
Celebrating a year of impact

24th December 2021

Barely nine months ago, we embarked on a new framework for increasing access to a full range of affordable quality reproductive health products – a framework structured around three barriers to access: money, markets, and movement.

Categories: Global FP VAN, ForoLAC

Nancy's LAPTOP scholarship ‘came at exactly the right time’

20th December 2021

LAPTOP Scholar Nancy Njeru put her training to effective use when she was called upon by Kenya’s Ministry of Health to assess the capacity of the national supply chain to add COVID-19 vaccines to the country’s routine vaccination programmes. Read the story here.

New blog reveals how, by working together, we averted the worst of the UK’s 2021 funding cuts

10th December 2021

The UK government’s substantial funding cuts earlier this year set in motion a tailspin of ever-widening funding gaps across the reproductive health community. As this year comes to an end, we can take some relief in knowing that...

Category: Global FP VAN

2021 Family Planning Market Report

2nd December 2021

The 2021 Family Planning Market Report is now published. The report – jointly produced by the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition – is now in its seventh iteration and features family...

Call for nominations for two regional seats on the Executive Committee

8th November 2021

The Coalition is currently seeking applicants to fill two seats on its governing body, the Executive Committee. The seats, which are filled on a two-year, renewable basis, are designated for an individual from Anglophone Africa...

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