
Coalition channels the next decade of SRH at European Development Days

24th June 2019

Referencing two key reports, the CGA2019 and the Coalition’s upcoming report, Creating an Effective and Sustainable Ecosystem for RH Supplies by 2030, a panel of experts offered a peek into the year 2030, when there will be 569 million users of contraception – an increase of more than 82 million in a decade.

Experienced Supply Fellows offer professional advice to younger partners

14th May 2019

At the RHSC’s General Membership Meeting in Kathmandu this year, 13 experienced RH supplies experts were paired with young partners for a reprise of last year’s Supply Fellows Initiative, a mentorship scheme designed to encourage participants to learn from one another and navigate the meeting together.

Coalition’s UHC statement is shared at UN

8th May 2019

Six hundred participants at a recent hearing on universal health coverage (UHC) at the United Nations heard a clarion call from the RHSC.

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

Manufacturers’ representative elected on the RHSC Executive Committee

25th March 2019

The Coalition is delighted to announce that Mr. Mukul Taparia, Managing Director of Pregna International, was recently elected and confirmed as the second Manufacturers’ Representative on the RHSC Executive Committee. 


Lancement du cycle initial du Fonds SECONAF

21st March 2019

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement du cycle initial du Fonds SECONAF, un nouveau programme de petites subventions exclusivement destiné aux organisations membres du Forum. Le Fonds SECONAF a pour objectif d’encourager le...

Category: SECONAF

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