Welcome to the UNFPA Supplies Partnership 2021-2030: Uniting for Transformative Action in Family Planning and Maternal Health

Publication date: 2020

UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP a WELCOME TO THE UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 2021-2030 Uniting for transformative action in FAMILY PLANNING & MATERNAL HEALTH supplies partnership UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 2 Khiljee, Nepal. © Nicolas Axelrod/Ruom for UNFPA UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 3 THE CASE FOR COMMITMENT: THE UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 2021–2030 The UNFPA Supplies Partnership 2021–2030 represents a new decade of commitment to advancing family planning and maternal health and accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Launched in 2007 by UNFPA, the United Nations reproductive health agency, this flagship programme and thematic fund enters its third phase as a partnership of purpose. We are partners with a country compact, delivering reproductive health supplies to the last mile while building stronger, more sustainable national health systems and services. 89 million unintended pregnancies 26.8 million unsafe abortions 227,000 maternal deaths 1.4 million child deaths Since launch, 2008 through 2019, UNFPA Supplies is estimated to have PREVENTED: UNFPA Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security 2007-2012 UNFPA Supplies 2013-2020 UNFPA Supplies Partnership 2021-2030 UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 4 The Partnership builds on a growing commitment to collaboration across the United Nations and the global community. We know that affordable, quality sexual and reproductive health services save and improve lives. Stronger partnerships can enhance the efficiency and impact of efforts by partners united for change: governments, donors, other United Nations agencies, international and national non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academia, the private sector and other implementing partners. Taking forward some of the most significant aspects of past progress, the Partnership builds on extensive programmatic experience since 2007. In the next decade, we will place even greater priority on the following: Gender equality and human rights Sustainable finance with domestic resources Tailored and targeted approaches to maximize the impact of resources based on need and opportunity Visibility of commodities to the last mile, with performance, accountability and assurance processes The programme is a platform for promoting reproductive health, including family planning, as a core element and driver of sustainable development. Through the UNFPA Supplies Partnership, country commitments are met with a powerful procurement mechanism to increase availability of modern contraceptives and essential maternal health medicines to the last mile. As the world’s largest procurer of donated contraceptives, we work with countries to maximize donor-funding and domestic resources to procure quality-assured modern contraceptives and life-saving maternal health medicines. The point of these products is about people and meeting their needs. In addition, we support transformative action to strengthen national health systems, supply chains and policies. Our focus on impact prioritizes accountability, visibility and efficiency to help countries go the last mile to reach those most in need. The work is guided by a participatory governance model that fosters co-creation and shared decision-making among stakeholders to achieve programme results. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 5 Availability & choice Increase availability and quality-assured reproductive health commodities, including for family planning Strengthened supply chains Ensure contracep- tives and other reproductive health commodities reach the last mile and promote harmoni- zation and inte- gration of supply chains Increased government commitment Country financial contributions to quality reproductive health supplies and services are increased Family planning is prioritized as a core element of sustainable development Operational effectiveness & efficiency UNFPA demonstrates robust and accountable programme performance and oversight STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK An overarching strategic framework with four pillars defines the results we aim to achieve. Overall Goal: Contribute to ending unmet need for family planning and preventable maternal mortality by increasing equitable access to high-quality modern contraceptives and life-saving maternal health medicines. Partnership Outcome: Women and girls are able to access and use a choice of quality commodities for reproductive health, including family planning, whenever they want or need them. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 6 HOW WE WORK: THREE FUNDING STREAMS Countries are invited to apply for support through three funding streams that complement and reinforce each other. The funding streams work together to catalyse sustainable change and achieve programme results set out in the strategic framework. PERFORMANCE: We measure results, build capacity and strengthen accountability and visibility to the last mile in order to reach areas most in need through effective and efficient use of resources. This funding stream addresses efforts to measure and monitor performance and evidence of impact by tracking distribution of supplies to the end user – especially those hardest-to- reach. It covers costs of personnel, management and governance; last mile assurance (LMA) processes; and building supply chain management capacity for planning, quantification and distribution. This funding stream supports compliance with the country compact to ensure women and girls are able to access and use a choice of quality reproductive health commodities – supporting programme performance to the last mile. SUPPLIES: This stream funds a range of contraceptives and maternal health medicines, including for humanitarian crises. We support national action to expand access to family planning and maternal health commodities for millions of the world’s poorest women and girls. As the world’s largest provider of donated contraceptives, the programme works closely with countries to strengthen health systems to deliver them to clients. This funding stream encompasses modern contraceptives, life-saving maternal health medicines and other reproductive health commodities as well as related costs (e.g. freight, packaging and labelling, sampling and testing), with an additional emphasis on new and lesser-used products. TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION: This stream works to strengthen supply chains, improve policy, diversify financing and expand access to new and lesser-used contraceptive methods. We are identifying tailored and targeted approaches with Partnership countries to maximize the impact of resources. Decisions about the best action for each country are based on need and opportunity. Rigorous economic analysis and other assessments inform strategic choices on interventions to strengthen supply chains and the policy enabling environment for reproductive health, including family planning, with an additional short-term seed fund to help bridge availability and access. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 7 Partnership resources are allocated to funding streams at the global level. Next, they are allocated to countries based on need and strategic opportunities, to ensure that resources are directed where they are needed most. Each funding stream works independently of each other to meet specific country needs; there is no longer a fixed split in allocations as in the previous programme phase. Before commodities funding is released, a validated national supply plan must be provided. In terms of support from donors, the programme seeks multi- year funding to facilitate multi-year supply planning and commodities budget allocation, and multi-year Transformative Action activities. RESOURCES ARE ALLOCATED to countries based on need and strategic opportunities to ensure that resources are directed where they are needed most. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 8 The UNFPA Supplies Partnership Transforming lives by building a world where everyone can access quality reproductive health supplies SUPPLIES PERFORMANCE Su st ai n ab le D ev el op m en t G oal s UNFPA Transform ative R esu lts Pathway to Sustaina bility Availability and choice Transformative ACTION Increased government comm itme nt St re n gt h en ed s up pl y ch ain s UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 9 Achieving global goals and the UNFPA transformative results Sustainable Development Goals The UNFPA Supplies Partnership contributes directly to the following targets of the Sustainable Development Goals: Target 3.7: By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health- care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes. Target 3.8: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. Target 5.6: Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences. Target 3.3: By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other communicable diseases. Humanitarian targets are also addressed by the UNFPA Strategic Plan, through strengthened capacities to provide high-quality integrated information and services for family planning, comprehensive maternal health, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, as well as information and services that are responsive to emergencies and fragile contexts. The humanitarian data strategy also contributes to risk reduction. UNFPA Transformative Results The programme advances the transformative results of the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2018–2021: 1) ending unmet need for family planning; 2) ending preventable maternal deaths; and 3) ending gender-based violence and harmful practices. This is also expressed as our strategic effort to achieve three zeros by 2030: zero unmet need for contraception; zero preventable maternal deaths; and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, such as child marriage and female genital mutilation. ICPD Programme of Action, Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 commitments Ending the unmet need for family planning – when women want to avoid a pregnancy but are not using a modern method of contraception – advances “the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so” (ICPD para. 7.3). The ICPD includes a clear commitment to ensure that women and men have access to the widest possible range of safe and effective family planning methods in order to enable them to exercise free and informed choice. United Nations Decade of Action The Decade of Action calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to the world’s