
Encuentros 2021 get underway in Latin America

16th June 2021

The first of three annual meetings or “encuentros” has taken place to help countries review procurement costs and use the quantification tool MiPLAN to model different fallback scenarios in the event of possible budget cuts. These...

Category: ForoLAC

RIAMA midwife network goes from strength to strength

8th June 2021

Severe COVID-related lockdowns across Peru are taking their toll on the use of resupply methods. To help address that challenge, RHSC partner, APROPO, began training its network of Peru-based midwives, RIAMA, on the provision of...

Category: ForoLAC

Congratulations to the recipients of our third round of LAPTOP Scholarships

26th May 2021

Five women and five men have just received LAPTOP Scholarships to further their studies in supply chain management.

Report challenges preconceptions around combi-pack markets

25th May 2021

How unique are market forces for co-packaged mifepristone and misoprostol medical abortion packs (combi-packs)? Are they regarded by the commercial sector as just one more pharmaceutical product? Who exactly are the combi-pack...

Category: New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

New manufacturers’ representative joins Executive Committee

10th March 2021

Daniele Russo, Pfizer’s Senior Director of Global Health Partnerships, has taken the manufacturers’ seat on the RHSC’s Executive Committee. With more than 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, the last seven...

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