
World Bank; Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 4319

14th August 2007

This paper looks at two key questions; does a firms' propensity to introduce new products or product innovation in developing countries? Do trade policies and the national investment climate affect firms' propensity for product innovation?

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Government provides free female condoms in public health centres

10th August 2007

In this article the Kenyan Assistant Health Minister defends why female condoms in Kenya are more expensive than of male condoms

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Joint Canadian and European Parliamentary study tour to Ghana, 21-28 July 2007

1st August 2007

Ghana tour summary and highlights

Category: Ghana

U.S. Senate committee endorses important FP/RH policy changes

29th June 2007

Including a link to the full committee's press release on the markup, which provides additional detail on funding levels contained in the bill

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Spain increases its funds given to the UN Population Fund

25th June 2007

10M for reproductive health products!

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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