

2nd February 2022

Dear colleague,

It’s been the highlight of my career to have led the RHSC and, together with you, helped transform what was once barely an afterthought in the reproductive health discourse – supply security – into the focus of...

Compass now poised for action

26th January 2022

Three new fact sheets have been released under the banner of Compass – our new initiative to operationalize the recommendations of last year’s JSI/RHSC COVID-19 Roadmap. The factsheets introduce Compass’ three priority areas:...

Categories: Market Development Approaches Working Group, Systems Strengthening Working Group

A new video series takes on young people’s pressing questions about a career in supply chain management

26th January 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a long-standing supply chain staffing crisis according to experts in the industry. Every stage of the global supply chain has been affected, from manufacturing to distribution to warehousing...

West Africa champions VAN

20th January 2022

This month 40 participants convened in Dakar to learn about the VAN and use it more effectively as a tool for advancing contraceptive security across West Africa. Hosted by WAHO with support from key partners (KfW, Ouagadougou...

Category: Global FP VAN

Five new LAPTOP scholarships awarded

30th December 2021

In much of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), supply chain efficiency is hindered by recurrent deficiencies in the skill sets of those managing supply chains. As is the case in much of the world, regional health ministries...

Category: ForoLAC

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