
RHSC improves gender-equity and diversity credentials year on year

8th March 2021

International Women's Day 2021 saw the publication of the fourth Global Health 50/50 report in which the RHSC has ranked amongst the top 20% of 201 global organizations reviewed for their gender-related policies. The report...

Next General Membership Meeting put on hold

9th February 2021

Given the ongoing spread of COVID-19 and delays in the global rollout of COVID vaccines, the Coalition’s next General Membership Meeting, previously scheduled for September, has been put on hold until further notice. A new date...

Category: COVID-19

New video highlights the side benefits of contraceptives

3rd February 2021

Last year, a few members of the MDA WG asked whether contraceptive methods offered benefits other than “just” preventing unintended pregnancy. A new four-minute video now answers that question. Exploring potential ‘side benefits’...

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

RHSC launches improved learning database and new round of scholarships

3rd February 2021

We’ve trebled the number of training opportunities and included offerings in more than five languages across 80 countries. Our new, improved LAPTOP course-finder currently hosts over 300 course-providers in supply chain management...

RHSC work in francophone Africa leverages $2.6M

25th January 2021

In December 2019, the RHSC called on its unique levers of change – its brain trust, its convening power and its neutral playing field – to co-organize a pioneering dialogue on safe abortion in Cotonou, Benin for some 80 government...

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