow- em, all invoice lines for item you were e lines will be added for batches h there is already an invoice line(s) on on those lines will be shown in the Each time the quantity exceeds a multiple of the bonus qualifying amount, the bonus amount will be increased by the amount specified for the item. For example, given the "2 free with 10 example above: The bonus amount for item item is set on the "stock" tab of the item details window: e manual section on File > Show items. for a description of entering s amounts into account, and the issue colum each batch being issued on the in three lines on the invoice for diffe three are shown when editing, irr was double-clicked. At this stage you can alter the quantity, is, a different batch), or you can even cli an entirely different item. Note that sele ing effects • If you proceed to issue the new it editing will be deleted, and invoic being issued of the new item. • If you choose a new item for whic the invoice, the stock to be issued Quantity Bonus 8 0 10 2 14 2 18 2 20 4 28 4 30 6 91 “issue” column. If you proceed you are effectively editing the quantities of the item you have just selected, and you are deleting all invoices lines the invoice. of the item that was originally on Issuing Goods to a Customer (Customer Invoices) 92 Changing the batch to be issued If you want to choose a different batch for an existing invoice line: • double-click the invoice line • set the quantity of the batch you don’t want to zero, • double issue. • Note th bottom You can Editing a pla When you do The Redistribu assigns it to a When you are Deleting • If the li delete, • If the li click on Tab to will be Note :you can not remove an item from an invoice that has been finalized. Reordering invoice lines Invoice lines can be reordered by drag-and-drop of a line to a new location. m. mber the renumbering will esage. y a different column, hold rride the message. from you manually dragging ly" set in the preferences, the ption will not be applicable. en the goods have left the atch). voices with status "sg" (sug- e quantity is the total stock hat can be issued on an explanation. red, and create an invoice for tity available drops to 7, as eone else. t this point you confirm the amounts are now both 7. the following: -click the batch you do want, and enter the quantity you want to at if possible the new batch will be added to the invoice at the of the other lines, and the former invoice line will be deleted. use drag and drop to reorder invoice lines if this is a problem. ceholder line on an invoice uble-click a placeholder line, an extra button is displayed: te all button takes the quantity on placeholder lines and re- ctual batches in stock. not editing a placeholder line, the button is not visible. a line from an invoice This can be useful to group lines for the same ite If the invoice lines are currently sorted by line nu happen, otherwise you will be shown an alert m If you really want to reorder lines when sorted b down the shift key as you drag-and-drop to ove Note that reordering can not be undone, apart lines back to their original location. Confirming an invoice Note: if you have "confirm invoices automatical confirm invoice button will be hidden, and this o • Confirming an invoice should be done wh store (or have been packed ready for disp • The confirm button is only available for in gested). • Each item line records two stock levels- th on the premises. the available amount is w invoice. See the section below for a fuller • For example: • You get an order for 3 bottles from F Fred. The quantity is still 10, but quan these 3 bottles can't be issued to som • You are about to dispatch the order. A order. The quantity and the available • In summary, the confirm button does ne is a placeholder line, you can simply click the line you wish to • Each line has its quantity in stock redcuced by the amount issued on then click the delete line button. ne is a normal invoice line (with stock associated with it), double- the invoice line. In the line details window that appears, press advance to the quantity field, enter 0 (zero), then click OK. You asked to confirm that you really want to delete the line. that line • It changes the order status to "cn" Entering a service line on an invoice • If you are running a backorder system, it deletes any place holder lines (those with a batch entry of "none") and adds them to that customer's backorder file. Otherwise the line is simply deleted. Once an invoice is confirmed you will be asked if you now want to print an invoice. Entering a service line on an invoice All "n tome invoic mSup freigh Enter Note and t Edit The t the m To ed the in rate. Note: ormal" customer invoice lines represent the issue of stock lines to a cus- r. (These lines appear in the large section in the middle of the "Customer e" window). ply also allows you to charge a customer for "service" item(s) such as t, or advice or a refundable deposit on a cool box. the description and amount at any time until the invoice is finalized. that the "subtotal" amount on the invoice includes any service charges, ax (if any) will be added to the amount you enter. ing tax on invoices ax rate on an invoice is determined by the "default tax rate" setting in Supply preferences. it the tax rate on an invoice, click on the tax rate box at the bottom of voice entry window. You will be asked to enter a new percentage tax Click the cancel button if you do not want to change the tax rate. you can not change the tax rate on finalized invoices. 