
New efforts gather speed under Compass initiative

6th October 2022

Since its inception at the end of 2021, the Compass initiative has launched new efforts within all three of its priority areas: Towards Regionalization, Managing Scarce Resources, and Learning from Adaptations.

A new effort...

Categories: COVID-19, Systems Strengthening Working Group

#ItsAboutSupplies @ICFP2022

29th September 2022

Want to keep up with the supplies conversation at ICFP2022? Because a big event can be hard to navigate, we’ve pulled together an easy guide, so you don’t miss out on cutting-edge presentations and learnings about increasing...

Intrepid menstruation options tool is rolled out in Delhi

28th September 2022

This month, the Delhi-based student initiative Red Padding Project began introducing the Managing Menstruation: Know Your Options tool to low-income menstruators. They began their work in a Hindu temple with a workshop for...

Category: New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

RHSC welcomes Martyn Smith as new Director

1st August 2022

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) is delighted to welcome Martyn Smith as its new Director. Martyn brings 25 years of leadership in the sexual and reproductive health community, most recently with FP2030 where he served as Interim Executive Director in the year leading up to the appointment of Dr. Samukeliso Dube to that role. 

RHSC statement on the injectable contraceptive MPA-IM market

30th July 2022

Download the statement (PDF)

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition strives to provide market actors—global, national, private, and public—with the information needed to act in an informed manner and with a view to the total...

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