
Countries at Risk (CAR) Group: November 2007 update

13th December 2007

This month, the CAR issued its annual progress report which reviewed Group activities through September 2007. The report noted the CAR's success at having averted stock-outs in Kenya and Rwanda, but highlighted its limited ability...

Categories: Collaboration, Systems Strengthening Working Group

Coalition meets Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination Group

13th December 2007

Carolyn Hart of JSI represented the Coalition at the November 13 meeting of the Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination (IPC) Group. Convened by WHO's Essential Medicines team, the IPC comprises UN-implementing agencies and...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured

Pharmaceutical industry to improve supply chain

13th December 2007

Coalition Technical Officer Steve Kinzett joined representatives of more than 20 pharmaceutical and logistics firms, donors, and technical agencies to explore ways for the private sector to improve access to essential medicines in...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured, Market Development Approaches Working Group

PPD welcomes the Coalition to its Rabat Membership Meeting

13th December 2007

John Skibiak joined country delegates from around the world at the Partners in Population and Development's (PPD) 12th Annual Board and Membership meeting in Rabat, Morocco. Highlighting supply security as one of PPD's five...

Category: Uganda

Coalition participates in francophone virtual conference

13th December 2007

Coalition Director, John Skibiak, was one of 10 presenters at the 2nd Virtual Conference on Repositioning Family Planning. Sponsored by USAID, KfW, DSW, and MSH, the web-based forum drew some 300 participants from more than 30...

Categories: Innovation, Secretariat, Featured, Burkina Faso

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