
Coalition adds 12 new members in December

9th January 2008

The Coalition continues to grow with 12 new members joining in December 2007.

Category: Featured

East African RH Network highlights supplies

9th January 2008

The first Project RMA sub-regional meeting was held on December 2-5, 2007 in Kampala, Uganda.

Categories: Featured, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Repositioning Family Planning Conference presentations available online

8th January 2008

The presentations from the two recent Repositioning Family Planning conferences will be available in the library section of the Global Exchange Network (GEN) for Reproductive Health website. To find out more about GEN, please read...

Categories: Secretariat, Featured, Burkina Faso

USAID produces "Repositioning in Action" E-Bulletin

8th January 2008

At the April 2007 membership meeting, Dia Timmerman of UNFPA spoke about the changing environment for international development assistance and the trend towards greater country ownership of the development process. Part of her...

Categories: Secretariat, Featured

Gaborone declaration on RHCS

28th December 2007

In the Gaborone Declaration on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) the parliamentarians and senior officials from 16 countries from SADC and Western Africa reaffirm their commitment to "advocating for increased national resources in support of SRH and RHCS."

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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