UNFPA Annual Report 2018

Publication date: 2018

I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE MY WORLD ANNUAL REPORT 2017 UNFPA Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled ©UNFPA/Ruth Carr Cover: © Kauê Scarim/PSOL 3 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 5 PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE 7 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 9 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION 11 AFRICA, EAST AND SOUTHERN 15 AFRICA, WEST AND CENTRAL 19 ARAB STATES 23 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 27 EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA 31 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 35 RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS ANNUAL REPORT 2017 1 “I see a future where every woman and every girl has the power, information and means to shape her own destiny.” Dr. Natalia Kanem UNFPA Executive Director ©UNFPA/Vu Ngoc Dung 2 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Year on year, millions of women and adolescents in 155 countries and territories have been progressively able to exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is in no small measure as a result of UNFPA programmes and activities. The UNFPA strategic plan for 2014-2017 set ambitious targets for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health services, including—and especially—in parts of the world strangled by war or devastated by natural disasters. These services have empowered millions of women to make their own decisions about whether, when or how often to become pregnant. They have enabled millions of teenagers to avoid unplanned pregnancy, and to make safe and healthy transitions to adulthood. And they have slowed the unnecessary and cruel tide of maternal death. UNFPA-supported initiatives have touched a remarkable number of people’s lives. Contraceptives provided by UNFPA between 2014 and 2017, for example, helped avert 49 million unintended pregnancies, 15 million unsafe abortions and 125,000 maternal deaths. Through its advocacy in this period, nearly 9,000 communities abandoned female genital mutilation, sparing more than 800,000 girls from this harmful practice. Yet, the world is still far from perfect for women and girls. There is still much that needs to be done. And so despite its impressive achievements, UNFPA continues its journey of reaching those who have not yet been able to claim their rights, with a priority focus on supporting those left furthest behind first. Untold millions are still at risk of unintended pregnancy, death in pregnancy or childbirth, or practices that keep girls from realizing their full potential. In 2018, this is simply unacceptable. Last year, the UNFPA Executive Board endorsed our next strategic plan, for 2018–2021, which aims to reach those who have been left behind. The new plan strives for three results that will be truly transformative for the lives of women and girls: to end unmet demand for family planning, preventable maternal death, and gender-based violence, including harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation, by 2030, the same year the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved. Ensuring that high-quality population data underpins these transformative results, through a geo-referenced Population Data Platform, will enable us to deliver on our strategic plan. In 2018 and beyond, UNFPA will, therefore, allocate the bulk of its resources towards these transformative results and will use high-quality population data to document where progress is being made and to show where additional efforts are needed. We will not stop until every woman and every girl, across the globe, has the power, information and means to shape her own destiny. A cause worth fighting for, and a mandate UNFPA defends every day, everywhere. 3 “I want another child, but not yet.” Kyae, 23, Myanmar © UNFPA/Yenny Gamming 4 PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right and is central to achieving gender equality, empowering women and reducing poverty. UNFPA helps ensure steady supplies of high-quality contraceptives. 