Family Planning Market Report 2019

Analysis from the newly published 2019 Family Planning Market Report shows an increase in market value from 2017 to 2018, though not to the historical levels seen prior to 2016. Notably, CYPs shipped of IUDs increased significantly in 2018 from a historic low in 2017, returning to levels seen over the 2014 to 2016 period. Jointly produced by the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, this fifth edition of the report has added one new supplier to its dataset, and now focuses on the latest five-year trend. The report continues to provide our community with the most comprehensive and reliable view into the public—and social—sector market for contraceptives across the 69 FP2020 focus countries and offers insightful and strategic outputs for donors, Ministries of Health (MoH), implementing organizations, and suppliers. The 2019 report will provide the most visibility in terms of data coverage for the 69 FP2020 focus countries, along with the most up-to date data, methodology, and trends/commentary perspective.

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