
Contraceptive market declines amid challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet method-specific trends show resilience

9th December 2022

Clinton Health Access Initiative and Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition release 2022 Family Planning Market Report 

RHSC Director at UNFPA Supplies Partnership Partners’ Assembly in Pattaya

13th November 2022

“We’re stocked out Martyn”. I absorbed the words of my regional manager from Eastern Sierra Leone. My thoughts immediately turned to Kadiatou and her family who I had met in Kailahun the month before. She’s relying on us for her...

“I get excited when I talk about data-sharing”

29th October 2022

Dr. Clétus Adohinzin is one of seven Ambassadors recently recruited to actively raise the VAN’s profile. The Ambassador program has a demanding list of requirements, but Dr. Adohinzin checks the boxes with ease. Read here why he...

Category: Global FP VAN

Analysis of supply challenges reflects RHSC perspectives

20th October 2022

The recently published “Meeting Family Planning Supply Chain Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa” takes a searching look at how global reproductive health supply chains are failing women seeking contraceptives. In coming to grips...

Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

Internship program bridges gap between education and work

11th October 2022

An inaugural supply chain internship program in Kisumu, Kenya, has hit the ground running. Funded by the RHSC with support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Girls on the Move, run by Pamela Steele Associates, recruited...

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