93 94 Transferring goods to another Store This feature is available only to those users who are managing more than one store on their you supply a D This procedur l Customer (Cu o make sure yo i You must be l o tomer’, so you Name field th type the first the store in re under comme customer. The procedur Goods to a Cu b It is necessary items to be tr O appear on the Customer inv i systems - e ispensary e follows c stomer Inv u are famil ogged in t create a n e name of few letters d colored t nt field de e from this stomer” a to finalise ansferred. system, as oice in the .g. if you have a General store for holding stock, and with their day to day needs. osely the steps as described under ‘Issuing Goods to a ices)’, and to avoid unnecessary repetition, please ar with that procedure. the issuing store; the receiving store being the ‘cus- ew invoice from the customer menu, and in the the receiving store is selected in the normal way (i.e. of the store’s name, press the TAB key, and *select ext from the list displayed). “Stock transfer” label fines that the issuing goods is for a store. not for a point is identical to that described under “Issuing ove. the transfer when you have finished entering the nly after finalising the transfer will the new invoice a Supplier Invoice in the receiving store, and as a ssuing store, Overpayments 95 Receiving payment from Customers A payment from a customer is usually referred to as a Cash Receipt (whether the payment is by cash, cheque or transfer) The system mSupply uses to record payments is the accounting standard "open invoice" system, which means that the outstanding (that is, unpaid) amou Note "invo paym e stand amou c When s wind • wn a list if there is more than one matching entry for what typed. • Once a customer is chosen all invoices that have unpaid amounts will be listed. • Note: only finalized invoices are shown. If you receive a payment for an ur options are: rpayment (see below) being paid and restart the payment ing you it most likely means they is OK to finalize it!) ote if you want to. ment into the lower right hand field. es: to be shown a box to enter the pay- double-clicking an invoice to allocate of that invoice. if you have allocated a greater d as a negative amount. It is generally as they show in the list. you more than the amount owing to some nice organizations!), or the voice that is not yet finalized. If this t relates to invoices in the list. When ed there is an overpayment and you nue. nt of each that the "a ices 2" tab ent modul ing amoun nt of invoi you choo ow like this Enter the will be sho you have invoice is tracked by mSupply. ctivate customer payment module" checkbox on the of the preferences must be checked before you can use the . Once this option is checked, new invoices will have the out- t recorded. If this option is not checked, the outstanding es is set to zero. e Customer > New cash receipt. you are presented with a : customer name or code into the first field and press Tab. You invoice that is not yet finalized, yo • Record the amount as an ove • Finalize the invocies that are process (If the customer is pay agree with the invoice and it • Enter the cheque number and a n • Enter the total amount of the pay • To allocate the payment to invoic • Double-click an line in the list ment amount, or: • Hold down the shift key while the full outstanding amount Note:you can not click the "OK" button amount than the payment amount. Note: customer credits should be entere good practice to allocate credits as soon Overpayments • Sometimes a customer might pay (not so likely, but it does happen customer might pay you for an in happens, allocate any amount tha you click OK the you will be warn will be asked if you want to conti • Click O extra a • The ne sented for this • Click U to ente money K if you want to continue, or cancel if you want to allocate the mount to invoices. xt time you enter a payment for that customer you will be pre- with a window asking you if you want to use the overpayment transaction: se if you want to use the overpayment, or don't use if you want r another payment (Some customers just keep sending in the .) 