
SSWG launches new visibility and analytics workstream.

17th September 2019

The Systems Strengthening Working Group (SSWG) has launched a new workstream aimed at advancing best practices and exploring country-level supply chain visibility and analytics. The workstream also hopes to advise and offer...

Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

SEPREMI pays for itself in less than two months

17th September 2019

Last month, Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health acknowledged that as a result of market intelligence gathered through SEPREMI, they were now in a position to order quality-assured condoms at a third of the price previously paid to...

Category: ForoLAC

Youth Caucus helps finalize UNFPA/Guttmacher position paper

17th September 2019

This month, members of the Youth Caucus provided feedback to a draft brief titled “Young People’s Need for Contraception”, prepared by UNFPA and the Guttmacher Institute to inform discussions during the recent Antalya global...

Category: Youth Caucus

CGA2019 offers deeper-dive with the release of 156 country- and regional-briefs

17th September 2019

Hot on the heels of last month’s launch of the Commodity Gap Analysis 2019 (CGA2019), a full raft of customized “snapshots” is now available for those wishing to make focused use of the report’s rich data. Twenty-four country...

Category: Commodity Gap Analysis

New co-Chair for the Safe Abortion Supplies Workstream

12th September 2019

The Coalition’s New and Underused Reproductive Health Technologies (NURHT) Caucus and its Chair Saumya RamaRao welcome Florence Erb as new co-Chair of the Caucus’s Safe Abortion Supplies (SAS)

Category: New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

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