2017 2014–2017 CONTRACEPTIVES SUPPLIED BY UNFPA* MALE CONDOMS 719,100,000 2,598,100,000 FEMALE CONDOMS 12,800,000 66,600,000 CYCLES OF ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES 43,200,000 171,600,000 PROGESTIN-ONLY PILLS 10,900,00 35,000,000 DOSES OF INJECTABLES 46,800,000 260,600,000 IMPLANTS 6,500,000 20,000,000 INTRAUTERINE DEVICES 1,920,000 6,100,000 EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTIVES 1,300,000 6,600,000 IMPACT OF CONTRACEPTIVES UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 13,500,000 48,500,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 4,100,100 15,200,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 32,000 125,000 *Estimates 5 “I’m not scared to become a mother. I’m excited.” Myrtha, 26, Haiti © UNFPA/Elena Heatherwick 6 NUMBER OF WOMEN WHO UNDERWENT SURGERY TO CORRECT OBSTETRIC FISTULA NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ACCESSED SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES AND SERVICES TO ADDRESS GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS Affordable, high-quality reproductive health services save lives. Maternal deaths are decreasing rapidly in developing countries, particularly in the least-developed ones. Between 2014 and 2017, UNFPA-supported integrated sexual and reproductive health services, including skilled birth attendance, reached more than 58 million people. SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 18,200 2017 2014-2017 57,385 16,000,000 41,000,000 NUMBER OF MIDWIVES TRAINED IN 39 COUNTRIES with support from the Maternal Health Thematic Fund 15,000 47,000 77 “I think it’s important to give young people accurate information about reproductive health.” Anastasiya, 22, Y-Peer coordinator, Belarus © UNFPA/Egor Dubrovsky 8 NUMBER OF COMMUNITIES THAT ABANDONED FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION through UNFPA-UNICEF joint programme ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 2,960 2017 2014-2017 8,963 7,400,000 39,500,000 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION UNFPA programmes enabled millions of adolescents and young people to access sexual and reproductive health services. UNFPA has also advocated the elimination of harmful practices, such as child marriage and female genital mutilation. ESTIMATED NUMBER OF GIRLS REACHED WITH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMMES, HEALTH SERVICE REFERRALS, AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT through UNFPA-UNICEF programme to end child marriage 1,000,000 1,750,000 7,000 17,000 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SCHOOLS, HEALTH, AND CHILD PROTECTION FACILITIES AND SERVICES MADE MORE GIRL-FRIENDLY through UNFPA-UNICEF programme to end child marriage 2017 2016–2017 9 “Someday, I will become an independent woman.” Fostina, 19, Malawi © UNFPA/Henry Chimbali 10 AFRICA EAST AND SOUTHERN 11 PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 6,200,000 20,700,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 1,700,000 5,900,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 15,500 60,000 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 3,900,000 12,900,000 2017 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 3,500,000 AFRICA, EAST AND SOUTHERN © UNFPA/Tiril Skarstein Services supported by UNFPA reached millions of women and young people in East and Southern Africa between 2014 and 2017. In 2017 alone through a programme funded by the United Kingdom to prevent maternal deaths in the region, UNFPA helped 3.4 million people access family planning and trained about 6,000 health workers to provide a wider range of contraceptive options and information about their safe use. UNFPA in 2017 also invested in integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services in Southern Africa, which has the world’s highest HIV infection rates. In the Great Lakes region and in other crisis- affected areas, UNFPA provided maternal health care and support for survivors of gender-based violence. Also, UNFPA is supporting comprehensive sexuality education programmes in all countries in the region. 12 BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) PROGRAMME EXPENSES Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 31.9 87.9 119.8 68.0% 2014–2017 162.0 332.2 494.2 68.3% Adolescents 2017 5.0 18.5 23.5 13.3% 2014–2017 24.2 53.7 77.9 10.8% Gender equality and rights 2017 3.8 10.0 13.8 7.8% 2014–2017 21.7 50.2 71.9 9.9% Data for development 2017 7.9 8.5 16.4 9.3% 2014–2017 49.1 23.4 72.5 10.0% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 1.2 1.6 2.8 1.6% 2014–2017 4.1 3.1 7.2 1.0% 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 157.4 670.7 Regional activities 18.9 53.0 Total programme expenses 176.3 723.7 2017 2014–2017 Angola 2.5 9.8 Botswana 0.9 5.0 Burundi 5.7 23.2 Comoros 0.9 3.9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 19.4 74.9 Eritrea 1.9 8.7 Ethiopia 13.7 61.8 Kenya 9.3 42.0 Lesotho 1.5 7.3 Madagascar 5.6 22.8 Malawi 4.4 33.9 Mauritius 0.1 0.4 2017 2014–2017 Mozambique 16.6 46.1 Namibia 1.0 5.5 Rwanda 3.1 16.3 South Africa 1.7 9.7 South Sudan 20.3 75.6 Swaziland 1.4 6.6 Uganda 12.9 67.0 United Republic of Tanzania 11.4 48.4 Zambia 8.7 31.6 Zimbabwe 14.4 70.2 13 “I think it’s a privilege to work as a midwife.” Georgetta, 29, Liberia © UNFPA/Elena Heatherwick 14 