96 97 Electronic invoices mSupply has a system that allows users to send electronic invoices to other users of mSupply. Possible uses include: • If you have a manufacturing unit and a separate warehouse, you can o • Sett Suppl • f • Custo • t • t s Step 1. creates an invoice 2. chooses customer | export invoice to create an invoice 3. Supplier sends the invoice to the customer (If the customer has an e- mail address entered, the invoice can be automatically attached to an email, or, the file produced can be attached to an e-mail using your normal e-mail client. Alternatively it may be transferred on removable oice ort invoice to import the invoice. oice that is created against other doc- oods received. r import selling prices are used. you electronic invoices, persuade ly, we can supply the mSupply invoice or inclusion in their own software. al of the system on a backup data file tion. run two c another u If you hav in a few se an hour. ing up e ier: In the pre the suppli If your cus electronic tomer det mer For each i quotation the suppli For each q your own (Note tha invoice sy s to use e Supplier Supplier pies of mSupply and move stock from one location to sing electronic invoices. e customers using mSupply, they can import a 100 line invoice conds, where entering manually might take thirty minutes to lectronic invoices: erences of the copy of mSupply that is sending invoices, enter er code that your customers will use for you. tomer(s) have an email address and you want to send the invoices via email, then enter their email address in the cus- ails window. em that will be received from a particular supplier, enter a for the item. This is most easily done from the quotes tab of er details window. uotation, enter the supplier code for that item. This means code for the item does not need to match the supplier code. you do not have to enter quotation prices for the electronic tem- just the item code). lectronic invoices medium (floppy, Zip, CD etc.) 4. Customer receives electronic inv 5. Customer chooses Supplier | imp 6. Customer checks the supplier inv umentation and against actual g Note: • The invoice can still be edited afte • The standard rules for calculating • If you want your suppliers to send them to buy mSupply! Alternative format to their software vendor f • We recommend you perform a tri before using in a production situa Restricting User Access 98 Restricting User Access Applying i mSupply has to manage w your system. U You are prese a Double-click a button to add sively- it is bet Double-clickin entries are bla igner and administrator- rouping scheme. You cannot access. If you only want one password to be the same as xactly the same text into the something you didn’t realize is not on when you type 1.96 but has been removed of access group and individ- s options are controlled by Active : as access to use the system . oup level. appear in “Responsible restrict a comprehe ho has acce ser access nted with user to ed a new use ter to edit g an entry nk): ons nsive system of restricting user access, allowing you ss to which commands and what information within is managed by choosing file | edit users and groups . list of current users. it their details or delete them. Click the "new user" r. Note: it is best not to create and delete users exces- the users in the system. gives you this window (same for a new user, but Note also that "user 1" and "user 2" are the des these two users have access that overrides the g delete these users, and they always have level 1 person to have full access, set the administrator the designer password. When you enter a password you have to enter e second field, so that you don’t mistakenly enter you had typed. Be careful to make sure caps lock your password. Passwords are case sensitive. Note: ‘Access group’ was an option up to version for version two, as users found the combination ual user permissions too confusing. Now all aces user. If “Active” checkbox is checked, then that user h But the access ability changes with the Access Gr Can be responsible officer : If this box is checked, the name of that user will Applying restrictions Officer” in “Transport Details” section. Language: Allows you to view mSupply according to the language selected. Curently, mSupply is available in English and French version onlyus. User initials should be entered in the User initial field. The Permissions tabs Here Let u restri mSup Note users sion o is table to record which user has- User name you can set access for certain functions on a user-by-user basis. s know if there is a particular function in mSupply that you want cted in this way and we shall consider adding it to the next version of ply. that there are two tabs of permissions. Note also that newly created do not have their permissions turned on- you have to turn each permis- n manually. Current user permissions:- you can use th which permissions in your organisation. Permission Ordering View purchase orders Delete purchase orders Edit purchase orders Edit purchase order pricing Manage tenders Finalize purchase orders Create purchse orders Confirm purchase orders Create & edit baclorders Create new quotes Edit & delete quotes 99 Duplicate purchse order Goods receiving View goods received Restricting User Access 100 Add/edit goods received Transfer goods between stores Items Create new items Enter inven Edit invento View cost p Create repa Edit item na Edit repack View DDD View pricin Manage ite Edit item un Manage dr Merge two Manage loc Add/edit de Goods rec View goods Add/edit go Transfer go Special Add/edit us Add/edit cu Add/edit re Add/edit m Add/edit ab Add/edit wa Add/edit pr Add/edit tra Add/edit co Merge pres Tenders Create and edit tenders Names Create customer, supplier & manufacturer names tory adjustments ry adjustments rices of stock