biggest challenges. The UNFPA Supplies Partnership creates a dynamic means to realizing greater sustainability and commitment in the countries that are most in need of support, not only for contraceptives but for policy analysis, budget, procurement, national health systems strengthening and processes that lead to greater long-term use of domestic resources for family planning. PERFORMANCE UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 9 UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 10 Tanzania. © UNFPA/Karlien Truyens UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 11 SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH FOR EVERYONE EVERYWHERE: GO THE LAST MILE A young woman entering her reproductive years: This is where the programme begins, ensuring she can count on access to and availability of information, services and supplies to protect her sexual and reproductive health and rights. She can: stay in school, delay marriage, space or avoid pregnancy, protect her health and earn more income. But we must “go the last mile” to reach her with trucks or carts or motorbikes delivering supplies even where hard to reach. We must ensure staff at remote service delivery points know how to place orders and forecast need and convey that information back up the supply chain. UNFPA applies a last mile assurance process to audit the supplies it provides, the bulk of which are distributed through the UNFPA Supplies Partnership. The LMA process follows products from their handover to implementing partners all the way to the service delivery points where women have access to them. Findings from the mapping, assessments and reports – especially those related to weak supply chain management, logistics information systems and commodity quantification errors – are used by the UNFPA Supplies Partnership to identify opportunities where the Transformative Action funding stream can maximize impact. SHE CAN: stay in school, delay marriage, space or avoid pregnancy, earn more and protect her health. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 12 How do we know if reproductive health supplies reach her? SIGN AGREEMENTS with all implementing partners that outline terms and conditions under which partners must manage, safeguard and distribute the supplies. ASSESS CONDITIONS in storage in warehouses, during transportation and at facilities to ensure correct temperature and humidity ranges, cleanliness, no exposure to sun and other weather elements or pests that could compromise the quality of products. STRENGTHEN SKILLS among personnel at country and regional levels in supply chain management using training, webinars and other online training, plus on-the- job training for staff who accompany country teams to learn by doing. PROVIDE EVIDENCE to confirm that UNFPA-donated supplies reach the designated service delivery points where women and men can access them at the last mile in a way that is timely and consistent. Track data as supplies make their way from manufacturer to end user, to reach more with the right product at the right time. IMPROVE KNOWLEDGE USING FIVE KEY TOOLS: We can use supply chain maps to easily see the flow of supplies and information. We can also use supply chain management capacity assessments and risk assessments, programme supplies reports, and spot checks and audits. REACH HER WITH THE RIGHT PRODUCT AT THE RIGHT TIME. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 13 The Partnership works to improve the lives of adolescents and youth, including young women and young men, enabled by human rights and gender equality. As we intensify support to the last mile, we must reach adolescents and youth left furthest behind. The young woman at the centre of our Partnership needs accurate and timely information, services and supplies that uphold her right to sexual and reproductive health. She may need special attention if she has a lower educational level or disabilities, and lives in poverty or if she is married, pregnant, living with HIV, non-binary, displaced or a refugee – all situations that raise her risk. She may have little say in her life, and not know her rights. UNFPA works to address these challenges by focusing on the protection and fulfilment of girls’ rights. This includes supporting comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health care to help girls avoid pregnancy. UNFPA also advocates supporting girls who become pregnant so they can return to school and reach their full potential. Through advocacy, supplies, method choice and data – the UNFPA Supplies Partnership supports adolescents and youth in our principles and practice. Among other actions, the Partnership: • Supports countries in their efforts to empower youth and provide quality youth-responsive services. • Works to meet the contraceptive needs of adolescents and youth, who have higher rates of unintended pregnancies than any other age group. Because their needs will change over the life course, expanding the method mix is of particular relevance. • Invests in data and knowledge to strengthen the evidence base for action responsive to an age group characterized by diversity. • Advocates for inclusion of human rights-based approaches in national reproductive health and family planning programmes, calling for systematic and explicit attention to human rights principles with a focus on those with the greatest need. