The Procurement Planning and Monitoring Report (PPMR) - Reducing Contraceptive Stockouts through Increased Data Visibility and Global Coordination

Publication date: 2016

The Procurement Planning and Monitoring Report (PPMR) Reducing Contraceptive Stockouts through Increased Data Visibility and Global Coordination Over the past decade, the Procurement Planning and Monitoring Report (PPMR) and the Coordinated Assistance for Reproductive health supplies (CARhs) group have become an essential mechanism for countries and donors to monitor contraceptive stock status, improve data visibility, strengthen in-country coordination, and address critical contraceptive stock imbalances in countries all over the world. Launched in 2007, the PPMR was created by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT to capture information on contraceptive stock and shipment statuses, and other contraceptive security issues, from family planning programs on a country-by-country basis. The CARhs group, a partnership endeavor of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC), uses the data at the country and global level to respond to supply issues. CARhs members include UNFPA, USAID, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, RHSC, Implant Access Program, and Clinton Health Access Initiative. The CARhs group meets monthly to review the PPMR, identify contraceptive stock imbalances, discuss potential solutions, and act within available resources to avoid or mitigate stock issues, including stockouts and overstocks. The PPMR Provides Increased Data Visibility Participation in the PPMR has increased exponentially, starting with three countries reporting, to now receiving data from the public sector, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and social marketing programs in Acting on PPMR Data: Benefits of Reporting Prevention/mitigation of stockouts through new emergency orders or expediting existing orders. In 2014— › 23 emergency shipments were created for 13 countries › 8 shipments were expedited for 8 countries. Prevention/mitigation of overstocks & expiries through the delay, reduction, or cancelation of existing orders. In 2014— › 3 shipments were postponed for 1 country › 2 shipments were canceled for 1 country. Product transfers between countries to address a shortage in one country, while mitigating overstock and avoiding expiry and wastage in another. In 2014— › 1 product was transferred from Burkina Faso to Benin, facilitated by WAHO. more than 30 countries. This increased data visibility gives CARhs members the information needed to quickly prioritize urgent needs, understand the overall context of the program reporting, and take decisive actions to assist a wide range of programs and countries. The PPMR data is available online through an interactive database that increases data visibility for all registered users. Users of the system include but are not limited to, country data providers, CARhs members, in-country donor representatives, Ministry of Health staff, and implementing partners, ensuring that all key partners have access to the same data. The PPMR Facilitates in-Country and Global Coordination Reporting data regularly via the PPMR gives countries the unique opportunity to communicate updated data and supply needs to both in-country and global-level stakeholders, particularly to donors of reproductive health commodities. This direct line of communication enables donors to improve coordination within their own agencies, between agencies, and with family planning programs in order to ensure that countries’ needs are being addressed effectively. In addition, multiple family programs in the same country are allowed to report via the PPMR. When this occurs, it supports in-country coordination and allows donors to see a more complete picture of the contraceptive stock situation in-country. With this information, CARhs members are able to identify opportunities to assist multiple programs and to avoid duplicate efforts. Understanding the PPMR and CARhs Process PPMR Data Collection and Reporting Participating countries report data to a central database managed by the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT; the data are then reviewed and analyzed to ensure the quality of the report, which is produced monthly. Country data providers report via the PPMR either on a monthly or quarterly basis by entering data directly on the PPMR website http://ppmr. or by sending the report as an attachment to the PPMR email address, using a specially designed PDF form. “The PPMR has allowed for a better monitoring of the stock level of contraceptives at the central level. It has also allowed a better exchange of information with partners and, to a certain extent, with other countries.” — Yawo-Mensah Damessi, Former Data Provider, Ministry of Health, Togo PPMR Reporting Countries Data for the public sector are provided by the Ministry of Health directly, by USAID implementing partners (such as Management Sciences for Health [MSH] and the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT), or by UNFPA country offices. In some countries, data are also provided by programs operating along-side the public sector, including social marketing organizations such as Population Services International (PSI), International Planned Parenthood (IPPF) Member Associations, and Marie Stopes International (MSI). PPMR administrator reviews the data and works with in-country partners to �nalize the PPMR Outcomes of the meetings are tracked and feedback is given to in-country partners CARhs group meets monthly to review the �nal PPMR data and makes decisions Country-level partners collect and submit data using the PPMR tool Data Feedback PPMR Contents Each PPMR includes two types of detailed data: the Commodity Security (CS) Updates and the contraceptive stock status. The CS Updates include short descriptions of the commodity security situation in a particular country at the national level. The stock status section of the report includes data for each contraceptive product managed by each program; key data points captured can be seen in the Product Stock Status example from the PPMR presented below. Within this section of the report, family planning programs may request that donors provide updated information about pending shipments, as well as request donor action to prevent or mitigate supply imbalances. The PPMR and CARhs Process The PPMR and CARhs process serves multiple communities as an information-sharing and supply-balancing mechanism that has brought about significant improvements in available country-level data and country- and global-level coordination. The steps and information flow of the data and feedback shared as a result of the PPMR and CARhs process are highlighted in the illustration below. Example of Product Stock Status from the PPMR Information Flow Expanding the PPMR Expanding the PPMR to additional countries and programs would enable more countries to experience the benefits of increased data visibility and coordination. Countries can report data for one or more family planning programs in the country (i.e. the public sector, NGOs, social marketing programs, etc.) and have the choice to report in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. In order for a family planning program to start reporting via the PPMR, the program must have a dedicated person who can access, compile, and report data from the central level of the supply chain (at a minimum). If an implementing partner is reporting data on behalf of the Ministry of Health or another program, then that program should give permission to share the data with the CARhs members. Countries and programs interested in starting to report data should contact Related Links To learn more about the PPMR online system, please visit To learn more about the CARhs group and access the CARhs factsheet, please visit http://www.rhsupplies. org/activities-resources/tools/coordinated- assistance-for-reproductive-health-supplies/. More information For more information on the PPMR and the CARhs group, please contact: PPMR Ms. Maggie Murphy, PPMR Administrator USAID I DELIVER PROJECT, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) CARhs Group Ms. Ellen T. Tompsett, CARhs Administrator Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) This document was produced with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development through technical assistance from Task Order 4 of the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT.

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