cks mes, codes and units s information for items g information for items m access its list ug interaction groups items ations partments eiving received ods received ods between stores ers rrencies minders isc labels breviations rnings Edit customer, supplier & manufacturer names Edit name codes Edit name categories Create and edit patient event Edit patient details Add/edit group Reports Manage reports Revert reports to original View all reports Remote data View remote data Edit remote data Invoices Create customer invoices Edit customer invoices Create supplier invoices Edit supplier invoices Finalise invoices individually Edit comments on finalised invoices. Import supplier invoice Duplicate supplier & customer invoice Finalise multiple invoices Admin Show e-mails escribers Purge nsaction categories ntacts cribers View log Set start of year stock Preferences Export & import Applying restrictions * - on this m Note acces a) be b) ha Comm As of many The L mSup envir At log mode and t about users. Builds and bill of materials View cost prices on builds Finalise builds View bill of materials Edit bill of materials Build items Edit build items Ca Ma Re We Ed Ed Pri Pri Pri ly applicable to the mSupply web services module. Installations without odule can safely ignore these options. that the user group settings on the first tab still apply. For a user to have s to a command they must in an Access group of appropriate level, and ve the appropriate permission check box checked. ands and actions restricted by user group version 2 all user permissions are set on a per user basis as we found users were confused by the mix of individual and group permissions. og-on modes tab ply now has two “modes” to allow its use in a store or a dispensary onment. For further information see Dispensary Mode on page 103. in, the window will reflect the settings checked under the “Log-on s” tab; here the default store, and default mode may be set. The stores The details tab On this tab you can record information sh transaction ke cash payment ceive cash payment b Interface it web passwords it & create web messages nting nt duplicate packing slips. nt duplicate customer invoices 101 he modes accessible to individual users must be set here. Think of it as a mini address book for you staff, but well hidden away! Restricting User Access 102 Restricting Customer access to items mSupply has a system of restricting access to certain items. For further infor- mation see Manage Item Access. on page 67. 103 Dispensary Mode About Dispensary Mode Store Mode Store versio It assu Dispe Dispe e It is m Rega o have , Note n in dif suppl Acti When e is on To tu • • i • • s d out, it is because your mSupply reg- modes. Contact Sustainable Solutions . es 2 then check the “show direction user, it will not appear in the choices , a supplier, both or neither. A "cus- s to- e.g. another organisation, or a mode is th ns prior to mes that c nsary Mod nsary mod ore suited rdless of m permission that in clie ferent mod y wards, sto vating D you creat by default. rn dispensa Choose fil Double-cl Go to the Uncheck t for that u e standard mSupply mode, and is the only mode available in 1.6. ustomers are organisations, rather than individuals. e allows you to use mSupply to supply medicines to patients. to use in pharmacies, clinics and hospital dispensaries. de, each user can only use those functions for which they according to the permissions set for that user. t-server versions of mSupply, different users can be logged in es at the same time, allowing you to dispense to patients and res, clients or cost centres simultaneously. ispensary Mode a new data file or upgrade to version 1.6, dispensary mode ry mode off: e > edit users and groups. ck on a user in the list “Log-on Modes” tab. he boxes for the modes you do not want to make available er. • Repeat for other users in the list Note: If one mode or the other is dimme istration does not allow you to use those if you wish to upgrade your registration • Choose File > Preferences > Invoic entry in dispensary mode“ box. Once you have deactivated a mode for a when they log on. What is a “name”? In mSupply a "name" can be a customer tomer" can be anyone you supply good ward in your hospital, or a patient. Dispensary Mode 104 What changes in dispensary mode? Different menus The menus in dispensary mode have different names. For example, the cus- tomer menu In simple disp should be eno do much else Different w Prescription e In dispensary rather than a Items to be dispensed shown here is where any When this box is See below for permitted methods of entering prescriber See below for permitted methods dit the t becomes the patient menu. ensary mode, there are a lot less choices in the menus. There ugh options to allow a user to dispense medicines, but not to . indows ntry mode, we refer to entering a “prescription” for supply of items n “invoice” The prescription entry window looks like this: This Use these buttons to of looking up existing patients Click here to e the details of current patien Click here to add new patient If this box is checked, y will treat anything entered tered after a comma as a entered