
RHSC helps shape conversation on COVID-19 and supplies

16th July 2020

Director John Skibiak has called for new ways to adapt existing supply chains in order to head off the ravages COVID-19 is wreaking on RH supplies. Speaking to Devex, he envisioned a post-COVID world with wider use of telemedicine...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

AAWG demands uninterrupted supplies during pandemic

7th July 2020

AAWG demands uninterrupted supplies during pandemic RH supplies and services are essential and life-saving and so cannot be interrupted during a crisis, says a recently released a call-to-action from the Coalition’s Advocacy and...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

New tool helps estimate the risk of a shipment disruption

1st July 2020

As countries take steps to stop the spread of COVID-19, many of those same steps—mandatory home confinement, restricted movement of goods and people, and even social distancing—are wreaking havoc on the world’s supply chains....

Categories: COVID-19, Global FP VAN, Coalition on the scene

Call to action for uninterrupted access to reproductive health supplies during and after the COVID-19 crisis

18th June 2020

What started in December 2019 as a small cluster of COVID-19 cases has turned into a global health crisis, with implications on all aspects of our lives. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing global supply chain disruptions and...

Categories: COVID-19, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Access to Menstrual Health Supplies during COVID-19: what have we learnt?

12th June 2020

COVID-19 has seriously compromised access to menstrual health materials.

From a supply perspective, the RHSC and our members face three main challenges: (1) a disrupted production of supplies, (2) many interruptions throughout...

Categories: COVID-19, New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

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