
Research on medical abortion gains traction in Latin America

30th November 2017

In a region where more than 97 percent of women of childbearing age live in countries where abortion is either restricted or banned altogether, Coalition-supported research on medical abortion is reaching receptive and influential...

Category: ForoLAC

New Innovation Fund round!

2nd November 2017

A new round of the Innovation Fund, the Coalition’s flagship program for inspiring and financing new activities in the supplies space. This round will be an open call, which means any idea is eligible for consideration, providing...

Report de l’Assemblée Générale RHSC

20th October 2017

Hier matin, le département d'État américain a publié un avertissement de voyage, indiquant un risque accru de menaces pour les hôtels internationaux situés le long du littoral de Dakar. Ce message a été rapidement suivi par ceux...

RHSC General Membership Meeting Postponed

19th October 2017

French version

This morning, the US Department of State issued a travel warning, pointing to an increased risk of a threats to international hotels located along the Dakar shoreline. That message was soon followed by those of...

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