
2016 -2020 commodity funding gap to reach cumulative $1.175 billion

9th October 2017

As the number of users of contraception grows, so too does the volume of supplies required for user consumption. The Coalition’s Global Contraceptive Commodity Gap Analysis costed current and projected user consumption volumes,...

Category: Global Financing


3rd October 2017

在伦敦举行的计划生育峰会上,联盟负责人Skibiak承诺,联盟将支持上游供应链的改善,确保采购的产品可以发放到女性手中。Skibiak介绍了全球计划生育数据分析网络(VAN)——一个可以从多个来源获取和使用供应链数据,为短期和长期的决策提供支持的共享平台。 ...


3rd October 2017



“在拉丁美洲改进避孕药具的采购”将在大范围被边缘化的地区和避孕药具安全全球所取得的进步之间架起一道重要的桥梁。 ...

Category: ForoLAC

Agendas, Parallel Sessions, Site visits & more

14th September 2017

In the lead-up to the Coalition’s 18th General Membership Meeting at the Radisson Blu in Dakar from 23-27 October, we are excited to share with you a number of updates.  All agendas for the Implementing Mechanism meetings to be...

Coalition commits to improving data visibility

6th September 2017

Speaking at the Family Planning Summit in London, Coalition Director John Skibiak committed the Coalition to supporting upstream supply chain improvements to ensure the product flow from procurement all the way down into the hands...

Categories: Global FP VAN, Systems Strengthening Working Group

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