
Second Encuentro builds on predecessor; brings Latin American initiative closer to achieving objective

9th March 2018

Last month, we announced the inaugural “encuentro” or “learning session” in Panama City under the Coalition’s new initiative to open up global information on innovative procurement mechanisms for reproductive health supplies to...

Categories: Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, ForoLAC

Innovation Fund increases access to maternal health supplies in Ethiopia.

8th March 2018

Two Innovation Fund-supported projects are set to change the face of maternal health supplies in Ethiopia. Late last year, Concept Foundation’s workshop on registration of MH supplies resulted in five manufacturers taking steps to...

Categories: Ethiopia, Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

Panama Encuentro tackles regional inequities head-on

10th February 2018

In Latin America, it is not unusual to find a national procurement agency paying up to 10 times more for the same RH supply as their counterpart in a neighboring country.  This and other startling discoveries got countries talking...

Categories: Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, ForoLAC

Coalition Secretariat welcomes new Global FP VAN specialist

8th February 2018

Sarah Kozlen joins the Coalition Secretariat as the new Supply Chain Data & Technology Specialist. Sarah will guide the Global FP VAN’s information technology, system configuration and master data management.  She will also take...

Category: Global FP VAN

Plenary agenda for #rhsupplies2018 now online!

2nd February 2018

In anticipation to of our 18th General Membership Meeting, we have released the first draft of our Plenary Agenda that can be downloaded here. Other agendas, such as the ones for our Implementing Mechanisms, will follow shortly. ...

Category: Eighteenth Meeting, Brussels 2018

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