
Video: Flashmob makes waves at WD2016

27th May 2016

Just minutes before the closing ceremony at Women Deliver 2016, nearly 50 young people from around the world came together in a rousing dance routine, wearing bright yellow T-shirts that asked: “Which part of My Right to...


Join the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition at Women Deliver 2016!

10th May 2016

Markets Matter: Improved Access to Lifesaving Maternal Health Supplies

Wednesday 18th 07:00 @ Bella Center Congress Hall B; Room B4-1 / Event hosted by RHSC and PATH

No matter where they live, women should be able to safely...

Category: Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

Where will you be getting your family planning supplies in five years?

3rd May 2016

Customers around the world are connecting to the internet and finding a world of products and services available at their fingertips. Over 46% of the world’s population went online in 2015, many of them to shop. With the click of a button and a payment mechanism, customers can buy almost anything.

Category: New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

Opinion: New tool helps bridge manufacturers with potential markets

13th April 2016

Faced with costly and complicated product registration processes in several countries, many companies limit their market entry to countries they may perceive as low risk and have significant market potential. Often however, they make this determination on the basis of very little information. In many cases they gravitate toward countries with which they are familiar, rather than risk expansion into another unfamiliar country.

Categories: Opinion, Market Development Approaches Working Group

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