Survey Tool on Availability of Modern Contraceptives and Essential Life-Saving Maternal/RH Medicines in Service Delivery Points

Publication date: 2013

Inventory of Tools for Maternal Health Supplies Prepared by Maternal Health Technical Reference Team, 2013 Information Sheet Survey Tool on Availability of Modern Contraceptives and Essential Life- Saving Maternal/RH Medicines in Service Delivery Points Developer United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) How to access the tool For information on this survey tool, contact Kabir Ahmed ( and Desmond Koroma ( Purpose This tool was used for the annual assessment by UNFPA on the availability and stock-outs of reproductive health commodities at the service delivery point level in twelve of the Global Program to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS) focus countries. The tool may be adapted by other countries to assess access to reproductive health commodities. Audience This tool may be used at all levels of the health system by program managers. Language English Keywords availability, assessment, reproductive health

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