
Former PPMR countries begin mastering the VAN

13th January 2021

Countries that once submitted contraceptive inventory data to the PPMR have begun a “virtual process” of learning how to access and use the VAN. Once that process is complete, the country teams will be able to see more than just...

Category: Global FP VAN

Frank van de Looij elected 7th Chair of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition

3rd January 2021

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition welcome Frank van de Looij as its new Chair, replacing John Townsend who has served in that role since 2015. Frank was elected by the Coalition’s Executive Committee, having represented...

2020 Family Planning Market Report

14th December 2020

The 2020 Family Planning Market Report is now published. The report – jointly produced by the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition – is now in its sixth iteration and features family...

Recommendations to Build Resilient Supply Chains in the Humanitarian-Development Nexus

16th October 2020

Women, girls, and other marginalized groups need lifesaving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services whether they live in stable or crisis-affected settings. Essential SRH services cannot be delivered without access to...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, Systems Strengthening Working Group

Manufacturer and product inventory available in LAC countries

11th August 2020

The LAC Forum has created an inventory of 60 LAC pharmaceutical manufacturers and 200 locally produced RH supplies to help regional health authorities source products locally in the face of COVID-19 related supply bottlenecks. The...

Categories: COVID-19, ForoLAC

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