
A watershed year for the VAN

15th February 2023

2022 was a record year for the VAN, with a historically high number of people benefitting from its services. More than 100 member organizations with almost 600 individual users tracked in real time over 7,500 shipments of 71...

Category: Global FP VAN

LEAP continues to serve as go-to resource

13th February 2023

A recent RHSC-hosted webinar was a welcome reminder that the RHSC LEAP Report continues to be a relevant and useful resource for the reproductive health supply community. The report’s data informed the analyses shared in the...

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Knowledge Success showcases RHSC resources online

20th January 2023

Four flagship RHSC products appear in a curation of key resources on reproductive health commodity security compiled by JSI and Knowledge Success. The LEAP Analysis which estimates future use and cost of reproductive health...

RHSC YouTube channel attracts 44K views in 2022

20th January 2023

For nearly a decade, the RHSC YouTube channel has been a repository for a wide range of video offerings including webinars, General Membership Meeting highlights, and career counselling interviews with supply chain management...

ForoLAC announces its next round of LAPTOP Scholarships

9th January 2023

A new round of LAPTOP Scholarships will offer up to US$3,000 per individual to help defray the costs of a course of study in supply chain management. These scholarships seek to motivate young professionals from across Latin...

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