
Finalising the strategic plan

1st June 2007

International M&E specialists meet with Secretariat to and recommendations for the Coalition´s Strategic Plan, which is in its final stages.

Category: Secretariat

Understanding market development approaches

1st May 2007

Steps are taken by the Coalition to better understand Market Development Approaches in order to improve supply security.

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Coalition links Advocacy Toolkit with RHInterchange

1st May 2007

Staff of Population Action International and the RHI team find ways to link the Advocacy toolkit and the RHInterchange.

Categories: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, Systems Strengthening Working Group

Countries at Risk Group (CAR)

1st May 2007

Old CPT report gives improved resources to the Countries at Risk group.

Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

New communications officer starts in Brussels

1st May 2007

New Communications Officer for the Secretariat

Category: Secretariat

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