
New report explores pandemic’s effect on funding

1st March 2023

A new report ‘Contraceptive Commodity Funding During the COVID-19 pandemic’ developed under the RHSC’s Compass Initiative shares the results of a deep analysis seeking to identify changes in donor and domestic financing for...

AAWG meets in person for the first time in 4 years

28th February 2023

In their first in-person gathering since 2019, 25 Accountability and Advocacy Working Group (AAWG) members – including 11 attending virtually – convened in Washington, D.C. to finalize the working group’s 2023 workplan, and...

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

New Report Asks What Effect COVID-19 Had On RH Supply Funding

23rd February 2023

How did COVID-19 affect budgeting for reproductive health supplies?  Are pre-pandemic funding trends continuing in countries and among donors? What lessons can we learn from this period? A new report Contraceptive Commodity...

Congratulations to MHS Caucus Chair

19th February 2023

Executive Director of Concept Foundation and Chair of the Maternal Health Supplies Caucus Dr. Metin Gülmezoglu was recently awarded a professorship at the University of Birmingham. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Gülmezoglu...

Category: Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

LAPTOP – an initiative worth supporting

15th February 2023

Since its launch over a decade ago, LAPTOP has attracted widespread attention, exceptional talent, and global recognition. LAPTOP is an initiative to cultivate tomorrow’s supply chain leaders, especially women in low- and...

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