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 14 Haiti. © UNFPA UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 15 The country compact is an agreement among partners While UNFPA has always worked at the request of nations, this new phase of the programme forges an agreement called a compact that is signed by the UNFPA Supplies Partnership, the UNFPA Country Office and the national government, including Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance. While implementing NGO partners are not signatories to the compact, they are critical partners in reproductive health, including family planning, and they take part in the development of the compact, ensuring meaningful inclusion so that their needs and contributions are included in agreements. All partners work together to achieve country goals, advance country ownership and promote country leadership. The purpose of the compact is to realize the goals of the programme, create greater transparency and accountability and clarify how the Partnership works. It includes: • Objectives, terms, roles and responsibilities • Commitments to gender equality and human rights and a shift to sustainable financing • Contributions and responsibilities, e.g. customs clearance, storage and distribution • Cooperation arrangements • Timetable for programme delivery and contributions • How to be “a partner in good standing” and what happens when partners do not meet responsibilities The compact looks different in each country. It is valid for five years and can be extended for an additional five years by agreement. The compact also includes specific details regarding funding, commodity and technical contributions and allocations by and to all partners for each year. The aim is to incentivize success rather than penalize failure to meet agreed commitments. The compact is anchored by guiding principles of human rights-based approaches to family planning, country-driven, government-led processes, and clear and measurable goals. A COMPACT FOR SHARED COMMITMENT: A FRAMEWORK FOR PARTNERSHIP UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 16 Eligibility criteria determine the level of support To identify countries eligible for inclusion in the programme, we applied three widely used criteria that are transparent and objectively verifiable: GNI/per capita (Atlas method), contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) and maternal mortality ratio (MMR). In addition, we developed a country categorization process that applies a composite index to eligible countries, incorporating measures of a country’s economy and contributions to health. Countries were organized into groups using an economic index to distinguish their different levels of need and capacity. This index uses GNI per capita to reflect the size of the economy and the World Bank Income Classification to ensure the poorest countries are prioritized. With the exception of low income countries, average GDP growth was added to reflect the broad direction of economic growth. To determine how best to allocate programmatic resources, we apply a system that takes into account where countries are in terms of the following factors: a) policies, systems and capacity; b) commitment to health generally and family planning in particular; c) capability to deliver services and reach the last mile; and d) current financing level and approach. Another index helps the Partnership set reasonable expectations for country contributions of domestic resources to finance reproductive health supplies, which is considered a priority step towards sustainability. The index looks at general government health expenditure (domestic sources) as a percentage of government spending in total and specifically on health. Partnership countries gain access to resources at different stages As the programme evolves over time, countries move through stages along a pathway towards sustainable transition. This ensures that resource allocation decisions favour countries with the greatest needs. The three stages along the pathway are full programme, modified support and technical support. The full programme is where most countries and the majority of resources are focused. Transition is the period when countries gradually assume full responsibility for the domestic financing and procurement of reproductive and maternal health commodities. It is a multi-year period during which countries receive support while implementing a government-led transition plan to address key bottlenecks and leverage opportunities. Based on equity assessments, countries will be candidates for transition as their capacity and systems grow stronger. Some 5 to 10 countries are expected to move away from the programme by 2030. Participating countries in the UNFPA Supplies Partnership © UNFPA Map disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNFPA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Afghanistan Angola Benin Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo Côte d’Ivoire Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea Bissau Guinea Haiti Honduras Kyrgyz Republic Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mozambique Myanmar Nepal Niger Nigeria Pacific Island Countries Papua New Guinea Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia South Sudan Sudan Tajikistan Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Uganda Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 18 STAGE 1 Full programme STAGE 2 Modified support STAGE 3 