AFRICA WEST AND CENTRAL PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 3,100,000 12,600,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 1,100,000 4,500,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 14,000 51,000 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 621,000 4,500,000 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 2017 PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 3,140,000 15 AFRICA, WEST AND CENTRAL © UNFPA/Ollivier Girard UNFPA empowered the region’s women and young people between 2014 and 2017 through improved sexual and reproductive health services and increased access to family planning. Investments strengthened countries’ capacities to provide and distribute reproductive health supplies. In 2016, for example, UNFPA invested about $33 million in contraceptives. UNFPA also invested in developing the region’s biggest asset: its young people. These investments supported initiatives to foster youth participation, with partners such as the African Youth and Adolescent Network on Population and Development, in policymaking and development planning, and to create synergies among UNFPA programmes. Efforts are also under way to realize and maximize a demographic dividend by scaling up investments in the human capital of the region’s young people. 16 BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) PROGRAMME EXPENSES 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 123.6 544.0 Regional activities 9.0 31.2 Total programme expenses 132.6 575.2 2017 2014–2017 Benin 3.0 15.3 Burkina Faso 7.0 31.3 Cameroon 5.5 25.7 Cape Verde 0.5 3.3 Central African Republic 3.3 16.3 Chad 6.0 24.7 Congo 2.2 10.9 Côte d'Ivoire 6.7 32.8 Equatorial Guinea 1.7 6.0 Gabon 0.6 3.3 Gambia 1.5 6.7 Ghana 3.1 15.9 2017 2014–2017 Guinea 5.9 30.5 Guinea-Bissau 1.7 8.2 Liberia 7.1 31.7 Mali 5.5 18.6 Mauritania 2.3 11.3 Niger 12.3 47.9 Nigeria 19.1 97.5 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.7 4.3 Senegal 3.8 22.6 Sierra Leone 21.8 64.9 Togo 2.3 14.3 Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 27.4 61.5 88.9 67.0% 2014–2017 115.5 265.9 381.4 66.3% Adolescents 2017 4.7 12.3 17.0 12.8% 2014–2017 25.2 32.9 58.1 10.1% Gender equality and rights 2017 4.3 8.9 13.2 10.0% 2014–2017 18.1 33.1 51.2 8.9% Data for development 2017 8.5 3.5 12.0 9.0% 2014–2017 49.9 26.9 76.8 13.4% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 0.7 0.8 1.5 1.2% 2014–2017 5.5 2.2 7.7 1.3% 17 “I do not want more children. I want to be able to take care of and educate the ones we have.” Um Ahmed, 32, Egypt © UNFPA/Roger Anis 18 ARAB STATES PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 930,000 2,700,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 330,000 871,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 650 3,300 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 3,500,000 7,400,000 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 2017 PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 8,000,000 19 ARAB STATES © UNFPA/Sima Diab Between 2014 and 2017, UNFPA advocated integrating sexual and reproductive health into national health policies and systems with an emphasis on strengthening services that prevent maternal deaths. It also advocated for the inclusion of reproductive rights in governments’ human rights policies. UNFPA programmes in the Arab States engaged governments, community leaders and civil society organizations in efforts to end harmful practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation. Using data collected through focus groups and other means, UNFPA also responded to women’s and girls’ needs for sexual and reproductive health services and services to address gender-based violence. Regional programmes have sought to reinforce the role of young men and women in policymaking and engage them in promoting peace and security. 20 PROGRAMME EXPENSES COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 10.7 73.4 84.1 58.3% 2014–2017 55.0 187.1 242.1 54.8% Adolescents 2017 1.9 5.7 7.6 5.3% 2014–2017 10.2 12.7 22.9 5.2% Gender equality and rights 2017 3.4 41.8 45.2 31.3% 2014–2017 18.1 122.6 140.7 31.8% Data for development 2017 3.5 2.8 6.3 4.4% 2014–2017 17.6 13.3 30.9 7.0% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.7% 2014–2017 3.1 2.1 5.2 1.2% 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 139.3 415.1 Regional activities 5.0 26.7 Total programme expenses 144.3 441.8 2017 2014–2017 Algeria 0.2 1.6 Djibouti 0.8 4.4 Egypt 3.4 15.6 Iraq 50.0 97.6 Jordan 15.6 45.1 Lebanon 6.6 16.8 Libya 2.0 4.8 Morocco 1.0 5.1 Oman 0.9 3.9 2017 2014–2017 Palestine 3.8 11.4 Somalia 11.8 61.0 Sudan 13.9 56.7 Syrian Arab Republic 18.3 51.3 Tunisia 1.3 3.7 Yemen 9.7 36.1 21 BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS “I will focus on my career before getting married.” Bhawana, 18, Nepal © UNFPA/Jeffrey Bates 22 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 1,100,000 4,500,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 311,000 1,300,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 918 4,100 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 457,300 5,550,000 2017 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 1,000,000 23 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC © UNFPA/Tim Jenkins UNFPA programmes in Asia and the Pacific between 2014 and 2017 helped reduce maternal deaths, address unmet need for family planning and tackle gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls. As part of these efforts, UNFPA supported the training of midwives who have been deployed to underserved areas of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Mongolia and Nepal, resulting in a dramatic reduction in maternal deaths. Advocacy contributed to increased access to family planning and strengthened responses to child marriage. Services in humanitarian settings helped meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of vulnerable women and girls and address gender-based violence. 24 ASIA AND THE PACIFIC BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) PROGRAMME EXPENSES 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 92.9 480.7 Regional activities 7.6 30.4 Total programme expenses 100.5 511.1 2017 2014–2017 Afghanistan 12.7 78.3 Bangladesh 13.4 49.5 Bhutan 0.5 3.3 Cambodia 2.0 14.3 China 2.2 12.2 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1.8 7.4 India 6.3 35.7 Indonesia 4.8 17.6 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1.3 5.6 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2.1 11.9 Malaysia 0.7 2.9 Maldives 0.2 1.7 2017 2014–2017 Mongolia 3.0 14.8 Myanmar 13.3 70.1 Nepal 5.9 25.0 Pacific Multi Islands* 3.9 22.6 Pakistan 6.0 30.9 Papua New Guinea 3.4 14.2 Philippines 3.7 29.3 Sri Lanka 0.9 4.8 Thailand 0.8 5.0 Timor-Leste 1.9 8.1 Viet Nam 2.1 15.5 Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 21.4 20.3 41.7 41.5% 2014–2017 135.0 77.4 212.4 41.6% Adolescents 2017 7.3 5.2 12.5 12.4% 2014–2017 38.5 15.8 54.3 10.6% Gender equality and rights 2017 6.5 14.8 21.3 21.2% 2014–2017 38.5 40.3 78.8 15.4% Data for development 2017 10.2 12.0 22.2 22.1% 2014–2017 69.5 88.0 157.5 30.8% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 2.4 0.4 2.8 2.8% 2014–2017 7.5 0.6 8.1 1.6% * Figures for Pacific multi-islands comprise several islands which, for reporting purposes, are classified under one heading, including the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. 25 “I’d like to have a second child.” Olga, 30, Belarus © UNFPA/Egor Dubrovsky 26 EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 242,000 775,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 69,000 216,000 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 22,500 207,700 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 2017 PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 572,000 27 © UNFPA/Denis Zelenko EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, a region of middle-income countries, UNFPA helped governments develop or implement policies to ensure that all people, including the most vulnerable, can realize their right to sexual and reproductive health. Other actions in the region helped break down barriers that young people face in accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services, supported national efforts to eradicate gender-based violence and harmful practices and strengthened national capacities for collecting, analysing and using data for policymaking. 28 COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) PROGRAMME EXPENSES BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS 2017 2014–2017 Albania 1.2 3.7 Armenia 0.6 2.9 Azerbaijan 0.8 2.6 Belarus 1.1 3.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.6 3.2 Georgia 1.3 6.0 Kazakhstan 0.6 3.0 Kyrgyzstan 0.9 4.9 Republic of Moldova 0.7 3.2 2017 2014–2017 Serbia* 1.1 4.3 Tajikistan 2.0 6.7 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.3 1.4 Turkey 22.1 39.4 Turkmenistan 0.6 2.4 Ukraine 2.8 8.1 Uzbekistan 0.8 4.2 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 37.5 99.2 Regional activities 4.6 27.6 Total programme expenses 42.1 126.8 Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 5.3 19.1 24.4 58.0% 2014–2017 23.9 41.2 65.1 51.3% Adolescents 2017 1.4 0.2 1.6 3.8% 2014–2017 6.7 1.4 8.1 6.4% Gender equality and rights 2017 2.4 8.8 11.2 26.6% 2014–2017 9.5 18.9 28.4 22.4% Data for development 2017 2.1 1.4 3.5 8.3% 2014–2017 13.5 4.4 17.9 14.1% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 1.3 0.1 1.4 3.3% 