
Executive Committee member attends Philippines advocacy meeting

14th December 2007

Coalition Executive Committee member Jagdish Upadhyay recently attended a workship in the Philippines called "Advocacy in Strengthening National Capacity for Achieving Reproductive Health Commodity Security." Click here to read a...

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

The USAID - DELIVER project announces new customer service line

13th December 2007

Do you need information about your product shipment? Do you have a burning procurement question? Call us at our new Customer Service Line.

The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT now has a phone line for all your technical, procurement, and...

Categories: Technical support, Systems Strengthening Working Group

RMA WG update: November 2007

13th December 2007

The venue and dates of Project RMA's first Annual Global Civil Society Meeting, originally scheduled for January 2008 in Addis Ababa, have been changed. The new dates will be announced shortly.

Meanwhile, Project RMA has...

Categories: Burkina Faso, Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Ghana, Mexico, Tanzania, Uganda, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

MDA WG update: November 2007

13th December 2007

Ten members of the MDA WG met by teleconference on November 29 to review progress on the seven workstreams that comprise their newly developed workplan. One of the workstreams focuses on the long-term WG aim to facilitate a more...

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

RHI update: November 2007

13th December 2007

In November 2007, Jane Feinberg presented a poster entitled "RHInterchange: A tool for implementing reproductive health commodity security" at the American Public Health Association conference in Washington, DC, where...

Categories: Collaboration, Systems Strengthening Working Group

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