notes relating to this patient are checked, dispensary labels are printed add or delete a patient note receipts for patients are printed on labels. How to look up a patient When you are entering a patient name, mSuppl before a comma as a last name, and anything en What changes in dispensary mode? first name. For example, to find John Smith, enter “Smi,J” or “smith,joh” If the patient’s name code is known, enter a “*” (no quotes) and then the name code or part of it. eg “*58298” If there is more than one matching name, you are shown the name choices window Enter To en • • n click the small down-arrow to the indow where the patient details can their code, their last or first name in ”. For example for the presciber Dr he following are accetptable to show a list of matching prescrib- ame will be entered directly without nsing” page of the mSupply prefer- n accept and print a prescription ing a new patient ter a new patient, you have two options: In the name choices window (above) click the New button. (Shortcut: Ctl-Shift-P) In the Prescription Entry window, click the New Patient icon to the left of the name entry area. This window will be shown (Shortcut: Ctl-Shift- • IP) : Editing patient details Once you have chosen a patient, you ca right of the patient name to display a w be edited. Entering the prescriber To enter a presciber, you can type either full or abbreviated, or “last comma first Felix Brown (whose code is 123) any of t • 123 • bro • fel • bro,fe Press the tab key after making the entry ers. If only one presciber matches, the n the list being shown. Note that there is a setting on the “dipe ences that affects whether or not you ca 105 without entering a prescriber. Notes display ll display each time you enter the Any notes you enter in the notes tab wi Dispensary Mode 106 patient name in the Prescription entry window. These notes can be used to remind you of patient preferences for certain dosage forms, or drug sensitivi- ties. Before you ad event s have b events , then “Description” numeric and Add and dele By clicking th lowing windo Enter first few event from the list. If the patient event you have selected is numeric then a field where you can enter numeric value is displayed and if the patient event selected is boolean field then a check-box is displayed. You can delete the event by selecting the event you want to delete and click the delete button. ed event type or patient line , and Add item window tered, provided that the has been selected in Prefer- ould be entered. d an event for a patient, you need to make sure that patient een set up. To add patient event, choose Patient > Patient click the “New” buton. By default “Note” patient event of type and code “NT” is provided. Youcan also have event of type boolean. te event e “Add” button on the form you will be presented with the fol- w Show You can list events of a patient by selecting desir event from drop-down list on the form. Entering prescribed items On the Prescription entry window click on New appears. Once the item name and quantity have been en Show direction entry in dispensary mode option ences, directions on how to take the medicine sh Entering directions For many commonly prescribed items, there are default directions already present; in the example below, the item being dispensed is FRUSEMIDE 40mg Etablet in the morning”. by clicking on the down eld; directions not already entry area, or the Expanded letters of the patient event you are looking for and select an tablets, and the default directions are “Take ON Alternative directions present may be displayed arrow to the right of the abbreviated direction fi present may be typed in using either the Abbrev Entering directions entry area. Note that you can mix abbreviations and text like this. The d the ch tion w If you one o Note tion. label Defau The s an ite page Printi mSup The Z ribbo We cu availa can m • • • • • • • We are happy to support other printers if you want to use a different brand. Reprinting labels If you need to print the labels for an item again, choose Patient > Show Pre- scriptions to locate the prescription entry. In the list of items dispensed, click on the line you wish to reprint, and then click OK (with the printing checkbox checked) If you wish to reprint labels for all the items on the prescription, first click in at now one item is highlighted. Then OK l for an item, hold down the Alt key ton. You will be asked for the number print. ne batch? n item gets used up, you will need to a patient. mSupply handles this totals for any item on a prescription total quantity. line number will be used, so enter e, and leave the directions empty for re you need to issue the same item to u should either combine the direc- rescriptions with the directions (That is enter the line, then print the cription and issue the item again with nce you have entered a patient name w a patient’s history of what you rop-down list shows any standard abbreviations you have entered for osen item. If a stand abbreviation exists, the highest priority abbrevia- ill be entered when you choose the item. have entered more than one standard abbreviation, you can choose ther