2014–2017 7.2 0.1 7.3 5.8% *Includes Kosovo 29 © Sanne De Wilde for UNFPA “I have a different perspective on sexuality, not as a taboo, but as a full, informed experience, without discrimination.” Gabriela Villarroel, 32, health services coordinator, Bolivia 30 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN PREGNANCY BY CHOICE, NOT BY CHANCE Impact of contraceptives supplied by UNFPA 2017 2014–2017 UNINTENDED PREGNANCIES PREVENTED 1,600,000 4,700,000 UNSAFE ABORTIONS AVERTED 610,000 1,750,000 MATERNAL DEATHS AVERTED 820 2,600 EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION NUMBER OF ADOLESCENTS WHO GAINED ACCESS TO SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 2,140,000 15,000,000 SAVING MOTHERS’ LIVES 2017 PEOPLE WHO HAD ACCESS TO SERVICES IN HUMANITARIAN SETTINGS 256,000 31 © UNFPA/Sanne De Wilde LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN UNFPA programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2014 and 2017 helped bolster culturally sensitive, youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services, ensure reliable reproductive health and family planning supplies, including long-acting reversible contraceptives, for women and young people. Other actions helped extend maternal health services, including midwifery, to indigenous communities and build institutional capacities to address gender-based violence. UNFPA’s evidence-based advocacy influenced policies and strengthened capacities to address gender-based violence and helped reduce child marriage. 32 2 Figures for Caribbean, English- and Dutch-speaking, comprise several countries and islands which, for reporting purposes, have been classified under one heading, including Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Netherlands Antilles (Aruba, Curacao, and St. Maarten), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands. LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN COUNTRY/TERRITORY $MILLIONS (core and non-core resources) PROGRAMME EXPENSES 2017 2014–2017 Argentina 0.1 1.5 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2.7 11.8 Brazil 1.4 6.6 Caribbean, English- and Dutch-speaking* 1.6 9.9 Chile 0.1 0.8 Colombia 0.9 10.5 Costa Rica 0.4 2.7 Cuba 0.7 3.0 Dominican Republic 1.2 3.6 Ecuador 0.7 3.7 El Salvador 1.4 6.9 2017 2014–2017 Guatemala 12.8 28.3 Haiti 4.4 19.4 Honduras 3.2 13.2 Mexico 1.4 5.9 Nicaragua 0.8 7.1 Panama 0.4 2.9 Paraguay 0.7 3.3 Peru 1.7 5.8 Uruguay 1.5 5.2 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.6 4.7 2017 2014–2017 Country/territory activities 38.7 156.8 Regional activities 5.0 28.8 Total programme expenses 43.7 185.6 BY PURPOSE $MILLIONS * Figures for Caribbean, English- and Dutch-speaking, comprise several countries and islands which, for reporting purposes, have been classified under one heading, including Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Netherlands Antilles (Aruba, Curacao, and St. Maarten), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Core Non-core Total Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 7.9 10.4 18.3 41.9% 2014–2017 42.1 41.1 83.2 44.9% Adolescents 2017 3.8 2.5 6.3 14.4% 2014–2017 21.8 10.9 32.7 17.6% Gender equality and rights 2017 2.4 1.7 4.1 9.4% 2014–2017 11.5 15.4 26.9 14.5% Data for development 2017 3.6 9.7 13.3 30.4% 2014–2017 20.9 15.0 35.9 19.3% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 1.7 — 1.7 3.9% 2014–2017 6.4 0.5 6.9 3.7% 33 © UNFPA 34 RESOURCES, MANAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS 35 RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Top 20 core donors to UNFPA for 20171 $ Sweden 63,802,858 Norway 50,784,280 Denmark 43,157,032 Netherlands 37,353,255 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 25,873,221 Germany 25,061,987 Finland 20,000,000 Japan 18,323,833 Switzerland 16,427,105 Canada 12,130,638 Top 20 non-core donors to UNFPA for 20172 $ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 140,079,966 United Nations and Interorganizational transfers 125,350,568 European Commission 61,464,003 Sweden 53,064,037 Denmark 45,609,017 Netherlands 43,451,764 Guatemala 40,747,659 Canada 34,455,396 Norway 17,246,709 Republic of Korea 16,637,935 $ Australia 15,273,468 Japan 14,917,251 Luxembourg 11,000,318 Italy 9,985,171 Belgium 9,713,643 Haiti 8,000,000 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 7,197,256 Switzerland 5,876,587 United States of America 5,834,837 France 5,401,335 1 These amounts represent the contribution revenue recorded for 2014–2017 core resources. All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. 