
ICPD+25 Call to Action: A 4 point plan for universal access to reproductive health supplies

23rd October 2019

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), in Cairo, where 179 governments adopted a comprehensive Programme of Action that recognizes individual human rights and...

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Updated Commodity Gap Analysis 2019 boasts new features, functionality

24th September 2019

An updated version of the Commodity Gap Analysis 2019 (CGA2019) now offers more functionality and new features.

Category: Commodity Gap Analysis

RHSC photos get wide exposure

23rd September 2019

Chances are you’ve caught sight of one of the images above. When the Coalition’s Lucian Alexe submitted a handful of his photographs to Photoshare’s annual contest in 2016, the picture of the smiling nurse Monic from the Ndeija Health Center in Uganda, won an honorable mention.

Coalition Director connects SRH supplies and Universal Health Coverage in keynote address

17th September 2019

This month, Coalition Director John Skibiak made key recommendations for South-South cooperation to improve universal access to reproductive health (RH) supplies. Delivering his keynote address in Tunis to the 16th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development, Mr. Skibiak spelt out three distinct ways forward; he called on the community to (1) recognize the value of SRHR within the broader Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda, (2) include SRHR within essential health benefits packages, and (3) garner the evidence base to strengthen the systems on which UHC efforts depend.

Categories: Commodity Gap Analysis, Global FP VAN, Universal Health Coverage, ForoLAC

Coalition Secretariat welcomes new VAN project manager

17th September 2019

Trisha Long has joined the Coalition Secretariat as the Global FP VAN’s new Data & Technology Project Manager. Trisha is a familiar face to many in our community, having participated for many years in the CARhs and the CSP. She...

Category: Global FP VAN

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