than the default by choosing it from the drop-down list. that mSupply stores the expanded text for each line, not the abbrevia- This means that there is a full audit trail of what was printed on the (unless you edit the directions after printing). lt directions et up of default directions is done on the dispensing tab when editing m. For further information see Item edit - Dispensing options on 56. ng Labels ply currently is designed to work with the Zebra TLP 2844 label printer. ebra is a very nice printer. It can use either thermal labels or a thermal n which gives non-fading results. rrently support plain 90 x 40mm label stock as this is cheap and readily ble. The Zebra printer is auto-sensing of the ending of a label, so you ost likely used labels longer than 40mm with no problems. Label spcifications: 90mm x 40mm high White Matt Thermal Transfer Paper Wide Edge Leading 1 Across on a roll the list of items below the last item so th all labels will be preinted when you click Printing multiple labels If you want to print more that one labe (Option on Mac) as you click the OK but of labels required as the label is about to What if there is not sufficient stock of o As the quantity of a particular batch of a issue stock from more than one batch to when printing labels, and combines the so that only one label is printed for the The directions for the item with the first directions for the first batch you dispens subsequent batches. Note: if you have the rare situation whe one patient with different directions yo tions onto the one label, or enter two p entered differently on each prescription label(s), then choose Patient > New pres the second set of directions). View history In the new prescription entry window, o you can click the “history” button to vie have dispensed. 107 Perforation between each label Produced on 1" core to suit TLP2844 Dispensary Mode 108 Duplicating Once you hav control-click t create new pr issued for the Repeats mSupply allow when the pre Total field in the number o pensing proce Viewing patient details You can view a patient’s details on-the-fly as you enter a prescription as described above. You can also view patients by choosing Patients > Show patients. Find aken directly to the detail entered. a prescription e a history window open you can click to select a single entry or o select multiple entries, then click the “duplicate” button to escription line(s) with exactly the same details. Stock will be se lines automatically. s for the recording of repeat prescription. This is achieved scription is first dispensed; in the Add item window, click on Repeats box in the top right corner of the window, and enter f repeats that the prescriber has authorised. The Repeat Dis- dure is described a little later. Enter the details you want to search for and click You will be shown a list of matching entries, or t view if only one patient matches the values you ustomer in store mode. How- em dispensed. Double-click- in a new window. Patient history tab The details displayed are similar to displaying a c ever there is also a history tab that shows each it ing an item in the list will display the transaction Repeat Dispensing Repeat Dispensing The Repeats panel (upper right of the window shown below) allows details of repeat prescriptions to be recorded. Take the example of a patient present- ing a precription for Frusemide 40mg tabs x 30 on 1st January 2007, with the prescriber requesting “Repeat monthly x5”; in the Total field you should enter “5”, and in the Expiry Date field you have the option of entering (a) the actua 2007” Note prete mont date appro rema The w tion w The n repea When numb arrow displays the window below. quantity of a particular repeat - e.g. ar visit of the patient; the quantity y line, and again clicking on the quan- w on the left bottom corner enables ng. etails on the Add item window prop- ntained in Prescription entry. You can lick ing on the Repeats icon displays ispensed, quantity, total repeats, particular repeat. Process repeats and l date on which the final repeat may be issued - in this example, “1 July (allowing the patient one month’s grace) - or (b) “6m” for 6 months. that the characters “D”,”W” & “M” in upper or lower case are inter- d in this particular field as the specified number of days, weeks or hs before the repeat instruction expires. mSupply defaults to an expiry two months later than the current date, but this may be edited as priate. The system automatically updates the number of repeats ining as the patient makes further visits to have the repeats dispensed. indow below is displayed when you click on the New line in “Prescrip- indow“ umber of repeats is assigned in Total field in Repeats box, and as the This window allows the user to alter the if there is insufficient stock on a particul can be edited by clicking on the quantit tity, which may now be edited. The arro you to restore the default quantity setti Once you have filled repeat and other d erly, click on OK button to save details . The Repeats icon shown on the left is co issue the repeat to a particular patient. C the windo

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