2 The amounts represent contribution revenue for trust funds. They includes multi-year co-financing agreements, which were recognized in 2014–2017, in accordance with UNFPA accounting policies. Programme implementation continues to be linked to actual receipt of resources. All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. $ Belgium 10,238,908 Australia 6,900,672 Luxembourg 4,509,209 New Zealand 4,163,775 Ireland 2,988,260 Italy 1,567,749 China 1,200,000 France 597,177 Pakistan 550,866 Spain 540,865 36 1 These amounts represent the contribution revenue recorded for 2014–2017 core resources. All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. 2 The amounts represent contribution revenue for trust funds. They includes multi-year co-financing agreements, which were recognized in 2014–2017, in accordance with UNFPA accounting policies. Programme implementation continues to be linked to actual receipt of resources. All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. Top 20 core donors to UNFPA for 2014–20171 in Top 20 non-core donors to UNFPA for 2014–20172 in $ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 527,843,391 United Nations and Interorganizational transfers 494,730,674 Netherlands 180,101,358 Canada 137,441,984 European Commission 120,478,285 Sweden 108,153,684 United States of America 101,246,343 Denmark 64,008,228 Japan 59,056,630 Norway 58,352,535 $ Guatemala 47,310,978 Australia 37,324,569 Republic of Korea 30,490,590 Luxembourg 24,601,155 Switzerland 24,035,709 Belgium 20,420,611 France 18,542,817 Italy 17,115,980 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 15,261,079 Finland 15,226,229 $ Sweden 250,590,977 Norway 222,372,793 Netherlands 164,551,345 Denmark 152,768,280 Finland 138,483,502 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 114,747,713 Germany 95,439,949 United States of America 92,640,000 Japan 79,252,594 Switzerland 65,625,258 $ Canada 50,243,588 Australia 39,563,675 Belgium 36,322,435 New Zealand 17,856,391 Luxembourg 14,305,544 Ireland 13,497,379 Italy 6,269,217 China 4,800,000 France 2,809,051 Pakistan 2,042,974 37 RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Revenue and expenses1 $MILLIONS 1 All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. 2 This amount represents reimbursement of income taxes to the taxpayers of one Member State for years 2014-2016. It is included in the ‘Other revenue’ amount. REVENUE 2017 2014–2017 Core resources Contributions to core resources - gross 349.9 1,578.3 Less: transfers to other revenue for reimbursement of tax charges2 — (17.3) Other revenue 67.7 223.7 Total core resources revenue 417.6 1,784.7 Non–core resources Contributions to non-core resources - gross 717.6 2,314.0 Less: refunds to donors (8.4) (20.9) Less: indirect costs (39.3) (141.0) Less: UNFPA contributions to joint programmes where it serves as a Managing Agent — (0.4) Other revenue 25.1 44.5 Total non-core resources revenue 695.0 2,196.2 TOTAL REVENUE 1,112.6 3,980.9 EXPENSES Core resources Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions and other programme activities 215.3 1,126.2 Institutional budget 141.5 558.1 Corporate 22.2 85.5 Total core resources expenses 379.0 1,769.8 Non–core resources Country programmes, Global and Regional Interventions and other programme activities 537.6 2,009.0 Corporate 10.3 50.1 Total non-core resources expenses 547.9 2,059.1 TOTAL EXPENSES 926.9 3,828.9 38 Core resources Non-core resources Institutional budget Total Total by percentage Integrated sexual and reproductive health 2017 108.8 355.6 — 464.4 52.0% 2014–2017 553.2 1,383.8 — 1,937.0 52.4% Adolescents 2017 25.6 45.9 — 71.5 8.0% 2014–2017 131.4 130.1 — 261.5 7.1% Gender equality and rights 2017 25.6 92.5 — 118.1 13.2% 2014–2017 131.4 304.8 — 436.2 11.8% Data for development 2017 38.3 38.9 — 77.2 8.6% 2014–2017 237.4 175.1 — 412.5 11.2% Organizational efficiency and effectiveness 2017 17.0 4.7 141.5 163.2 18.2% 2014–2017 72.8 15.2 558.1 646.1 17.5% TOTAL 2017 215.3 537.6 141.5 894.4 2014–2017 1,126.2 2,009.0 558.1 3,693.3 UNFPA programme and institutional budget expenses by purpose $MILLIONS 39 RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Programme and institutional budget by region $MILLIONS Core resources Non-core resources Institutional budget Total Total by percentage East and Southern Africa 2017 49.8 126.5 18.0 194.3 21.7% 2014–2017 261.1 462.6 71.1 794.8 21.5% West and Central Africa 2017 45.6 87.0 18.2 150.8 16.9% 2014–2017 214.2 361.0 69.7 644.9 17.5% Arab States 2017 20.3 124.0 11.3 155.6 17.4% 2014–2017 104.0 337.8 42.8 484.6 13.1% Asia and the Pacific 2017 47.8 52.7 17.7 118.2 13.2% 2014–2017 289.0 222.1 69.8 580.9 15.7% Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 19.4 24.3 12.1 55.8 6.2% 2014–2017 102.7 82.9 46.9 232.5 6.3% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2017 12.5 29.6 6.7 48.8 5.5% 2014–2017 60.8 66.0 25.7 152.5 4.1% Office