
Coalition membership set to expand!

16th November 2007

More organisations to join Coalition

Categories: Secretariat, Featured

World Bank issues EOI

16th November 2007

Consultant sought for MVG/PG design study

Categories: Innovation, Featured, Systems Strengthening Working Group

Safeguarding the contraceptive supply in Latin America

12th November 2007

Outlook for contraceptive security and its challenges in Latin America

Categories: Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Market Development Approaches Working Group, Systems Strengthening Working Group

Socialist Group in European Parliament launches petition to cut VAT on condoms

9th November 2007

This article describes some of the VAT increases and the value of cutting VAT on condoms to the minimum rate.

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Systems Strengthening Copenhagen meeting December 2006

1st November 2007

Minutes online for this significant meeting which involved representatives from the SS WG, DFID and USAID

Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

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