
WHO expands list of essential medicines

1st June 2007

Good news from the WHO include additional important contraceptives in List of Essential Medicines

Categories: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, Market Development Approaches Working Group

Congress talks supplies

1st June 2007

US House of Representatives vote in favour of supplies

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

G8 acknowledges RH supply issue

1st June 2007

2007 G8 Summit reiterates support for the WHO´s prequalification programme.

Categories: Market Development Approaches Working Group, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Planning Committee update

1st June 2007

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Planning Committee prepare for October membership meeting.

Category: Secretariat

Membership Task Force takes first steps

1st June 2007

Membership Task Force agrees next steps for reviewing composition and structure of Coalition membership

Category: Secretariat

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