SPRINT- Sexual and Reproductive Health in Asia and the Pacific

Publication date: 2008

Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations in East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SPRINT) SPRINT is a joint initiative between IPPF ESEAOR and its partners The SPRINT Initiative offers � Regional trainings of trainers and national echo-trainings on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH in Crises � In-country implementation of SRH projects in crisis and post-crisis situations � Technical assistance in developing project proposals and fundraising for comprehensive SRH in post-crisis situations � Coordination of emergency funds � Linkages with key relief agencies and organizations � Professionals trained to implement the MISP � Regional and national advocacy campaigns for parliamentarians, policy- makers, donors and the general public � Establishment of a database of evidence on SRH in crisis and post-crisis situations For more information E-mail : ippfklro@ippfeseaor.org Telephone : +603 4256 6122 Fax : +603 4256 6386 Website : www.ippfeseaor.org I P P F E S E A O R – B a n d a A c e h A R H A / N o w a k o w s k i – T i m o r L e s t e I P P F E S E A O R / T r a n - C h i n a Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). How can you participate? Implementing Agencies: contact us to participate in any of the regional trainings of trainers on the MISP that will be held from: • 28 April to 2 May 2008 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 30 June to 4 July 2008 Sydney, Australia • 7 to 11 July 2008 Suva, Fiji There are also possibilities to participate in the echo-trainings that will be held at your country level. Donor Agencies: provide support to site implementation, echo-trainings and expansion to other regions. SPRINT is an Australian Government, AusAID initiative coordinated by IPPF ESEAOR. Key objectives � To increase the regional capacity of stakeholders to implement the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH in Crises � To strengthen coordination of SRH stakeholders and activities through the establishment of a SPRINT Secretariat at IPPF ESEAOR in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia � To raise awareness on the importance of addressing SRH in crisis and post-crisis situations � To respond in a timely fashion to SRH needs in crises � To enhance access to comprehensive SRH information and services for populations surviving crisis and living in protracted post-crisis situations Our partners The SPRINT Initiative is based on the work of the Interagency Working Group (IAWG) on SRH in Crises. IPPF ESEAOR collaborates specifically with the Australian Reproductive Health Alliance (ARHA), the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on the SPRINT Initiative. Why is SRH essential in crisis? Women and children constitute more than 80% of populations affected by crisis. They are at increased risk of illness, disability and death when their sexual and reproductive health needs are not addressed in emergency responses. SRH is a human right and establishing SRH services in times of crisis is essential as it helps save lives. Provision of these services allows women and girls to live in safety and dignity free from harm, illness and violence. SRH in crisis focuses on ensuring the provision of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) which prioritizes prevention and management of the consequences of sexual violence, reduction in the transmission of HIV and sexually transmitted infections, prevention of excess illness and mortality in newborns and mothers, as well as planning for the provision of comprehensive SRH services. What is the SPRINT Initiative? The goal of the SPRINT Initiative is to increase access to SRH information and services for populations surviving crises and living in post-crisis situations. The SPRINT Initiative spans over three years, until 2010, and currently covers the East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region, through a grant from AusAID. W o m e n ’ s C o m m i s s i o n / C o n r a d - T h a i l a n d Access the MISP distance learning module online: www.rhrc.org/MISP/ I P P F E S E A O R – B a n d a A c e h

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