
European Commission releases study on commodity security

13th December 2007

The European Commission (EC) has released the results of a major study on Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS). The 68-page report offers a technical analysis of the global supply challenge, outlines key recommendations...

Categories: Collaboration, Innovation, Featured, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Next membership meeting scheduled for week of 19 May in Brussels

13th December 2007

The European Commission and Secretariat have selected the week of May 19 for next year's membership meeting. The selection of this date was based on member feedback from the last membership meeting evaluation survey, a review of...

Categories: Collaboration, Secretariat, Featured

Securing the Coalition's future

13th December 2007

A key objective of the Coalition's Strategic Plan is to ensure the sustainability of the Coalition and its added value. To that end, the Secretariat has contracted former GAVI Alliance senior staff member, Bo Stenson, to develop a...

Categories: Secretariat, Featured

Seeking nominations for Co-Chair and Southern representation

13th December 2007

At its October meeting, the Executive Committee called for the establishment of a sub-committee to oversee the nomination of candidates for key governance posts on the Executive Committee. These posts include one Co-Chair...

Categories: Secretariat, Featured

Ethiopian Ministry of Health to provide more family planning services

12th December 2007

The Ethiopian Ministry of Health has announced plans to provide family planning services to 8.5 million mothers across the country during the current Ethiopian year.

The ministry intends expanding health services to every citizen...

Categories: Ethiopia, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, Systems Strengthening Working Group

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