LEAP Custom Reports - Bespoke data offer front row visibility into supply needs and costs


Last September, the RHSC launched the LEAP Analysis to assess the growth in demand for supplies in family planning, maternal health, safe abortion, and menstrual hygiene – and the costs that will likely be required to meet that demand. LEAP explored growth trajectories in all low- and middle-income countries, segmented by income group. LEAP now offers even greater insight into the data through a set of Custom Reports for each health area. Each set of reports allows users to dive deeper into individual countries or regions, or into a particular category of supplies. They also make it possible to compare results across countries or regions. The LEAP Custom Reports offer a smooth, intuitive experience on a streamlined interface. See how it works at an upcoming webinar where LEAP author Michelle Weinberger will walk us through, and answer questions on, the Custom Reports.

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