
Consensus and convergence characterize membership discussions

1st September 2007

Membership Task Force draft a set of recommendations on Coalition membership

Category: Secretariat

First news about the review of software tools

1st September 2007

The Systems Strengthening Working Group (SSWG) has decided to undertake a review of supply chain software tools, with the aim of helping country managers understand what is available and decide on the tools that best serve their...

Categories: Technical support, Systems Strengthening Working Group

South Africa recalls faulty condoms

28th August 2007

Condom manufacturer denies allegations

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

UK and Germany announce international partnership

24th August 2007

Risk of not meeting health related MDGs acknowledged

Categories: Secretariat, Featured

Low-quality condoms flood Malawi

17th August 2007

Malawi working towards acquiring equipment to test condoms through the National AIDS Commission in spite of difficulties

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

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