in Addis Ababa 2017 0.5 — 0.7 1.2 0.1% 2014–2017 2.3 — 0.7 3.0 0.1% Global activities 2017 19.4 93.5 56.8 169.7 19.0% 2014–2017 92.1 476.6 231.4 800.1 21.7% TOTAL 2017 215.3 537.6 141.5 894.4 2014–2017 1,126.2 2,009.0 558.1 3,693.3 40 Programme expenses by implementing agency $MILLIONS Expenses by gender marker $MILLIONS Core resources Non-core resources Total Total by percentage Governments 2017 23.2 66.8 90.0 12.0% 2014–2017 157.7 278.2 435.9 13.9% Non-governmental organizations 2017 15.5 161.5 177.0 23.5% 2014–2017 113.2 480.1 593.3 18.9% United Nations organizations 2017 0.9 2.4 3.3 0.4% 2014–2017 4.3 8.0 12.3 0.4% UNFPA 2017 175.7 306.9 482.6 64.1% 2014–2017 851.0 1,242.7 2,093.7 66.8% TOTAL 2017 215.3 537.6 752.9 2014–2017 1,126.2 2,009.0 3,135.2 Core resources Non-core resources Total Total by percentage Primary objective of the activity is contribution to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment (gender stand-alone) 2017 21.1 101.6 122.7 16.3% 2014–2017 114.1 317.8 431.9 13.8% Significant contribution to gender equality (gender mainstreaming) 2017 88.6 217.6 306.2 40.7% 2014–2017 468.9 939.3 1,408.2 44.9% Some contribution to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment 2017 88.2 198.1 286.3 38.0% 2014–2017 434.6 653.5 1,088.1 34.7% No contribution to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment 2017 17.4 20.3 37.7 5.0% 2014–2017 108.6 98.4 207.0 6.6% TOTAL 2017 215.3 537.6 752.9 2014–2017 1,126.2 2,009.0 3,135.2 41 RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Donor commitments 20171 CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS CORE RESOURCES DONOR $ Albania 1,067 Andorra 11,141 Angola 20,000 Armenia 3,000 Australia 6,900,672 Bahamas 1,000 Bangladesh 41,300 Belgium 10,238,908 Benin 3,204 Bhutan 5,950 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 9,000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,000 Botswana 5,072 Burkina Faso 13,259 Burundi 542 Cambodia 5,500 Cameroon 15,954 Canada 12,130,638 Chad 25,000 Chile 5,000 China 1,200,000 Comoros 500 Cook Islands 1,036 Costa Rica 5,108 Côte d'Ivoire 28,618 Cuba 5,000 Denmark 43,157,032 Dominican Republic 14,969 Egypt 21,294 El Salvador 2,000 Equatorial Guinea 10,000 Eritrea 5,000 Estonia 63,694 Ethiopia 2,597 Fiji 2,525 Finland 20,000,000 DONOR $ France 597,177 Georgia 20,000 Germany 25,061,987 Guatemala 2,017 Guinea Bissau 2,970 Guyana 999 Honduras 5,428 Iceland 300,000 India 505,286 Indonesia 14,058 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 62,794 Ireland 2,988,260 Israel 70,000 Italy 1,567,749 Japan 18,323,833 Jordan 49,995 Kazakhstan 50,000 Kenya 10,000 Kiribati 14,914 Kuwait 10,000 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 3,000 Lesotho 2,837 Liechtenstein 25,100 Luxembourg 4,509,209 Madagascar 29,778 Malaysia 15,000 Mali 7,529 Mauritania 8,420 Mexico 70,000 Micronesia (Federated States of) 3,000 Monaco 5,302 Mongolia 12,000 Morocco 11,909 Mozambique 5,000 Myanmar 166 Nepal 4,588 42 DONOR $ Netherlands 37,353,255 New Zealand 4,163,775 Nicaragua 5,000 Norway 50,784,280 Oman 10,000 Pakistan 550,866 Palau 750 Palestine 4,993 Panama 10,000 Peru 1,602 Philippines 33,180 Portugal 88,863 Qatar 29,975 Republic of Korea 101,167 Romania 10,000 Russian Federation 300,000 Rwanda 1,000 Samoa 3,000 São Tomé and Príncipe 8,669 Saudi Arabia 500,000 Sierra Leone 30,000 Singapore 5,000 Slovakia 5,807 Slovenia 5,599 South Africa 38,844 Spain 540,865 Sri Lanka 18,000 Sudan 60,000 Suriname 1,000 Swaziland 10,000 Sweden 63,802,858 Switzerland 16,427,105 Tajikistan 795 Thailand 146,528 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2,500 Togo 5,366 DONOR $ Tonga 995 Trinidad and Tobago 4,990 Turkey 150,000 Turkmenistan 6,000 Uganda 15,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 25,873,221 United Arab Emirates 10,000 Uruguay 5,000 Vanuatu 864 Viet Nam 20,000 Zambia 33,255 Zimbabwe 30,000 Private Contributions 85,198 Subtotal 349,624,050 Government contribution to local office costs 290,396 TOTAL 349,914,446 1 All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. 