Technical support STAGE 4 Standard transition Full programme countries have access to all resources in the Partnership. Most countries and most programme resources are in Stage 1 at the start. Countries are eligible for: • Routine commodities • New and lesser-used commodities • Additional Third Party Procurement incentive support • Application to the Transformative Action funding stream • Performance funding stream Countries enter a stepped-down approach while increasing domestic financing and shifting to the next stage, technical support. Countries are eligible for: • Step-down matching arrangements for routine commodities • New and lesser-used commodities • Additional Third Party Procurement incentive support • Application to the Transformative Action funding stream • Performance funding stream Countries are eligible for support through UNFPA Regional Office as well as some Partnership resources including: • Technical support from Regional Offices • Application for matching support for new and lesser-used commodities (for product introduction) • Limited procurement support/incentive for Third Party Procurement • Limited application to the Transformative Action stream subject to funding availability • Limited funds from Performance stream PATHWAY TO SUSTAINABILITY C O U N T R Y T R A N S IT IO N Five to 10 countries by 2030 UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 19 Humanitarian emergencies The approach to humanitarian support is one of integration. Guided by the UNFPA Humanitarian Supplies Strategy 2020-2025, the UNFPA Supplies Partnership uses its resources to promote resilience and preparedness in countries most likely to be affected by humanitarian crises. The focus is on integrating and mainstreaming humanitarian capacity-building components into the programme’s broader efforts to strengthen procurement and supply chain systems for routine commodities. Two mechanisms support this area: • Transformative Action funds may be used for activities that strengthen and operationalize the humanitarian-development nexus to support preparedness and resilience. • A contingency fund in the programme’s budget allows for rapid deployment of essential supplies at the outset of an emergency, ensuring commodities are available where and when needed. Maximizing the use of resources The UNFPA Supplies Partnership works closely with governments and other partners to ensure the optimum use of resources, both donated and domestic. Two mechanisms are key: • UNFPA Procurement Services: Based in Copenhagen, this service offers competitive negotiated prices on commodities and low overhead rates and will also help to build capacity in procurement. • UNFPA Supplies Bridge Funding Mechanism: This resource is a revolving fund to address supply stock-outs related to a misalignment between the timing of donor contributions to the programme and procurement cycles. As of 2012, it also offers pre-financing. Governments of countries in the Partnership programme have the option of pre-financing their commodity procurement through UNFPA Procurement Services and/or bilateral co-financing agreements with UNFPA. This will not only contribute to reducing stock-outs, but will also catalyse transition for Partnership countries by building procurement capacity and ensuring quality-assured commodities. An application and review process also helps make the most of resources. Transformative Action funds are awarded based on an application process to ensure alignment with the programme’s strategic objectives and the country’s needs, which are identified partly through the last mile assurance process. A Sustainability Readiness Assessment tool also informs Transformative Action activities and is used to assess national systems strengthening needs and support transition to greater sustainability. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 20 El Fasher, North Darfur, Sudan. © UNAMID/Albert Gonzalez Farran UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 21 Participatory, accountable and transparent A new participatory governance structure enables the Partnership to be more accountable and transparent to those it serves, monitor performance, share knowledge and communicate results. Those we aim to reach have a stronger voice in the programme, as do our partners. GOVERNANCE: MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION Governments of partner countries UNFPA Donors Strategic partners Community-based organizations Civil society organizations PARTNERS ASSEM BLY Finance & risk subcommittee Strategy and planning subcommittee Leadership subcommittee STEERING COMMITTEE UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 22 The UNFPA Supplies Partnership is governed through a tiered Committee structure made up of key stakeholders from donors, programme governments, civil society and strategic partner organizations. The Steering Committee is optimized for decision-making and managed by an Independent Chair. Members of this small body are grouped into constituencies and represented by focal points that rotate every two to three years. The Steering Committee approves programme strategy, key documents and budget based on recommendations from three targeted subcommittees: 1) Finance and Risk; 2) Strategy and Planning; and 3) Leadership. Broader stakeholder input and engagement is achieved through an annual meeting of the Partners Assembly. The UNFPA Supplies Partners Assembly serves as the main