
Country briefs model method shifts during COVID-19

5th August 2020

In May, the Coalition, in partnership with Avenir Health and the Global Financing Facility, unveiled MICRO Modeling to help healthcare planners estimate changing contraceptive needs in response to COVID-19. Now, one- and two-page...

Category: COVID-19

LAC Forum sidesteps pandemic, completes successful Encuentros

3rd August 2020

Unfazed by the blows COVID-19 is dealing global event planning, the LAC Forum has successfully completed 12 of 13 virtual Encuentros for health ministry officials and UNPFA staff from nine countries. Participants from Bolivia,...

Categories: COVID-19, ForoLAC

RHSC and JSI launch new effort to build roadmap for action

28th July 2020

Supply chain resilience and survival are at the heart of many ongoing debates within the SRH supplies community. Will the new normal ever be like the old? Should we shore up the global systems that have served us well? Or do we...

Category: COVID-19

RHSC helps shape conversation on COVID-19 and supplies

16th July 2020

Director John Skibiak has called for new ways to adapt existing supply chains in order to head off the ravages COVID-19 is wreaking on RH supplies. Speaking to Devex, he envisioned a post-COVID world with wider use of telemedicine...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

AAWG demands uninterrupted supplies during pandemic

7th July 2020

AAWG demands uninterrupted supplies during pandemic RH supplies and services are essential and life-saving and so cannot be interrupted during a crisis, says a recently released a call-to-action from the Coalition’s Advocacy and...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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