43 RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Donor commitments 2014-20171 CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS CORE RESOURCES DONOR $ Afghanistan 1,000 Albania 2,567 Algeria 40,000 Andorra 47,122 Angola 140,000 Argentina 10,000 Armenia 12,000 Australia 39,563,675 Bahamas 3,000 Bangladesh 116,300 Barbados 5,000 Belgium 36,322,435 Belize 7,500 Benin 5,204 Bhutan 29,801 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 28,032 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,500 Botswana 20,287 Burkina Faso 65,459 Burundi 2,343 Cambodia 12,500 Cameroon 72,253 Canada 50,243,588 Chad 152,743 Chile 25,000 China 4,800,000 Comoros 2,000 Cook Islands 2,068 Costa Rica 21,320 Côte d’Ivoire 154,474 Cuba 15,000 Czech Republic 81,646 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 19,981 Denmark 152,768,280 Djibouti 3,000 Dominican Republic 44,615 Egypt 168,348 El Salvador 6,000 Equatorial Guinea 40,000 DONOR $ Eritrea 22,000 Estonia 270,215 Ethiopia 11,378 Fiji 7,538 Finland 138,483,502 France 2,809,051 Gabon 17,233 Georgia 80,000 Germany 95,439,949 Ghana 54,000 Guatemala 10,992 Guinea Bissau 4,970 Guyana 2,499 Honduras 17,666 Hungary 8,537 Iceland 300,000 India 1,995,157 Indonesia 70,681 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 122,152 Ireland 13,497,379 Israel 225,000 Italy 6,269,217 Japan 79,252,594 Jordan 200,132 Kazakhstan 199,970 Kenya 39,987 Kiribati 60,611 Kuwait 40,000 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 10,000 Lesotho 10,153 Liechtenstein 103,624 Luxembourg 14,305,544 Madagascar 29,778 Malawi 5,411 Malaysia 60,000 Maldives 10,000 Mali 30,114 Mauritania 14,590 Mauritius 8,786 44 DONOR $ Mexico 280,000 Micronesia (Federated States of) 6,000 Monaco 47,232 Mongolia 27,800 Morocco 47,636 Mozambique 5,000 Myanmar 680 Nauru 405 Nepal 27,615 Netherlands 164,551,345 New Zealand 17,856,391 Nicaragua 25,000 Niger 40,000 Norway 222,372,793 Oman 30,000 Pakistan 2,042,974 Palau 950 Palestine 4,993 Panama 30,000 Papua New Guinea 11,570 Peru 7,204 Philippines 132,373 Poland 67,766 Portugal 88,863 Qatar 119,925 Republic of Korea 406,317 Romania 30,000 Russian Federation 1,200,000 Rwanda 1,950 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,000 Samoa 9,000 São Tomé and Príncipe 27,441 Saudi Arabia 2,000,000 Senegal 26,493 Seychelles 2,000 Sierra Leone 120,000 Singapore 20,000 Slovakia 17,430 Slovenia 5,599 DONOR $ South Africa 157,804 Spain 540,865 Sri Lanka 72,000 Sudan 104,800 Suriname 1,200 Swaziland 40,000 Sweden 250,590,977 Switzerland 65,625,258 Tajikistan 3,289 Thailand 542,408 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2,500 Togo 22,256 Tokelau 2,000 Tonga 2,016 Trinidad and Tobago 19,990 Tunisia 42,635 Turkey 600,000 Turkmenistan 9,000 Uganda 50,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 114,747,713 United Arab Emirates 40,000 United Republic of Tanzania 7,449 United States of America 92,640,000 Uruguay 60,000 Uzbekistan 478 Vanuatu 1,729 Viet Nam 80,000 Yemen 24,910 Zambia 35,574 Zimbabwe 120,000 Private Contributions 230,740 Subtotal 1,577,267,787 Government contribution to local office costs 1,043,443 TOTAL 1,578,311,230 1 All 2017 figures are provisional as of 20 April 2018. 45 Johnson & Johnson With support from Johnson & Johnson, UNFPA is helping reduce maternal deaths in Haiti and Liberia by increasing the number and capacity of skilled birth attendants and improving linkages between local communities and maternal health services. At the Marigot maternity clinic, one of five obstetric and newborn care centres supported by Johnson & Johnson in Haiti, midwives provide free maternal health services. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation UNFPA partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Kingdom Department for International Development and WorldPop/ Flowminder to harness the power of spatial reference technology to help Afghanistan collect population data from all areas of the country, including those that have been hard to reach because of security concerns. ©UNFPA/Elena Heatherwick PARTNERSHIPS 46 UNFCU Foundation With support of the UNFCU Foundation, Fistula Foundation Nigeria and UNFPA enabled 248 women and girls suffering from obstetric fistula to be successfully treated in Northern Nigeria. Thirty women had been diagnosed with “very complex fistulas” and received access to advanced reconstructive surgical care. ©UNFPA/Kori Habib Zonta Fistula survivors on the day of their graduation from the Liberia Fistula Rehabilitation and Reintegration Centre. The project is delivered by UNFPA with financial support from Zonta International. ©UNFPA/Calixte Hessou Parliamentarians Members of Parliament from Africa and Europe see first-hand the impact of maternal health and youth-empowerment programmes in Conakry, Guinea, in 2017. ©EPF 47 UNFPA programmes reached women and young people in 155 countries, territories and other areas in 2017 through a network of 1 36 country offices, six regional and two subregional offices and liaison offices in Addis Ababa, Brussels, Copenhagen, Geneva, London, Tokyo and Washington, D.C. These offices combined had a total of 2,647 regular staff in 2017. © Simon Straetker / Ascent Xmedia / Getty Images UNFPA Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Tel. +1 212 297 5000 www.unfpa.org @unfpa ©UNFPA 2018 ISBN: 978 1 61800 031 6 E/1,500/2018

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