forum for broad-based engagement on governance, advocacy and knowledge-sharing from programme implementation and resource mobilization. The Partners Assembly is a multi-stakeholder platform with representation from global, regional and select country-level agencies, bilateral partners, multilateral organizations, the private sector and civil society. Participation in annual meetings will be in-person as well as virtual and will include organizations working on gender equality and community organizations representing women. UNFPA Country Offices and personnel are critical focal points for achieving success. Important roles are also played by UNFPA Regional Offices. These offices review Transformative Action fund applications, share lessons learned and identify opportunities for South-South cooperation. An incremental roll-out ensures appropriate staffing and skills are in place, adequate country-level consultation, realistic planning with the timing of government budgets, implementation of human resources changes and coaching and support to Country Offices. Another priority is alignment and integration with broader UNFPA efforts to achieve the Strategic Plan’s three transformative results by 2030. Uniting for transformative action, together we have the potential to prevent 141 million unintended pregnancies and avert 328,000 maternal deaths by 2030 through the UNFPA Supplies Partnership. Ensuring access during COVID-19 The programme recognizes the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health and global supply chains and the economic disruptions the pandemic is causing for donors and partner countries. • UNFPA estimated in April 2020 that more than 47 million women could lose access to contraception, leading to 7 million unintended pregnancies if there were 6 months of lockdown due to the pandemic. • In Latin America, 13 million women and girls are predicted to be affected by lack of access to contraceptives, with adolescent girls facing the greatest barriers, resulting in an additional half a million teen pregnancies. Despite mitigation efforts, in many countries progress prior to the pandemic has slowed or even reversed. Looking ahead, our efforts will focus on recovery and supporting countries to “build back better” using innovations and solutions that have protected access to family planning during this challenging time. UNFPA has always worked with countries in challenging contexts and humanitarian emergencies, and this experience is informing our response to COVID-19. UNFPA SUPPLIES PARTNERSHIP 24 Vision Transforming lives by building a world where everyone can access quality reproductive health supplies. Partnership goal Contribute to ending unmet need for family planning and preventable maternal mortality by increasing equitable access to high- quality modern contraceptives and life-saving maternal health medicines. supplies partnership Outcomes and outputs OUTCOME 1: Increase availability of quality-assured reproductive health commodities Output 1.1: Efficient and timely procurement of a choice of quality-assured reproductive health commodities Output 1.2: Women and girls realize reproductive health and rights through strategic approaches to bridge availability and access to a broad range of commodities OUTCOME 2: Ensure reproductive health commodities reach the last mile and promote harmonization and integration of supply systems in countries Output 2.1: Improved supply chain management Output 2.2: Improved commodity and data visibility for last mile assurance OUTCOME 3: Countries increase and diversify financial and programmatic contributions and prioritize reproductive health and family planning as a core element of sustainable development Output 3.1: Increased and diversified allocations and use of domestic resources for reproductive health commodities and services Output 3.2: Funds secured by programme leveraged for improved impact Output 3.3: Family planning explicitly included and funded in development strategies and plans in the context of primary health care and universal health coverage OUTCOME 4: Operational effectiveness and efficiency: Robust programme performance, oversight and accountability Output 4.1: Enhanced partnerships, governance, advocacy and communications in support of programme goals and objectives Output 4.2: Improved programme management including effective and efficient stewardship of resources PARTNERSHIP OUTCOME Women and girls are able to access and use a choice of quality reproductive health commodities, including contraceptives for family planning, whenever they want or need them. Short-acting contraceptives Combined oral contraceptive pills Progestin only pills Emergency contraceptive pills Injectable contraceptives Male condoms Female condoms Long-acting reversible contraceptives Contraceptive implants Copper intra-uterine devices Hormonal intra-uterine devices Permanent contraceptive methods No-scalpel vasectomy kits Supplies for tubal ligation Maternal health supplies Oxytocin Carbetocin Tranexamic acid Misoprostol Mifepristone Misoprostol-Mifepristone combined pack MVA kits Magnesium sulfate Calcium gluconate Pre-packaged kits Emergency reproductive health kits HIV test kits SUPPLIES PROVIDED THROUGH THE UNFPA Supplies Partnership United Nations Population Fund 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Tel. +1 212 297 5000 www.unfpa.org @UNFPA © UNFPA

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