
RHSC helps shape global conversation on COVID-19 and supplies

5th June 2020

Coalition Director John Skibiak has called for new ways to adapt existing supply chains in order to head off the ravages COVID-19 is wreaking on RH supplies. Speaking to Devex, he envisioned a post-COVID world with wider use of...

MDA Working Group welcomes new Chair

1st June 2020

The Coalition’s Market Development Approaches (MDA) Working Group welcomes Tanvi Pandit-Rajani as new Chair of this Working Group. Tanvi serves as Senior Technical Advisor, Health Markets, for John Snow, Inc. As Chair, she...

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Quality data over the years: The story of the RHInterchange

22nd May 2020

In the face of supply chain disruptions resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic, the family planning community has turned to RHSC’s data sources for more clarity. The Global FP VAN, for example, provides insight into product...

New e-LMIS in Burundi offers end-to-end visibility in real time for the first time

7th May 2020

A new e-LMIS platform in Burundi has increased product availability by 10 percent, decreased the frequency of expired supplies by 85 percent, and attracted an additional $272K to encompass nutritional products. Spearheaded by...

Category: Innovation Fund

Shaping our community’s response to a global supply crisis

20th April 2020

What started in December last year as a small cluster of COVID-19 incidences has changed the face of health and healthcare forever. The world is a significantly less safe place than it was six months ago. Alliances – national, regional, global – are struggling in the face of the virus’s ravages. Borders have closed, countries are prioritizing their own interests over others’, and in the scrum of saving ourselves, it is easy to lose track of the poorest, the most marginalized, the voiceless.

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